
#' Calculated Variograms for Gridded Data
#' Only supports 2D rotations.
#' Does not support lithology data file.
#' Does not support indicator variograms.
#' @param data Data frame of gridded data.
#' @param vars Character vecotr of variables to calculate variograms.
#' @param xyz Character vecotr of coordinate column names.
#' @param dims Numeric vector of grid node/cell dimensions.
#' @param realz Scalar integer number of realizations.
#' @param standardize Scalar boolean: standardize variograms.
#' @param dirs Numeric vecotr of azimuth rotations.
#' @param nlags Number of lags to calculate.
#' @param single Boolean: produce a single variogram rather than direct and
#'   cross variograms.
#' @return Data frame variograms.
#' @export
varsimR <- function(
    data, vars, xyz=c("x", "y"), dims=c(1, 1), realz=1, standardize=FALSE,
    dirs=c(0, 90), nlags=10, single=FALSE
) {

    # Get information needed for parameter file.
    grid_def <- create_gslib_griddef(data, dims=dims, xyz=xyz, realz=realz)
    vars_i <- get_column_indices(data, vars)
    nvars <- length(vars)
    ndir <- length(dirs)
    # Number of variograms.
    if(nvars == 1 | single) {
        nvarios <- 1
    } else {
        nvarios <- (factorial(nvars) / (factorial(2) *
                factorial(nvars - 2))) + nvars

    # Make parameter file.
    parstring <- c(
        "xxlithology.xx  ",
        "0  0  ",
        "xxdata.xx  ",
        paste0(nvars, "  ", paste(vars_i, collapse = "  "), "  "),
        "-1.0e21  1.0e21  ",
        "xxvarsims_reals.xx  ",
        "xxvarsim_avg.xx  ",
        paste(grid_def[c("n_x", "min_x", "dim_x")], collapse = "  "),
        paste(grid_def[c("n_y", "min_y", "dim_y")], collapse = "  "),
        paste(grid_def[c("n_z", "min_z", "dim_z")], collapse = "  "),
        paste0(realz, "  "),
        paste0(ndir, "  ", nlags, "  ")
    # Unit vectors for each variograms.
    for(v in 1:ndir) {
        parstring <- c(
            paste(unit_vector(dirs[v]), collapse = "  ")
    # More parameters.
    parstring <- c(
            as.numeric(standardize), "  \n",
            nvarios, "  "
    # Variogram setup.
    if(single & nvars == 2) {
        parstring <- c(
            paste0("1  2  2  ")
    } else {
        for(v in 1:nvars) {
            parstring <- c(
                paste0(v, "  ", v, "  1  ")
        # Add variogram type definition for the cross-variograms.
        t1start <- 1
        t2start <- 2
        nruns <- nvarios - nvars
        while(nruns > 0) {
            t2 <- t2start
            for(cv in 1:(nvars - t1start)) {
                parstring <- c(
                    paste0(t1start, "  ", t2, "  2  ")
                t2 <- t2 + 1
                nruns <- nruns - 1
            t1start <- t1start + 1
            t2start <- t2start + 1

    # Write parameters to a file.
    file_conn <- file("xxvarsim.xx")
    writeLines(parstring, file_conn)

    # Write grid data to GeoEase file.
    write_gslib(data, "xxdata.xx", griddim=dims, gridxyz=xyz, gridrealz=realz)

    # Run the program.
    shell("varsim xxvarsim.xx")

    # Import the variogram.
    vario <- list(
        realz = read_gslib_grid_vario("xxvarsims_reals.xx"),
        avg = read_gslib_grid_vario("xxvarsim_avg.xx")



#' Import GSLIB-Format Gridded Experimental Data to a Data Frame.
#' \code{read_gslib_grid_vario} imports from GSLIB gridded experimental
#' variogram format producing a data frame of class 'gstatVariogram'.
#' @param path Path or connection to read from.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
read_gslib_grid_vario <- function(path) {
    vario_data <- read_gslib(path) %>%
            np = .data$NumberofPairs, dist = .data$LagDistance,
            gamma = .data$VariogramValue, dir.hor = .data$CalculationAzimuth,
            dir.ver = .data$CalculationDip, r = .data$VariogramIndex,
            type = .data$VariogramType
    class(vario_data) <- c("gstatVariogram", "data.frame")
truemoid/rgslib documentation built on May 30, 2019, 2:14 p.m.