
Defines functions dbplyr_pivot_longer_spec pivot_longer.tbl_lazy

Documented in pivot_longer.tbl_lazy

#' Pivot data from wide to long
#' @description
#' `pivot_longer()` "lengthens" data, increasing the number of rows and
#' decreasing the number of columns. The inverse transformation is
#' [tidyr::pivot_wider()].
#' Learn more in `vignette("pivot", "tidyr")`.
#' While most functionality is identical there are some differences to
#' `pivot_longer()` on local data frames:
#' * the output is sorted differently/not explicitly,
#' * the coercion of mixed column types is left to the database,
#' * `values_ptypes` NOT supported.
#' Note that `build_longer_spec()` and `pivot_longer_spec()` do not work with
#' remote tables.
#' @details
#' The SQL translation basically works as follows:
#' 1. split the specification by its key columns i.e. by variables crammed
#' into the column names.
#' 2. for each part in the split specification `transmute()` `data` into the
#' following columns
#'   * id columns i.e. columns that are not pivotted
#'   * key columns
#'   * value columns i.e. columns that are pivotted
#' 3. combine all the parts with `union_all()`
#' @param data A data frame to pivot.
#' @param cols Columns to pivot into longer format.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to methods.
#' @param cols_vary Unsupported; included for compatibility with the generic.
#' @param names_to A string specifying the name of the column to create
#'   from the data stored in the column names of `data`.
#' @param names_prefix A regular expression used to remove matching text
#'   from the start of each variable name.
#' @param names_sep,names_pattern If `names_to` contains multiple values,
#'   these arguments control how the column name is broken up.
#' @param names_repair What happens if the output has invalid column names?
#' @param values_to A string specifying the name of the column to create
#'   from the data stored in cell values. If `names_to` is a character
#'   containing the special `.value` sentinel, this value will be ignored,
#'   and the name of the value column will be derived from part of the
#'   existing column names.
#' @param values_drop_na If `TRUE`, will drop rows that contain only `NA`s
#'   in the `value_to` column.
#' @param names_transform,values_transform A list of column name-function pairs.
#' @param names_ptypes A list of column name-prototype pairs.
#' @param values_ptypes Not supported.
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("tidyr", version = "1.0.0")
#' # See vignette("pivot") for examples and explanation
#' # Simplest case where column names are character data
#' memdb_frame(
#'   id = c("a", "b"),
#'   x = 1:2,
#'   y = 3:4
#' ) %>%
#'   tidyr::pivot_longer(-id)
#' @exportS3Method tidyr::pivot_longer
pivot_longer.tbl_lazy <- function(data,
                                  names_to = "name",
                                  names_prefix = NULL,
                                  names_sep = NULL,
                                  names_pattern = NULL,
                                  names_ptypes = NULL,
                                  names_transform = NULL,
                                  names_repair = "check_unique",
                                  values_to = "value",
                                  values_drop_na = FALSE,
                                  values_transform = NULL) {


  cols <- enquo(cols)
  spec <- tidyr::build_longer_spec(tidyselect_data_proxy(data), !!cols,
    names_to = names_to,
    values_to = values_to,
    names_prefix = names_prefix,
    names_sep = names_sep,
    names_pattern = names_pattern,
    names_ptypes = names_ptypes,
    names_transform = names_transform,
    error_call = current_env()

  dbplyr_pivot_longer_spec(data, spec,
    names_repair = names_repair,
    values_drop_na = values_drop_na,
    values_transform = values_transform

dbplyr_pivot_longer_spec <- function(data,
                                     names_repair = "check_unique",
                                     values_drop_na = FALSE,
                                     values_transform = NULL) {
  spec <- tidyr::check_pivot_spec(spec)
  # .seq col needed if different input columns are mapped to the same output
  # column
  spec <- deduplicate_spec(spec, data)

  id_cols <- syms(setdiff(colnames(data), spec$.name))
  repair_info <- apply_name_repair_pivot_longer(id_cols, spec, names_repair)
  id_cols <- repair_info$id_cols
  spec <- repair_info$spec

  spec_split <- vctrs::vec_split(spec, spec[, -(1:2)])

  call <- current_env()
  value_names <- unique(spec$.value)
  values_transform <- check_list_of_functions(values_transform, value_names, call = call)

  nms_map <- tibble(
    name = colnames(spec_split$key),
    name_mapped = ifelse(
      name %in% unlist(spec_split$key),
      paste0("..", name),
  spec_split$key <- set_names(spec_split$key, nms_map$name_mapped)

  data_long_list <- purrr::map(
    function(idx) {
      row <- spec_split$val[[idx]][, 1:2]
      keys <- spec_split$key[idx, ]
      keys$.seq <- NULL

      measure_cols_exprs <- get_measure_column_exprs(
        call = call


  data_long <- purrr::reduce(data_long_list, union_all)

  if (values_drop_na) {
    value_cols <- unique(spec$.value)

    data_long <- dplyr::filter_at(

  data_long %>%

get_measure_column_exprs <- function(name, value, values_transform, call) {
  measure_cols <- set_names(syms(name), value)
    ~ {
      f_trans <- values_transform[[.y]]

      if (is_null(f_trans)) {
      } else {
        resolve_fun(f_trans, .x, call)

apply_name_repair_pivot_longer <- function(id_cols, spec, names_repair) {
  # Calculates how the column names in `pivot_longer()` need to be repaired
  # and applies this to the `id_cols` and the `spec` argument:
  # * The names of `id_cols` are the repaired id column names
  # * The `spec` columns after the third column are renamed to the repaired name
  # * The entries in the `value` column of `spec` are changed to the repaired name

  nms_map_df <- vctrs::vec_rbind(
    tibble(from = "id_cols", name = as.character(id_cols)),
    tibble(from = "measure_cols", name = colnames(spec)[-(1:2)]),
    tibble(from = "value_cols", name = unique(spec[[".value"]]))
  ) %>%
    mutate(name_rep = vctrs::vec_as_names(name, repair = names_repair))
  nms_map <- split(nms_map_df, nms_map_df$from)

  id_cols <- purrr::set_names(id_cols, nms_map$id_cols$name_rep)

  colnames(spec)[-(1:2)] <- nms_map$measure_cols$name_rep

  value_nms_map <- purrr::set_names(
  spec$.value <- dplyr::recode(spec$.value, !!!value_nms_map)

  list(id_cols = id_cols, spec = spec)

# The following is copy-pasted from `tidyr`

# nocov start
# Ensure that there's a one-to-one match from spec to data by adding
# a special .seq variable which is automatically removed after pivotting.
deduplicate_spec <- function(spec, df) {
  # COPIED FROM tidyr

  # Ensure each .name has a unique output identifier
  key <- spec[setdiff(names(spec), ".name")]
  if (vctrs::vec_duplicate_any(key)) {
    pos <- vctrs::vec_group_loc(key)$loc
    seq <- vector("integer", length = nrow(spec))
    for (i in seq_along(pos)) {
      seq[pos[[i]]] <- seq_along(pos[[i]])
    spec$.seq <- seq

  # Match spec to data, handling duplicated column names
  col_id <- vctrs::vec_match(colnames(df), spec$.name)
  has_match <- !is.na(col_id)

  if (!vctrs::vec_duplicate_any(col_id[has_match])) {

  spec <- vctrs::vec_slice(spec, col_id[has_match])
  # Need to use numeric indices because names only match first
  spec$.name <- seq_along(df)[has_match]

  pieces <- vctrs::vec_split(seq_len(nrow(spec)), col_id[has_match])
  copy <- integer(nrow(spec))
  for (i in seq_along(pieces$val)) {
    idx <- pieces$val[[i]]
    copy[idx] <- seq_along(idx)

  spec$.seq <- copy

check_unique_names <- function(x, arg = caller_arg(x), call = caller_env()) {
  # COPIED FROM tidyr

  if (length(x) > 0L && !is_named(x)) {
    cli::cli_abort("All elements of {.arg {arg}} must be named.", call = call)
  if (vctrs::vec_duplicate_any(names(x))) {
    cli::cli_abort("The names of {.arg {arg}} must be unique.", call = call)

check_list_of_functions <- function(x, names, arg = caller_arg(x), call = caller_env()) {
  # mostly COPIED FROM tidyr
  if (is.null(x)) {
    x <- set_names(list(), character())
  } else if (is.function(x) || is_formula(x)) {
    x <- rep_named(names, list(x))
  } else if (!vctrs::vec_is_list(x)) {
      "{.arg {arg}} must be `NULL`, a function, or a named list of functions.",
      call = call

  check_unique_names(x, arg = arg, call = call)
  x_names <- names(x)

  # Silently drop user supplied names not found in the data
  x <- x[intersect(x_names, names)]


# nocov end

tidyverse/dbplyr documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 8:58 a.m.