test_that("quos() creates quosures", {
fs <- quos(x = 1 + 2, y = 2 + 3)
expect_identical(fs$x, as_quosure(~ 1 + 2))
expect_identical(fs$y, as_quosure(~ 2 + 3))
test_that("quos() captures correct environment", {
fn <- function(x = a + b, ...) {
list(dots = quos(x = x, y = a + b, ...), env = environment())
out <- fn(z = a + b)
expect_identical(get_env(out$dots$x), out$env)
expect_identical(get_env(out$dots$y), out$env)
expect_identical(get_env(out$dots$z), current_env())
test_that("dots are interpolated", {
fn <- function(...) {
baz <- "baz"
fn_var <- quo(baz)
g(..., toupper(!! fn_var))
g <- function(...) {
foo <- "foo"
g_var <- quo(foo)
h(toupper(!! g_var), ...)
h <- function(...) {
bar <- "bar"
var <- quo(bar)
dots <- fn(toupper(!!var))
expect_identical(map(dots, deparse), named_list("~toupper(~foo)", "~toupper(~bar)", "~toupper(~baz)"))
expect_identical(map(dots, eval_tidy), named_list("FOO", "BAR", "BAZ"))
test_that("dots capture is stack-consistent", {
fn <- function(...) {
g <- function(dots) {
h(dots, foo(bar))
h <- function(dots, ...) {
expect_identical(fn(foo(baz)), quos_list(quo(foo(baz))))
test_that("dots can be spliced in", {
fn <- function(...) {
var <- "var"
out = g(!!! quos(...), bar(baz), !!! list(a = var, b = ~foo)),
env = current_env()
g <- function(...) {
out <- fn(foo(bar))
expected <- quos_list(
set_env(quo(bar(baz)), out$env),
a = quo("var"),
b = set_env(quo(!! with_env(out$env, ~foo)), out$env)
expect_identical(out$out, expected)
test_that("spliced dots are wrapped in formulas", {
args <- alist(x = var, y = foo(bar))
expect_identical(quos(!!! args), quos_list(x = quo(var), y = quo(foo(bar))))
test_that("dot names are interpolated", {
var <- "baz"
expect_identical(quos(!!var := foo, !!toupper(var) := bar), quos_list(baz = quo(foo), BAZ = quo(bar)))
expect_identical(quos(!!var := foo, bar), quos_list(baz = quo(foo), quo(bar)))
var <- quote(baz)
expect_identical(quos(!!var := foo), quos_list(baz = quo(foo)))
test_that("corner cases are handled when interpolating dot names", {
var <- na_chr
expect_identical(names(quos(!!var := NULL)), "NA")
var <- NULL
(expect_error(quos(!!var := NULL)))
(expect_error(list2(!!c("a", "b") := NULL)))
test_that("dots are forwarded to named arguments", {
outer <- function(...) inner(...)
inner <- function(...) fn(...)
fn <- function(x) enquo(x)
env <- child_env(current_env())
expect_identical(with_env(env, outer(foo(bar))), new_quosure(quote(foo(bar)), env))
test_that("pronouns are scoped throughout nested captures", {
outer <- function(data, ...) eval_tidy(quos(...)[[1]], data = data)
inner <- function(...) map(quos(...), eval_tidy)
data <- list(foo = "bar", baz = "baz")
baz <- "bazz"
expect_identical(outer(data, inner(foo, baz)), set_names(list("bar", "baz"), c("", "")))
test_that("Can supply := with LHS even if .named = TRUE", {
expect_warning(regexp = NA, expect_identical(
quos(!!"nm" := 2, .named = TRUE), quos_list(nm = as_quosure(quote(2), empty_env()))
test_that("Can't supply both `=` and `:=`", {
expect_error(regexp = "both `=` and `:=`", quos(foobar = !!"nm" := 2))
expect_error(regexp = "both `=` and `:=`", quos(foobar = !!"nm" := 2, .named = TRUE))
test_that("RHS of tidy defs are unquoted", {
expect_identical(quos(foo := !!"bar"), quos_list(foo = as_quosure(quote("bar"), empty_env())))
test_that("can capture empty list of dots", {
fn <- function(...) quos(...)
expect_identical(fn(), quos_list())
test_that("quosures are spliced before serialisation", {
quosures <- quos(!! quo(foo(!! quo(bar))), .named = TRUE)
expect_identical(names(quosures), "foo(bar)")
test_that("missing arguments are captured", {
q <- quo()
expect_identical(quo_get_env(q), empty_env())
test_that("empty quosures are forwarded", {
inner <- function(x) enquo(x)
outer <- function(x) inner(!! enquo(x))
expect_identical(outer(), quo())
test_that("quos() captures missing arguments", {
expect_identical(quos(, , .ignore_empty = "none"), quos_list(quo(), quo()), c("", ""))
test_that("quos() ignores missing arguments", {
expect_identical(quos(, , "foo", ), quos_list(quo(), quo(), new_quosure("foo", empty_env())))
expect_identical(quos(, , "foo", , .ignore_empty = "all"), quos_list(new_quosure("foo", empty_env())))
test_that("quosured literals are forwarded as is", {
expect_identical(quo(!! quo(NULL)), new_quosure(NULL, empty_env()))
expect_identical(quos(!! quo(10L)), set_names(quos_list(new_quosure(10L, empty_env())), ""))
test_that("expr() returns missing argument", {
test_that("expr() supports forwarded arguments", {
fn <- function(...) g(...)
g <- function(...) expr(...)
expect_identical(fn(foo), quote(foo))
test_that("can take forced arguments", {
fn <- function(allow, x) {
expect_identical(fn(TRUE, letters), list(expr = letters, env = empty_env()))
if (getRversion() < "3.2.0") {
skip("lapply() does not force arguments in R 3.1")
expect_error(lapply(1:2, captureArgInfo), "must be an argument name")
args <- list(list(expr = 1L, env = empty_env()), list(expr = 2L, env = empty_env()))
expect_identical(lapply(1:2, function(x) captureArgInfo(x)), args)
test_that("capturing an argument that doesn't exist fails", {
fn <- function(x) captureArgInfo(`_foobar`)
expect_error(fn(), "object '_foobar' not found")
fn <- function() enquo(`_foobar`)
expect_error(fn(), "not found")
fn <- function() enexpr(`_foobar`)
expect_error(fn(), "not found")
expect_error((function() rlang::enexpr(`_foobar`))(), "not found")
test_that("can capture arguments across ancestry", {
y <- "foo"
fn <- function() captureArgInfo(y)
expect_identical(fn(), list(expr = "foo", env = empty_env()))
test_that("can capture arguments that do exist", {
fn <- function() {
x <- 10L
expect_identical(fn(), list(expr = 10L, env = empty_env()))
test_that("can capture missing argument", {
expect_identical(captureArgInfo(), list(expr = missing_arg(), env = empty_env()))
test_that("serialised unicode in `:=` LHS is unserialised", {
nms <- with_latin1_locale({
exprs <- exprs("\u5e78" := 10)
expect_identical(charToRaw(nms), charToRaw("\u5e78"))
test_that("exprs() supports auto-naming", {
expect_identical(exprs(foo(bar), b = baz(), .named = TRUE), list(`foo(bar)` = quote(foo(bar)), b = quote(baz())))
test_that("dots_interp() supports unquoting", {
expect_identical(exprs(!!(1 + 2)), named_list(3))
expect_identical(exprs(!!(1 + 1) + 2), named_list(quote(2 + 2)))
expect_identical(exprs(!!(1 + 1) + 2 + 3), named_list(quote(2 + 2 + 3)))
expect_identical(exprs(!!"foo" := bar), named_list(foo = quote(bar)))
test_that("dots_interp() has no side effect", {
f <- function(x) exprs(!! x + 2)
expect_identical(f(1), named_list(quote(1 + 2)))
expect_identical(f(2), named_list(quote(2 + 2)))
test_that("exprs() handles forced arguments", {
if (getRversion() < "3.2.0") {
skip("lapply() does not force arguments in R 3.1")
exprs <- list(named_list(1L), named_list(2L))
expect_identical(lapply(1:2, function(...) exprs(...)), exprs)
expect_identical(lapply(1:2, exprs), exprs)
test_that("quos() handles forced arguments", {
if (getRversion() < "3.2.0") {
skip("lapply() does not force arguments in R 3.1")
quos <- list(quos_list(quo(1L)), quos_list(quo(2L)))
expect_identical(lapply(1:2, function(...) quos(...)), quos)
expect_identical(lapply(1:2, quos), quos)
test_that("enexpr() and enquo() handle forced arguments", {
foo <- "foo"
expect_identical(enexpr(foo), "foo")
expect_identical(enquo(foo), quo("foo"))
if (getRversion() < "3.2.0") {
skip("lapply() does not force arguments in R 3.1")
expect_identical(lapply(1:2, function(x) enexpr(x)), list(1L, 2L))
expect_identical(lapply(1:2, function(x) enquo(x)), list(quo(1L), quo(2L)))
test_that("default arguments are properly captured (#201)", {
fn <- function(x = x) enexpr(x)
expect_identical(fn(), quote(x))
# This is just for consistency. This causes an infinite recursion
# when evaluated as Hong noted
fn <- function(x = x) list(enquo(x), quo(x))
out <- fn()
expect_identical(out[[1]], out[[2]])
test_that("names-unquoting can be switched off", {
foo <- "foo"
bar <- "bar"
expect_identical(exprs(foo := bar, .unquote_names = FALSE), named_list(quote(foo := bar)))
expect_identical(exprs(!! foo := !! bar, .unquote_names = FALSE), named_list(quote("foo" := "bar")))
expect_identical(quos(foo := bar, .unquote_names = FALSE), quos_list(new_quosure(quote(foo := bar))))
expect_identical(quos(!! foo := !! bar, .unquote_names = FALSE), quos_list(new_quosure(quote("foo" := "bar"))))
test_that("endots() captures arguments", {
# enquos()
fn <- function(foo, ..., bar) enquos(foo, bar, ...)
expect_identical(fn(arg1, arg2, bar = arg3()), quos(arg1, arg3(), arg2))
# enexprs()
fn <- function(foo, ..., bar) enexprs(foo, bar, ...)
expect_identical(fn(arg1, arg2, bar = arg3()), exprs(arg1, arg3(), arg2))
test_that("endots() requires symbols", {
expect_error(enquos(foo(bar)), "must be argument names")
expect_error(enquos(1), "must be argument names")
expect_error(enquos("foo"), "must be argument names")
expect_error(enexprs(foo(bar)), "must be argument names")
expect_error(enexprs(1), "must be argument names")
expect_error(enexprs("foo"), "must be argument names")
test_that("endots() returns a named list", {
# enquos()
fn <- function(foo, bar) enquos(foo, bar)
expect_identical(names(fn()), c("", ""))
fn <- function(arg, ...) enquos(other = arg, ...)
expect_identical(fn(arg = 1, b = 2), quos(other = 1, b = 2))
# enexprs()
fn <- function(foo, bar) enexprs(foo, bar)
expect_identical(names(fn()), c("", ""))
fn <- function(arg, ...) enexprs(other = arg, ...)
expect_identical(fn(arg = 1, b = 2), exprs(other = 1, b = 2))
test_that("endots() captures missing arguments", {
# enquos()
fn <- function(foo) enquos(foo)[[1]]
expect_identical(fn(), quo())
fn <- function(...) enquos(...)
expect_identical(fn(), quos())
# enexprs()
fn <- function(foo) enexprs(foo)[[1]]
expect_identical(fn(), expr())
fn <- function(...) enexprs(...)
expect_identical(fn(), exprs())
test_that("endots() supports `.named`", {
# enquos()
fn <- function(arg, ...) enquos(arg, ..., .named = TRUE)
expect_identical(fn(foo, bar), quos(foo = foo, bar = bar))
# enexprs()
fn <- function(arg, ...) enexprs(arg, ..., .named = TRUE)
expect_identical(fn(foo, bar), exprs(foo = foo, bar = bar))
test_that("endots() supports `.unquote_names`", {
# enquos()
fn <- function(...) enquos(..., .unquote_names = TRUE)
expect_identical(fn(!!"foo" := bar), quos(foo = bar))
fn <- function(...) enquos(..., .unquote_names = FALSE)
expect_identical(fn(!!"foo" := bar), quos(!!"foo" := bar, .unquote_names = FALSE))
# enexprs()
fn <- function(...) enexprs(..., .unquote_names = TRUE)
expect_identical(fn(!!"foo" := bar), exprs(foo = bar))
fn <- function(...) enexprs(..., .unquote_names = FALSE)
expect_identical(fn(!!"foo" := bar), exprs(!!"foo" := bar, .unquote_names = FALSE))
test_that("endots() supports `.ignore_empty`", {
# enquos()
fn <- function(...) enquos(..., .ignore_empty = "all")
expect_identical(fn(, ), quos())
fn <- function(...) enquos(..., .ignore_empty = "trailing")
expect_identical(fn(foo, ), quos(foo))
# enexprs()
fn <- function(...) enexprs(..., .ignore_empty = "all")
expect_identical(fn(, ), exprs())
fn <- function(...) enexprs(..., .ignore_empty = "trailing")
expect_identical(fn(foo, ), exprs(foo))
test_that("endots() supports `.ignore_null` (#1450)", {
# enquos()
fn <- function(...) enquos(..., .ignore_null = "all")
expect_identical(fn(NULL, NULL), quos())
expect_identical(fn(foo = NULL, NULL), quos(foo = NULL))
expect_identical(fn(!!!list(foo = NULL), NULL), quos(foo = NULL))
fn <- function(foo, ...) enquos(foo, ..., .ignore_null = "all")
expect_identical(fn(NULL, NULL), quos())
fn <- function(...) enquos(...)
expect_identical(fn(NULL, NULL), quos(NULL, NULL))
# enexprs()
fn <- function(...) enexprs(..., .ignore_null = "all")
expect_identical(fn(NULL, NULL), exprs())
fn <- function(...) enexprs(...)
expect_identical(fn(NULL, NULL), exprs(NULL, NULL))
test_that("ensyms() captures multiple symbols", {
fn <- function(arg, ...) ensyms(arg, ...)
expect_identical(fn(foo, bar, baz), exprs(foo, bar, baz))
test_that("enquos() works with lexically scoped dots", {
capture <- function(...) {
eval_bare(quote(enquos(...)), child_env(env()))
expect_identical(capture("foo"), quos_list(quo("foo")))
test_that("enquo() works with lexically scoped arguments", {
capture <- function(arg) {
eval_bare(quote(enquo(arg)), child_env(env()))
expect_identical(capture(foo), quo(foo))
test_that("closures are captured with their calling environment", {
expect_reference(quo_get_env(quo(!!function() NULL)), environment())
test_that("the missing argument is captured", {
quos(!!missing_arg(), .ignore_empty = "none"),
quos(, ),
ignore_formula_env = TRUE
fn <- function(x) {
g <- function(...) {
ignore_formula_env = TRUE
test_that("missing names are forwarded", {
x <- set_names(1:2, c(NA, NA))
expect_identical_(names(exprs(!!!x)), chr(na_chr, na_chr))
test_that("auto-naming uses type_sum() (#573)", {
expect_named(quos(foo, !!(1:3), .named = TRUE), c("foo", "<int>"))
x <- list(env(), 1:3, letters)
expect_named(exprs_auto_name(x), c("<env>", "<int>", "<chr>"))
test_that("auto-naming supports the .data pronoun", {
exprs <- exprs(.data[[toupper("foo")]], .data$bar, .named = TRUE)
expect_named(exprs, c("FOO", "bar"))
test_that("enexprs() and enquos() support `.ignore_empty = 'all'` (#414)", {
myexprs <- function(what, x, y) enexprs(x = x, y = y, .ignore_empty = what)
expect_identical(myexprs("none"), exprs(x = , y = ))
expect_identical(myexprs("trailing"), exprs(x = , y = ))
expect_identical(myexprs("all"), exprs())
myquos <- function(what, x, y) enquos(x = x, y = y, .ignore_empty = what)
expect_identical(myquos("none"), quos(x = , y = ))
expect_identical(myquos("trailing"), quos(x = , y = ))
expect_identical(myquos("all"), quos())
test_that("`enquos()` does not discard named missing arguments (#1229)", {
fn <- function(...) enquos(..., .ignore_empty = "all")
fn(x = ),
quos(x = )
fn(, foo),
test_that("enexprs() and enquos() support empty dots", {
myexprs <- function(what, ...) enexprs(..., .ignore_empty = what)
expect_identical(myexprs("none"), exprs())
expect_identical(myexprs("trailing"), exprs())
expect_identical(myexprs("all"), exprs())
myquos <- function(what, ...) enquos(..., .ignore_empty = what)
expect_identical(myquos("none"), quos())
expect_identical(myquos("trailing"), quos())
expect_identical(myquos("all"), quos())
test_that("supplying `!!!` with a name warns", {
local_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "warning")
expect_no_warning_(quos(!!!1, 2, !!!NULL))
expect_defunct(quos(foo = !!!1, 2, bar = !!!NULL), "Only the operand's names are retained")
test_that("ensym() unwraps quosures", {
fn <- function(arg) ensym(arg)
expect_identical(fn(!!quo(foo)), quote(foo))
expect_identical(fn(!!quo("foo")), quote(foo))
test_that("ensyms() unwraps quosures", {
fn <- function(...) ensyms(...)
expect_identical(fn(!!!quos(foo, "bar")), exprs(foo, bar))
expect_snapshot(err(fn(!!!quos(foo, bar()))))
test_that("enquo0() and enquos0() capture arguments without injection", {
fn <- function(arg) enquo0(arg)
fn <- function(...) enquos0(...)
fn(x = foo(!!1), !!!1:3, z = 3),
list(x = quo(foo(!!quote(!!1))), quo(!!quote(!!!1:3)), z = quo(3))
test_that("enquo0() and enquos0() don't rewrap quosures", {
fn <- function(arg) enquo0(arg)
quo <- local(quo(x))
expect_equal(fn(!!quo), quo)
fn <- function(...) enquos0(...)
quo <- local(quo(x))
expect_equal(fn(!!quo), list(quo))
test_that("enquo() defuses numbered dots (#1137)", {
f <- function(arg) enquo(..1)
"'...' used in an incorrect context"
f <- function(...) enquo(..1)
"fewer than 1"
f <- function(...) enquo(..2)
"fewer than 2"
test_that("enquos() defuses numbered dots (#1137)", {
f <- function(...) enquos(...)
g <- function(...) f(..1)
f <- function(...) enquos(...)
g <- function(...) f(..1, ..2)
h <- function(...) g(..1, ...)
h(foo, bar),
quos(foo, foo)
g <- function(...) f(..1, ..3)
h(foo, bar),
quos(foo, bar)
g <- function(...) f(..1, ..4)
h(foo, bar),
"fewer than 4 elements"
test_that("`defer()` does not crash with environments containing quosures (#1085)", {
f <- function() {
dots <- quos(integer(1))
expect_no_error(f()) # No crash
test_that("auto-named expressions can be unique-repaired", {
dots_names <- function(...) {
dots <- enquos(...)
dots <- exprs_auto_name(dots, repair_auto = "unique")
dots_names(1, foo = 1, 1, foo = 2),
c("1...1", "foo", "1...3", "foo")
dots_names(bar, foo = 1, bar, foo = 2),
c("bar...1", "foo", "bar...3", "foo")
test_that("can capture forced numbered dot", {
fn <- function(..., x = ..1) {
expect_equal(fn(1 + 1), quo(2))
test_that("`enexprs()` and variants support `.named = NULL` (#1223)", {
fn <- function(...) enexprs(..., .named = NULL)
expect_equal(fn(), list())
expect_equal(fn(1), list(1))
expect_equal(fn(x = 1), list(x = 1))
fn <- function(...) enquos(..., .named = NULL)
expect_equal(fn(), unname(quos()))
expect_equal(fn(1), unname(quos(1)))
expect_equal(fn(x = 1), quos(x = 1))
test_that("`.named = NULL` yields `NULL` names (#1505)", {
fn <- function() enquos(.named = NULL)
fn <- function(...) enquos(..., .named = NULL)
expect_null(names(quos(.named = NULL)))
expect_null(names(quos(foo, .named = NULL)))
test_that("embraced empty arg are detected consistently (#1421)", {
fn_quos <- function(cond, ...) {
quos_it({{cond}}, ...)
fn_enquos <- function(cond, ...) {
enquos_it({{cond}}, ...)
quos_it <- function(..., .ignore_empty = "all") {
quos(..., .ignore_empty = .ignore_empty)
enquos_it <- function(..., .ignore_empty = "all") {
enquos(..., .ignore_empty = .ignore_empty)
expect_equal(fn_quos(), quos())
expect_equal(fn_enquos(), quos())
expect_equal(fn_quos(.ignore_empty = "trailing"), quos())
expect_equal(fn_enquos(.ignore_empty = "trailing"), quos())
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