
Defines functions do_extrapolate

Documented in do_extrapolate

#' Wrapper for Extrapolating Old-Age Human Mortality Data Using
#' Various Mortality Models ("laws")
#' @inheritParams DemoTools::lt_rule_m_extrapolate
#' @param opt.method Optimization method to use. Default set to 'LF2'. See
#' \code{DemoTools::lt_rule_m_extrapolate} for all available options.
#' @inheritParams do_lifetable
#' @inherit do_lifetable return
#' @source The function is based on the methods implemented in the
#' \code{MortalityLaws} R package.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[DemoTools]{lt_rule_m_extrapolate}}
#' \code{\link[MortalityLaws]{MortalityLaw}}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1 - abridged data
#' # Extrapolate old-age mortality data
#' E <- do_extrapolate(X = DDSQLtools.data$Mx5,           # data - UN format
#'                     x_fit = c(75, 80, 85, 90),         # ages to be used in fitting
#'                     x_extr = c(90, 95, 100, 105, 110), # ages for which the extrapolation is applied
#'                     law = "kannisto")                  # the model
#' E
#' # Build 2 life table: 1st using the original data and the 2nd using the extended data
#' LT1 <- do_lifetable(X = DDSQLtools.data$Mx5)
#' LT2 <- do_lifetable(X = E)
#' LT1[LT1$IndicatorID == "ex", c("AgeStart", "DataValue")]
#' LT2[LT2$IndicatorID == "ex", c("AgeStart", "DataValue")]
#' dim(LT1)
#' dim(LT2) # note the 2nd life table has few extra rows
#' @export
do_extrapolate <- function(X,
                           law = c("kannisto",
                           verbose = TRUE,
                           opt.method = "LF2",
                           ...) {

  A   <- X$DataValue
  B   <- X$AgeStart
  C   <- match.call()
  fn  <- "lt_rule_m_extrapolate"

  E <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx = A,
                             x = B,
                             x_fit = x_fit,
                             x_extr = x_extr,
                             law = law,
                             opt.method = opt.method,

  age_names <- as.numeric(names(E$values))

  G <-
    within(data.frame(DataValue = E$values), {
      AgeID <- NA_real_
      AgeStart <- age_names
      AgeSpan <- age2int(age_names)
      AgeEnd <- NA_real_
      AgeMid <- NA_real_
      AgeLabel <- NA_real_
      SexID <- unique(X$SexID)
      IndicatorID <- unique(X$IndicatorID)
      DataTypeName <- paste0("DemoTools::", fn)
      DataTypeID <- paste(deparse(C), collapse = "")
      ReferencePeriod <- unique(X$ReferencePeriod)

  if (verbose) output_msg(fn, names(C))
  out <- format_output(X, G)
timriffe/DDSQLtools documentation built on Oct. 6, 2021, 5:34 p.m.