
Defines functions partcor RVinePcor2cor RVineCor2pcor

Documented in RVineCor2pcor RVinePcor2cor

#' (Partial) Correlations for R-Vine Copula Models
#' Correlations to partial correlations and vice versa for R-vines with
#' independence, Gaussian and t-copulas.
#' @aliases RVinePcor2cor RVineCor2pcor
#' @param RVM [RVineMatrix()] defining only the R-vine structure for
#' `Cor2pcor` and providing as well the partial correlations for
#' `Pcor2cor`.
#' @param corMat correlation matrix
#' @return \item{RVM}{RVineMatrix with transformed partial correlations (for
#' `Cor2pcor`)} \item{cor}{correlation matrix (for `Pcor2cor`)}
#' @note The behavior of `RVinePcor2ccor` differs from older versions (<=
#' 1.4). The RVM object is now normalized such that the order of the returned
#' correlation matrix conforms with the correlation matrix of the data. If
#' `RVM$names` are non-default, the initial ordering of the variables
#' cannot be traced back and the matrix has to be interpreted as indicated by
#' the row- and column names.
#' @keywords vine partial correlation
#' @examples
#' ## create RVineMatrix-object for Gaussian vine
#' Matrix <- matrix(c(1, 3, 4, 2,
#'                    0, 3, 4, 2,
#'                    0, 0, 4, 2,
#'                    0, 0, 0, 2), 4, 4)
#' family <- matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 1,
#'                    0, 0, 1, 1,
#'                    0, 0, 0, 1,
#'                    0, 0, 0, 0), 4, 4)
#' par <- matrix(c(0, 0.2,   0, 0.6,
#'                 0,   0, 0.2, 0.6,
#'                 0,   0,   0, 0.6,
#'                 0,   0,   0,   0), 4, 4)
#' RVM <- RVineMatrix(Matrix, family, par)
#' ## calculate correlation matrix corresponding to the R-Vine model
#' newcor <- RVinePcor2cor(RVM)
#' ## transform back to partial correlations
#' RVineCor2pcor(RVM, newcor)$par
#' ## check if they are equal
#' all.equal(RVM$par, RVineCor2pcor(RVM, newcor)$par)
RVineCor2pcor <- function(RVM, corMat) {
    d <- nrow(corMat)
    stopifnot(d == nrow(RVM$Matrix))
    stopifnot(d > 1)
    stopifnot(is(RVM, "RVineMatrix"))
    stopifnot(all(RVM$family %in% c(0, 1, 2)))

    if (d == 2) {
        RVM$par <- matrix(c(0, corMat[2, 1], 0, 0), 2, 2)
    pp <- matrix(0, d, d)

    oldRVM <- RVM
    oldOrder <- diag(RVM$Matrix)
    if (any(oldOrder != length(oldOrder):1)) {
        RVM <- normalizeRVineMatrix(RVM)
        corMat <- corMat[rev(oldOrder), rev(oldOrder)]

    if (!is.null(oldRVM$names)) {
        if (any(!(oldRVM$names %in% paste("V", 1:d, sep = "")))) {
            if (!is.null(rownames(corMat))) {
                nameOrder <- rev(pmatch(rownames(corMat), oldRVM$names))
                if (any(nameOrder != 1:length(oldRVM$names))) {
                    corMat <- corMat[nameOrder, nameOrder]
            } else {
                    "RVM$names are not default and the correlation matrix is unnamed. Make sure that
the correlation matrix has the same ordering of variables as the RVM.")
        } else {
            nameOrder <- order(as.numeric(sub("V", "", oldRVM$names)))
            if (any(nameOrder != 1:length(oldRVM$names))) {
                corMat <- corMat[nameOrder, nameOrder]

    # rotate towards notation in Kurowicka and Joe (2011), p. 9
    A <- RVM$Matrix[d:1, d:1]

    # following algorithm is credited to Harry Joe j <- 2
    for (j in 2:d) {
        pp[1, j] <- corMat[A[1, j], j]

    # tree 2
    for (j in 3:d) {
        a1 <- A[1, j]
        a2 <- A[2, j]
        pp[2, j] <- (corMat[j, a2] - corMat[j, a1] * corMat[a1, a2])/sqrt((1 - corMat[j, a1]^2) * (1 - corMat[a1, a2]^2))

    # remaining trees
    for (ell in 3:(d - 1)) {
        if (ell < d) {
            for (j in (ell + 1):d) {
                given <- A[1:(ell - 1), j]
                pp[ell, j] <- partcor(corMat, given, A[ell, j], j)  # assuming A[j,j]=j

    # re-rotate towards VineCopula notation
    pc <- pp[d:1, d:1]

    ## return updated RVM object
    RVineMatrix(Matrix = oldRVM$Matrix,
                family = oldRVM$family,
                par    = pc,
                par2   = oldRVM$par2)

# generate correlation matrix based on partial correlations of R-vine
# with vine array A that has 1:d on diagonal;
#' @rdname RVineCor2pcor
RVinePcor2cor <- function(RVM) {
    d <- nrow(RVM$Matrix)
    ## sanity checks
    stopifnot(d > 1)
    stopifnot(is(RVM, "RVineMatrix"))
    stopifnot(all(RVM$family %in% c(0, 1, 2)))
    if (is.null(RVM$names))
        RVM$names <- paste("V", 1:d, sep = "")

    ## store variable names and set to V1:d if any non-default name occurs
    oldNames <- RVM$names
    if (!all(oldNames %in% paste("V", 1:d, sep = "")))
        RVM$names <- paste("V", 1:d, sep = "")

    ## normalize RVM object to make the algorithm work properly
    RVM <- normalizeRVineMatrix(RVM)

    ## store normalized object and extract order
    oldRVM <- RVM
    oldOrder <- diag(RVM$Matrix)

    ## rotate towards notation in Kurowicka and Joe (2011), p. 9
    A <- RVM$Matrix[d:1, d:1]
    pc <- RVM$par[d:1, d:1]

    ## if d=2 there is nothing to compute
    if (d == 2) {
        corMat <- matrix(c(1, rep(RVM$par[2, 1], 2), 1),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

    ## initialize correlation matrix with correlation parameters of the model
    corMat <- matrix(0, d, d)
    diag(corMat) <- 1
    for (j in 2:d) {
        a1 <- A[1, j]
        corMat[a1, j] <- pc[1, j]
        corMat[j, a1] <- pc[1, j]

    ## calculations for second tree
    for (j in 3:d) {
        a1 <- A[1, j]
        a2 <- A[2, j]
        corMat[j, a2] <- corMat[j, a1] * corMat[a1, a2] + pc[2, j] * sqrt((1 - corMat[j, a1]^2) * (1 - corMat[a1, a2]^2))
        corMat[a2, j] <- corMat[j, a2]

    ## remaining trees
    if (d > 3) {
        for (ell in 3:(d - 1)) {
            for (j in (ell + 1):d) {
                given <- A[1:(ell - 1), j]
                S11 <- corMat[given, given]
                anew <- A[ell, j]
                jk <- c(anew, j)
                S12 <- corMat[given, jk]
                S21 <- corMat[jk, given]
                S22 <- corMat[jk, jk]
                tem <- solve(S11, S12)
                Om212 <- S21 %*% tem
                om11 <- 1 - Om212[1, 1]
                om22 <- 1 - Om212[2, 2]
                tem12 <- pc[ell, j] * sqrt(om11 * om22)
                corMat[anew, j] <- tem12 + Om212[1, 2]
                corMat[j, anew] <- corMat[anew, j]

    ## revert matrix to appropriate order
    corMat <- corMat[rev(oldOrder), rev(oldOrder)]
    nameOrder <- order(as.numeric(sub("V", "", oldRVM$names)))
    corMat <- corMat[nameOrder, nameOrder]

    ## warn about matrix ordering if non-default names were provided
    if (!is.null(oldNames)) {
        if (any(!(oldNames %in% paste("V", 1:d, sep = "")))) {
            warning("Some RVM$names are not default (such as ''V5'') and their initial ordering cannot be checked.
Make sure to interpret the correlation matrix as indicated by the row and column names.")
            rownames(corMat) <- colnames(corMat) <- oldNames
        } else {
            rownames(corMat) <- colnames(corMat) <- paste("V", 1:d, sep = "")

    ## return results

# functions for partial correlations by H. Joe

# specific partial correlation from a covariance or correlation matrix
# 'given' is vector indices for the given variables
# j,k are indices for the conditioning variables

partcor <- function(S, given, j, k) {
    S11 <- S[given, given]
    jk <- c(j, k)
    S12 <- S[given, jk]
    S21 <- S[jk, given]
    S22 <- S[jk, jk]
    if (length(given) > 1) {
        tem <- solve(S11, S12)
        Om212 <- S21 %*% tem
    } else {
        tem <- S12/S11
        Om212 <- outer(S21, tem)
    om11 <- 1 - Om212[1, 1]
    om22 <- 1 - Om212[2, 2]
    om12 <- S[j, k] - Om212[1, 2]
    om12/sqrt(om11 * om22)
tnagler/VineCopula documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 7:10 a.m.