
# Data for comparison
Mx5 <- DDSQLtools.data$Mx5 
x1  <- c(70, 75, 80, 85, 90)        # ages to be used in fitting
x2  <- c(90, 95, 100, 105, 110) # ages for which the extrapolation is applied
M <- c("kannisto",

validate_data <- function(I, O) {
    # 1. The input should be positive;
    expect_true(all(I$DataValue >= 0))
    # 2. We always expect an output;
    # 3. Output should be a data.frame;
    expect_true(any(class(O) == "data.frame"))
    # 4. No of columns as in input;
    # expect_true(ncol(O) == ncol(I))
    # 5. The output must have the same or more rows as the input;
    expect_true(nrow(O) >= nrow(I))
    # 6. DataValue is always numeric;
    expect_true(class(O$DataValue) == "numeric")
    # 7. And positive;
    expect_true(all(O$DataValue >= 0))
    # 8. If the value in DataValue is to large maybe somebody should come back
    # here and do a manual inspection.
    expect_true(all(O$DataValue <= 1e2))

for (i in M) {
  test_that(paste0("do_extrapolate with ", i), {
    # Expect a message here;
      E1 <- do_extrapolate(X = Mx5,
                           x_fit = x1,
                           x_extr = x2,
                           law = i,
                           verbose = TRUE)

    validate_data(I = Mx5, O = E1)
timriffe/DDSQLtools documentation built on Oct. 6, 2021, 5:34 p.m.