
Defines functions bad_target resolve_one shortcut_resolve shortcut_create

Documented in shortcut_create shortcut_resolve

#' Create a shortcut to a Drive file
#' Creates a shortcut to the target Drive `file`, which could be a folder. A
#' Drive shortcut functions like a symbolic or "soft" link and is primarily
#' useful for creating a specific Drive user experience in the browser, i.e. to
#' make a Drive file or folder appear in more than 1 place. Shortcuts are a
#' relatively new feature in Drive; they were introduced when Drive stopped
#' allowing a file to have more than 1 parent folder.
#' @template file-singular

#' @eval param_path_known_parent("shortcut")
#' @eval param_name(
#'   thing = "shortcut",
#'   default_notes = "By default, the shortcut starts out with the same name as
#'     the target `file`. As a consequence, if you want to use
#'     `overwrite = TRUE` or `overwrite = FALSE`, you **must** explicitly
#'     specify the shortcut's `name`."
#' )

#' @template overwrite
#' @eval return_dribble()
#' @export

#' @seealso
#'   * <https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/shortcuts>

#' @examplesIf drive_has_token()
#' # Target one of the official example files
#' (src_file <- drive_example_remote("chicken_sheet"))
#' # Create a shortcut in the default location with the default name
#' sc1 <- shortcut_create(src_file)
#' # This shortcut could now be moved, renamed, etc.
#' # Create a shortcut in the default location with a custom name
#' sc2 <- src_file %>%
#'   shortcut_create(name = "chicken_sheet_second_shortcut")
#' # Create a folder, then put a shortcut there, with default name
#' folder <- drive_mkdir("chicken_sheet_shortcut_folder")
#' sc3 <- src_file %>%
#'   shortcut_create(folder)
#' # Look at all these shortcuts
#' (dat <- drive_find("chicken_sheet", type = "shortcut"))
#' # Confirm the shortcuts all target the original file
#' dat <- dat %>%
#'   drive_reveal("shortcut_details")
#' purrr::map_chr(dat$shortcut_details, "targetId")
#' as_id(src_file)
#' # Clean up
#' drive_rm(sc1, sc2, sc3, folder)
shortcut_create <- function(file,
                            path = NULL,
                            name = NULL,
                            overwrite = NA) {
  target <- as_dribble(file)
  target <- confirm_single_file(target)

  if (is.null(name) && (isTRUE(overwrite) || isFALSE(overwrite))) {
      You must specify the shortcut's {.arg name} in order to specify \\
      {.arg overwrite} behaviour.")

    name = name,
    path = path,
    type = "shortcut",
    shortcutDetails = list(targetId = target$id),
    overwrite = overwrite

#' Resolve shortcuts to their targets
#' Retrieves the metadata for the Drive file that a shortcut refers to, i.e. the
#' shortcut's target. The returned [`dribble`] has the usual columns (`name`,
#' `id`, `drive_resource`), which refer to the target. It will also include the
#' columns `name_shortcut` and `id_shortcut`, which refer to the original
#' shortcut. There are 3 possible scenarios:

#' 1. `file` is a shortcut and user can [drive_get()] the target. All is simple
#'    and well.
#' 1. `file` is a shortcut, but [drive_get()] fails for the target. This can
#'    happen if the user can see the shortcut, but does not have read access
#'    to the target. It can also happen if the target has been trashed or
#'    deleted. In such cases, all of the target's metadata, except for `id`,
#'    will be missing. Call `drive_get()` on a problematic `id` to see the
#'    specific error.
#' 1. `file` is not a shortcut. `name_shortcut` and `id_shortcut` will both be
#'    `NA`.
#' @template file-plural
#' @eval return_dribble(extras = "Extra columns `name_shortcut` and
#'   `id_shortcut` refer to the original shortcut.")
#' @export
#' @examplesIf drive_has_token()
#' # Create a file to make a shortcut to
#' file <- drive_example_remote("chicken_sheet") %>%
#'   drive_cp(name = "chicken-sheet-for-shortcut")
#' # Create a shortcut
#' sc1 <- file %>%
#'   shortcut_create(name = "shortcut-1")
#' # Create a second shortcut by copying the first
#' sc1 <- sc1 %>%
#'   drive_cp(name = "shortcut-2")
#' # Get the shortcuts
#' (sc_dat <- drive_find("-[12]$", type = "shortcut"))
#' # Resolve them
#' (resolved <- shortcut_resolve(sc_dat))
#' resolved$id
#' file$id
#' # Delete the target file
#' drive_rm(file)
#' # (Try to) resolve the shortcuts again
#' shortcut_resolve(sc_dat)
#' # No error, but resolution is unsuccessful due to non-existent target
#' # Clean up
#' drive_rm(sc_dat)
shortcut_resolve <- function(file) {
  file <- as_dribble(file)
  out <- purrr::pmap(file, resolve_one)
  out <- vec_rbind(!!!out)

  is_sc <- !is.na(out$name_shortcut)
  n_shortcuts <- sum(is_sc)
  n_resolved <- sum(is_sc & !is.na(out$name))

  if (n_shortcuts == 0) {
      "i" = "No shortcuts found."
  } else {
      i = if (n_shortcuts == n_resolved) {
        "Resolved {n_resolved} shortcut{?s} found in {nrow(out)} file{?s}:"
      } else {
        "Resolved {n_resolved} of {n_shortcuts} shortcut{?s} found \\
         in {nrow(out)} file{?s}:"
        out[is_sc, ],
        template = c(
          id_shortcut_string = "<id:\u00a0<<id_shortcut>>>",
          id_string = "<id:\u00a0<<id>>>",
          out = "{.drivepath <<name_shortcut>>} \\
                 {cli::col_grey('<<id_shortcut_string>>')} \\
                 -> {.drivepath <<name>>} {cli::col_grey('<<id_string>>')}"


# TODO: why does this have such an annoying signature? why not dribble in,
# dribble out?
resolve_one <- function(name, id, drive_resource, ...) {
  target_id <- pluck(drive_resource, "shortcutDetails", "targetId")
  if (is_null(target_id)) {
      list(drive_resource) %>%
        as_dribble() %>%
        put_column(nm = "id_shortcut", val = NA_character_, .after = "id") %>%
        put_column(nm = "name_shortcut", val = NA_character_, .after = "id")
  out <- tryCatch(
    purrr_error_indexed = function(err) {
      if (rlang::cnd_inherits(err, "gargle_error_request_failed")) {
      } else {
  out %>%
    put_column(nm = "id_shortcut", val = id, .after = "id") %>%
    put_column(nm = "name_shortcut", val = name, .after = "id")

bad_target <- function(id) {
      name = NA_character_,
      id = id,
      kind = "drive#file"
tidyverse/googledrive documentation built on Aug. 7, 2024, 11:34 a.m.