
Defines functions plGrid

Documented in plGrid

#' Perform High-Throughput Machine Learning
#' Trains and deploys models across a vast parameter search space.
#' \code{plGrid} will \code{\link{build}} and \code{\link{exprso-predict}} for
#'  each combination of parameters provided as additional arguments (\code{...}).
#'  When using \code{plGrid}, supplying a numeric vector as the \code{top}
#'  argument will train and deploy a model of each mentioned size for
#'  each combination of parameters provided.
#' To skip validation set prediction, use \code{array.valid = NULL}.
#'  Either way, this function returns an \code{\link{ExprsPipeline-class}}
#'  object which contains a summary of the build parameters and the models
#'  themselves. The argument \code{fold} controls inner-fold
#'  cross-validation via \code{\link{plCV}}. Use this to
#'  select the best model unbiasedly.
#' @param array.train The \code{ExprsArray} object to use as training set.
#' @param array.valid The \code{ExprsArray} object to use as validation set.
#' @param how A character string. The \code{\link{build}} method to iterate.
#' @param top A numeric scalar or character vector. A numeric scalar indicates
#'  the number of top features that should undergo feature selection. A character vector
#'  indicates specifically which features by name should undergo feature selection.
#'  Set \code{top = 0} to include all features. Note that providing a numeric vector
#'  for the \code{top} argument will have \code{plGrid} search across multiple
#'  top features. However, by providing a list of numeric vectors as the \code{top}
#'  argument, the user can force the default handling of numeric vectors.
#' @param fold A numeric scalar. The number of folds for cross-validation.
#'  Set \code{fold = 0} to perform leave-one-out cross-validation. Argument passed
#'  to \code{\link{plCV}}. Set \code{fold = NULL} to skip cross-validation altogether.
#' @param aucSkip A logical scalar. Argument passed to \code{\link{calcStats}}.
#' @param plCV.acc A string. The performance metric to use. For example,
#'  choose from "acc", "sens", "spec", "prec", "f1", "auc", or any of the
#'  regression specific measures. Argument passed to \code{\link{plCV}}.
#' @param verbose A logical scalar. Toggles whether to print to console.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to the \code{how} method. Unlike the \code{build} method,
#'  \code{plGrid} allows multiple parameters for each argument, supplied as a vector.
#'  See Details.
#' @return An \code{\link{ExprsPipeline-class}} object.
#' @export
plGrid <- function(array.train, array.valid = NULL, how, top = 0, fold = 10,
                   aucSkip = FALSE, plCV.acc = "acc",
                   verbose = FALSE, ...){


    stop("Uh oh! You must provide a valid build method for the 'how' argument.")

  # For each gridpoint in grid
  grid <- makeGridFromArgs(array.train = array.train, top = top, how = how, ...)
  grid <- grid[, !colnames(grid) %in% "plotSkip", drop = FALSE]
  statistics <- vector("list", nrow(grid))
  models <- vector("list", nrow(grid))
  for(i in 1:nrow(grid)){

      cat("Now building machine at gridpoint:\n")
      print(grid[i, , drop = FALSE])

    # Format gridpoint args to pass along to build do.call
    args <- append(list("object" = array.train), as.list(grid[i, , drop = FALSE]))

    # Build and save model
    args <- lapply(args, unlist)
    model <- do.call(what = how, args = args[!is.na(args)])
    models[[i]] <- model

    # Predict class labels using the provided training set and calculate accuracy
    pred.train <- predict(model, array.train, verbose = verbose)
    stats <- calcStats(pred.train, aucSkip = aucSkip, plotSkip = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
    colnames(stats) <- paste0("train.", colnames(stats))
    acc <- stats

    # If a validation set is provided

      # Predict class labels using the provided validation set and calculate accuracy
      pred.valid <- predict(model, array.valid, verbose = verbose)
      stats <- calcStats(pred.valid, aucSkip = aucSkip, plotSkip = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
      colnames(stats) <- paste0("valid.", colnames(stats))
      acc <- data.frame(acc, stats)

    # If 'fold' argument is provided

      # Perform leave-one-out or v-fold cross-validation
      args <- append(list("how" = how, "fold" = fold, "aucSkip" = aucSkip, "plCV.acc" = plCV.acc), args)
      names(args)[names(args) == "object"] <- "array"
      cv <- do.call(what = plCV, args = args[!is.na(args)])
      acc <- data.frame("fold" = fold, "train.plCV" = cv, acc)

    # Save summary statistics
    statistics[[i]] <- data.frame("build" = how, grid[i, , drop = FALSE], acc)

  pl <- new("ExprsPipeline",
            summary = do.call(rbind, statistics),
            machs = models

tpq/exprso documentation built on July 27, 2019, 8:44 a.m.