Defines functions agesmth1 poly_smth1 loess_smth1

Documented in agesmth1 loess_smth1 poly_smth1

# Author: tim

# OAG: logical is the last value an open age group that shoud be preserved?
# ... optional arguments to pass to \code{loess()}. notably \code{span} might be interesting, as it controls smoothness
# Consider CIs, JMA.
#' Wrapper to LOESS using demographic data.
#' @description LOESS (locally weighted smoothing) helps to smooth data over age, preserving the open age group if necessary. This is a simple wrapper to \code{stats::loess()} but using standard demographic arguments.
#'  It is a popular tool to create a smooth line through a timeplot or scatter plot.
#' @details The total sum of \code{Value} is preserved in the output. One can control smoothness using the \code{spar} argument of \code{stats::loess()}. See \code{\link[stats]{loess}} for more details.
#' @inheritParams smooth_age_5
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to \code{stats::loess()}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats loess
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Age <- 0:99
#' plot(Age,pop1m_pasex)
#' lines(Age, loess_smth1(pop1m_pasex, Age, FALSE))
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{loess}}
loess_smth1     <- function(Value, Age, OAG = TRUE, ...) {
  scale         <- sum(Value, na.rm = TRUE)
  N             <- length(Value)
  stopifnot(N == length(Age))
  age           <- Age
  # separate Open age group if desired.
  if (OAG) {
    OA          <- Value[N]
    Value       <- Value[-N]
    age         <- age[-N]
    scale       <- scale - OA
  fit           <- loess(Value ~ age, ...)
  out           <- fit$fitted
  # negatives not allowed!
  #out[out < 0] <- 0
  # enforce sums
  out           <- rescale_vector(out,  scale)
  # tack open age group back on
  if (OAG) {
    out         <- c(out, OA)
  # name vector
  names(out)    <- Age

# ---------
# degree integer degree of polynomial, default 2
# trans character. tranformation to Value prior to fitting? \code{"log"} is the
# only implemented possibility at this time. Leave empty otherwise.
# OAG: logical is the last value an open age group that shoud be preserved?
# ... other optional arguments to pass to \code{lm()}

#' Fit a polynomial to demographic data
#' @description Smooth data over age fitting linear models, preserving the open age group if necessary.
#' This is a wrapper to \code{stats::lm()} but using standard demographic arguments.
#' @details The total sum of \code{Value} is preserved in the output. One can control smoothness by adjusting the degree of the polynomial (higher degree more wiggly). See \code{\link[stats]{lm}} for more details. One may wish to log transform the data before fitting the polynomial, in which case \code{trans} should be specified as \code{"log"}. \code{"power"} is also an option in which case the data is transformed by \code{Value^(1/pow)} before fitting, and then the prediction is back-transformed (negative values not allowed)-- This is friendlier in the case of 0s. For the log transformation, 0s have no weight.
#' @inheritParams smooth_age_5
#' @param degree integer degree of polynomial. Default 2.
#' @param trans if a transformation is desired, either specify \code{"log"} or \code{"power"}, otherwise leave missing.
#' @param pow if \code{"power"} specified for \code{trans} then the power transformation to apply.
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to \code{stats::lm()}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Age <- 0:99
#' cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(7,"Reds")[3:7]
#' plot(Age,pop1m_pasex)
#' lines(Age, poly_smth1(pop1m_pasex, Age, OAG = FALSE),col=cols[1])
#' lines(Age, poly_smth1(pop1m_pasex, Age, degree = 3, OAG = FALSE), col = cols[2])
#' lines(Age, poly_smth1(pop1m_pasex, Age, degree = 3, trans = "log", OAG = FALSE), col = cols[3])
#' lines(Age, poly_smth1(pop1m_pasex, Age, degree = 3,
#'       trans = "power", pow = 2, OAG = FALSE), col = cols[4])
#' lines(Age, poly_smth1(pop1m_pasex, Age, degree = 4,
#'       trans = "power", pow = 3, OAG = FALSE), col = cols[5])
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{lm}}
#' @importFrom stats lm

poly_smth1 <-
           degree = 2,
           pow = 2,
           OAG = TRUE,
           ...) {
    scale                     <- sum(Value, na.rm = TRUE)
    N                         <- length(Value)
    stopifnot(N == length(Age))
    # rename because we modify
    age                       <- Age
    value                     <- Value
    # default regression weights
    w                         <- rep(1, length(value))
    # separate Open age group if desired.
    if (OAG) {
      OA                      <- value[N]
      value                   <- value[-N]
      age                     <- age[-N]
      scale                   <- scale - OA
      w                       <- w[-N]
    # -------------------------
    # log transform to constrain positive, if desired
    # indicator
    lTF                       <- FALSE
    pTF                       <- FALSE
    if (!missing(trans)) {
      if (trans == "log") {
        lTF                   <- TRUE
        value                 <- log(value)
        w[is.infinite(value)] <- NA
      if (trans == "power") {
        pTF                   <- TRUE
        value                 <- value ^ (1 / pow)
    # -------------------------
    # build up polynomial expression
    polys                     <- 2:degree
    polys2                    <- paste0("age^", polys)
    polys3                    <- paste0(" + I(", polys2, ")")
    # final formula
    expr                      <- paste0("Value. ~ age", paste(polys3, collapse = ""))
    # stick elements into ad hoc data.frame
    dataf                     <- data.frame(Value. = value, age = age, w = w)
    # fit linear model
    fit                       <- lm(expr, weights = w, data = dataf, ...)
    # get predicted values
    out                       <- predict(fit)
    # -------------------------
    # transform back, if necessary
    if (lTF) {
      out                     <- exp(out)
    if (pTF) {
      out                     <- out ^ pow
    # -------------------------
    # closing steps
    # negatives not allowed!
    #out[out < 0]             <- 0
    # enforce sums
    out                       <- rescale_vector(out,  scale)
    # tack OAG back on, if necessary
    if (OAG) {
      out                     <- c(out, OA)
    # name vector
    names(out)                <- Age

#' Generic smoother over age or time
#' @description One dimensional smoothing over age (or time) using either loess (\code{"loess"} or polynomial \code{"poly"} regression.
#'  Results of loess may at times be similar to a two-step \code{smooth_age_5()} method followed by graduation (e.g. \code{graduate_beers()} or \code{graduate_beers()},
#'  but local totals are not not constrained for any of the \code{agesmth1()} methods at this time. Total counts are
#'  constrained to the original total in all cases.
#' @details LOESS (locally weighted smoothing) helps to smooth data over age, preserving the open age group if necessary.
#'  It is a popular tool to create a smooth line through a timeplot or scatter plot.
#'  Loess smoothness may be tweaked by specifying an optional \code{"span"} argument.
#' Polynomial  fitting is used to smooth data over age or time fitting linear models.
#' It can be tweaked by changing the degree and by either log or power transforming.
#' The open age group can be kept as-is if desired by specifying \code{OAG = TRUE}.
#' May be used on any age groups, including irregularly spaced, single age, or 5-year age groups.
#' Predictions are only returned for the original age groups.
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{lm}}, \code{\link[stats]{loess}} \code{\link{poly_smth1}}, \code{\link{loess_smth1}}
#' @inheritParams poly_smth1
#' @param method character, either \code{"loess"} or \code{"poly"}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Age <- 0:99
#'  #cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(7,"Reds")[3:7]
#'  cols <-  c("#FC9272", "#FB6A4A", "#EF3B2C", "#CB181D", "#99000D")
#' \dontrun{
#'  plot(Age,pop1m_pasex)
#'  lines(Age, agesmth1(pop1m_pasex, Age, method="poly", OAG = FALSE),col=cols[1])
#'  lines(Age, agesmth1(pop1m_pasex, Age, method="poly", degree = 3, OAG = FALSE), col = cols[2])
#'  lines(Age, agesmth1(pop1m_pasex, Age, method="poly", degree = 3,
#'        trans = "log", OAG = FALSE), col = cols[3])
#'  lines(Age, agesmth1(pop1m_pasex, Age, method="poly", degree = 3,
#'        trans = "power", pow = 2, OAG = FALSE), col = cols[4])
#'  lines(Age, agesmth1(pop1m_pasex, Age, method="poly", degree = 4,
#'        trans = "power", pow = 3, OAG = FALSE), col = cols[5])
#'  lines(Age, agesmth1(pop1m_pasex, Age, method="loess", OAG = FALSE), col = "royalblue")
#'  lines(Age, agesmth1(pop1m_pasex, Age, method="loess", span = 1, OAG = FALSE), col = "blue")
#' }

agesmth1 <-
           method = "loess",
           OAG = TRUE,
           degree = 2,
           pow = 2,
           ...) {
    if (method == "loess") {
      out <- loess_smth1(Value = Value,
                         Age = Age,
                         OAG = OAG,
    if (method == "poly") {
      out <-
          Value = Value,
          Age = Age,
          degree = degree,
          trans = trans,
          pow = pow,
          OAG = OAG,
timriffe/DemoTools documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 5:13 a.m.