
Defines functions isShinyTest runTests

Documented in runTests

#' Check to see if the given text is a shinytest
#' Scans for the magic string of `app <- ShinyDriver$new(` as an indicator that this is a shinytest.
#' Brought in from shinytest to avoid having to export this function.
#' @noRd
isShinyTest <- function(text){
  lines <- grepl("app\\s*<-\\s*ShinyDriver\\$new\\(", text, perl=TRUE)

#' Runs the tests associated with this Shiny app
#' Sources the `.R` files in the top-level of `tests/` much like `R CMD check`.
#' These files are typically simple runners for tests nested in other
#' directories under `tests/`.
#' @param appDir The base directory for the application.
#' @param filter If not `NULL`, only tests with file names matching this regular
#'   expression will be executed. Matching is performed on the file name
#'   including the extension.
#' @details Historically, [shinytest](https://rstudio.github.io/shinytest/)
#'   recommended placing tests at the top-level of the `tests/` directory. In
#'   order to support that model, `testApp` first checks to see if the `.R`
#'   files in the `tests/` directory are all shinytests; if so, just calls out
#'   to [shinytest::testApp()].
#' @export
runTests <- function(appDir=".", filter=NULL){

  testsDir <- file.path(appDir, "tests")
  if (!dirExists(testsDir)){
    stop("No tests directory found: ", testsDir)
  runners <- list.files(testsDir, pattern="\\.r$", ignore.case = TRUE)

  if (length(runners) == 0){
    message("No test runners found in ", testsDir)
    return(structure(list(result=NA, files=list()), class="shinytestrun"))

  if (!is.null(filter)){
    runners <- runners[grepl(filter, runners)]
  if (length(runners) == 0){
    stop("No test runners matched the given filter: '", filter, "'")

  # Inspect each runner to see if it appears to be a shinytest
  isST <- vapply(runners, function(r){
    text <- readLines(file.path(testsDir, r), warn = FALSE)
  }, logical(1))

  if (all(isST)){
    # just call out to shinytest
    # We don't need to message/warn here since shinytest already does it.
    if (!requireNamespace("shinytest", quietly=TRUE) ){
      stop("It appears that the .R files in ", testsDir,
           " are all shinytests, but shinytest is not installed.")

    if (!getOption("shiny.autoload.r", TRUE)) {
      warning("You've disabled `shiny.autoload.r` via an option but this is not passed through to shinytest. Consider using a _disable_autoload.R file as described at https://rstd.io/shiny-autoload")

    sares <- shinytest::testApp(appDir)
    res <- list()
    lapply(sares$results, function(r){
      e <- NA_character_
      if (!r$pass){
        e <- simpleError("Unknown shinytest error")
      res[[r$name]] <<- e
    return(structure(list(result=all(is.na(res)), files=res), class="shinytestrun"))

  testenv <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
  renv <- new.env(parent=testenv)
  if (getOption("shiny.autoload.r", TRUE)) {
    loadSupport(appDir, renv=renv, globalrenv=testenv)
  } else if (file.exists.ci(file.path(appDir, "server.R"))){
    # then check for global.R to load
    if (file.exists(file.path.ci(appDir, "global.R"))){
      sourceUTF8(file.path.ci(appDir, "global.R"))

  oldwd <- getwd()
  }, add=TRUE)


  # Otherwise source all the runners -- each in their own environment.
  fileResults <- list()
  lapply(runners, function(r){
    env <- new.env(parent=renv)
    tryCatch({sourceUTF8(r, envir=env); fileResults[[r]] <<- NA_character_}, error=function(e){
      fileResults[[r]] <<- e

  return(structure(list(result=all(is.na(fileResults)), files=fileResults), class="shinytestrun"))
tomkuipers1402/shiny documentation built on Feb. 13, 2020, 7:22 p.m.