
Defines functions namespace_handling load_pkgs attach_pkgs

Documented in attach_pkgs load_pkgs

#' Fully attach or load packages for making model predictions
#' These are developer-facing functions, useful for supporting new model types.
#' Some models require one or more R packages to be fully attached to make
#' predictions, and some require only that the namespace of one or more R
#' packages is loaded.
#' @details These two functions will attempt either to:
#' - fully attach or
#' - load
#' the namespace of the `pkgs` vector of package names, preserving the current
#' random seed.
#' To learn more about load vs. attach, read the ["Dependencies" chapter of
#' *R Packages*](https://r-pkgs.org/dependencies-mindset-background.html#sec-dependencies-attach-vs-load).
#' For deploying a model, it is likely safer to fully attach needed packages
#' but that comes with the risk of naming conflicts between packages.
#' @param pkgs A character vector of package names to load or fully attach.
#' @return An invisible `TRUE`.
#' @family namespace
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## succeed
#' load_pkgs(c("knitr", "readr"))
#' attach_pkgs(c("knitr", "readr"))
#' ## fail
#' try(load_pkgs(c("bloopy", "readr")))
#' try(attach_pkgs(c("bloopy", "readr")))
attach_pkgs <- function(pkgs) {
    attached <- paste0("package:", pkgs) %in% search()
    pkgs <- pkgs[!attached]
    namespace_handling(pkgs, attachNamespace, "Package(s) could not be attached:")

#' @export
#' @rdname attach_pkgs
load_pkgs <- function(pkgs) {
    loaded <- map_lgl(pkgs, isNamespaceLoaded)
    pkgs <- pkgs[!loaded]
    namespace_handling(pkgs, loadNamespace, "Namespace(s) could not be loaded:")

namespace_handling <- function(pkgs, func, error_msg, call = rlang::caller_env()) {
    safe_load <- safely(withr::with_preserve_seed(func))
    did_load <- map(pkgs, safe_load)
    bad <- compact(map(did_load, "error"))
    bad <- map_chr(bad, "package")
    if (length(bad) >= 1) {
        abort(c(error_msg, bad), call = call)

tidymodels/vetiver documentation built on March 25, 2024, 6 p.m.