#' Gradient Word Cloud
#' Produces a gradient word cloud colored by a binary grouping variable.
#' @param text.var The text variable.
#' @param bigroup.var A binary grouping variable.
#' @param rev.binary logical. If \code{TRUE} the ordering of the binary levels of
#' bigroup.var is reversed.
#' @param X The first gradient color for variable X.
#' @param Y The second gradient color for variable Y.
#' @param stem logical. If \code{TRUE} the \code{text.var} will be stemmed.
#' @param stopwords Words to exclude from the cloud. Words will be removed
#' after determining proportional word usage.
#' @param caps logical. If \code{TRUE} selected words will be capitalized.
#' @param caps.list A vector of words to capitalize (\code{caps} must be
#' \code{TRUE}).
#' @param I.list logical. If \code{TRUE} capitalizes I words and contractions.
#' @param random.order Plot words in random order. If \code{FALSE}, they will be
#' plotted in decreasing frequency.
#' @param rot.per Proportion words with 90 degree rotation.
#' @param min.freq An integer value indicating the minimum frequency a word must
#' appear to be included.
#' @param max.word.size A size argument to control the minimum size of the words.
#' @param min.word.size A size argument to control the maximum size of the words.
#' @param breaks An integer describing the number of breaks (odd numbers will be
#' rounded up).
#' @param cloud.font The font family of the cloud text.
#' @param title A character string used as the plot title.
#' @param title.font The font family of the cloud title.
#' @param title.color A character vector of length one corresponding to the
#' color of the title.
#' @param title.padj Adjustment for the title. For strings parallel to the axes,
#' padj = 0 means right or top alignment, and padj = 1 means left or bottom
#' alignment.
#' @param title.location On which side of the plot (1=bottom, 2=left, 3=top,
#' 4=right).
#' @param title.cex Character expansion factor for the title. \code{NULL} and
#' \code{NA} are equivalent to 1.0.
#' @param legend.cex Character expansion factor for the legend. \code{NULL} and
#' \code{NA} are equivalent to 1.0.
#' @param legend.location A vector of length 4 denoting the lower left (x and y
#' left) and upper right (x and y right) coordinates of the rectangle of colors
#' in user coordinates.
#' @param char2space A vector of characters to be turned into spaces.
#' @return Plots a gradient word cloud and invisibly returns the dataframe used
#' to make the cloud.
#' @details Breaking is done using \code{\link[stats]{quantile}}. This will
#' ensure a certain percentage of words will be colored at each bin.
#' @seealso \code{\link[qdap]{trans_cloud}},
#' \code{\link[wordcloud]{wordcloud}},
#' \code{\link[plotrix]{color.legend}}
#' @keywords heatcloud
#' @export
#' @importFrom qdapTools lookup
#' @importFrom plotrix color.legend
#' @importFrom wordcloud wordcloud
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' DATA$state <- space_fill(DATA$state, c("is fun", "too fun", "you liar"))
#' gradient_cloud(DATA$state, DATA$sex, title="fun")
#' gradient_cloud(DATA$state, DATA$sex, title="fun", rev.binary = TRUE)
#' gradient_cloud(DATA$state, DATA$sex, title="fun", max.word.size = 5,
#' min.word.size = .025)
#' with(mraja1, gradient_cloud(dialogue, died, stopwords = Top25Words,
#' rot.per = .5, title="Heatcloud", title.color="orange", title.cex=1.75))
#' x <- with(subset(mraja1, fam.aff %in% qcv(cap, mont)),
#' gradient_cloud(dialogue, fam.aff))
#' head(x)
#' ## 2012 U.S. Presidential Debates
#' invisible(lapply(split(pres_debates2012, pres_debates2012$time), function(x) {
#' x <- x[x$person %in% qcv(ROMNEY, OBAMA), ]
#' dev.new()
#' gradient_cloud(x$dialogue, x$person,
#' title = paste("Debate", char2end(x$time[1])),
#' stopwords = BuckleySaltonSWL,
#' X = "blue", Y = "red",
#' max.word.size = 2.2,
#' min.word.size = 0.55
#' )
#' }))
#' }
gradient_cloud <- function(text.var, bigroup.var, rev.binary = FALSE, X = "red",
Y = "blue", stem = FALSE, stopwords = NULL, caps = TRUE, caps.list = NULL,
I.list = TRUE, random.order = FALSE, rot.per = 0.0, min.freq = 1,
max.word.size = NULL, min.word.size = 0.5, breaks = 10, cloud.font = NULL,
title = NULL, title.font = NULL, title.color = "black", title.padj = .25,
title.location = 3, title.cex = NULL, legend.cex = .8,
legend.location = c(.025, .025, .25, .04), char2space = "~~") {
text.var <- as.character(text.var)
bigroup.var <- drop.levels(bigroup.var)
if (length(unique(bigroup.var)) != 2) {
stop("bigroup.var must contain exactly 2 levels")
if (rev.binary) {
bigroup.var <- factor(bigroup.var, levels = rev(levels(bigroup.var)))
if (stem) {
text.var <- stemmer(text.var)
word.freq <- wfdf(text.var, bigroup.var)
nms <- colnames(word.freq)[-1]
colnames(word.freq)[-1] <- utils::tail(LETTERS, 2)
wf2 <- word.freq[, -1]/colSums(word.freq[, -1])
colnames(wf2) <- paste0("prop_", colnames(wf2))
WF <- data.frame(word.freq, wf2, check.names = FALSE)
WF[, "total"] <- rowSums(word.freq[, -1])
WF[, "diff"] <- wf2[, 1] - wf2[, 2]
low <- WF[, "diff"][WF[, "diff"] < 0]
high <- WF[, "diff"][WF[, "diff"] > 0]
lcuts <- stats::quantile(low, seq(0, 1, length.out = round(breaks/2)))
hcuts <- stats::quantile(high, seq(0, 1, length.out = round(breaks/2)))
cts <- as.numeric(unique(sort(c(-1, lcuts, 0, hcuts, 1))))
WF[, "trans"] <- cut(WF[, "diff"], breaks=cts)
if (!is.null(stopwords)) {
WF <- WF[!WF[, 1] %in% tolower(stopwords),]
if (caps) {
WF[, 1] <- capitalizer(WF[, 1], caps.list = caps.list,
I.list = I.list, apostrophe.remove = TRUE)
if(is.null(max.word.size )) {
max.word.size <- mean(WF[, "total"] + 1)
colfunc <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c(X, Y))
WF[, "colors"] <- lookup(WF[, "trans"], levels(WF[, "trans"]),
rev(colfunc(length(levels(WF[, "trans"])))))
OP <- graphics::par()[["mar"]]
on.exit(graphics::par(mar = OP))
wordcloud(WF[, 1], WF[, "total"], min.freq = min.freq,
colors = WF[, "colors"], rot.per = rot.per, random.order = random.order,
ordered.colors = TRUE, vfont = cloud.font,
scale = c(max.word.size , min.word.size))
if (!is.null(title)) {
graphics::mtext(title, side = title.location, padj = title.padj,
col = title.color, family = title.font, cex = title.cex)
COLS <- colfunc(length(levels(WF[, "trans"])))
LL <- legend.location
color.legend(LL[1], LL[2], LL[3], LL[4], nms, COLS, cex = legend.cex)
colnames(WF)[1:5] <- c("words", nms, paste0("prop.", nms))
WF <- WF[, c(1:3, 6, 4:5, 7:9)]
drop.levels <- function(x, reorder=TRUE, ...){
x <- x[, drop=TRUE]
if(reorder) x <- reorder(x, ...)
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