
Defines functions with_no_rlang_infix_labeling cli_collapse node_walk_replace expr_substitute maybe_restart list_flatten dplyr_new_tibble dplyr_new_list dplyr_new_data_frame paste_line compact_null commas

commas <- function(...) paste0(..., collapse = ", ")

compact_null <- function(x) {
  Filter(function(elt) !is.null(elt), x)

paste_line <- function(...) {
  paste(chr(...), collapse = "\n")

# Until vctrs::new_data_frame() forwards row names automatically
dplyr_new_data_frame <- function(x = data.frame(),
                                 n = NULL,
                                 row.names = NULL,
                                 class = NULL) {
  row.names <- row.names %||% .row_names_info(x, type = 0L)

    n = n,
    row.names = row.names,
    class = class

# Strips a list-like vector down to just names
dplyr_new_list <- function(x) {
  if (!is_list(x)) {
    abort("`x` must be a VECSXP.", .internal = TRUE)

  names <- names(x)

  if (is.null(names)) {
    attributes(x) <- NULL
  } else {
    attributes(x) <- list(names = names)


dplyr_new_tibble <- function(x, size) {
  # ~9x faster than `tibble::new_tibble()` for internal usage
  new_data_frame(x = x, n = size, class = c("tbl_df", "tbl"))

#' @param x A list
#' @param fn An optional function of 1 argument to be applied to each list
#'   element of `x`. This allows you to further refine what elements should be
#'   flattened. `fn` should return a single `TRUE` or `FALSE`.
#' @param recursive Should `list_flatten()` be applied recursively? If `TRUE`,
#'   it will continue to apply `list_flatten()` as long as at least one element
#'   of `x` was flattened in the previous iteration.
#' @noRd
list_flatten <- function(x, ..., fn = NULL, recursive = FALSE) {

  x <- unclass(x)

  loc <- map_lgl(x, obj_is_list)

  if (!is_null(fn)) {
    loc[loc] <- map_lgl(x[loc], fn)

  not_loc <- !loc

  names <- names(x)
  if (!is_null(names)) {
    # Always prefer inner names, even if inner elements are actually unnamed.
    # This is what `rlang::flatten_if()` did, with a warning. We could also
    # use `name_spec` and `name_repair` for a more complete solution.
    names[loc] <- ""
    names(x) <- names

  x[loc] <- map(x[loc], unclass)
  x[not_loc] <- map(x[not_loc], list)

  out <- list_unchop(x, ptype = list())

  if (recursive && any(loc)) {
    out <- list_flatten(out, fn = fn, recursive = TRUE)


maybe_restart <- function(restart) {
  if (!is_null(findRestart(restart))) {

expr_substitute <- function(expr, old, new) {
  expr <- duplicate(expr)
    language = node_walk_replace(node_cdr(expr), old, new),
    symbol = if (identical(expr, old)) return(new)
node_walk_replace <- function(node, old, new) {
  while (!is_null(node)) {
      language = if (!is_call(node_car(node), c("~", "function")) || is_call(node_car(node), "~", n = 2)) node_walk_replace(node_cdar(node), old, new),
      symbol = if (identical(node_car(node), old)) node_poke_car(node, new)
    node <- node_cdr(node)

cli_collapse <- function(x, last = " and ") {
  cli::cli_vec(x, style = list("vec-last" = last))

with_no_rlang_infix_labeling <- function(expr) {
  # TODO: Temporary patch for a slowdown seen with `rlang::as_label()` and infix
  # operators. A real solution likely involves lazy ALTREP vectors (#6681).
  # https://github.com/r-lib/rlang/commit/33db700d556b0b85a1fe78e14a53f95ac9248004
  with_options("rlang:::use_as_label_infix" = FALSE, expr)
tidyverse/dplyr documentation built on July 1, 2024, 6:39 a.m.