
Defines functions shp_to_df gis_wsp gis_windfield gis_storm_surge_flood gis_prob_storm_surge gis_outlook gis_latest gis_download gis_breakpoints gis_advisory

Documented in gis_advisory gis_breakpoints gis_download gis_latest gis_outlook gis_prob_storm_surge gis_storm_surge_flood gis_windfield gis_wsp shp_to_df

#' @title gis_advisory
#' @description Advisory Forecast Track, Cone of Uncertainty, and
#'   Watches/Warnings
#' @param key Key of storm (i.e., AL012008, EP092015)
#' @param advisory Advisory number. If NULL, all advisories are returned.
#'   Intermediate advisories are acceptable.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gis_download}}
#' @export
gis_advisory <- function(key, advisory = as.character()) {

  if (is.null(key))
    stop("Please provide a `key`.", call. = FALSE)

  key <- stringr::str_to_lower(key)

  if (!grepl("^[[:lower:]]{2}[[:digit:]]{6}$", key))
    stop("`key` should be a 8-character alphanumeric string.", call. = FALSE)

  key <- stringr::str_match(key,
         pattern = stringr::str_c("([:lower:]{2})([:digit:]{2})",

  # Get list of GIS forecast zips for storm and download
  url <- sprintf("%sgis/archive_forecast_results.php?id=%s%s&year=%s",
                 key[,2],         # Basin
                 key[,3],         # Storm number
                 key[,4])         # Year
  contents <- readr::read_lines(url)

  # Match zip files. If advisory is empty then need to pull all zip files for
  # the storm. Otherwise, pull only selected advisory.
  if (purrr::is_empty(advisory)) {
    ptn <- sprintf(".+(forecast/archive/%s.*?\\.zip).+",
  } else {
    advisory <- stringr::str_match(advisory, "([:digit:]{1,3})([:alpha:]*)")
    names(advisory) <- c("original", "advisory", "int_adv")
    ptn <- sprintf(".+(forecast/archive/%s.*?%s%s\\.zip).+",
                   stringr::str_pad(string = advisory[["advisory"]],
                                    width = 3, side = "left", pad = "0"),

  matches <- stringr::str_match(contents, pattern = ptn)[,2]
  matches <- matches[stats::complete.cases(matches)]

  if (purrr::is_empty(matches)) return(NULL)

  # Append website domain to links
  stringr::str_c(get_nhc_link(), "gis/", matches)

#' @title gis_breakpoints
#' @description Return link to breakpoints shapefile by year
#' @details Coastal areas placed under tropical storm and hurricane watches and
#'   warnings are identified through the use of "breakpoints." A tropical
#'   cyclone breakpoint is defined as an agreed upon coastal location that can
#'   be chosen as one of two specific end points or designated places between
#'   which a tropical storm/hurricane watch/warning is in effect. The U.S.
#'   National Weather Service designates the locations along the U.S. East,
#'   Gulf, and California coasts, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii. These points are
#'   listed in NWS Directive 10-605 (PDF). Individual countries across the
#'   Caribbean, Central America, and South America provide coastal locations
#'   for their areas of responsibility to the U.S. National Weather Service for
#'   the National Hurricane Center's use in tropical cyclone advisories when
#'   watches/warnings are issued by international partners. The National
#'   Hurricane Center maintains a list of pre-arranged breakpoints for the U.S.
#'   Atlantic and Gulf coasts, Mexico, Cuba and the Bahamas. Other sites are
#'   unofficial and sites not on the list can be selected if conditions warrant.
#' @export
gis_breakpoints <- function() {

  breakpoint_file <-
    stringr::str_c(get_nhc_link, "gis/") |>
  breakpoint_file <-  rvest::html_nodes(breakpoint_file,
      xpath = "//tr[(((count(preceding-sibling::*) + 1) = 12) and parent::*)]//td"
  breakpoint_file <- rvest::html_children(breakpoint_file) |>
    rvest::html_attr("href") |>
  breakpoint_file <- complete.cases(breakpoint_file)

  stringr::str_c(get_nhc_link(withTrailingSlash = FALSE), breakpoint_file)


#' @title gis_download
#' @description Get GIS data for storm.
#' @param url link to GIS dataset to download.
#' @param ... additional parameters for simple features
#' @export
gis_download <- function(url, ...) {

  destdir <- tempdir()

  utils::download.file(file.path(url), zip_file <- tempfile())

  zip_contents <- utils::unzip(zip_file, list = TRUE)$Name

  utils::unzip(zip_file, exdir = destdir)

  shp_files <- stringr::str_match(zip_contents, pattern = ".+shp$")
  shp_files <- shp_files[stats::complete.cases(shp_files)]

  ds <-
      .x = destdir,
      .y = stringr::str_replace(shp_files, "\\.shp", ""),
      .f = sf::st_read,
      encoding = "UTF-8",
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      use_iconv = TRUE,

  rlang::set_names(ds, nm = stringr::str_replace(shp_files, "\\.shp", ""))


#' @title gis_latest
#' @description Latest GIS datasets for \strong{active} cyclones
#' @param basins AL and/or EP.
#' @param ... additional parameters for sf::st_read()
#' @export
gis_latest <- function(basins = c("AL", "EP"), ...) {

  if (!(all(basins %in% c("AL", "EP"))))
    stop("Basin must be one or both of AL or EP.", call. = FALSE)

  urls <- list("AL" = stringr::str_c(get_nhc_link(), "gis-at.xml"),
               "EP" = stringr::str_c(get_nhc_link(), "gis-ep.xml"))

  gis_zips <-
    basins |>
    purrr::map(~xml2::read_xml(urls[[.x]])) |>
    purrr::map(~ xml2::xml_find_all(.x, xpath = ".//link") |>
                 xml2::xml_text()) |>
    purrr::map(stringr::str_match, ".+\\.zip$") |>

  gis_latest <- gis_latest[!is.na(gis_latest)]

  if (purrr::is_empty(gis_zips)) return(NULL)

  purrr::map(gis_zips, gis_download, ...)

#' @title gis_outlook
#' @description Tropical Weather Outlook
#' @seealso \code{\link{gis_download}}
#' @export
gis_outlook <- function() {
  stringr::str_c(get_nhc_link(), "xgtwo/gtwo_shapefiles.zip")

#' @title gis_prob_storm_surge
#' @description Probabilistic Storm Surge
#' @param key Key of storm (i.e., AL012008, EP092015)
#' @param products list of products and associated n values; psurge (0:20) or
#'   esurge (10, 20, 30, 40, 50).
#' @param datetime Datetime in \%Y\%m\%d\%H format.
#' @details Probabilistic Storm Surge Forecasts
#' @section Products:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{esurge}{The Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Exceedances (P-Surge 2.5)
#'     data shows the probability, in percent, of a specified storm surge,
#'     including tides, exceeding the specified height, in feet, during the
#'     forecast period indicated. The 10 percent exceedance height, for example,
#'     is the storm surge height, including tides, above ground level (AGL) such
#'     that there is a 10 percent chance of exceeding it. The product is based
#'     upon an ensemble of Sea, Lake,and Overland Surge from Hurricanes (SLOSH)
#'     model runs using the National Hurricane Center (NHC) official advisory
#'     and accounts for track, size, and intensity errors based on historical
#'     errors and astronomical tide. Valid values are 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50.}
#'   \item{psurge}{The Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Probabilities (P-Surge 2.5)
#'     data shows the probability, in percent, of a specified storm surge
#'     occurring during the forecast period indicated. The product is based upon
#'     an ensemble of Sea, Lake, and Overland Surge from Hurricanes (SLOSH)
#'     model runs using the National Hurricane Center(NHC) official advisory
#'     and accounts for track, size, and intensity errors based on historical
#'     errors and astronomical tide. Valid values are 0:20.}
#' }
#' @seealso \href{http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/surge/psurge.php}{Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Probabilities}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gis_download}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Return the last psurge0 product for storm AL092016
#' gis_prob_storm_surge("AL092016", products = list("psurge" = 0))
#' # Return the psurge0 and esurge10 products for storm AL092016
#' gis_prob_storm_surge("AL092016", products = list("psurge" = 0, "esurge" = 1
#' 0))
#' # Return all psurge0 products for Sep 2, 2016, storm AL092016
#' gis_prob_storm_surge("AL092016", products = list("psurge" = 0),
#'            datetime = "20160902")
#' }
#' @export
gis_prob_storm_surge <- function(key, products, datetime = NULL) {

  if (is.null(key))
    stop("Please provide a storm `key`.", call. = FALSE)

  # Validate products
  if (!(all(names(products) %in% c("psurge", "esurge"))))
    stop("`products` must be 'psurge' and/or 'esurge'.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(products[["psurge"]]))
    if (!(all(dplyr::between(products[["psurge"]], 0, 20))))
      stop("'psurge' values must be between 0 and 20.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(products[["esurge"]]))
    if (!(all(products[["esurge"]] %in% seq(10, 50, by = 10))))
      stop("'esurge' values must be 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50.", call. = FALSE)

  key <- stringr::str_to_lower(key)

  if (!grepl("^[[:lower:]]{2}[[:digit:]]{6}$", key))
    stop("`key` should be a 8-character alphanumeric string.", call. = FALSE)

  key <- stringr::str_match(key,
                            pattern = stringr::str_c("([:lower:]{2})([:digit:]",

  # Get list of GIS forecast zips for storm and download
  url <- sprintf("%sgis/archive_psurge_results.php?id=%s%s&year=%s",
                 key[,2],         # Basin
                 key[,3],         # Storm number
                 key[,4])         # Year

  contents <- readr::read_lines(url)

  # Build product pattern
  ptn_product <-
    purrr::map2(.x = names(products),
                .y = products,
                .f = stringr::str_c) |>

  # Build datetime pattern
  if (is.null(datetime)) {
    ptn_datetime <- "[:digit:]+"
  } else {
    # If x$datetime is 10 digits, then user is looking for specific datetime
    # value. Pattern must be that value.
    if (grepl("[[:digit:]]{10}", datetime)) {
      ptn_datetime <- datetime
    } else {
      # Otherwise, x$datetime is beginning of pattern with wildcard at end
      ptn_datetime <- stringr::str_c(datetime, "[:digit:]+")

  # Match zip files.
  ptn <- sprintf(".+(storm_surge/%s_(%s)_(%s)\\.zip).+",
                 stringr::str_c(ptn_product, collapse = "|"),

  matches <- stringr::str_match(contents, pattern = ptn)[,2]
  matches <- matches[stats::complete.cases(matches)]

  if (purrr::is_empty(matches)) return(NULL)

  stringr::str_c(get_nhc_link(), "gis/", matches)

#' @title gis_storm_surge_flood
#' @description Potential Storm Surge Flooding (Inundation)
#' @param key Key of storm (i.e., AL012008, EP092015)
#' @param advisory Advisory number.
#' @param products indundation or tidalmask
#' @seealso \code{\link{gis_download}}
#' @export
gis_storm_surge_flood <- function(key,
                                  advisory = as.numeric(),
                                  products = c("inundation", "tidalmask")) {

  if (is.null(key)) stop("Please provide a storm `key`.", call. = FALSE)

  key <- stringr::str_to_upper(key)

  if (!grepl("^[[:alpha:]]{2}[[:digit:]]{6}$", key))
    stop("`key` should be a 8-character alphanumeric string.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!(any(products %in% c("inundation", "tidalmask"))))
    stop("`products` must be 'inundation' or 'tidalmask'.", call. = FALSE)

  key <- stringr::str_match(key,
                            pattern = stringr::str_c("([:alpha:]{2})([:digit:]",

  # Get list of GIS zips for storm and download
  url <- sprintf("%sgis/archive_inundation_results.php?id=%s%s&year=%s",
                 key[,2],         # Basin
                 key[,3],         # Storm number
                 key[,4])         # Year

  contents <- readr::read_lines(url)

  if (purrr::is_empty(advisory)) {
    ptn <- sprintf(".+(%s/%s%s%s_[:digit:]{1,2}_(%s)\\.zip).+",
                   stringr::str_sub(key[,4], start = 3L, end = 4L),
                   stringr::str_c(products, collapse = "|"))
  } else {
    ptn <- sprintf(".+(inundation/forecasts/%s%s%s_%s_(%s)\\.zip).+",
                   stringr::str_sub(key[,4], start = 3L, end = 4L),
                   stringr::str_pad(advisory, width = 2, side = "left",
                                    pad = "0"),
                   stringr::str_c(products, collapse = "|"))

  matches <- stringr::str_match(contents, pattern = ptn)[,2]
  matches <- matches[stats::complete.cases(matches)]

  if (purrr::is_empty(matches)) return(NULL)

  stringr::str_c(get_nhc_link(), "gis/", matches)


#' @title gis_windfield
#' @description Advisory Wind Field and Forecast Wind Radii
#' @param key Key of storm (i.e., AL012008, EP092015)
#' @param advisory Advisory number. If NULL, all advisories are returned.
#' Intermediate advisories are acceptable.
#' @details Tropical Cyclone Advisory Wind Field
#'  http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/gis/archive_forecast_info_results.php?id=al14&year
#'  =2016
#'  http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/gis/forecast/archive/
#' Example file name: al012017_fcst_001.zip
#' [basin]{2}[year_num]{2}[year]{4}_fcst_[advisory]{3}.zip
#' Many storms do not appear to have this data; especially earlier.
#' Not all advisories will be available for storms. For example,
#' \href{http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/gis/archive_forecast_info_results.php?id=al14&year=2016}{Hurricane Matthew (AL142016)}
#' is missing several advisories.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gis_download}}
#' @export
gis_windfield <- function(key, advisory = as.character()) {

  if (is.null(key))
    stop("Please provide a storm `key`.", call. = FALSE)

  key <- stringr::str_to_lower(key)

  if (!grepl("^[[:lower:]]{2}[[:digit:]]{6}$", key))
    stop("`key` should be a 8-character alphanumeric string.", call. = FALSE)

  key <- stringr::str_match(key,
                            pattern = stringr::str_c("([:lower:]{2})([:digit:]",

  # Get list of GIS forecast zips for storm and download
  url <- sprintf("%sgis/archive_forecast_info_results.php?id=%s%s&year=%s",
                 key[,2],         # Basin
                 key[,3],         # Storm number
                 key[,4])         # Year

  contents <- readr::read_lines(url)

  # Match zip files. If advisory is empty then need to pull all zip files for
  # the storm. Otherwise, pull only selected advisory.
  if (purrr::is_empty(advisory)) {
    ptn <- sprintf(".+(forecast/archive/%s.*?\\.zip).+",
  } else {
    advisory <- stringr::str_match(advisory, "([:digit:]{1,3})([:alpha:]*)")
    names(advisory) <- c("original", "advisory", "int_adv")
    ptn <- sprintf(".+(forecast/archive/%s.*?%s%s\\.zip).+",
                   stringr::str_pad(string = advisory[["advisory"]],
                                    width = 3, side = "left", pad = "0"),

  matches <- stringr::str_match(contents, pattern = ptn)[,2]
  matches <- matches[stats::complete.cases(matches)]

  if (purrr::is_empty(matches)) return(NULL)

  stringr::str_c(get_nhc_link(), "gis/", matches)

#' @title gis_wsp
#' @description Wind Speed Probabilities
#' @param datetime Datetime in \%Y\%m\%d\%H format. \%m, \%d and \%H are
#' optional but will return more datasets.
#' @param res Resolution as a numeric vector; 5, 0.5, 0.1.
#' @details Probability winds affecting an area within a forecast period.
#' Datasets contain windfields for 34kt, 50kt and 64kt. Resolution is at 5km,
#' 0.5 degrees and 0.1 degrees. Not all resolutions may be available for all
#' storms. Not all windfields will be available for all advisories.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gis_download}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Return datasets for January 1, 2016 with resolution of 0.5 degrees
#' gis_wsp("20160101", res = 0.5)
#' # Return wsp of 0.1 and 0.5 degree resolution, July, 2015
#' gis_wsp("201507", res = c(0.5, 0.1))
#' }
#' @export
gis_wsp <- function(datetime, res = c(5, 0.5, 0.1)) {

  if (!grepl("[[:digit:]]{4,10}", datetime))
    stop("`datetime` should be between 4 and 10 digits.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!(all(res %in% c(5.0, 0.5, 0.1))))
    stop("`res` should be one or more of 5.0, 0.5, or 0.1.", call. = FALSE)

  res <- as.character(res)
  res <- stringr::str_replace(res, "^5$", "5km")
  res <- stringr::str_replace(res, "^0.5$", "halfDeg")
  res <- stringr::str_replace(res, "^0.1$", "tenthDeg")

  year <- stringr::str_sub(datetime, 0L, 4L)

  request <-
    stringr::str_c(get_nhc_link(), "gis/archive_wsp.php") |>
    httr::GET(body = list(year = year), encode = "form")

  contents <- httr::content(request, as = "parsed", encoding = "UTF-8")

  ds <- rvest::html_nodes(contents, xpath = "//a") |>
    rvest::html_attr("href") |>

  ds <- ds[stats::complete.cases(ds)]

  if (nchar(datetime) < 10) {
    ptn_datetime <- stringr::str_c(datetime, "[:digit:]+")
  } else {
    ptn_datetime <- datetime

  ptn_res <- stringr::str_c(res, collapse = "|")

  ptn <- sprintf("%s_wsp_[:digit:]{1,3}hr(%s)", ptn_datetime, ptn_res)

  links <- ds[stringr::str_detect(ds, ptn)]

  stringr::str_c(get_nhc_link(), "gis/", links)

#' @title shp_to_df
#' @description Convert shapefile object to dataframe
#' @param obj Spatial object to convert. See details.
#' @details Takes a SpatialLinesDataFrame object or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' object and converts into a dataframe that can be plotted in ggplot2.
#' @export
shp_to_df <- function(obj) {

  if (class(obj) %in% c("SpatialLinesDataFrame", "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
    obj@data$id <- rownames(obj@data)
    obj <- dplyr::left_join(broom::tidy(obj, region = "id"),
                            obj@data, by = "id") |>
      tibble::as_tibble( .name_repair = "minimal")


timtrice/Hurricanes documentation built on Oct. 10, 2023, 8:15 p.m.