#' Manually Correct Time-Aligned Dendrometer Data
#' \code{corr_dendro_L1} deletes periods of erroneous dendrometer or
#' temperature data. The function takes time-aligned (\code{L1})
#' dendrometer or temperature data as input. Values are overwritten
#' with \code{NA} without further notice.
#' @param plot logical, plots the corrected dataset with the original data
#' in the background in grey.
#' @inheritParams plot_proc_L2
#' @inheritParams corr_dendro_L2
#' @return The function returns a \code{data.frame} with corrected \code{L1}
#' dendrometer data.
#' @seealso \code{\link{corr_dendro_L2}} to correct \code{L2} data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' corr_dendro_L1(dendro_L1 = dendro_data_L1,
#' delete = c("2013-08-01", "2013-08-05"),
#' series = "site-1_dendro-3", plot_export = FALSE)
corr_dendro_L1 <- function(dendro_L1, delete, series = NULL, plot = TRUE,
plot_export = TRUE, tz = "UTC") {
# Subset data to selected series --------------------------------------------
check_series(df = dendro_L1, series = series)
series_select <- series
n_series <- length(unique(dendro_L1$series))
if (length(series_select) != 0) {
df <- dendro_L1 %>%
dplyr::filter(series == series_select)
data_L1_orig <- dendro_L1 %>%
dplyr::filter(series == series_select)
} else {
df <- dendro_L1
data_L1_orig <- dendro_L1
if (n_series > 1) {
data_L1_append <- dendro_L1 %>%
dplyr::filter(series != series_select)
# Check input variables -----------------------------------------------------
list_inputs <- mget(ls())
check_input_variables(list = list_inputs)
# Check input data ----------------------------------------------------------
check_data_L1(data_L1 = dendro_L1)
delete <- check_datevec(datevec = delete, datevec_name = "delete", tz = tz)
check_delete(delete = delete)
check_date_period(datevec = delete, datevec_name = "delete", df = df)
# Remove dendrometer data in specified periods ------------------------------
# remove leading and trailing NA's
na_list <- remove_lead_trail_na(df = df)
df <- na_list[[1]]
lead_trail_na <- na_list[[2]]
df <- deleteperiod(df = df, delete = delete) %>%
# append leading and trailing NA's
df <- append_lead_trail_na(df = df, na = lead_trail_na)
# Plot changes --------------------------------------------------------------
if (plot) {
month_plot <- format(delete, format = "%Y-%m", tz = tz)
month_plot <- paste0(unique(month_plot), "-01")
df_plot <- df %>%
dplyr::mutate(month = paste0(substr(ts, 1, 7), "-01")) %>%
dplyr::filter(month %in% month_plot)
data_L1_orig <- data_L1_orig %>%
dplyr::mutate(month = paste0(substr(ts, 1, 7), "-01")) %>%
dplyr::filter(month %in% month_plot)
plot_L1(dendro_L1 = df_plot, dendro_L1_orig = data_L1_orig,
plot_period = "monthly", plot_export = plot_export,
plot_name = "corr_L1_plot", tz = tz)
if (n_series > 1) {
df <- df %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(., data_L1_append)
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