
Defines functions help_topic topic_links methods_rd methods_generic

# Adapted from sloop
methods_generic <- function(x) {
  # Return early if generic not defined in global environment. This happens
  # when the documentation is read before the package is attached, or when
  # previewing development documentation from RStudio, since it renders the
  # files in a separate session.
  if (!"package:dplyr" %in% search()) {

  info <- eval(expr(attr(utils::methods(!!x), "info")), envir = globalenv())
  info <- tibble::as_tibble(info, rownames = "method")

  generic_esc <- gsub("([.\\[])", "\\\\\\1", x)
  info$class <- gsub(paste0("^", generic_esc, "[.,]"), "", info$method)
  info$class <- gsub("-method$", "", info$class)
  info$source <- gsub(paste0(" for ", generic_esc), "", info$from)

  # Find package
  methods <- map2(
    info$generic, info$class,
    optional = TRUE,
    envir = globalenv()
  envs <- map(methods, environment)
  info$package <- map_chr(envs, environmentName)

  # Find help topic, if it exists
  info$topic <- help_topic(info$method, info$package)
  # Don't link to self
  info$topic[info$topic == x] <- NA

  # Remove spurious matches in base packages like select.list or slice.index
  base_packages <- c(
    "base", "compiler", "datasets", "graphics", "grDevices", "grid",
    "methods", "parallel", "splines", "stats", "stats4", "tcltk",
    "tools", "utils"
  info <- info[!info$package %in% base_packages, ]

  info[c("generic", "class", "package", "topic", "visible", "source", "isS4")]

methods_rd <- function(x) {
  methods <- tryCatch(methods_generic(x), error = function(e) data.frame())
  if (nrow(methods) == 0) {
    return("no methods found")

  methods <- methods[order(methods$package, methods$class), , drop = FALSE]
  topics <- unname(split(methods, methods$package))
  by_package <- vapply(topics, function(x) {
    links <- topic_links(x$class, x$package, x$topic)
    paste0(x$package[[1]], " (", paste0(links, collapse = ", "), ")")
  }, character(1))

  paste0(by_package, collapse = ", ")

topic_links <- function(class, package, topic) {
    paste0("\\code{", class, "}"),
    paste0("\\code{\\link[", package, ":", topic, "]{", class, "}}")

help_topic <- function(x, pkg) {
  find_one <- function(topic, pkg) {
    if (identical(pkg, "")) {

    path <- system.file("help", "aliases.rds", package = pkg)
    if (!file.exists(path)) {

    aliases <- readRDS(path)
    if (!topic %in% names(aliases)) {

  map2_chr(x, pkg, find_one)
tidyverse/dplyr documentation built on July 1, 2024, 6:39 a.m.