
#' Order a Factor by Numeric Variable(s)
#' Create a new dataframe with a factor reordered (re-leveled) by numeric 
#' variable(s).
#' @param fact The factor to be reordered (re-leveled).
#' @param by A formula to order the factor by. 
#' @param data A \code{data.frame} object.
#' @param FUN A function to compute the summary statistics which can be applied 
#' to all data subsets.
#' @param df logical.  If \code{TRUE} a dataframe is returned.  If \code{FALSE}
#' a factor vector is returned.
#' @return Returns a re-ordered (re-leveled) dataframe, factor vector, or levels.
#' @references The majority of this code is taken directly from Thomas Wutzler's
#' blog post that has since been removed/redirected. 
#' @author Thomas Wutzler and Tyler Rinker <tyler.rinker@@gmail.com>.
#' @keywords factor order sort plot
#' @export 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## EXAMPLE 1 - no aggregation ##
#' ## Make a fake data set
#' dat <- aggregate(cbind(mpg, hp, disp)~carb, mtcars, mean)
#' dat$carb <- factor(dat$carb)
#' ## compare levels (data set looks the same though)
#' dat$carb
#' reorder_by(carb, ~-hp + -mpg, data = dat)$carb
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ## Unordered bars
#' ggplot(dat, aes(x=carb, y=mpg)) + 
#'     geom_bar(stat="identity") + 
#'     coord_flip()
#' ## Ordered bars
#' ggplot(reorder_by(carb, ~mpg, dat), aes(x=carb, y=mpg)) + 
#'     geom_bar(stat="identity") + 
#'     coord_flip()
#' ## Return just the vector with new levels
#' reorder_by(carb, ~-hp + -mpg, dat, df=FALSE)
#' ## EXAMPLE 2 - with aggregation ##
#' mtcars2 <- reorder_by(gear, ~hp + -carb, mtcars, mean)
#' ## Without re-leveling gear
#' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, hp)) + 
#'     geom_point(aes(color=factor(cyl))) + 
#'     facet_grid(gear~.)
#' ## After re-leveling gear
#' ggplot(mtcars2, aes(mpg, hp)) + 
#'     geom_point(aes(color=factor(cyl))) + 
#'     facet_grid(gear~.)
#' }
reorder_by <- function(fact, by, data, FUN = NULL, df = TRUE){
    if(by[[1]] != "~") {
        stop("Argument 'by' must be a one-sided formula.")

    x <- data

    form1 <- as.character(substitute(fact))
    form2 <- as.character(by[[2]])
    check1 <- c(length(form2) == 1 && form1 == form2)
    check2 <- c(length(form2) == 2 && form1 == form2[2] && form2[1] == "-")
    if(check1 | check2) {
        if (is.null(FUN)) {
            warning("FUN not provided: `length` assumed")
            FUN <- length
        ord <- match.fun(ifelse(check2, "rev", "c"))  
        lvls <- ord(sort(tapply(data[, form1], data[, form1], FUN = FUN)))
        data[, form1] <- factor(data[, form1], levels = names(lvls))

    fact <- as.character(substitute(fact))
    # Make the formula into character and remove spaces
    formc <- as.character(by[2]) 
    formc <- gsub(" ", "", formc) 
    # If the first character is not + or -, add +
    if(!is.element(substring(formc, 1, 1), c("+", "-")))
        formc <- paste("+", formc, sep = "")

    # Extract the variables from the formula
    vars <- unlist(strsplit(formc, "[\\+\\-]"))    
    vars <- vars[vars != ""] # Remove any extra "" terms

    ## use for aggregating
    if (!is.null(FUN)) {
        x <- eval(parse(text=paste0("aggregate(cbind(", paste(vars, collapse = ", "), ") ~", 
            fact, ", data = data, FUN = \"", substitute(FUN), "\")")))

    # Build a list of arguments to pass to "order" function
    calllist <- list()
    pos <- 1 # Position of + or -
    for(i in 1:length(vars)){
        varsign <- substring(formc, pos, pos)
        pos <- pos + 1 + nchar(vars[i])
        if(is.factor(x[, vars[i]])){
            if(varsign == "-") {
                calllist[[i]] <- -rank(x[, vars[i]])
            } else {
                calllist[[i]] <- rank(x[, vars[i]])
        } else {
            if(varsign == "-") {
                calllist[[i]] <- -x[, vars[i]]
            } else {
                calllist[[i]] <- x[,vars[i]]
    data[, fact] <- factor(data[, fact], levels = x[do.call("order", calllist), fact])
    if (df) {
    } else {
        data[, fact]

by_self <- function(x, rev = FALSE) {
    y <- names(sort(table(x)))
    if (rev) {
        y <- rev(y)
    factor(x, levels=y)
trinker/plotflow documentation built on May 31, 2019, 9:42 p.m.