#' Chop and unchop
#' @description
#' Chopping and unchopping preserve the width of a data frame, changing its
#' length. `chop()` makes `df` shorter by converting rows within each group
#' into list-columns. `unchop()` makes `df` longer by expanding list-columns
#' so that each element of the list-column gets its own row in the output.
#' `chop()` and `unchop()` are building blocks for more complicated functions
#' (like [unnest()], [unnest_longer()], and [unnest_wider()]) and are generally
#' more suitable for programming than interactive data analysis.
#' @details
#' Generally, unchopping is more useful than chopping because it simplifies
#' a complex data structure, and [nest()]ing is usually more appropriate
#' than `chop()`ing since it better preserves the connections between
#' observations.
#' `chop()` creates list-columns of class [vctrs::list_of()] to ensure
#' consistent behaviour when the chopped data frame is emptied. For
#' instance this helps getting back the original column types after
#' the roundtrip chop and unchop. Because `<list_of>` keeps tracks of
#' the type of its elements, `unchop()` is able to reconstitute the
#' correct vector type even for empty list-columns.
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_error_context
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param cols <[`tidy-select`][tidyr_tidy_select]> Columns to chop or unchop.
#' For `unchop()`, each column should be a list-column containing generalised
#' vectors (e.g. any mix of `NULL`s, atomic vector, S3 vectors, a lists,
#' or data frames).
#' @param keep_empty By default, you get one row of output for each element
#' of the list that you are unchopping/unnesting. This means that if there's a
#' size-0 element (like `NULL` or an empty data frame or vector), then that
#' entire row will be dropped from the output. If you want to preserve all
#' rows, use `keep_empty = TRUE` to replace size-0 elements with a single row
#' of missing values.
#' @param ptype Optionally, a named list of column name-prototype pairs to
#' coerce `cols` to, overriding the default that will be guessed from
#' combining the individual values. Alternatively, a single empty ptype
#' can be supplied, which will be applied to all `cols`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Chop ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' df <- tibble(x = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3), y = 1:6, z = 6:1)
#' # Note that we get one row of output for each unique combination of
#' # non-chopped variables
#' df %>% chop(c(y, z))
#' # cf nest
#' df %>% nest(data = c(y, z))
#' # Unchop --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' df <- tibble(x = 1:4, y = list(integer(), 1L, 1:2, 1:3))
#' df %>% unchop(y)
#' df %>% unchop(y, keep_empty = TRUE)
#' # unchop will error if the types are not compatible:
#' df <- tibble(x = 1:2, y = list("1", 1:3))
#' try(df %>% unchop(y))
#' # Unchopping a list-col of data frames must generate a df-col because
#' # unchop leaves the column names unchanged
#' df <- tibble(x = 1:3, y = list(NULL, tibble(x = 1), tibble(y = 1:2)))
#' df %>% unchop(y)
#' df %>% unchop(y, keep_empty = TRUE)
chop <- function(data, cols, ..., error_call = current_env()) {
check_data_frame(data, call = error_call)
check_required(cols, call = error_call)
cols <- tidyselect::eval_select(
expr = enquo(cols),
data = data,
allow_rename = FALSE,
error_call = error_call
cols <- tidyr_new_list(data[cols])
keys <- data[setdiff(names(data), names(cols))]
info <- vec_group_loc(keys)
keys <- info$key
indices <- info$loc
size <- vec_size(keys)
cols <- map(cols, col_chop, indices = indices)
cols <- new_data_frame(cols, n = size)
out <- vec_cbind(keys, cols, .error_call = error_call)
reconstruct_tibble(data, out)
col_chop <- function(x, indices) {
ptype <- vec_ptype(x)
out <- vec_chop(x, indices)
out <- new_list_of(out, ptype)
#' @export
#' @rdname chop
unchop <- function(data,
keep_empty = FALSE,
ptype = NULL,
error_call = current_env()) {
check_data_frame(data, call = error_call)
check_required(cols, call = error_call)
check_bool(keep_empty, call = error_call)
sel <- tidyselect::eval_select(
expr = enquo(cols),
data = data,
allow_rename = FALSE,
error_call = error_call
size <- vec_size(data)
names <- names(data)
# Start from first principles to avoid issues in any subclass methods
out <- new_data_frame(data, n = size)
cols <- out[sel]
# Remove unchopped columns to avoid slicing them needlessly later
out[sel] <- NULL
result <- df_unchop(
x = cols,
ptype = ptype,
keep_empty = keep_empty,
error_call = error_call
cols <- result$val
loc <- result$loc
out <- vec_slice(out, loc)
# Add unchopped columns back on then preserve original ordering
out <- tidyr_col_modify(out, cols)
out <- out[names]
reconstruct_tibble(data, out)
# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
# `df_unchop()` takes a data frame and unchops every column. This preserves the
# width, but changes the size.
# - If `keep_empty = TRUE`, empty elements (`NULL` and empty typed elements)
# are retained as their size 1 missing equivalents.
# - If `keep_empty = FALSE`, rows of entirely empty elements are dropped.
# - In the `keep_empty = FALSE` case, when determining the common size of the
# row, `NULL`s are not included in the computation, but empty typed elements
# are (i.e. you can't recycle integer() and 1:2).
# `df_unchop()` returns a data frame of two columns:
# - `loc` locations that map each row to their original row in `x`. Generally
# used to slice the data frame `x` was subset from to align it with `val`.
# - `val` the unchopped data frame.
df_unchop <- function(x, ..., ptype = NULL, keep_empty = FALSE, error_call = caller_env()) {
ptype <- check_list_of_ptypes(ptype, names = names(x), call = error_call)
size <- vec_size(x)
# Avoid any data frame subclass method dispatch
x <- new_data_frame(x, n = size)
width <- length(x)
x_names <- names(x)
seq_len_width <- seq_len(width)
seq_len_size <- seq_len(size)
if (width == 0L) {
# Algorithm requires >=1 columns
out <- list(loc = seq_len_size, val = x)
out <- new_data_frame(out, n = size)
x_ptypes <- map2(x, x_names, function(col, name) {
ptype[[name]] %||% list_of_ptype(col)
x_is_list <- map_lgl(x, vec_is_list)
x_sizes <- vector("list", length = width)
x_nulls <- vector("list", length = width)
for (i in seq_len_width) {
col <- x[[i]]
col_name <- x_names[[i]]
col_ptype <- x_ptypes[[i]]
col_is_list <- x_is_list[[i]]
if (!col_is_list) {
# Optimize rare non list-cols
x_sizes[[i]] <- vec_rep(1L, size)
x_nulls[[i]] <- vec_rep(FALSE, size)
col <- tidyr_new_list(col)
col_sizes <- list_sizes(col)
col_nulls <- vec_detect_missing(col)
# Always replace `NULL` elements with size 1 missing equivalent for recycling.
# These will be reset to `NULL` in `unchop_finalize()` if the
# entire row was missing and `keep_empty = FALSE`.
info <- list_replace_null(col, col_sizes, ptype = col_ptype)
col <- info$x
col_sizes <- info$sizes
if (keep_empty) {
info <- list_replace_empty_typed(col, col_sizes, ptype = col_ptype)
col <- info$x
col_sizes <- info$sizes
x[[i]] <- col
x_sizes[[i]] <- col_sizes
x_nulls[[i]] <- col_nulls
sizes <- reduce(x_sizes, unchop_sizes2, error_call = error_call)
info <- unchop_finalize(x, sizes, x_nulls, keep_empty)
x <- info$x
sizes <- info$sizes
out_loc <- vec_rep_each(seq_len_size, sizes)
out_size <- sum(sizes)
out_cols <- vector("list", length = width)
for (i in seq_len_width) {
col <- x[[i]]
col_name <- x_names[[i]]
col_ptype <- x_ptypes[[i]]
col_is_list <- x_is_list[[i]]
col_sizes <- x_sizes[[i]]
if (!col_is_list) {
# Optimize rare non list-cols
if (!is_null(col_ptype)) {
col <- vec_cast(
x = col,
to = col_ptype,
x_arg = col_name,
call = error_call
out_cols[[i]] <- vec_slice(col, out_loc)
# Drop outer names because inner elements have varying size
col <- unname(col)
row_recycle <- col_sizes != sizes
col[row_recycle] <- map2(col[row_recycle], sizes[row_recycle], vec_recycle, call = error_call)
col <- list_unchop(
x = col,
ptype = col_ptype,
error_arg = col_name,
error_call = error_call
if (is_null(col)) {
# This can happen when both of these are true:
# - `col` was an empty list(), or a list of all `NULL`s.
# - No ptype was specified for `col`, either by the user or by a list-of.
if (out_size != 0L) {
"`NULL` column generated, but output size is not `0`.",
.internal = TRUE
col <- unspecified(0L)
out_cols[[i]] <- col
names(out_cols) <- x_names
out_val <- new_data_frame(out_cols, n = out_size)
out <- list(loc = out_loc, val = out_val)
out <- new_data_frame(out, n = out_size)
unchop_sizes2 <- function(x, y, error_call) {
# Standard tidyverse recycling rules, just vectorized.
# Recycle `x` values with `y`
x_one <- x == 1L
if (any(x_one)) {
x[x_one] <- y[x_one]
# Recycle `y` values with `x`.
# Only necessary to be able to check for incompatibilities.
y_one <- y == 1L
if (any(y_one)) {
y[y_one] <- x[y_one]
# Check for incompatibilities
incompatible <- x != y
if (any(incompatible)) {
row <- which(incompatible)[[1]]
x <- x[[row]]
y <- y[[row]]
"In row {row}, can't recycle input of size {x} to size {y}.",
call = error_call
unchop_finalize <- function(x, sizes, x_nulls, keep_empty) {
if (keep_empty) {
return(list(x = x, sizes = sizes))
# If !keep_empty, `NULL` elements were temporarily given size 1L and
# converted to a size 1 missing equivalent for recycling. However, if the
# entire row was made up of `NULL`s, then we need to adjust the size back to
# 0L and convert back to `NULL`s since that row should be dropped.
null_row <- reduce(x_nulls, `&`)
if (any(null_row)) {
sizes[null_row] <- 0L
x <- vec_assign(x, null_row, vec_init(x, n = 1L))
list(x = x, sizes = sizes)
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