
Defines functions drive_example drive_oauth_app drive_auth_config

Documented in drive_auth_config drive_example drive_oauth_app

#' Deprecated googledrive functions
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @section `drive_auth_config()`:
#' This function is defunct.
#' * Use [drive_auth_configure()] to configure your own OAuth client or API key.
#' * Use [drive_deauth()] to go into a de-authorized state.
#' * Use [drive_oauth_client()] to retrieve a user-configured client, if it
#'   exists.
#' * Use [drive_api_key()] to retrieve a user-configured API key, if it exists.
#' @section `drive_oauth_app()`:
#' In light of the new [gargle::gargle_oauth_client()] constructor and class of
#' the same name, `drive_oauth_app()` is being replaced by
#' [drive_oauth_client()].
#' @section `drive_example()`:
#' This function is defunct. Access example files with [drive_examples_local()],
#' [drive_example_local()], [drive_examples_remote()], and
#' [drive_example_remote()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @name googledrive-deprecated

#' @rdname googledrive-deprecated
#' @inheritParams drive_auth_configure
#' @export
drive_auth_config <- function(active, app, path, api_key) {
    details = c(
      "Use `drive_auth_configure()` to configure your own OAuth client or API key.",
      "Use `drive_deauth()` to go into a de-authorized state.",
      "Use `drive_oauth_client()` to retrieve a user-configured client, if it exists.",
      "Use `drive_api_key()` to retrieve a user-configured API key, if it exists."

#' @rdname googledrive-deprecated
#' @export
drive_oauth_app <- function() {
    "2.1.0", "drive_oauth_app()", "drive_oauth_client()"

#' @rdname googledrive-deprecated
#' @export
drive_example <- function(path = NULL) {
    what = "drive_example()",
    with = I("`drive_examples_local()` or `drive_example_local()`")
tidyverse/googledrive documentation built on Aug. 7, 2024, 11:34 a.m.