Man pages for trichelab/MTseeker
Bioconductor Tools for Human Mitochondrial Variant Analysis

anno_rCRSannotation for the regions (genic and not) of the rCRS...
byStrandsimple helper function to split a *RangesList by the strand...
chrominfo.rCRSSequence information (seqinfo) for the rCRS mitogenome
decomposeAndCalcConsequencesDecompose and annotate AA changes in MT variants
depthFilterAndHaploMaskprocess an MVRangesList for 20x depth and haplomask it note...
exportFilteredAsVcfconvenience wrapper for dumping filtered variants directly to...
filterMTFilter SummarizedExperiment or DataFrame values based on its...
filterMTvarssanitize PASSing mitochondrial variant calls to a moderate...
fixMetadatafix metadata for an MAlignmentsList or MVRangesList, if...
fpFilter_RSRSfalse positive filter (fpFilter) for RSRS...
fpFilter_Triskaa false positive (fp) filter from Petr Triska's manuscript on...
getMTgrab the mitochondrial reads from a BAM & estimate their...
getProteinImpactAnnotate AA changes in MT variants
getScReadsmerge into MTseeker; could also do this with SmartSeq, etc.
haploMaskMask haplogroup specific variants using haplogrep
haplomask_whitelista whitelist for haplomasking
hg19TorCRSa liftOver chain for hg19 to rCRS attempts. We do not...
importVCFImport a VCF directly into MTseeker
injectMTVariantsInject (one or more) variants against rCRS.
lift_up_to_rCRSLift hg19 chrM to rCRS
locateMTvariantsLocates the variant and determines local bounds within gene...
MAlignments-classwraps a GAlignments with information about coverage and its...
MAlignmentsList-classwraps a GAlignmentsList (made up of MAlignments) for nicer...
MAlignmentsList-methodswrap a GAlignmentsList for viewing
MAlignments-methodswrap a GAlignments for easier stats
mtAnnoannotation for the rCRS genome
MTcircosplot a canonical human (or, in principle, any) mitochondrial...
MTcomplexplot the (putative) functional impact of mutations to ETP...
MTcoverageMitochondrial genome coverage and plots for MAlignments or...
mtGenesBase sequences of mitochondrial coding genes.
mtGenes.rCRSAll annotated gene regions (not just coding genes) from rCRS.
MTHGVSconvert mitochondrial variant calls to HGVS format for naming
MVRanges-classlike a VRanges, but for mitochondria
MVRangesList-classlike a VRangesList, but for mitochondria
MVRangesList-methodsWrap a VRangesList for mitochondrial use.
MVRanges-methodswrap a VRanges for mitochondrial use
newFilterMTFilter SummarizedExperiment, DataFrame, MVRanges, or...
pileupMTPileup the mitochondrial reads in a BAM, for variant calling...
pileupXenografttest harness for simultaneous mouse/human MT variant calling...
rawMTreadsRaw reads shown as GAlignmentsList
rCRSeqThe complete sequence of the human rCRS mitogenome. Yes, it's...
s4MethodsList all defined methods for an S4 class (or classes, if you...
scanMTFigure out where the mitochondrial reads in a BAM are, so we...
validMetadataEnsure that the metadata caches in MAlignmentsLists and...
vcf2mvrlConvert a VCF to an MVRangesList object
trichelab/MTseeker documentation built on March 8, 2021, 6:20 p.m.