
iterake <- function(df, id, pop.model, wgt.name = "weight", 
                    wgt.lim = 3, threshold = 1e-20, max.iter = 50, 
                    stuck.limit = 5, N, summary = TRUE) {
    # step 1) setup + error checking ----
    if (!("pop_model" %in% class(pop.model))) {
        stop("Input to `pop.model` must be output created by `pop_model()`.")
    # do stuff to to_weight
    to_weight <- df
    # wgt_cats to get used later
    wgt_cats <- dplyr::pull(pop.model, wgt_cat)
    # make sure dataframe is supplied
    if (!is.data.frame(df)) {
        stop("Input to `df` must be a data frame.")
    # make sure all wgt_cats are found in data
    not_in_data <- wgt_cats[!wgt_cats %in% names(df)]
    if (length(not_in_data) > 0) {
        stop(paste("The following weight category names are not found in your data:",
                   paste(not_in_data, collapse = ", ")),
             sep = "\n")
    # make sure numeric stuff is numeric, character is character, lengths are 1
    ## wgt.lim
    if (length(wgt.lim) > 1) {
        stop("wgt.lim must be a numeric value of length 1.")
    } else if (!is.numeric(wgt.lim)) {
        stop("wgt.lim must be numeric.")
    } else if (wgt.lim <= 1) {
        stop("wgt.lim must be a numeric value greater than 1.")
    ## threshold        
    } else if (length(threshold) > 1) {
        stop("threshold must be a numeric value of length 1.") 
    } else if (!is.numeric(threshold)) {
        stop("threshold must be numeric.")
    ## max.iter
    } else if (length(max.iter) > 1) {
        stop("max.iter must be a numeric value of length 1.") 
    } else if (!is.numeric(max.iter)) {
        stop("max.iter must be numeric.")
    } else if (max.iter <= 0) {
        stop("max.iter must be a numeric value greater than 0.")
    ## wgt.name    
    } else if (!is.character(wgt.name)) {
        warning(paste0("coercing wgt.name '", wgt.name, "' to character."))
        wgt.name <- as.character(wgt.name)
    } else if (length(wgt.name) > 1) {
        stop("wgt.name must be a character string of length 1.")
    # N for expansion factor
    if (!missing(N)) {
        if (!is.numeric(N) || length(N) != 1) {
            stop("`N` must be a numeric value of length 1 corresponding to size of population.")

    # deal with id's, initialize wgt = 1
    if (missing(id)) {
        stop("`id` is missing, must supply a unique identifier.")
    } else {
        if (!deparse(substitute(id)) %in% names(df)) {
            stop(paste0("id variable '", deparse(substitute(id)), "' not found in data."))
        id <- dplyr::enquo(id)
        to_weight <- to_weight %>%
            dplyr::mutate(wgt = 1) %>%
            dplyr::select(!! id, one_of(wgt_cats), wgt)

    # data is now ready for weighting !!
    # step 2) do the raking ----
    # initialize some things
    check <- 1
    count <- 0
    stuck_count <- 0
    stuck_check <- 0
    # do the loops until the threshold is reached
    while (check > threshold) {

        # iteration limit check
        if (count >= max.iter) {
            n <- nrow(to_weight)
            to_weight <- NULL
        # loop through each variable in pop.model$wgt_cat to generate weight
        for (i in seq_along(pop.model$wgt_cat)) {

            # create data.table version of data with target var as key
            table_data <- data.table::data.table(to_weight, key = pop.model$wgt_cat[[i]])
            # create data.table version of weights by value with target var as key
            table_wgt <- table_data %>%
                dplyr::group_by_(pop.model$wgt_cat[[i]]) %>%
                dplyr::summarise(act_prop = sum(wgt) / nrow(.)) %>%
                dplyr::mutate(wgt_temp = ifelse(act_prop == 0, 0, pop.model$data[[i]]$targ_prop / act_prop)) %>%
                dplyr::select(pop.model$wgt_cat[[i]], "wgt_temp") %>%
                data.table::data.table(., key = pop.model$wgt_cat[[i]])

            # merge the data.table way - works as both have same key
            table_merge <- table_data[table_wgt]
            # combine weights, cap as needed, and remove wgt_tmp
            to_weight <- table_merge %>%
                dplyr::mutate(wgt = wgt * wgt_temp,
                              # and force them to be no larger than wgt.lim, no smaller than 1/wgt.lim
                              wgt = ifelse(wgt >= wgt.lim, wgt.lim, wgt)) %>%

                # # and force them to be no larger than wgt.lim, no smaller than 1/wgt.lim
                # wgt = ifelse(wgt >= wgt.lim, wgt.lim,
                #              ifelse(wgt <= 1/wgt.lim,
                #                     1/wgt.lim, wgt))) %>%

                # and remove wgt_temp

        # store previous summed difference between targets and actuals
        prev_check <- check
        # reset/initialize check value
        check <- 0
        # loop through each to calculate discrepencies
        for (i in seq_along(pop.model$wgt_cat)) {
            # compare new actuals to targets, sum abs(differences)
            sum_diffs <- to_weight %>%
                dplyr::group_by_(pop.model$wgt_cat[[i]]) %>%
                dplyr::summarise(act_prop = sum(wgt) / nrow(.)) %>%
                dplyr::mutate(prop_diff = abs(pop.model$data[[i]]$targ_prop - act_prop)) %>%
                dplyr::summarise(out = sum(prop_diff)) %>%
            # check is the sum of whatever check already is + sum_diffs
            check <- check + sum_diffs

        # check to see if summed difference increased from last iteration
        if (prev_check < check) {
            # if so, increment stuck counter
            stuck_count <- stuck_count + 1
            # ...and if stuck counter hits a threshold, force check to equal threshold to stop while loop
            if (stuck_count > stuck.limit) {
                stuck_check <- check
                check <- threshold

        # increment loop count
        count <- count + 1
    # step 3) what to return ----
    if (is.null(to_weight)) {
        out_bad <- red $ bold
        out <- NULL
        title1 <- 'iterake summary & effects'
        num_dashes <- nchar(title1) + 4
        rem_dashes <- 80 - num_dashes
        cat('\n-- ' %+% 
                bold(title1) %+% 
                ' ' %+%
                paste(rep('-', times = rem_dashes), collapse = "") %+%
        cat(' Convergence: ' %+% red('Failed '%+% '\U2718') %+% '\n')
        cat('  Iterations: ' %+% paste0(max.iter) %+% '\n\n')
        cat('Unweighted N: ' %+% paste0(n) %+% '\n')
        cat(' Effective N: ' %+% '--\n')
        cat('  Weighted N: ' %+% '--\n')
        cat('  Efficiency: ' %+% '--\n')
        cat('        Loss: ' %+% '--\n')
    } else {

        # clean df to output
        # expansion factor calc
        if (!missing(N)) {
            x.factor <- N / nrow(df)
        } else {
            x.factor <- 1

        out <-
            df %>%
            dplyr::left_join(to_weight %>% select(!! id, wgt), by = dplyr::quo_name(id)) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(wgt = wgt * x.factor) %>%
            dplyr::arrange(!! id) %>%

        # calculate stats
        wgt <- out$wgt
        n <- nrow(out)
        wgt_n <- sum(wgt)
        neff <- (sum(wgt) ^ 2) / sum(wgt ^ 2)
        loss <- round((n / neff) - 1, 3)
        efficiency <- (neff / n)
        # apply new weight name
        names(out)[names(out) == 'wgt'] <- wgt.name
        # output message
        out_good <- green $ bold
        title1 <- 'iterake summary & effects'
        num_dashes <- nchar(title1) + 4
        rem_dashes <- 80 - num_dashes
        # return output message?
        if (isTRUE(summary)) {
            cat('\n-- ' %+% 
                    bold(title1) %+% 
                    ' ' %+%
                    paste(rep('-', times = rem_dashes), collapse = "") %+%
            if (stuck_check > 0) {
                cat(' Convergence: ' %+% yellow('Success '%+% '\U2714') %+% '\n')
            } else {
                cat(' Convergence: ' %+% green('Success '%+% '\U2714') %+% '\n')    
            cat('  Iterations: ' %+% paste0(count) %+% '\n\n')
            cat('Unweighted N: ' %+% paste0(sprintf("%.2f", n)) %+% '\n')
            cat(' Effective N: ' %+% paste0(round(neff,  2)) %+% '\n')
            cat('  Weighted N: ' %+% paste0(sprintf("%.2f", wgt_n)) %+% '\n')
            cat('  Efficiency: ' %+% paste0(scales::percent(round(efficiency, 4))) %+% '\n')
            cat('        Loss: ' %+% paste0(loss) %+% '\n\n')
            if (stuck_check > 0) {
                cat(' NOTE: ' %+% 
                        yellow('Iterations stopped at a difference of ' %+% 
                                               format = "e", 
                                               digits = 3))) %+% 
ttrodrigz/iterake documentation built on March 27, 2024, 12:48 a.m.