
  c("XLeft", "XRight", "XMean", "YLeft", "YRight", "YMean",
    "ZLeft", "ZRight", "DiameterLeft", "DiameterRight",
    "Location", "Stimulus", "DwellTime", "TotalDwellTime",
    "Others", "Target", "NAs", "Elsewhere", "Proportion", "Looks",
    "Time", "Frames", "WindowDur", "LastPossible", "FirstLook", "Weight",
  add = TRUE)

#' Transform gazedata coordinates into AOI data
#' AddAOIData() adds two new columns to the gazedata in a Trial object: (1)
#' \code{GazeByAOI}, the screen-location of the image where the gaze is fixated
#' (e.g., \code{ImageL} or \code{UpperLeftImage}) and (2) \code{GazeByImageAOI},
#' the stimulus contained in the image where the gaze is fixated (e.g.,
#' \code{TargetImage} or \code{PhonologicalFoil}).
#' If the gaze is tracked but not fixated to a particular image on the screen,
#' it gets the default value of \code{tracked}. If the gaze is missing during a
#' particular frame, the value is \code{NA}.
#' "AOI" stands for Area of Interest.
#' @param x a Trial with \code{Task} or \code{Protocol} attributes or a
#'   TrialList where each Trial has these attributes
#' @return the Trial object(s) with the AOI data attached as new columns.
#' @export
AddAOIData <- function(x) UseMethod("AddAOIData")

#' @export
AddAOIData.TrialList <- function(x) trial_lapply(x, AddAOIData)

#' @export
AddAOIData.Trial <- function(x) {
  trial <- x
  stim <- LookUpAOIs(trial)

  # By default we set all values as `tracked`.
  number_of_frames <- nrow(trial)
  gaze_by_image_aoi <- rep("tracked", times = number_of_frames)
  gaze_by_aoi <- rep("tracked", times = number_of_frames)

  # If the gaze is in a specific AOI, overwrite `tracked` in the AOI location
  # and AOI stimuli vectors.
  for (i in seq_along(stim)) {
    stim_img <- stim[[i]]
    stim_name <- names(stim)[i]
    location <- trial %@% stim_img

    img_AOI <- GetImageAOI(location)
    gaze_at_location <- GetFramesWithGazeInAOI(trial, img_AOI)
    gaze_by_image_aoi[gaze_at_location] <- stim_name
    gaze_by_aoi[gaze_at_location] <- location

  # Overwrite `tracked` with `NA` when the x or y gaze values were not tracked.
  gaze_mistracked <- is.na(trial$XMean) | is.na(trial$YMean)
  gaze_by_image_aoi[gaze_mistracked] <- NA
  gaze_by_aoi[gaze_mistracked] <- NA

  # Add the AOI columns to the trial
  trial$GazeByAOI <- gaze_by_aoi
  trial$GazeByImageAOI <- gaze_by_image_aoi

# Use task and protocol attributes to determine which stimuli and AOI are used.
LookUpAOIs <- function(trial) {
  stim <- if (trial %@% "Task" == "RWL") {
    list(Target = "TargetImage",
         SemanticFoil = "SemanticFoilImage",
         PhonologicalFoil = "PhonologicalFoilImage",
         Unrelated = "UnrelatedImage")
  } else {
    list(Target = "TargetImage", Distractor = "DistractorImage")

  # The WFF_Movie protocol has an additional AOI.
  if (trial %@% "Protocol" == "WFF_Movie") {
    stim <- c(stim, Fixation = "FixationImage")

#' Get frames with gazedata within an Area of interest
#' @keywords internal
#' @param trial a Trial with \code{XMean} and \code{YMean} columns.
#' @param img_AOI the coordinates of a rectangular Area of Interest given in
#'   screen proportions.
#' @return a vector of boolean values indicating whether the gaze values fall
#'   into the AOI at each time point in the trial.
GetFramesWithGazeInAOI <- function(trial, img_AOI) {
  x_bounds <- img_AOI$x
  y_bounds <- img_AOI$y

  # A gaze is in an AOI if both the x and y gazes fall inside its boundaries
  gaze_in_x_bounds <- CheckLooksInBounds(trial$XMean, x_bounds[1], x_bounds[2])
  gaze_in_y_bounds <- CheckLooksInBounds(trial$YMean, y_bounds[1], y_bounds[2])
  gaze_in_aoi <- gaze_in_x_bounds & gaze_in_y_bounds

#' Check whether values in a vector each fall between an upper and lower bound
#' @keywords internal
#' @param xs a set of x or y gaze coordinates
#' @param lower_bound the lower bound of the range to check
#' @param upper_bound the upper bound of the range to check
#' @return a vector of boolean values indicating whether each x in \code{xs}
#'   falls between the lower bound and upper bound (inclusive). \code{NA} values
#'   in \code{xs} are missing looks so they are reported as \code{FALSE}.
CheckLooksInBounds <- function(xs, lower_bound, upper_bound) {
  gaze_in_bounds <- lower_bound <= xs & xs <= upper_bound
  gaze_in_bounds[is.na(gaze_in_bounds)] <- FALSE

#' Get the boundaries of an Area of Interest from its name
#' @keywords internal
#' @param image_location a string naming an image location. It may be:
#'   \code{UpperLeftImage}, \code{UpperRightImage}, \code{LowerRightImage},
#'   \code{LowerLeftImage}, \code{FixationImage}, \code{ImageL}, or
#'   \code{ImageR}.
#' @return a list specifying the boundaries of the named AOI
GetImageAOI <- function(image_location) {
  # Stop on non-string input
  if (!is.character(image_location)) stop("Invalid AOI name (not a string)")

  AOIs <- list(
    # Four image (RWL) tasks
    UpperLeftImage = AOI(x_pix = c(410, 860), y_pix = c(700, 1150)),
    LowerLeftImage = AOI(x_pix = c(410, 860), y_pix = c(50, 500)),
    UpperRightImage = AOI(x_pix = c(1060, 1510), y_pix = c(700, 1150)),
    LowerRightImage = AOI(x_pix = c(1060, 1510), y_pix = c(50, 500)),
    # Wait for fixation tasks
    FixationImage = AOI(x_pix = c(885, 1035), y_pix = c(525, 675)),
    # Two image (MP) tasks
    ImageL = AOI(x_pix = c(100, 700), y_pix = c(300, 900)),
    ImageR = AOI(x_pix = c(1220, 1820), y_pix = c(300, 900))

  if (!is.element(image_location, names(AOIs))) {
    stop(paste0("Invalid AOI name: \"", image_location, "\""))

#' Convert pixel locations of an image to proportion-on-screen location
#' AOI is a utility function for converting the pixel locations of the x- and
#' y-boundaries of an image to screen proportions. Note that the coordinate
#' (0,0) is the lower-left corner of the screen.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x_pix location (in pixels) of the left and right edges of the AOI
#' @param y_pix location (in pixels) of the upper and lower edges of the AOI
#' @param width width of the screen (in pixels)
#' @param height height of the screen (in pixels)
#' @return A list of the form \code{list(x = (left_prop, right_prop), y =
#'   (lower_prop, upper_prop))}, where \code{prop} values describe the locations
#'   of the boundaries in terms of screen proportion.
AOI <- function(x_pix, y_pix, width = lwl_constants$screen_width, height = lwl_constants$screen_height) {
  # Compute AOI boundaries in proportions of the screen, using the lower-left
  # corner as the origin.
  left_prop  <- min(x_pix) / width
  right_prop <- max(x_pix) / width
  lower_prop <- min(y_pix) / height
  upper_prop <- max(y_pix) / height
  # Bundle the screen proportions of the x- and y-boundaries in a list.
    x = c(left_prop, right_prop),
    y = c(lower_prop, upper_prop)), class = "AOI")

#' Find gaze location relative to target image
#' Creates new columns that measure gaze location relative to the location of
#' the target image, so that the x and y gaze positions increase the gaze gets
#' closer to the target. The new columns are \code{XLeftToTarget},
#' \code{XRightToTarget}, \code{XMeanToTarget}, \code{YLeftToTarget},
#' \code{YRightToTarget}, \code{YMeanToTarget}.
#' @details Normally, the x value (as in \code{trial$XMean}) increases as the gaze
#'   moves right on screen. When the target is left side of the screen, small x
#'   means the gaze approached the target, but when the target image is on the
#'   right, larger x means the gaze approached the target. This function flips
#'   the x value (sets x to 1-x) on trials where the target is on the left side
#'   of the screen, so that bigger x means the gaze approached the target
#'   regardless of which side of the screen the target was on. An analogous
#'   transformation is done for the y coordinate.
#' @param x a Trial with \code{Task} or \code{Protocol} attributes or a
#'   TrialList where each Trial has these attributes
#' @return the Trial object(s) with the AOI data attached as new columns.
#' @export
AddRelativeGazes <- function(x) UseMethod("AddRelativeGazes")

#' @export
AddRelativeGazes.TrialList <- function(x) trial_lapply(x, AddRelativeGazes)

#' @export
AddRelativeGazes.Trial <- function(x) {
  trial <- x
  target_image <- trial %@% "TargetImage"
  trial <- within(trial, {
    # If the target image was on the left half of the screen, then the
    # X__ToTarget gazedata is the inverse of the corresponding X__ gazedata.
    if (is_image_on_left(target_image)) {
      XLeftToTarget  <- 1 - XLeft
      XRightToTarget <- 1 - XRight
      XMeanToTarget  <- 1 - XMean
    } else {
      XLeftToTarget  <- XLeft
      XRightToTarget <- XRight
      XMeanToTarget  <- XMean
    # If the target image was on the lower half of the screen, then the
    # Y__ToTarget gazedata is the inverse of the corresponding Y__ gazedata.
    if (is_image_on_bottom(target_image)) {
      YLeftToTarget  <- 1 - YLeft
      YRightToTarget <- 1 - YRight
      YMeanToTarget  <- 1 - YMean
    } else {
      YLeftToTarget  <- YLeft
      YRightToTarget <- YRight
      YMeanToTarget  <- YMean

is_image_on_left <- function(image) {
  str_detect(image, "left|Left|^ImageL$")

is_image_on_bottom <- function(image) {
  str_detect(image, "lower|Lower")
tjmahr/lookr documentation built on May 31, 2019, 3:41 p.m.