
Defines functions prepare_auto_resize_request determine_dimension check_only_one_dimension force_cell_limits range_autofit

Documented in range_autofit

#' Auto-fit columns or rows to the data
#' Applies automatic resizing to either columns or rows of a (work)sheet. The
#' width or height of targeted columns or rows, respectively, is determined
#' from the current cell contents. This only affects the appearance of a sheet
#' in the browser and doesn't affect its values or dimensions in any way.
#' @eval param_ss()
#' @eval param_sheet(
#'   action = "modify",
#'   "Ignored if the sheet is specified via `range`. If neither argument",
#'   "specifies the sheet, defaults to the first visible sheet."
#' )
#' @param range Which columns or rows to resize. Optional. If you want to resize
#'   all columns or all rows, use `dimension` instead. All the usual `range`
#'   specifications are accepted, but the targeted range must specify only
#'   columns (e.g. "B:F") or only rows (e.g. "2:7").
#' @param dimension Ignored if `range` is given. If consulted, `dimension` must
#'   be either `"columns"` (the default) or `"rows"`. This is the simplest way
#'   to request auto-resize for all columns or all rows.
#' @template ss-return
#' @export
#' @family formatting functions
#' @seealso Makes an `AutoResizeDimensionsRequest`:
#' * <https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/reference/rest/v4/spreadsheets/request#autoresizedimensionsrequest>
#' @examplesIf gs4_has_token()
#' dat <- tibble::tibble(
#'   fruit = c("date", "lime", "pear", "plum")
#' )
#' ss <- gs4_create("range-autofit-demo", sheets = dat)
#' ss
#' # open in the browser
#' gs4_browse(ss)
#' # shrink column A to fit the short fruit names
#' range_autofit(ss)
#' # in the browser, notice how the column width shrank
#' # send some longer fruit names
#' dat2 <- tibble::tibble(
#'   fruit = c("cucumber", "honeydew")
#' )
#' ss %>% sheet_append(dat2)
#' # in the browser, see that column A is now too narrow to show the data
#' range_autofit(ss)
#' # in the browser, see the column A reveals all the data now
#' # clean up
#' gs4_find("range-autofit-demo") %>%
#'   googledrive::drive_trash()
range_autofit <- function(ss,
                          sheet = NULL,
                          range = NULL,
                          dimension = c("columns", "rows")) {
  ssid <- as_sheets_id(ss)

  x <- gs4_get(ssid)

  # determine targeted sheet ---------------------------------------------------
  range_spec <- as_range_spec(
    sheet = sheet,
    sheets_df = x$sheets, nr_df = x$named_ranges
  range_spec$sheet_name <- range_spec$sheet_name %||% first_visible_name(x$sheets)
  s <- lookup_sheet(range_spec$sheet_name, sheets_df = x$sheets)

  # form request ---------------------------------------------------------------
  if (is.null(range)) {
    dimension <- match.arg(dimension)
    resize_req <- list(bureq_auto_resize_dimensions(
      sheetId = s$id, dimension = toupper(dimension)
  } else {
    resize_req <- prepare_auto_resize_request(s$id, range_spec)
  resize_dim <- pluck(
    1, "autoResizeDimensions", "dimensions", "dimension"

    v = "Editing {.s_sheet {x$name}}.",
    v = "Resizing one or more {tolower(resize_dim)} in \\
         {.w_sheet {range_spec$sheet_name}}."

  # do it ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  req <- request_generate(
    params = list(
      spreadsheetId = ssid,
      requests = resize_req
  resp_raw <- request_make(req)


force_cell_limits <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(x$cell_limits)) {

  if (is.null(x$cell_range)) {
    x$cell_limits <- cell_limits()
  } else {
    x$cell_limits <- limits_from_range(x$cell_range)

check_only_one_dimension <- function(x, call = caller_env()) {
  limits <- x$cell_limits

  if (is.na(limits$ul[1]) && is.na(limits$lr[1])) {
  if (is.na(limits$ul[2]) && is.na(limits$lr[2])) {

    "The {.arg range} must target only columns or only rows, but not both.",
    call = call

determine_dimension <- function(x) {
  limits <- x$cell_limits

  if (notNA(limits$ul[1]) || notNA(limits$lr[1])) {
  } else {

prepare_auto_resize_request <- function(sheet_id, range_spec) {
  range_spec <- force_cell_limits(range_spec)
  dimension <- determine_dimension(range_spec)

  element <- if (dimension == "ROWS") 1L else 2L

    sheetId = sheet_id,
    dimension = dimension,
    start = pluck(range_spec, "cell_limits", "ul", element),
    end = pluck(range_spec, "cell_limits", "lr", element)
tidyverse/googlesheets4 documentation built on July 24, 2024, 1:40 a.m.