
Defines functions read_directory_shiny

read_directory_shiny <- function(directory,
                                 timezone = "",
                                 session_threshold = 2,
                                 correct_distances = FALSE,
                                 country = NULL,
                                 mask = TRUE,
                                 from_distances = NULL,
                                 speedunit = list(tcx = "m_per_s", gpx = "km_per_h", db3 = "km_per_h", json = "km_per_h"),
                                 distanceunit = list(tcx = "m", gpx = "km", db3 = "km", json = "km"),
                                 sport = NULL,
                                 lgap = 30, lskip = 5, m = 11,
                                 silent = TRUE,
                                 parallel = FALSE,
                                 verbose = FALSE) {
    read_expression <- quote({
        tcxFiles <- list.files(directory, pattern = "tcx", ignore.case = TRUE, full.names = TRUE,
                               no.. = TRUE)
        gpxFiles <- list.files(directory, pattern = "gpx", ignore.case = TRUE, full.names = TRUE,
                               no.. = TRUE)
        db3Files <- list.files(directory, pattern = "db3", ignore.case = TRUE, full.names = TRUE,
                               no.. = TRUE)
        jsonFiles <- list.files(directory, pattern = "json", ignore.case = TRUE, full.names = TRUE,
                                no.. = TRUE)
        ltcx <- length(tcxFiles)
        lgpx <- length(gpxFiles)
        ldb3 <- length(db3Files)
        ljson <- length(jsonFiles)
        if ((ltcx == 0) & (ldb3 == 0) & (ljson == 0) & (lgpx == 0)) {
            stop("The supplied directory contains no files with the supported formats.")
        lall <- ltcx + lgpx + ldb3 + ljson
        allFiles <- c(tcxFiles, gpxFiles, db3Files, jsonFiles)
        fileType <- c(rep("tcx", ltcx), rep("gpx", lgpx), rep("db3", ldb3), rep("json", ljson))

        allData <- list()
        in_expression <- quote({
            read_fun <- function(j) {
                currentType <- fileType[j]
                incProgress(1/lall, detail = paste(j, "out of", lall, paste0("(", currentType, ")")))
                out <- try(read_container(file = allFiles[j],
                                          type = currentType,
                                          table = table,
                                          timezone = timezone,
                                          session_threshold = session_threshold,
                                          correct_distances = correct_distances,
                                          country = country,
                                          mask = mask,
                                          from_distances = from_distances,
                                          speedunit = speedunit[[currentType]],
                                          distanceunit = distanceunit[[currentType]],
                                          sport = sport,
                                          lgap = lgap,
                                          lskip = lskip,
                                          m = m, silent = silent), silent = silent)


            foreach_object <- eval(as.call(c(list(quote(foreach), j = seq.int(lall)))))
            if (parallel) {
                allData <- `%dopar%`(foreach_object, read_fun(j))
            else {
                allData <- `%do%`(foreach_object, read_fun(j))

            allData <- do.call("c", allData[!sapply(allData, inherits, what = "try-error")])
        withProgress(expr = in_expression, message = 'Loading data', value = 0, quoted = TRUE)
        if (verbose) {
            cat("Cleaning up...")

        if (verbose) {

        ## clean and return
        allData <- allData[!sapply(allData, is.null)]
    out <- reactive(read_expression, quoted = TRUE)
trackerproject/trackeRapp documentation built on Feb. 19, 2022, 2:55 a.m.