
skip_if_not_installed(c("pingr", "httr", "httpuv", "plumber"))


pr <- pr() %>% vetiver_api(v, debug = TRUE)
rs <- local_plumber_session(pr, port)

## on GH actions, it can take A WHILE for the API to come up on some architectures:
for (i in 1:100) {
    if (pingr::is_up(root_path, port)) break

test_that("router has health check endpoint", {
    r <- httr::GET(root_path, port = port, path = "ping")
    expect_equal(r$status_code, 200)

test_that("router has metadata endpoint", {
    r <- httr::GET(root_path, port = port, path = "metadata")
    metadata <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(r, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
    expect_equal(r$status_code, 200)
    expect_equal(names(metadata), c("user", "version", "url", "required_pkgs"))

test_that("router has prototype endpoint", {
    r <- httr::GET(root_path, port = port, path = "prototype")
    prototype <- httr::content(r, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
    expect_equal(r$status_code, 200)
        purrr::map(v$prototype, cereal::cereal_encode)
    expect_equal(cereal::cereal_from_json(prototype), v$prototype)

test_that("can predict on basic vetiver router", {
    endpoint <- vetiver_endpoint(paste0(root_path, ":", port, "/predict"))
    expect_s3_class(endpoint, "vetiver_endpoint")
    expect_snapshot(print(endpoint), transform = redact_port)

    preds <- predict(endpoint, mtcars[10:17, 2:3])
    expect_s3_class(preds, "tbl_df")
    expect_equal(nrow(preds), 8)
    expect_equal(ncol(preds), 1)

    aug <- augment(endpoint, mtcars[10:17, 2:3])
    expect_s3_class(aug, "tbl_df")
    expect_equal(nrow(aug), 8)
    expect_equal(ncol(aug), 3)

test_that("can predict with single or NA values", {
    endpoint <- vetiver_endpoint(paste0(root_path, ":", port, "/predict"))

    preds1 <- predict(endpoint, mtcars[10, 2:3])
    expect_s3_class(preds1, "tbl_df")
    expect_equal(nrow(preds1), 1)
    expect_equal(ncol(preds1), 1)

    preds2 <- predict(endpoint, data.frame(cyl = c(NA_real_, NA_real_),
                                           disp = c(100, 200)))
    expect_s3_class(preds2, "tbl_df")
    expect_equal(nrow(preds2), 2)
    expect_equal(ncol(preds2), 1)

test_that("get correct errors", {
    endpoint <- vetiver_endpoint(paste0(root_path, ":", port, "/predict"))
    expect_snapshot(predict(endpoint, mtcars[, 2:4]), error = TRUE)
    expect_snapshot(predict(endpoint, mtcars[, 3:5]), error = TRUE)
tidymodels/vetiver documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 4:16 p.m.