#' Enable Code Completion for an Ace Code Input
#' This function dynamically auto complete R code pieces using built-in
#' functions \code{utils:::.assignLinebuffer}, \code{utils:::.assignEnd},
#' \code{utils:::.guessTokenFromLine} and \code{utils:::.completeToken}.
#' @details
#' You can implement your own code completer by listening to \code{input$<editorId>_shinyAce_hint}
#' where <editorId> is the \code{aceEditor} id. The input contains
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{linebuffer}: Code/Text at current editing line
#' \item \code{cursorPosition}: Current cursor position at this line
#' }
#' @param inputId The id of the input object
#' @param session The \code{session} object passed to function given to shinyServer
#' @return An observer reference class object that is responsible for offering
#' code completion. See \code{\link[shiny]{observe}} for more details. You can
#' use \code{suspend} or \code{destroy} to pause to stop dynamic code
#' completion.
#' The observer reference object will send a custom shiny message using
#' \code{session$sendCustomMessage} to the codeCompletions endpoint containing
#' a json list of completion item metadata objects. The json list should have
#' a structure akin to:
#' \preformatted{
#' [
#' {
#' value: <str: value to be inserted upon completion (e.g. "print()")>,
#' caption: <str: value to be displayed (e.g. "print() # prints text")>,
#' score: <num: score to pass to ace editor for sorting>,
#' meta: <str: meta text on right of completion>
#' r_symbol: <str: symbol name of completion item>,
#' r_envir_name: <str: name of the environment from which the symbol is referenced>,
#' r_help_type: <str: a datatype for dispatching help documentation function>,
#' completer: <str: used for dispatching default insertMatch functions>,
#' }
#' ]
#' }
#' @export
aceAutocomplete <- function(inputId, session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
shiny::observeEvent(session$input[[paste0(inputId, "_shinyAce_hint")]], {
# largely inspired by rstudio/learnr
# https://github.com/rstudio/learnr/blob/master/R/http-handlers.R
# 779ac571db5e5915875c845dd10d9b90cc399218 #L157-L232
# read params
value <- session$input[[paste0(inputId, "_shinyAce_hint")]]
if (is.empty(value)) {
line <- substring(value$linebuffer, 1, value$cursorPosition$col)
completions <- r_completions_metadata(line)
return(session$sendCustomMessage("shinyAce", list(
id = session$ns(inputId),
codeCompletions = jsonlite::toJSON(completions, auto_unbox = TRUE)
#' Return completions for a given line of text
#' @param line the text up until the cursor in the line for autocompletion
r_completions_metadata <- function(line) {
# set completion settings
options <- utils::rc.options()
package.suffix = "::",
funarg.suffix = "",
function.suffix = "()"
on.exit(do.call(utils::rc.options, as.list(options)), add = TRUE)
settings <- utils::rc.settings()
ops = TRUE, ns = TRUE, args = TRUE, func = FALSE, ipck = TRUE, S3 = FALSE,
data = TRUE, help = TRUE, argdb = TRUE, fuzzy = FALSE, files = TRUE,
quotes = TRUE
on.exit(do.call(utils::rc.settings, as.list(settings)), add = TRUE)
completions <- character()
try(silent = TRUE, {
completions <- as.character(.utils$.retrieveCompletions())
is_func <- grepl(.fname_regex, line)
fname <- gsub(.fname_regex, "\\1", line)
if (!length(completions)) {
} else if (is_func) {
r_completions_function_call_metadata(fname, completions)
} else {
#' R completions when cursor is within a function call
#' @param fname the function name for which the function call specific
#' completion metadata should be constructed
#' @inheritParams r_completions_general_metadata
r_completions_function_call_metadata <- function(fname, completions) {
splat <- strsplit(fname, ":{2,3}")[[1]]
n <- length(splat)
symbol <- if (n == 2) splat[[2]] else splat[[1]]
envir <- if (n == 2) asNamespace(splat[[1]]) else .GlobalEnv
# get call object
obj <- tryCatch(get(symbol, envir = envir), error = function(e) NULL)
# deduce environment name
envir_name <- if (isNamespace(envir)) {
} else if (!is.null(environment(obj))) {
} else {
# get formal arguments to populate with default values
frmls <- tryCatch(formals(obj),
warning = function(e) "",
error = function(e) ""
# quote singular character formal values
chr_len1_frmls <- vapply(frmls, length, numeric(1L)) == 1L &
vapply(frmls, is.character, logical(1L))
frmls[chr_len1_frmls] <- paste0('"', frmls[chr_len1_frmls], '"')
# ensure formal arg default values follow same order as completions
frmls_i <- completions %in% names(frmls)
completions <- c(completions[frmls_i], completions[!frmls_i])
frmls_i <- completions %in% names(frmls)
# determine help type for completions
r_help_type <- rep("", length(completions))
r_help_type[frmls_i] <- "parameter"
r_help_type[!frmls_i] <- ifelse(
completions[!frmls_i] %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"],
# map help type to meta text display
meta <- ifelse(r_help_type == "package", meta_pkg(), "")
# truncate really long captions
captions <- completions
values <- completions
values[frmls_i] <- paste0(completions[frmls_i], " = ")
captions[frmls_i] <- paste0(completions[frmls_i], " = ", frmls[completions[frmls_i]])
captions[!frmls_i] <- ifelse(nchar(captions[!frmls_i]) >= 28,
paste0(substr(captions[!frmls_i], 1, 28), "\u2026"), # (ellipses)
# build completions metadata
unname(Map(function(value, caption, meta, r_help_type, score) {
value = value,
caption = caption,
score = score,
meta = meta,
r_envir = envir_name,
r_symbol = symbol,
r_help_type = r_help_type,
completer = "rlang"
}, values, captions, meta, r_help_type, rev(seq_along(completions))))
#' R completions for general case
#' @param completions a character vector of completions. These will serve as the
#' foundation for building added R-specific metadata
r_completions_general_metadata <- function(completions) {
completions <- sort(completions[nzchar(completions)])
splat <- strsplit(completions, ":{2,3}")
unname(Map(function(completion, el, score) {
n <- length(el)
symbol <- if (n == 2) el[[2]] else el[[1]]
envir <- if (n == 2) asNamespace(el[[1]]) else .GlobalEnv
# try to get object, attempting object or namespace
obj <- tryCatch({
get(symbol, envir = envir)
}, error = function(e) tryCatch({
}, error = function(e) {
# deduce environment name
envir_name <- if (isNamespace(envir)) {
} else if (!is.null(environment(obj))) {
} else {
# determine tooltip type
r_help_type <- if (isNamespace(obj)) {
} else if (is.function(obj)) {
} else {
meta <- switch(r_help_type,
"object" = meta_obj(),
"package" = meta_pkg(),
# add () suffix to functions (excluding user-defined infix operators)
name <- if (is.function(obj) && !grepl("^%", as.character(symbol))) {
paste0(completion, "()")
} else {
# Some example tooltip metadata:
# pri_ mtc_ dply_ dplyr::case_whe_
# print mtcars dplyr case_when
# value: print() mtcars dplyr:: dplyr::case_when()
# caption: print() mtcars dplyr:: case_when()
# meta: base {obj} {pkg} dplyr
# r_symbol: print mtcars dplyr case_when
# r_envir: base datasets NULL dplyr
# r_help_type: function object package function
# Ace standard autocomplete display fields
value = gsub("::$", "", name),
caption = gsub("(.*::(.+)|(.*)::$)", "\\2\\3", name),
score = score,
meta = meta,
# shinyAce-specific autocomplete metadata fields for interfacing with R
r_symbol = symbol,
r_envir = envir_name,
r_help_type = r_help_type,
completer = "rlang"
}, completions, splat, rev(seq_along(completions))))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.