
Defines functions set_tf_seed keras_predict_classes reformat_torch_num multi_predict._torch_mlp mlp_num_weights parse_keras_args nnet_softmax keras_mlp check_args.mlp translate.mlp update.mlp mlp

Documented in keras_mlp keras_predict_classes mlp multi_predict._torch_mlp set_tf_seed update.mlp

#' Single layer neural network
#' @description
#' `mlp()` defines a multilayer perceptron model (a.k.a. a single layer,
#' feed-forward neural network). This function can fit classification and
#' regression models.
#' \Sexpr[stage=render,results=rd]{parsnip:::make_engine_list("mlp")}
#' More information on how \pkg{parsnip} is used for modeling is at
#' \url{https://www.tidymodels.org/}.
#' @inheritParams nearest_neighbor
#' @inheritParams boost_tree
#' @param hidden_units An integer for the number of units in the hidden model.
#' @param penalty A non-negative numeric value for the amount of weight
#'  decay.
#' @param dropout A number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 denoting the proportion
#'  of model parameters randomly set to zero during model training.
#' @param epochs An integer for the number of training iterations.
#' @param activation A single character string denoting the type of relationship
#'  between the original predictors and the hidden unit layer. The activation
#'  function between the hidden and output layers is automatically set to either
#'  "linear" or "softmax" depending on the type of outcome. Possible values
#'  depend on the engine being used.
#' @templateVar modeltype mlp
#' @template spec-details
#' @template spec-references
#' @seealso \Sexpr[stage=render,results=rd]{parsnip:::make_seealso_list("mlp")}
#' @examplesIf !parsnip:::is_cran_check()
#' show_engines("mlp")
#' mlp(mode = "classification", penalty = 0.01)
#' @export

mlp <-
  function(mode = "unknown", engine = "nnet",
           hidden_units = NULL, penalty = NULL, dropout = NULL, epochs = NULL,
           activation = NULL, learn_rate = NULL) {

    args <- list(
      hidden_units = enquo(hidden_units),
      penalty      = enquo(penalty),
      dropout      = enquo(dropout),
      epochs       = enquo(epochs),
      activation   = enquo(activation),
      learn_rate   = enquo(learn_rate)

      args = args,
      eng_args = NULL,
      mode = mode,
      user_specified_mode = !missing(mode),
      method = NULL,
      engine = engine,
      user_specified_engine = !missing(engine)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @method update mlp
#' @rdname parsnip_update
#' @export
update.mlp <-
           parameters = NULL,
           hidden_units = NULL, penalty = NULL, dropout = NULL,
           epochs = NULL, activation = NULL, learn_rate = NULL,
           fresh = FALSE, ...) {

    args <- list(
      hidden_units = enquo(hidden_units),
      penalty      = enquo(penalty),
      dropout      = enquo(dropout),
      epochs       = enquo(epochs),
      activation   = enquo(activation),
      learn_rate   = enquo(learn_rate)

      object = object,
      parameters = parameters,
      args_enquo_list = args,
      fresh = fresh,
      cls = "mlp",

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
translate.mlp <- function(x, engine = x$engine, ...) {
  if (is.null(engine)) {
    message("Used `engine = 'keras'` for translation.")
    engine <- "keras"

  if (engine == "nnet") {
    if(isTRUE(is.null(quo_get_expr(x$args$hidden_units)))) {
      x$args$hidden_units <- 5

  x <- translate.default(x, engine, ...)

  if (engine == "nnet") {
    if (x$mode == "classification") {
      if (length(x$eng_args) == 0  || !any(names(x$eng_args) == "linout"))
        x$method$fit$args$linout <- FALSE
    } else {
      if (length(x$eng_args) == 0  || !any(names(x$eng_args) == "linout"))
        x$method$fit$args$linout <- TRUE

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
check_args.mlp <- function(object, call = rlang::caller_env()) {

  args <- lapply(object$args, rlang::eval_tidy)

  check_number_decimal(args$penalty, min = 0, allow_null = TRUE, call = call, arg = "penalty")
  check_number_decimal(args$dropout, min = 0, max = 1, allow_null = TRUE, call = call, arg = "dropout")

  if (is.numeric(args$penalty) && is.numeric(args$dropout) &&
      args$dropout > 0 && args$penalty > 0) {
      "Both weight decay and dropout should not be specified.",
      call = call


# keras wrapper for feed-forward nnet

class2ind <- function (x, drop2nd = FALSE) {
  if (!is.factor(x))
    cli::cli_abort(c("x" = "{.arg x} should be a factor."))
  y <- model.matrix( ~ x - 1)
  colnames(y) <- gsub("^x", "", colnames(y))
  attributes(y)$assign <- NULL
  attributes(y)$contrasts <- NULL
  if (length(levels(x)) == 2 & drop2nd) {
    y <- y[, 1]

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Simple interface to MLP models via keras
#' Instead of building a `keras` model sequentially, `keras_mlp` can be used to
#'  create a feedforward network with a single hidden layer. Regularization is
#'  via either weight decay or dropout.
#' @param x A data frame or matrix of predictors
#' @param y A vector (factor or numeric) or matrix (numeric) of outcome data.
#' @param hidden_units An integer for the number of hidden units.
#' @param penalty A non-negative real number for the amount of weight decay. Either
#'  this parameter _or_ `dropout` can specified.
#' @param dropout The proportion of parameters to set to zero. Either
#'  this parameter _or_ `penalty` can specified.
#' @param epochs An integer for the number of passes through the data.
#' @param activation A character string for the type of activation function between layers.
#' @param seeds A vector of three positive integers to control randomness of the
#'  calculations.
#' @param ... Additional named arguments to pass to `keras::compile()` or
#'  `keras::fit()`. Arguments will be sorted and passed to either function
#'  internally.
#' @return A `keras` model object.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
keras_mlp <-
  function(x, y,
           hidden_units = 5, penalty = 0, dropout = 0, epochs = 20, activation = "softmax",
           seeds = sample.int(10^5, size = 3),
           ...) {

    act_funs <- c("linear", "softmax", "relu", "elu")
    rlang::arg_match(activation, act_funs,)

    if (penalty > 0 & dropout > 0) {
      cli::cli_abort("Please use either dropout or weight decay.", call = NULL)
    if (!is.matrix(x)) {
      x <- as.matrix(x)

    if (is.character(y)) {
      y <- as.factor(y)
    factor_y <- is.factor(y)

    if (factor_y) {
      y <- class2ind(y)
    } else {
      if (isTRUE(ncol(y) > 1)) {
        y <- as.matrix(y)
      } else {
        y <- matrix(y, ncol = 1)

    model <- keras::keras_model_sequential()

    if (penalty > 0) {
      model %>%
          units = hidden_units,
          activation = activation,
          input_shape = ncol(x),
          kernel_regularizer = keras::regularizer_l2(penalty),
          kernel_initializer = keras::initializer_glorot_uniform(seed = seeds[1])
    } else {
      model %>%
          units = hidden_units,
          activation = activation,
          input_shape = ncol(x),
          kernel_initializer = keras::initializer_glorot_uniform(seed = seeds[1])

    if (dropout > 0) {
      model %>%
          units = hidden_units,
          activation = activation,
          input_shape = ncol(x),
          kernel_initializer = keras::initializer_glorot_uniform(seed = seeds[1])
        ) %>%
        keras::layer_dropout(rate = dropout, seed = seeds[2])

    if (factor_y) {
      model <- model %>%
          units = ncol(y),
          activation = 'softmax',
          kernel_initializer = keras::initializer_glorot_uniform(seed = seeds[3])
    } else {
      model <- model %>%
          units = ncol(y),
          activation = 'linear',
          kernel_initializer = keras::initializer_glorot_uniform(seed = seeds[3])

    arg_values <- parse_keras_args(...)
    compile_call <- expr(keras::compile(object = model))
    if (!any(names(arg_values$compile) == "loss")) {
      if (factor_y) {
        compile_call$loss <- "binary_crossentropy"
      } else {
        compile_call$loss <- "mse"

    if (!any(names(arg_values$compile) == "optimizer")) {
      compile_call$optimizer <- "adam"

    compile_call <- rlang::call_modify(compile_call, !!!arg_values$compile)

    model <- eval_tidy(compile_call)

    fit_call <- expr(keras::fit(object = model))
    fit_call$x <- quote(x)
    fit_call$y <- quote(y)
    fit_call$epochs <- epochs
    fit_call <- rlang::call_modify(fit_call, !!!arg_values$fit)

    history <- eval_tidy(fit_call)
    model$y_names <- colnames(y)

nnet_softmax <- function(results, object) {
  if (ncol(results) == 1)
    results <- cbind(1 - results, results)

  results <- apply(results, 1, function(x) exp(x)/sum(exp(x)))
  results <- t(results)
  colnames(results) <- object$lvl
  results <- as_tibble(results)

parse_keras_args <- function(...) {
  exclusions <- c("object", "x", "y", "validation_data", "epochs")
  fit_args <- c(
  compile_args <- c(
  dots <- list(...)
  dots <- dots[!(names(dots) %in% exclusions)]

    fit = dots[names(dots) %in% fit_args],
    compile = dots[names(dots) %in% compile_args]

mlp_num_weights <- function(p, hidden_units, classes) {
  ((p + 1) * hidden_units) + ((hidden_units+1) * classes)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange select
#' @rdname multi_predict
#' @param epochs An integer vector for the number of training epochs.
#' @export
multi_predict._torch_mlp <-
  function(object, new_data, type = NULL, epochs = NULL, ...) {
    load_libs(object, quiet = TRUE, attach = TRUE)

    if (is.null(epochs))
      epochs <- length(object$fit$models)

    epochs <- sort(epochs)

    if (is.null(type)) {
      if (object$spec$mode == "classification")
        type <- "class"
        type <- "numeric"

    res <-
                 ~ predict(object, new_data, type, epochs = .x) %>%
                   dplyr::mutate(epochs = .x)) %>%
      purrr::map(~ .x %>% dplyr::mutate(.row = seq_len(nrow(new_data)))) %>%
      purrr::list_rbind() %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.row, epochs)
    res <- split(dplyr::select(res, -.row), res$.row)
    names(res) <- NULL
    tibble(.pred = res)

reformat_torch_num <- function(results, object) {

  if (isTRUE(ncol(results) > 1)) {
    nms <- colnames(results)
    results <- as_tibble(results, .name_repair = "minimal")
    if (length(nms) == 0 && length(object$preproc$y_var) == ncol(results)) {
      names(results) <- object$preproc$y_var
  }  else {
    results <- unname(results[[1]])

#' Wrapper for keras class predictions
#' @param object A keras model fit
#' @param x A data set.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
keras_predict_classes <- function(object, x) {
  if (utils::packageVersion("keras") >= package_version("2.6")) {
    preds <- predict(object$fit, x)
    if (tensorflow::tf_version() <= package_version("2.0.0")) {
      # -1 to assign with keras' zero indexing
      index <- apply(preds, 1, which.max) - 1
    } else {
      index <- preds %>% keras::k_argmax() %>% as.integer()
  } else {
    index <- keras::predict_classes(object$fit, x)
  object$lvl[index + 1]

#' Set seed in R and TensorFlow at the same time
#' Some Keras models requires seeds to be set in both R and TensorFlow to
#' achieve reproducible results. This function sets these seeds at the same
#' time using version appropriate functions.
#' @param seed 1 integer value.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
set_tf_seed <- function(seed) {
  if (tensorflow::tf_version() >= package_version("2.0")) {
  } else {
tidymodels/parsnip documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 8:56 p.m.