
#' @export

# u <-
#     universe(
#         data = mtcars,
#         category(
#             name = "cyl",
#             groups = c(4, 6, 8),
#             targets = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.4)
#         ),
#         category(
#             name = "vs",
#             groups = c(0, 1),
#             targets = c(1/2, 1/2)
#         ),
#         category(
#             name = "gear",
#             groups = c(3, 4, 5),
#             targets = c(2/4, 1/4, 1/4)
#         )
#     )
# autoplot(u)
# i <- iterake(u, control = control_iterake(max_iter = 10000))

#' @exportS3Method autoplot universe
autoplot.iterake <- function(object, what = "compare", ...) {
    if (what == "compare") {
        clr.uwgt <- "#1B8CB5"
        clr.wgt  <- "#F15A24"
        # What variables are being used in the weighting?
        cat.vars <- names(object$universe$categories)
        # What are the actual proportions?
        have.uwgt <-
            object$universe$data$data |> 
            select(all_of(cat.vars)) |> 
            map(\(x) qtab(x, drop = FALSE, dnn = NULL, sort = TRUE)) |> 
            map(prop.table) |> 
            map(enframe, name = "group", value = "uwgt_p") |> 
            map(mutate, uwgt_p = as.double(uwgt_p)) |> 
            enframe(name = "category", value = "data") |> 
            mutate(category = fct_inorder(category)) |> 
        have.wgt <-
            object$universe$data$data |> 
            select(all_of(cat.vars)) |> 
            map(\(x) qtab(x, w = object$results, drop = FALSE, dnn = NULL, sort = TRUE)) |> 
            map(prop.table) |> 
            map(enframe, name = "group", value = "wgt_p") |> 
            map(mutate, wgt_p = as.double(wgt_p)) |> 
            enframe(name = "category", value = "data") |> 
            mutate(category = fct_inorder(category)) |> 
        # What are the target proportions?
        want <-
            object |> 
            pluck("universe") |> 
            pluck("categories") |> 
            map(as_tibble) |> 
            map(rename, group = 1, target = 2) |> 
            enframe(name = "category", value = "data") |> 
            mutate(category = fct_inorder(category)) |> 
            unnest(data) |> 
            mutate(group = as.character(group))
        # Calculate the sum of the absolute difference of the "wants" and "haves"
        delta <-
            want |> 
            left_join(have.wgt, by = join_by(category, group)) |> 
                sae = sum(abs(target - wgt_p)),
                .by = category
        # Join and prep
        joined <-
            have.uwgt |> 
            left_join(have.wgt, by = join_by(category, group)) |> 
            left_join(want, by = join_by(category, group)) |> 
                group = fct_inorder(group),
                group = fct_rev(group)
            ) |> 
            rename(Unweighted = uwgt_p, Weighted = wgt_p) |> 
                cols = c(Unweighted, Weighted),
                names_to = "version",
                values_to = "p"
            ) |> 
            mutate(version = factor(version, levels = c("Unweighted", "Weighted")))
        # Plot
        joined |> 
            left_join(delta, by = join_by(category)) |> 
                sae = percent(sae, 0.01),
                category = paste0(
                    category, "\nSAE = ", sae
            ) |> 
            ggplot(aes(y = group)) +
                aes(xmin = target, xmax = target), 
                width = 0.5,
                linewidth = 8/10
            ) +
                aes(x = p, color = version, group = version),
                size = 2.75,
                position = position_dodge(width = 0.0)
            ) +
                values = c("Unweighted" = clr.uwgt, "Weighted" = clr.wgt)
            ) +
            facet_wrap(~category, scales = "free_y") +
            theme_minimal() +
                panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA, color = "gray50"),
                plot.title.position = "plot",
                legend.position = "bottom",
                legend.direction = "horizontal"
            ) +
                x = "Proportion",
                y = NULL,
                title = "Actual vs Target Marginal Proportions",
                subtitle = "Vertical lines represent the target proportion",
                caption = paste0("Total sum of absolute error (SAE) = ", percent(sum(delta$sae), accuracy = 0.01)),
                color = NULL
    } else if (what == "converge") {
        dl <- object$delta_log |> enframe(name = "iter", value = "dl")
        thr <- object$control$threshold
        x <- bind_rows(
            dl |> mutate(lab = "Original", thr = thr),
            dl |> mutate(lab = "Log", dl = log(dl), thr = log(thr))
        x |> 
            mutate(lab = factor(lab, c("Original", "Log"))) |> 
            ggplot(aes(x = iter, y = dl)) +
            geom_hline(aes(yintercept = thr), color = "indianred3") +
            geom_point() +
            geom_line() +
            facet_wrap(~lab, scales = "free_y") +
                x = "Iteration",
                y = "SAE",
                title = "Convergence Plot",
                subtitle = "Horizontal line is the threshold for convergence"
            ) +
            theme_minimal() +
                panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA, color = "gray50"),
                plot.title.position = "plot",
                legend.position = "bottom",
                legend.direction = "horizontal"

autoplot(i, what = "converge")
ttrodrigz/iterake documentation built on March 27, 2024, 12:48 a.m.