# --------------------------------------------------- #
# Author: Marius D. Pascariu
# License: CC-BY-NC 4.0
# Last update: Wed Nov 28 11:17:51 2018
# --------------------------------------------------- #
#' Extrapolate old-age human mortality curve using mortality laws
#' @inheritParams MortalityLaws::MortalityLaw
#' @param mx Vector or matrix of age specific death-rates.
#' @param x_fit Ages to be considered in estimating the mortality model parameters.
#' \code{x_fit} can be a subset of \code{x}. However, after the model is identifies
#' fitted values and residuals are computed for all ages in \code{x}.
#' @param x_extr Ages for which to extrapolate the death-rates.
#' @param law The name of the mortality law/model to be used.
#' The following options are available: \itemize{
#' \item{\code{"kannisto"}} -- The Kannisto model;
#' \item{\code{"kannisto_makeham"}} -- The Kannisto-Makeham model;
#' \item{\code{"gompertz"}} -- The Gompertz model;
#' \item{\code{"ggompertz"}} -- The Gamma-Gompertz model;
#' \item{\code{"makeham"}} -- The Makeham model;
#' \item{\code{"beard"}} -- The Beard model;
#' \item{\code{"beard_makeham"}} -- The Beard-Makeham model;
#' \item{\code{"quadratic"}} -- The Quadratic model.
#' }
#' @param opt.method character. Default `"LF2"`, see `MortalityLaws::MortalityLaw` for a description of choices.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed on to the
#' \code{\link[MortalityLaws]{MortalityLaw}} function.
#' @details If fitting fails to converge, then we refit assuming Gompertz mortality with explicit starting parameters of `parS = c(A = 0.005, B = 0.13)` and a warning is issued.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[MortalityLaws]{MortalityLaw}}
#' \code{\link[MortalityLaws]{predict.MortalityLaw}}
#' @return An object of class \code{lt_rule_m_extrapolate} with the following components:
#' \item{input}{List with arguments provided in input. Saved for convenience.}
#' \item{call}{An unevaluated function call, that is, an unevaluated expression that consists of the named function applied to the given arguments.}
#' \item{fitted.model}{An object of class \code{\link[MortalityLaws]{MortalityLaw}}. Here one can find fitted values, residuals, goodness of fit measures etc.}
#' \item{values}{A vector or matrix containing the complete mortality data, that is the modified input data following the extrapolation procedure.}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1 - abridged data
#' # Age-specific death rates
#' mx <- c(.0859, .0034, .0009, .0007, .0016, .0029, .0036, .0054,
#' .0053, .0146, .0127, .0269, .0170, .0433, .0371, .0784,
#' .0930, .1399, .1875, .2250, .2500, .3000)
#' # Vector of ages
#' x <- c(0, 1, seq(5, 100, by = 5))
#' names(mx) <- x
#' # Fit the models / Extrapolate the mortality curve
#' x_fit = c(80, 85, 90, 95, 100)
#' x_extr = 90:110
#' f1 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx, x, x_fit, x_extr, law = "kannisto")
#' f2 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx, x, x_fit, x_extr, law = "kannisto_makeham")
#' f3 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx, x, x_fit, x_extr, law = "gompertz")
#' f4 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx, x, x_fit, x_extr, law = "ggompertz")
#' # makeham falls back to gompertz for this data
#' suppressWarnings(f5 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx, x, x_fit, x_extr, law = "makeham"))
#' f6 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx, x, x_fit, x_extr, law = "beard")
#' f7 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx, x, x_fit, x_extr, law = "beard_makeham")
#' f8 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx, x, x_fit, x_extr, law = "quadratic")
#' # Plot the results
#' \dontrun{
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' plot(x, mx, pch = 16, xlim = c(60, 110), ylim = c(0, 0.6), cex = 1.5)
#' points(x_fit, mx[paste(x_fit)], pch = 16, col = 4, cex = 1.5)
#' lines(x_extr, f1$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 1, col = 2, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, f2$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 2, col = 3, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, f3$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 3, col = 4, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, f4$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 4, col = 5, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, f5$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 5, col = 6, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, f6$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 6, col = 7, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, f7$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 7, col = 8, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, f8$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 8, col = 9, lwd = 2)
#' legend("topleft", bty = "n",
#' legend = c("Obs. Values", "Obs. Values used in fitting",
#' "Kannisto", "Kannisto-Makeham", "Gompertz", "Gamma-Gompertz",
#' "Makeham", "Beard", "Beard-Makeham", "Quadratic"),
#' lty = c(NA, NA, 1:8), pch = c(16, 16, rep(NA, 8)),
#' col = c(1, 4, 2:9), lwd = 2, pt.cex = 2)
#' # ----------------------------------------------
#' # Example 2 - 1-year age data
#' # Age-specific death rates
#' mx1 <- c(.0070, .0082, .0091, .0096, .0108, .0122, .0141, .0150, .0165, .0186,
#' .0205, .0229, .0259, .0294, .0334, .0379, .0426, .0482, .0550, .0628,
#' .0716, .0806, .0897, .1003, .1149, .1264, .1558, .1563, .1812, .2084,
#' .2298, .2536, .2813, .3143, .3352, .3651, .4128)
#' # Vector of ages
#' x1 <- 65:101
#' names(mx1) <- x1
#' # Fit the models / Extrapolate the mortality curve
#' x_fit = 80:95
#' x_extr = 80:125
#' g1 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx1, x1, x_fit, x_extr, law = "kannisto")
#' g2 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx1, x1, x_fit, x_extr, law = "kannisto_makeham")
#' g3 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx1, x1, x_fit, x_extr, law = "gompertz")
#' g4 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx1, x1, x_fit, x_extr, law = "ggompertz")
#' g5 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx1, x1, x_fit, x_extr, law = "makeham")
#' g6 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx1, x1, x_fit, x_extr, law = "beard")
#' g7 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx1, x1, x_fit, x_extr, law = "beard_makeham")
#' g8 <- lt_rule_m_extrapolate(mx1, x1, x_fit, x_extr, law = "quadratic")
#' # Plot
#' \dontrun{
#' plot(x1, mx1, log = "y", ylim = c(0.001, 5),
#' pch = 16, xlim = c(65, 125), cex = 1.3)
#' points(x_fit, mx1[paste(x_fit)], pch = 16, col = 4, cex = 1.5)
#' lines(x_extr, g1$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 1, col = 2, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, g2$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 2, col = 3, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, g3$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 3, col = 4, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, g4$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 4, col = 5, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, g5$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 5, col = 6, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, g6$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 6, col = 7, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, g7$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 7, col = 8, lwd = 2)
#' lines(x_extr, g8$values[paste(x_extr)], lty = 8, col = 9, lwd = 2)
#' legend("topleft", bty = "n",
#' legend = c("Obs. Values", "Obs. Values used in fitting",
#' "Kannisto", "Kannisto-Makeham", "Gompertz", "Gamma-Gompertz",
#' "Makeham", "Beard", "Beard-Makeham", "Quadratic"),
#' lty = c(NA, NA, 1:8), pch = c(16, 16, rep(NA, 8)),
#' col = c(1, 4, 2:9), lwd = 2, pt.cex = 2)
#' @author Marius D. Pascariu <rpascariu@@outlook.com>
#' @export
lt_rule_m_extrapolate <- function(mx,
x_fit = x,
law = "kannisto",
opt.method = "LF2",
...) {
dm <- dim(mx)
if (length(dm) == 1 | (length(mx) == 2 & any(dm == 1))){
mx <- c(mx)
all_the_laws_we_care_about <- c("kannisto",
law <- match.arg(law, choices = all_the_laws_we_care_about)
opt.choices <- c("poissonL","LF2", "LF1", "LF3",
"LF4", "LF5", "LF6", "binomialL")
opt.method <- match.arg(opt.method, opt.choices)
# Save the input
input <- as.list(environment())
# Fit the mortality model
M <- MortalityLaw(
x = x,
mx = mx,
fit.this.x = x_fit,
law = law,
opt.method = opt.method,
if (!is.null(M$opt.diagnosis)){
if( M$opt.diagnosis$convergence != 0){
warning("Extrapolation failed to converge\nFalling back to Gompertz with starting parameters:\n parS = c(A = 0.005, B = 0.13))",
immediate. = TRUE)
parS <- c(A = 0.005, B = 0.13)
law <- "gompertz"
M <- MortalityLaw(
x = x,
mx = mx,
fit.this.x = x_fit,
law = law,
parS = parS,
# TR: this will fail if a matrix is given where we only x_extr for 1 age.
chop <- FALSE
if (length(x_extr) == 1){
chop <- TRUE
x_extr <- c(x_extr, x_extr + 1)
pv <- predict(object = M,
x = x_extr)
if (chop){
pv <- pv[1]
x_extr <- x_extr[1]
# which ages are not to be replaced with fitted values?
L <- !(x %in% x_extr)
# Create the output object
if (is.vector(mx)) {
names(mx) <- x
values <- c(mx[L], pv)
} else {
rownames(mx) <- x
values <- rbind(mx[L, ], pv)
# Exit
out <- list(
input = input,
call = match.call(),
fitted.model = M,
values = values
out <- structure(class = "lt_rule_m_extrapolate", out)
# Not used internally, so deprecating without notice
# #' Print function for extra_mortality method
# #' @param x An object of the class \code{"extra_mortality"}.
# #' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
# #' @keywords internal
# #' @export
# print.extra_mortality <- function(x, ...) {
# info <- as.matrix(x$fitted.model$info$model.info[, c(2, 3)])
# message(paste(info, collapse = " model: "))
# message("\nAges in input:", paste(range(x$input$x), collapse = " - "))
# message("\nAges in fit :", paste(range(x$input$x_fit), collapse = " - "))
# message("\nAges in extrapolation:", paste(range(x$input$x_extr), collapse = " - "))
# }
# #' coef function for extra_mortality method
# #' @param object An object of the class \code{"extra_mortality"}.
# #' @inheritParams print.extra_mortality
# #' @aliases coefficients.extra_mortality
# #' @keywords internal
# #' @export
# coef.extra_mortality <- function(object, ...) {
# coef(object$fitted.model)
# }
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