.make_formatinfo_simpleparty <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits") - 4, sep = "")
## digit processing
digits <- max(c(0, digits))
digits2 <- max(c(0, digits - 2))
## type of predictions
y <- node_party(x)$info$prediction
yclass <- class(y)[1]
if(yclass == "ordered") yclass <- "factor"
if(!(yclass %in% c("survfit", "factor"))) yclass <- "numeric"
## type of weights
n <- node_party(x)$info$n
if(is.null(names(n))) {
wdigits <- 0
wsym <- "n"
} else {
if(names(n) == "w") {
wdigits <- max(c(0, digits - 2))
wsym <- "w"
} else {
wdigits <- 0
wsym <- "n"
## compute terminal node labels
FUN <- function(info) {
yhat <- info$prediction
if (yclass == "survfit") {
yhat <- .median_survival_time(yhat)
yclass <- "numeric"
if(yclass == "numeric") yhat <- format(round(yhat, digits = digits), nsmall = digits)
w <- info$n
yerr <- if(is.null(info$error)) "" else paste(", err = ",
format(round(info$error, digits = digits2), nsmall = digits2),
names(info$error), sep = "")
rval <- paste(yhat, sep,
" (", wsym, " = ", format(round(w, digits = wdigits), nsmall = wdigits),
yerr, ")", sep = "")
unlist(strsplit(rval, "\n"))
plot.simpleparty <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits") - 4, tp_args = NULL, ...) {
if(is.null(tp_args)) tp_args <- list(FUN = .make_formatinfo_simpleparty(x, digits = digits, sep = "\n"))
plot.party(x, tp_args = tp_args, ...)
print.simpleparty <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits") - 4,
header = NULL, footer = TRUE, ...)
## header panel
if(is.null(header)) header <- !is.null(terms(x))
header_panel <- if(header) function(party) {
c("", "Model formula:", deparse(formula(terms(party))), "", "Fitted party:", "")
} else function(party) ""
## footer panel
footer_panel <- if(footer) function(party) {
n <- width(party)
n <- format(c(length(party) - n, n))
c("", paste("Number of inner nodes: ", n[1]),
paste("Number of terminal nodes:", n[2]), "")
} else function (party) ""
## terminal panel
terminal_panel <- function(node) formatinfo_node(node,
FUN = .make_formatinfo_simpleparty(x, digits = digits),
default = "*", prefix = ": ")
print.party(x, terminal_panel = terminal_panel,
header_panel = header_panel, footer_panel = footer_panel, ...)
predict_party.simpleparty <- function(party, id, newdata = NULL,
type = c("response", "prob", "node"), ...)
## get observation names: either node names or
## observation names from newdata
nam <- if(is.null(newdata)) names(party)[id] else rownames(newdata)
if(length(nam) != length(id)) nam <- NULL
## match type
type <- match.arg(type)
## special case: fitted ids
if(type == "node") return(structure(id, .Names = nam))
## predictions
if(type == "response") {
FUN <- function(x) x$info$prediction
} else {
if(is.null(node_party(party)$info$distribution)) stop("probabilities not available")
scale <- any(node_party(party)$info$distribution > 1)
FUN <- function(x) if(scale) prop.table(x$info$distribution) else x$info$distribution
predict_party.default(party, id, nam, FUN = FUN, ...)
as.simpleparty <- function(obj, ...) UseMethod("as.simpleparty")
as.simpleparty.simpleparty <- function(obj, ...) obj
as.simpleparty.party <- function(obj, ...) {
if (is.simpleparty(obj)) {
class(obj) <- unique(c("simpleparty", class(obj)))
if (is.constparty(obj))
stop("cannot coerce objects of class ", sQuote(class(obj)),
" to class ", sQuote("simpleparty"))
as.simpleparty.XMLNode <- function(obj, ...) as.party(obj)
as.simpleparty.constparty <- function(obj, ...) {
## extract and delete fitted
fit <- obj$fitted
obj$fitted <- NULL
## response info
rtype <- class(fit[["(response)"]])[1]
if (rtype == "ordered") rtype <- "factor"
if (rtype == "integer") rtype <- "numeric"
## extract fitted info
FUN <- function(node, fitted) {
fitted <- subset(fitted,
fitted[["(fitted)"]] %in% nodeids(node, terminal = TRUE))
if (nrow(fitted) == 0)
return(list(prediction = NA, n = 0,
error = NA, distribution = NULL))
y <- fitted[["(response)"]]
w <- fitted[["(weights)"]]
if(is.null(w)) {
w <- rep(1, nrow(fitted))
wnam <- "n"
} else {
wnam <- if(isTRUE(all.equal(w, round(w)))) "n" else "w"
## extract p.value (if any)
pval <- function(node) {
p <- info_node(node)
if(is.list(p)) p$p.value else NULL
"numeric" = {
yhat <- .pred_numeric_response(y, w)
list(prediction = yhat, n = structure(sum(w), .Names = wnam),
error = sum(w * (y - yhat)^2), distribution = NULL, p.value = pval(node))
"factor" = {
yhat <- .pred_factor_response(y, w)
ytab <- round(.pred_factor(y, w) * sum(w))
list(prediction = yhat, n = structure(sum(w), .Names = wnam),
error = structure(sum(100 * prop.table(ytab)[names(ytab) != yhat]), .Names = "%"),
distribution = ytab, p.value = pval(node))
"Surv" = {
list(prediction = .pred_Surv(y, w), n = structure(sum(w), .Names = wnam),
error = NULL, distribution = NULL, p.value = pval(node)) ## FIXME: change distribution format?
## convenience function for computing kid ids
fit2id <- function(fit, idlist) {
fit <- factor(fit)
nlevels <- levels(fit)
for(i in 1:length(idlist)) nlevels[match(idlist[[i]], levels(fit))] <- i
levels(fit) <- nlevels
ret <- factor(as.numeric(as.character(fit)), labels = 1:length(idlist), levels = 1:length(idlist))
## cycle through node
new_node <- function(onode, fitted) {
if(is.terminal(onode)) return(partynode(id = onode$id,
split = NULL, kids = NULL, surrogates = NULL,
info = FUN(onode, fitted)))
kids <- kids_node(onode)
kids_tid <- lapply(kids, nodeids, terminal = TRUE)
kids_fitted <- base::split.data.frame(fitted, fit2id(fitted[["(fitted)"]], kids_tid), drop = FALSE)
partynode(id = onode$id, split = onode$split,
kids = lapply(1:length(kids), function(i) new_node(kids[[i]], kids_fitted[[i]])),
surrogates = onode$surrogates,
info = FUN(onode, fitted))
obj$node <- new_node(node_party(obj), fit)
class(obj) <- c("simpleparty", "party")
is.simpleparty <- function(party) {
chkinfo <- function(node)
all(c("prediction", "n", "error", "distribution") %in% names(info_node(node)))
all(nodeapply(party, ids = nodeids(party),
FUN = chkinfo, by_node = TRUE))
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