test_that("interpolation does not recurse over spliced arguments", {
var2 <- quote({foo; !! stop(); bar})
expr_var2 <- tryCatch(expr(list(!!! var2)), error = identity)
expect_false(inherits(expr_var2, "error"))
test_that("formulas containing unquote operators are interpolated", {
var1 <- quo(foo)
var2 <- local({ foo <- "baz"; quo(foo) })
f <- expr_interp(~list(!!var1, !!var2))
expect_identical(f, new_formula(NULL, call2("list", as_quosure(var1), as_quosure(var2))))
test_that("interpolation is carried out in the right environment", {
f <- local({ foo <- "foo"; ~!!foo })
expect_identical(expr_interp(f), new_formula(NULL, "foo", env = f_env(f)))
test_that("interpolation now revisits unquoted formulas", {
f <- ~list(!!~!!stop("should not interpolate within formulas"))
f <- expr_interp(f)
# This used to be idempotent:
expect_error(expect_false(identical(expr_interp(f), f)), "interpolate within formulas")
test_that("formulas are not treated as quosures", {
expect_identical(expr(a ~ b), quote(a ~ b))
expect_identical(expr(~b), quote(~b))
expect_identical(expr(!!~b), ~b)
test_that("unquote operators are always in scope", {
env <- child_env("base", foo = "bar")
f <- with_env(env, ~(!!foo))
expect_identical(expr_interp(f), new_formula(NULL, "bar", env))
test_that("can interpolate in specific env", {
foo <- "bar"
env <- child_env(NULL, foo = "foo")
expanded <- expr_interp(~!!foo)
expect_identical(expanded, set_env(~"bar"))
expanded <- expr_interp(~!!foo, env)
expect_identical(expanded, set_env(~"foo"))
test_that("can qualify operators with namespace", {
expect_identical(quo(other::UQ(toupper("a"))), quo(other::"A"))
expect_identical(quo(x$UQ(toupper("a"))), quo(x$"A"))
test_that("unquoting is frame-consistent", {
defun <- quote(!! function() NULL)
env <- child_env("base")
expect_identical(fn_env(expr_interp(defun, env)), env)
test_that("unquoted quosure has S3 class", {
quo <- quo(!! ~quo)
expect_s3_class(quo, "quosure")
test_that("unquoted quosures are not guarded", {
quo <- eval_tidy(quo(quo(!! ~quo)))
# !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("`!!` binds tightly", {
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 + 2 + 3), quote(1 + 2 + 3))
expect_identical_(expr(1 + !!2 + 3), quote(1 + 2 + 3))
expect_identical_(expr(1 + 2 + !!3 + 4), quote(1 + 2 + 3 + 4))
expect_identical_(expr(1 + !!(2) + 3), quote(1 + 2 + 3))
expect_identical_(expr(1 + 2 + !!3), quote(1 + 2 + 3))
expect_identical_(expr(1 + !!2 * 3), quote(1 + 2 * 3))
expect_identical_(expr(1 + !!2 * 3 + 4), quote(1 + 2 * 3 + 4))
expect_identical_(expr(1 * !!2:!!3 + 4), quote(1 * 2:3 + 4))
expect_identical_(expr(1 + 2 + !!3 * 4 + 5 + 6), quote(1 + 2 + 3 * 4 + 5 + 6))
expect_identical_(expr(1 + 2 * 3 : !!4 + 5 * 6 + 7), quote(1 + 2 * 3 : 4 + 5 * 6 + 7))
expect_identical_(expr(1 + 2 * 3 : !!4 + 5 * 6 + 7 * 8 : !!9 + 10 * 11), quote(1 + 2 * 3 : 4 + 5 * 6 + 7 * 8 : 9 + 10 * 11))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 + !!2 * !!3:!!4 + !!5 * !!6 + !!7 * !!8:!!9 + !!10 * !!11), quote(1 + 2 * 3 : 4 + 5 * 6 + 7 * 8 : 9 + 10 * 11))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 + !!2 + !!3 + !!4), quote(1 + 2 + 3 + 4))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 + !!2 * !!3), quote(1 + 2 * 3))
# Local roots
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 + !!2 * !!3 * !!4), quote(1 + 2 * 3 * 4))
expect_identical_(expr(1 == 2 + !!3 + 4), quote(1 == 2 + 3 + 4))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 == !!2 + !!3 + !!4 + !!5 * !!6 * !!7), quote(1 == 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 * 6 * 7))
expect_identical_(expr(1 + 2 * 3:!!4:5), quote(1 + 2 * 3:4:5))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 == !!2), quote(1 == 2))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 <= !!2), quote(1 <= 2))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 >= !!2), quote(1 >= 2))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 * 2 != 3), quote(1 * 2 != 3))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 * !!2 / !!3 > !!4), quote(1 * 2 / 3 > 4))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 * !!2 > !!3 + !!4), quote(1 * 2 > 3 + 4))
expect_identical_(expr(1 <= !!2), quote(1 <= 2))
expect_identical_(expr(1 >= !!2 : 3), quote(1 >= 2 : 3))
expect_identical_(expr(1 > !!2 * 3 : 4), quote(1 > 2 * 3 : 4))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1^2^3), quote(1))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1^2^3 + 4), quote(1 + 4))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1^2 + 3:4), quote(1 + 3:4))
test_that("lower pivot is correctly found (#1125)", {
expect_equal_(expr(1 + !!2 + 3 + 4), expr(1 + 2 + 3 + 4))
expect_equal_(expr(1 + 2 + !!3 + 4 + 5 + 6), expr(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6))
expect_equal_(expr(1 * 2 + !!3 * 4 * 5 + 6), expr(1 * 2 + 3 * 4 * 5 + 6))
expect_equal_(expr(1 + 2 + !!3 * 4 * 5 + 6), expr(1 + 2 + 3 * 4 * 5 + 6))
expect_equal_(expr(1 + !!2 * 3 * 4 + 5), expr(1 + 2 * 3 * 4 + 5))
test_that("`!!` handles binary and unary `-` and `+`", {
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 + 2), quote(1 + 2))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 - 2), quote(1 - 2))
expect_identical_(expr(!!+1 + 2), quote(1 + 2))
expect_identical_(expr(!!-1 - 2), expr(`!!`(-1) - 2))
expect_identical_(expr(1 + -!!3 + 4), quote(1 + -3 + 4))
expect_identical_(expr(1 + ---+!!3 + 4), quote(1 + ---+3 + 4))
expect_identical_(expr(+1), quote(+1))
expect_identical_(expr(+-!!1), quote(+-1))
expect_identical_(expr(+-!!(1 + 1)), quote(+-2))
expect_identical_(expr(+-!!+-1), bquote(+-.(-1)))
expect_identical_(expr(+-+-!!+1), quote(+-+-1))
expect_identical_(expr(+-+-!!-1), bquote(+-+-.(-1)))
expect_identical_(expr(+-+-!!1 - 2), quote(+-+-1 - 2))
expect_identical_(expr(+-+-!!+-+1 + 2), bquote(+-+-.(-1) + 2))
expect_identical(expr(+-+-!!+-!1 + 2), quote(+-+-0L))
expect_identical_(expr(+-+-!!+-identity(1)), bquote(+-+-.(-1)))
expect_identical_(expr(+-+-!!+-identity(1) + 2), bquote(+-+-.(-1) + 2))
test_that("`!!` handles special operators", {
expect_identical(expr(!! 1 %>% 2), quote(1 %>% 2))
test_that("LHS of nested `!!` is expanded (#405)", {
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 + foo(!!2) + !!3), quote(1 + foo(2) + 3))
expect_identical_(expr(!!1 + !!2 + foo(!!3) + !!4), quote(1 + 2 + foo(3) + 4))
test_that("operators with zero or one argument work (#652)", {
expect_identical(quo(`/`()), new_quosure(quote(`/`())))
expect_identical(expr(`/`(2)), quote(`/`(2)))
test_that("evaluates contents of `!!`", {
expect_identical(expr(!!(1 + 2)), 3)
test_that("quosures are not rewrapped", {
var <- quo(!! quo(letters))
expect_identical(quo(!!var), quo(letters))
var <- new_quosure(local(~letters), env = child_env(current_env()))
expect_identical(quo(!!var), var)
test_that("UQ() fails if called without argument", {
quo <- quo(UQ(NULL))
expect_equal(quo, quo(NULL))
quo <- tryCatch(quo(UQ()), error = identity)
expect_s3_class(quo, "error")
expect_match(quo$message, "must be called with an argument")
# !!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("values of `!!!` spliced into expression", {
f <- quo(f(a, !!! list(quote(b), quote(c)), d))
expect_identical(f, quo(f(a, b, c, d)))
test_that("names within `!!!` are preseved", {
f <- quo(f(!!! list(a = quote(b))))
expect_identical(f, quo(f(a = b)))
test_that("`!!!` handles `{` calls", {
expect_identical(quo(list(!!! quote({ foo }))), quo(list(foo)))
test_that("splicing an empty vector works", {
expect_identical(expr_interp(~list(!!! list())), ~list())
expect_identical(expr_interp(~list(!!! character(0))), ~list())
expect_identical(expr_interp(~list(!!! NULL)), ~list())
# This fails but doesn't seem needed
if (FALSE) {
test_that("serialised unicode in argument names is unserialised on splice", {
nms <- with_latin1_locale({
exprs <- exprs("\u5e78" := 10)
quos <- quos(!!! exprs)
expect_identical(charToRaw(nms), charToRaw("\u5e78"))
expect_true(all(chr_encoding(nms) == "UTF-8"))
test_that("can't splice at top level", {
expect_error_(expr(!!! letters), "top level")
test_that("can splice function body even if not a `{` block", {
fn <- function(x) { x }
expect_identical(exprs(!!!fn_body(fn)), named_list(quote(x)))
fn <- function(x) x
expect_identical(exprs(!!!fn_body(fn)), named_list(quote(x)))
test_that("splicing a pairlist has no side effect", {
x <- pairlist(NULL)
expr(foo(!!! x, y))
expect_identical(x, pairlist(NULL))
test_that("`!!!` works in prefix form", {
expect_identical(exprs(`!!!`(1:2)), named_list(1L, 2L))
expect_identical(expr(list(`!!!`(1:2))), quote(list(1L, 2L)))
expect_identical(quos(`!!!`(1:2)), quos_list(quo(1L), quo(2L)))
expect_identical(quo(list(`!!!`(1:2))), new_quosure(quote(list(1L, 2L))))
test_that("can't use prefix form of `!!!` with qualifying operators", {
expect_error_(expr(foo$`!!!`(bar)), "Prefix form of `!!!` can't be used with `\\$`")
expect_error_(expr(foo@`!!!`(bar)), "Prefix form of `!!!` can't be used with `@`")
expect_error_(expr(foo::`!!!`(bar)), "Prefix form of `!!!` can't be used with `::`")
expect_error_(expr(foo:::`!!!`(bar)), "Prefix form of `!!!` can't be used with `:::`")
expect_error_(expr(rlang::`!!!`(bar)), "Prefix form of `!!!` can't be used with `::`")
expect_error_(expr(rlang:::`!!!`(bar)), "Prefix form of `!!!` can't be used with `:::`")
test_that("can't supply multiple arguments to `!!!`", {
expect_error_(expr(list(`!!!`(1, 2))), "Can't supply multiple arguments to `!!!`")
expect_error_(exprs(`!!!`(1, 2)), "Can't supply multiple arguments to `!!!`")
test_that("`!!!` doesn't modify spliced inputs by reference", {
x <- 1:3
quos(!!! x)
expect_identical(x, 1:3)
x <- as.list(1:3)
quos(!!! x)
expect_identical(x, as.list(1:3))
x <- quote({ 1L; 2L; 3L })
quos(!!! x)
expect_equal(x, quote({ 1L; 2L; 3L })) # equal because of srcrefs
test_that("exprs() preserves spliced quosures", {
out <- exprs(!!!quos(a, b))
expect_identical(out, exprs(!!quo(a), !!quo(b)))
expect_identical(out, named_list(quo(a), quo(b)))
test_that("!!! fails with non-vectors", {
expect_error_(exprs(!!!env()), "not a vector")
expect_error_(exprs(!!!function() NULL), "not a vector")
expect_error_(exprs(!!!base::c), "not a vector")
expect_error_(exprs(!!!base::`{`), "not a vector")
expect_error_(exprs(!!!expression()), "not a vector")
expect_error_(quos(!!!env()), "not a vector")
expect_error_(quos(!!!function() NULL), "not a vector")
expect_error_(quos(!!!base::c), "not a vector")
expect_error_(quos(!!!base::`{`), "not a vector")
expect_error_(quos(!!!expression()), "not a vector")
expect_error_(expr(list(!!!env())), "not a vector")
expect_error_(expr(list(!!!function() NULL)), "not a vector")
expect_error_(expr(list(!!!base::c)), "not a vector")
expect_error_(expr(list(!!!base::`{`)), "not a vector")
expect_error_(expr(list(!!!expression())), "not a vector")
expect_error_(list2(!!!env()), "not a vector")
expect_error_(list2(!!!function() NULL), "not a vector")
expect_error_(list2(!!!base::c), "not a vector")
expect_error_(list2(!!!base::`{`), "not a vector")
expect_error_(list2(!!!expression()), "not a vector")
test_that("!!! succeeds with vectors, pairlists and language objects", {
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!NULL), named_list())
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!pairlist(1)), named_list(1))
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!list(1)), named_list(1))
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!TRUE), named_list(TRUE))
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!1L), named_list(1L))
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!1), named_list(1))
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!1i), named_list(1i))
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!"foo"), named_list("foo"))
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!bytes(0)), named_list(bytes(0)))
expect_identical_(quos(!!!NULL), quos_list())
expect_identical_(quos(!!!pairlist(1)), quos_list(quo(1)))
expect_identical_(quos(!!!list(1)), quos_list(quo(1)))
expect_identical_(quos(!!!TRUE), quos_list(quo(TRUE)))
expect_identical_(quos(!!!1L), quos_list(quo(1L)))
expect_identical_(quos(!!!1), quos_list(quo(1)))
expect_identical_(quos(!!!1i), quos_list(quo(1i)))
expect_identical_(quos(!!!"foo"), quos_list(quo("foo")))
expect_identical_(quos(!!!bytes(0)), quos_list(quo(!!bytes(0))))
expect_identical_(expr(foo(!!!NULL)), quote(foo()))
expect_identical_(expr(foo(!!!pairlist(1))), quote(foo(1)))
expect_identical_(expr(foo(!!!list(1))), quote(foo(1)))
expect_identical_(expr(foo(!!!TRUE)), quote(foo(TRUE)))
expect_identical_(expr(foo(!!!1L)), quote(foo(1L)))
expect_identical_(expr(foo(!!!1)), quote(foo(1)))
expect_identical_(expr(foo(!!!1i)), quote(foo(1i)))
expect_identical_(expr(foo(!!!"foo")), quote(foo("foo")))
expect_identical_(expr(foo(!!!bytes(0))), expr(foo(!!bytes(0))))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!NULL), list())
expect_identical_(list2(!!!pairlist(1)), list(1))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!list(1)), list(1))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!TRUE), list(TRUE))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!1L), list(1L))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!1), list(1))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!1i), list(1i))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!"foo"), list("foo"))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!bytes(0)), list(bytes(0)))
test_that("!!! calls `[[`", {
as_quos_list <- function(x, env = empty_env()) {
new_quosures(map(x, new_quosure, env = env))
exp <- map(seq_along(mtcars), function(i) mtcars[[i]])
names(exp) <- names(mtcars)
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!mtcars), exp)
expect_identical_(quos(!!!mtcars), as_quos_list(exp))
expect_identical_(expr(foo(!!!mtcars)), do.call(call, c(list("foo"), exp)))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!mtcars), as.list(mtcars))
fct <- factor(c("a", "b"))
fct <- set_names(fct, c("x", "y"))
exp <- set_names(list(fct[[1]], fct[[2]]), names(fct))
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!fct), exp)
expect_identical_(quos(!!!fct), as_quos_list(exp))
expect_identical_(expr(foo(!!!fct)), do.call(call, c(list("foo"), exp)))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!fct), exp)
test_that("!!! errors on scalar S4 objects without a `[[` method", {
.Person <- methods::setClass("Person", slots = c(name = "character", species = "character"))
fievel <- .Person(name = "Fievel", species = "mouse")
test_that("!!! works with scalar S4 objects with a `[[` method defined", {
.Person2 <- methods::setClass("Person2", slots = c(name = "character", species = "character"))
fievel <- .Person2(name = "Fievel", species = "mouse")
methods::setMethod("[[", methods::signature(x = "Person2"),
function(x, i, ...) .Person2(name = x@name, species = x@species)
expect_identical_(list2(!!!fievel), list(fievel))
test_that("!!! works with all vector S4 objects", {
.Counts <- methods::setClass("Counts", contains = "numeric", slots = c(name = "character"))
fievel <- .Counts(c(1, 2), name = "Fievel")
expect_identical_(list2(!!!fievel), list(1, 2))
test_that("!!! calls `[[` with vector S4 objects", {
as_quos_list <- function(x, env = empty_env()) {
new_quosures(map(x, new_quosure, env = env))
foo <- function(x, y) {
list(x, y)
.Belongings <- methods::setClass("Belongings", contains = "list", slots = c(name = "character"))
fievel <- .Belongings(list(1, "x"), name = "Fievel")
methods::setMethod("[[", methods::signature(x = "Belongings"),
function(x, i, ...) .Belongings(x@.Data[[i]], name = x@name)
exp <- list(
.Belongings(list(1), name = "Fievel"),
.Belongings(list("x"), name = "Fievel")
exp_named <- set_names(exp, c("", ""))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!fievel), exp)
expect_identical_(eval_bare(expr(foo(!!!fievel))), exp)
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!fievel), exp_named)
expect_identical_(quos(!!!fievel), as_quos_list(exp_named))
test_that("!!! doesn't shorten S3 lists containing `NULL`", {
x <- structure(list(NULL), class = "foobar")
y <- structure(list(a = NULL, b = 1), class = "foobar")
expect_identical_(list2(!!!x), list(NULL))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!y), list(a = NULL, b = 1))
test_that("!!! goes through `[[` for record S3 types", {
x <- structure(list(x = c(1, 2, 3), y = c(3, 2, 1)), class = "rcrd")
`[[.rcrd` = function(x, i, ...) {
structure(lapply(unclass(x), "[[", i), class = "rcrd")
names.rcrd = function(x) {
`names<-.rcrd` = function(x, value) {
names(x$x) <- value
length.rcrd = function(x) {
x_named <- set_names(x, c("a", "b", "c"))
expect <- list(
a = structure(list(x = 1, y = 3), class = "rcrd"),
b = structure(list(x = 2, y = 2), class = "rcrd"),
c = structure(list(x = 3, y = 1), class = "rcrd")
expect_identical_(list2(!!!x_named), expect)
# bang ---------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("single ! is not treated as shortcut", {
expect_identical(quo(!foo), as_quosure(~!foo))
test_that("double and triple ! are treated as syntactic shortcuts", {
var <- local(quo(foo))
expect_identical(quo(!! var), as_quosure(var))
expect_identical(quo(!! quo(foo)), quo(foo))
expect_identical(quo(list(!!! letters[1:3])), quo(list("a", "b", "c")))
test_that("`!!` works in prefixed calls", {
var <- quo(cyl)
expect_identical(expr_interp(~mtcars$`!!`(quo_squash(var))), ~mtcars$cyl)
expect_identical(expr_interp(~foo$`!!`(quote(bar))), ~foo$bar)
expect_identical(expr_interp(~base::`!!`(quote(list))()), ~base::list())
test_that("one layer of parentheses around !! is removed", {
foo <- "foo"
expect_identical(expr((!! foo)), "foo")
expect_identical(expr(((!! foo))), quote(("foo")))
expect_identical(expr((!! foo) + 1), quote("foo" + 1))
expect_identical(expr(((!! foo)) + 1), quote(("foo") + 1))
expect_identical(expr((!! sym(foo))(bar)), quote(foo(bar)))
expect_identical(expr(((!! sym(foo)))(bar)), quote((foo)(bar)))
expect_identical(exprs((!! foo), ((!! foo))), named_list("foo", quote(("foo"))))
test_that("parentheses are not removed if there's a tail", {
expect_identical(expr((!! "a" + b)), quote(("a" + b)))
test_that("can use prefix form of `!!` with qualifying operators", {
expect_identical(expr(foo$`!!`(quote(bar))), quote(foo$bar))
expect_identical(expr(foo@`!!`(quote(bar))), quote(foo@bar))
expect_identical(expr(foo::`!!`(quote(bar))), quote(foo::bar))
expect_identical(expr(foo:::`!!`(quote(bar))), quote(foo:::bar))
expect_identical(expr(rlang::`!!`(quote(bar))), quote(rlang::bar))
expect_identical(expr(rlang:::`!!`(quote(bar))), quote(rlang:::bar))
test_that("can unquote within for loop (#417)", {
# Checks for an issue caused by wrong refcount of unquoted objects
x <- new_list(3)
for (i in 1:3) {
x[[i]] <- expr(!!i)
expect_identical(x, as.list(1:3))
for (i in 1:3) {
x[[i]] <- quo(!!i)
expect_identical(x, map(1:3, new_quosure, env = empty_env()))
for (i in 1:3) {
x[[i]] <- quo(foo(!!i))
exp <- list(quo(foo(1L)), quo(foo(2L)), quo(foo(3L)))
expect_identical(x, exp)
for (i in 1:3) {
x[[i]] <- quo(foo(!!!i))
expect_identical(x, exp)
# quosures -----------------------------------------------------------
test_that("quosures are created for all informative formulas", {
foo <- local(quo(foo))
bar <- local(quo(bar))
interpolated <- local(quo(list(!!foo, !!bar)))
expected <- new_quosure(call2("list", as_quosure(foo), as_quosure(bar)), env = get_env(interpolated))
expect_identical(interpolated, expected)
interpolated <- quo(!!interpolated)
expect_identical(interpolated, expected)
# dots_values() ------------------------------------------------------
test_that("can unquote-splice symbols", {
spliced <- list2(!!! list(quote(`_symbol`)))
expect_identical(spliced, list(quote(`_symbol`)))
test_that("can unquote symbols", {
expect_error_(dots_values(!! quote(.)), "`!!` in a non-quoting function")
# := -----------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("`:=` unquotes its LHS as name unless `.unquote_names` is FALSE", {
expect_identical(exprs(a := b), list(a = quote(b)))
expect_identical(exprs(a := b, .unquote_names = FALSE), named_list(quote(a := b)))
expect_identical(quos(a := b), quos_list(a = quo(b)))
expect_identical(quos(a := b, .unquote_names = FALSE), quos_list(new_quosure(quote(a := b))))
expect_identical(dots_list(a := NULL), list(a = NULL))
expect_identical(dots_splice(a := NULL), list(a = NULL))
test_that("`:=` chaining is detected at dots capture", {
expect_error(exprs(a := b := c), "chained")
expect_error(quos(a := b := c), "chained")
expect_error(dots_list(a := b := c), "chained")
expect_error(dots_splice(a := b := c), "chained")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("Unquote operators fail when called outside quasiquoted arguments", {
expect_qq_error <- function(object) expect_error(object, regexp = "within a defused argument")
expect_dyn_error <- function(object) expect_error(object, regexp = "within dynamic dots")
expect_dyn_error(a := b)
test_that("`.data[[` unquotes", {
foo <- "bar"
expect_identical_(expr(.data[[foo]]), quote(.data[["bar"]]))
expect_identical_(expr(deep(.data[[foo]])), quote(deep(.data[["bar"]])))
expect_identical_(exprs(.data[[foo]]), named_list(quote(.data[["bar"]])))
test_that("it is still possible to unquote manually within `.data[[`", {
foo <- "baz"
expect_identical(expr(.data[[!!toupper(foo)]]), quote(.data[["BAZ"]]))
test_that(".data[[ argument is not masked", {
cyl <- "carb"
expect_identical_(eval_tidy(expr(.data[[cyl]]), mtcars), mtcars$carb)
test_that(".data[[ on the LHS of := fails", {
expect_error(exprs(.data[["foo"]] := foo), "Can't use the `.data` pronoun on the LHS")
test_that("it is still possible to use .data[[ in list2()", {
.data <- mtcars
expect_identical_(list2(.data$cyl), list(mtcars$cyl))
test_that("can defuse-and-label and interpolate with glue", {
env_bind_lazy(current_env(), var = letters)
suffix <- "foo"
expect_identical(glue_first_pass("{{var}}_{suffix}"), glue::glue("letters_{{suffix}}"))
expect_identical(glue_embrace("{{var}}_{suffix}"), glue::glue("letters_foo"))
expect_identical(exprs("{{var}}_{suffix}" := 1), exprs(letters_foo = 1))
test_that("unquoted strings are not interpolated with glue", {
list2(!!"{foo}" := 1),
list(`{foo}` = 1)
test_that("englue() returns a bare string", {
fn <- function(x) englue("{{ x }}")
expect_null(attributes(fn(foo)), "foo")
test_that("englue() has good error messages (#1531)", {
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, cnd_class = TRUE, {
fn <- function(x) englue(c("a", "b"))
fn <- function(x) englue(env())
fn <- function(x) glue_embrace("{{ x }}_foo")
fn <- function(x) englue("{{ x }}_foo")
fn <- function(x) list2("{{ x }}_foo" := NULL)
test_that("can wrap englue() (#1565)", {
my_englue <- function(text) {
env = env(caller_env(), .qux = "QUX"),
error_arg = "text",
error_call = current_env()
fn <- function(x) {
foo <- "FOO"
my_englue("{{ x }}_{.qux}_{foo}")
expect_equal(fn(bar), "bar_QUX_FOO")
expect_equal(my_englue("{'foo'}"), "foo")
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, cnd_class = TRUE, {
my_englue(c("a", "b"))
# Lifecycle ----------------------------------------------------------
test_that("unquoting with rlang namespace is deprecated", {
expect_warning_(exprs(rlang::UQS(1:2)), regexp = "deprecated as of rlang 0.3.0")
expect_warning_(quo(list(rlang::UQ(1:2))), regexp = "deprecated as of rlang 0.3.0")
# Old tests
expect_identical(quo(rlang::UQ(toupper("a"))), new_quosure("A", empty_env()))
expect_identical(quo(list(rlang::UQS(list(a = 1, b = 2)))), quo(list(a = 1, b = 2)))
quo <- quo(rlang::UQ(NULL))
expect_equal(quo, quo(NULL))
quo <- tryCatch(quo(rlang::UQ()), error = identity)
expect_s3_class(quo, "error")
expect_match(quo$message, "must be called with an argument")
expect_error_(dots_values(rlang::UQ(quote(.))), "`!!` in a non-quoting function")
test_that("splicing language objects still works", {
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!~foo), named_list(~foo))
expect_identical_(exprs(!!!quote(foo(bar))), named_list(quote(foo(bar))))
expect_identical_(quos(!!!~foo), quos_list(quo(!!~foo)))
expect_identical_(quos(!!!quote(foo(bar))), quos_list(quo(foo(bar))))
expect_identical_(expr(foo(!!!~foo)), expr(foo(!!~foo)))
expect_identical_(expr(foo(!!!quote(foo(bar)))), expr(foo(foo(bar))))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!~foo), list(~foo))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!quote(foo(bar))), list(quote(foo(bar))))
test_that("can unquote string in function position", {
expect_identical_(expr((!!"foo")()), quote("foo"()))
test_that("{{ is a quote-unquote operator", {
fn <- function(foo) expr(list({{ foo }}))
expect_identical_(fn(bar), expr(list(!!quo(bar))))
expect_identical_(expr(list({{ letters }})), expr(list(!!quo(!!letters))))
expect_error_(expr(list({{ quote(foo) }})), "must be a symbol")
test_that("{{ only works in quoting functions", {
list2({{ "foo" }}),
"Can't use `{{` in a non-quoting function",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("{{ on the LHS of :=", {
foo <- "bar"
expect_identical_(exprs({{ foo }} := NA), exprs(bar = NA))
foo <- quote(bar)
expect_identical_(exprs({{ foo }} := NA), exprs(bar = NA))
foo <- quo(bar)
expect_identical_(exprs({{ foo }} := NA), exprs(bar = NA))
fn <- function(foo) exprs({{ foo }} := NA)
expect_identical_(fn(bar), exprs(bar = NA))
expect_error_(exprs({{ foo() }} := NA), "must be a symbol")
test_that("can unquote-splice in atomic capture", {
expect_identical_(chr("a", !!!c("b", "c"), !!!list("d")), c("a", "b", "c", "d"))
test_that("can unquote-splice multiple times (#771)", {
expect_identical(call2("foo", !!!list(1, 2), !!!list(3, 4)), quote(foo(1, 2, 3, 4)))
expect_identical(list2(!!!list(1, 2), !!!list(3, 4)), list(1, 2, 3, 4))
expect_identical(exprs(!!!list(1, 2), !!!list(3, 4)), named_list(1, 2, 3, 4))
expect_identical(expr(foo(!!!list(1, 2), !!!list(3, 4))), quote(foo(1, 2, 3, 4)))
test_that(".data[[quote(foo)]] creates strings (#836)", {
expect_identical(expr(call(.data[[quote(foo)]])), quote(call(.data[["foo"]])))
expect_identical(expr(call(.data[[!!quote(foo)]])), quote(call(.data[["foo"]])))
test_that(".data[[quo(foo)]] creates strings (#807)", {
expect_identical(expr(call(.data[[quo(foo)]])), quote(call(.data[["foo"]])))
expect_identical(expr(call(.data[[!!quo(foo)]])), quote(call(.data[["foo"]])))
test_that("can splice named empty vectors (#1045)", {
# Work around bug in `Rf_coerceVector()`
x <- named(dbl())
expect_equal(expr(foo(!!!x)), quote(foo()))
test_that("Unquoted LHS is not recursed into and mutated (#1103)", {
x <- quote(!!1 / !!2)
x_cpy <- duplicate(x)
out <- expr(!!x + 5)
expect_equal(out, call("+", x, 5))
expect_equal(x, x_cpy)
x <- quote(!!1 / !!2)
x_cpy <- duplicate(x)
out <- expr(!!x)
expect_equal(out, x_cpy)
expect_equal(x, x_cpy)
test_that("{{ foo; bar }} is not injected (#1087)", {
expr({{ 1 }; NULL}),
quote({{ 1 }; NULL})
test_that("englue() works", {
g <- function(var) englue("{{ var }}")
expect_equal(g(cyl), as_label(quote(cyl)))
expect_equal(g(1 + 1), as_label(quote(1 + 1)))
g <- function(var) englue("prefix_{{ var }}_suffix")
expect_equal(g(cyl), "prefix_cyl_suffix")
expect_equal(englue("{'foo'}"), "foo")
test_that("englue() checks for the size of its result (#1492)", {
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, cnd_class = TRUE, {
fn <- function(x) englue("{{ x }} {NULL}")
fn <- function(x) list2("{{ x }} {NULL}" := NULL)
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