
Defines functions lepage.test

Documented in lepage.test


lepage.test <- function(x, y = NA, g = NA, method = NA, n.mc = 10000){
  ##Adapted from kruskal.test()##
  if (is.list(x)) {
    if (length(x) < 2L) 
      stop("'x' must be a list with at least 2 elements")
    y <- x[[2]]
    x <- x[[1]]
  else {
    if(min(is.na(y)) != 0){
      k <- length(unique(g))
      if (length(x) != length(g)) 
        stop("'x' and 'g' must have the same length")
      if (k < 2) 
        stop("all observations are in the same group")
      y <- x[g == 2]
      x <- x[g == 1]
  outp <- list()
  outp$m <- m <- length(x)
  outp$n <- n <- length(y)
  outp$n.mc <- n.mc
  N <- outp$m + outp$n
  outp$ties <- (length(c(x, y)) != length(unique(c(x, y))))
  even <- (outp$m + outp$n + 1)%%2
  outp$stat.name <- "Lepage D"
  ##When the user doesn't give us any indication of which method to use, try to pick one.
    if(choose(outp$m + outp$n, outp$n) <= 10000){
      method <- "Exact"
    if(choose(outp$m + outp$n, outp$n) > 10000){
      method <- "Monte Carlo"
  outp$method <- method

  tmp.W <- rank(c(x, y))
  our.data <- rbind(c(x, y), c(rep(1, length(x)), rep(0, length(y))))
  sorted <- our.data[1, order(our.data[1, ]) ]
  x.labels <-our.data[2, order(our.data[1, ]) ]
  med <- ceiling(N / 2)
  if(even){no.ties <- c(1:med, med:1)}
  if(!even){no.ties <- c(1:med, (med - 1):1)}
  obs.group <- numeric(N)
  group.num <- 1
  for(i in 1:N){
    if(obs.group[i] == 0){
      obs.group[i] <- group.num
      for(j in i:N){
        if(sorted[i] == sorted[j]){
          obs.group[j] <- obs.group[i]
      group.num <- group.num + 1;
  group.ranks <- tapply(no.ties, obs.group, mean)
  tied.ranks <- numeric(N)
  for(i in 1:group.num){
    tied.ranks[which(obs.group == as.numeric(names(group.ranks)[i]))] <- group.ranks[i]
  tmp.C <- c(tied.ranks[x.labels == 1], tied.ranks[x.labels == 0])

  ##Only needs to depend on y values
  D.calc <- function(C.vals, W.vals){
      exp.C <- n * (N + 2) / 4
      var.C <- m * n * (N + 2) * (N - 2) / (48 * (N - 1))
      exp.C <- n * (N + 1)^2 / (4 * N)
      var.C <- m * n * (N + 1) * (3 + N^2) / (48 * N^2)
    W.obs <- sum(W.vals)
    W.star <- (W.obs - n * (N + 1) / 2) / sqrt(m * n * (N + 1) / 12)
    C.star <- (sum(C.vals) - exp.C) / sqrt(var.C)
    return(W.star^2 + C.star^2)
  outp$obs.stat <- D.calc(tmp.C[(m + 1):N], tmp.W[(m + 1):N])
  if(outp$method == "Exact"){
    possible.orders <- gtools::combinations(outp$m + outp$n, outp$n)
    possible.C <- t(apply(possible.orders, 1, function(x) tmp.C[x]))
    possible.W <- t(apply(possible.orders, 1, function(x) tmp.W[x]))
    theor.dist <- numeric(nrow(possible.C))
    for(i in 1:nrow(possible.C)){
      theor.dist[i] <- D.calc(possible.C[i, ], possible.W[i, ])
    outp$p.value <- mean(theor.dist >= outp$obs.stat)
  if(outp$method == "Asymptotic"){
    outp$p.value <- (1 - pchisq(outp$obs.stat, 2))
  if(outp$method == "Monte Carlo"){
    outp$p.value <- 0
    for(i in 1:n.mc){
      mc.sample <- sample(1:N, n)
      if(D.calc(tmp.C[mc.sample], tmp.W[mc.sample]) >= outp$obs.stat){
        outp$p.value = outp$p.value + 1 / n.mc
  cat("\nLepage two-sample location-scale test\n")
  cat("\nNull hypothesis: The locations and scales of the two population distributions are equal.\n")
  cat("Alternative hypothesis: The locations and/or scales of the two population distributions differ.\n")
  cat(paste("\nD = ", round(outp$obs.stat, 3), ", p-value = ", round(outp$p.value, 4), "\n\n", sep=""))

tpepler/nonpar documentation built on May 13, 2023, 11:23 a.m.