
Defines functions adj_cran_downloads

Documented in adj_cran_downloads

#'@title Adjusted Cran Downloads
#'@description Removes daily shared downloads amongst CRAN packages and re-download/CRAN mirror spikes associated with
#'package updates. The function samples a number of packages from the CRAN and finds the minimum
#'@param packages A character vector, the packages to query.
#'@param when \code{last-day}, \code{last-week} or \code{last-month}.
#'   If this is given, then \code{from} and \code{to} are ignored.
#'@param from Start date, in \code{yyyy-mm-dd} format, or
#'   \code{last-day}. It is ignored if \code{when} is given.
#'@param to End date, in \code{yyyy-mm-dd} format, or
#'   \code{last-day}. It is ignored if \code{when} is given.
#'@param remove_update_spikes Default `TRUE`. Removes the spike in downloads due to automatic re-downloads
#'and CRAN mirrors associated with a package update. This replaces the number of downloads on an update day
#'and the day following with the median download value across the measurement period. You can set this to `FALSE` if you do
#'not see spikes in downloads on days before or after you update to accurately capture downloads during those days.
#'@param number_to_compare Default `100`. The number of random packages to inspect to determine the minimum number of downloads in any single day.
#'@param value_quantile Default `NULL`. By default, the function uses the minimum number of downloads. Setting a number here
#'(between 0 and 1) instead returns the nth lowest number of downloads, where n = `value_quantile` * `number_to_compare`.
#'@return A data frame of downloads and total downloads by package.
#'   \item{\code{date}}{Day of the downloads, it is a Date object.}
#'   \item{\code{package}}{The package. This column is missing if
#'     all packages were queried.}
#'   \item{\code{count}}{Raw download count.}
#'   \item{\code{total_downloads}}{Raw total number of downloads from beginning of measurement period.}
#'   \item{\code{mindownloads}}{Estimated CRAN-wide automated downloads for that day.}
#'   \item{\code{updateday}}{TRUE if the package was updated that day, FALSE otherwise.}
#'   \item{\code{adjusted_downloads}}{Daily download count, adjusted.}
#'   \item{\code{adjusted_total_downloads}}{Adjusted total number of downloads from beginning of measurement period.}
#'@import rvest dplyr cranlogs xml2

adj_cran_downloads = function(packages, when, from, to, remove_update_spikes = TRUE,
                              number_to_compare = 100, value_quantile = NULL) {

  lowest_type = "min"
  if(!is.null(value_quantile)) {
    lowest_type = "quantile"

  packagedf = packagepublished

  if(length(packages) == 0) {
    stop("Must input at least one package.")

  #search urls for package creation date, then choose earliest
  packageurls = paste0("https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/",packages,"/index.html")
  packagearchiveurls = paste0("https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/",packages,"/")

  listupdates = vector(mode ="list", length = length(packages))
  for(package in 1:length(packages)) {
    htmltemp = tryCatch(xml2::read_html(packagearchiveurls[package]),error = function(e) {})

    if(!is.null(htmltemp)) {
      htmltemp %>%
        html_nodes("td:nth-child(3)") %>%
        html_text() %>%
        (function(x) x[-1]) -> listupdates[[package]]

  for(package in 1:length(listupdates)) {
    if(length(listupdates[[package]]) == 0) {
      listupdates[[package]] = xml2::read_html(packageurls[package]) %>%
        html_nodes("td") %>%
        html_text() %>%
        (function(x) x[which(x=="Published:")+1])
    } else {
      listupdates[[package]] = c(listupdates[[package]],xml2::read_html(packageurls[package]) %>%
                                   html_nodes("td") %>%
                                   html_text() %>%
                                   (function(x) x[which(x=="Published:")+1]))

  packagedates = list()

  for(package in 1:length(listupdates)) {
    if(length(listupdates[[package]]) == 1) {
      packagedates[[package]] = lubridate::ymd(listupdates[[package]][1])
    } else {
      numberentries = length(listupdates[[package]])
      packagedates[[package]] = lapply(listupdates[[package]][-numberentries],lubridate::ymd_hm)
      packagedates[[package]][[numberentries]] = lubridate::ymd(listupdates[[package]][numberentries])

  packageupdatelist = list()

  for(package in 1:length(packagedates)) {
    packageupdatelist[[package]] = data.frame(package=packages[package],
                                                           origin = "1970-01-01"),
                                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  packageupdatedf = do.call(rbind,packageupdatelist)

  packageupdatedf$updateday = TRUE

  earliestpub = min(packageupdatedf$date)

  priorpackages = dplyr::filter(packagedf, published < earliestpub)

  if(nrow(priorpackages) > number_to_compare) {
    sampledpriorpackages =  sample_n(priorpackages,number_to_compare)
  } else {
    sampledpriorpackages =  sample_n(row(priorpackages),number_to_compare,replace = TRUE)

  packagenames = sampledpriorpackages$package

  packagelogs = cranlogs::cran_downloads(packages,when=when,from=from,to=to)

  comparepackagelogs =  cranlogs::cran_downloads(packagenames,when=when,from=from,to=to)

  compare_function = function(count, quantile, compare_type) {
    if(compare_type != "min") {
    } else {
      return(min(count,na.rm = TRUE))

  if(remove_update_spikes) {
    comparepackagelogs %>%
      group_by(date) %>%
      summarise(mindownloads = compare_function(count, value_quantile, lowest_type)) %>%
      left_join(packagelogs,by=c("date")) %>%
      full_join(packageupdatedf,by=c("date","package")) %>%
      mutate(updateday = ifelse(is.na(updateday),FALSE,TRUE)) %>%
      mutate(adjusted_downloads = ifelse(count - mindownloads < 0,0,count - mindownloads)) %>%
      arrange(package) %>%
      mutate(adjusted_downloads = ifelse(updateday | lag(updateday) & package == lag(package),
                                         adjusted_downloads)) %>%
      filter(!is.na(adjusted_downloads)) %>%
      group_by(package) %>%
      mutate(adjusted_total_downloads = cumsum(adjusted_downloads), total_downloads = cumsum(count)) %>%
      ungroup() ->
  } else {
    comparepackagelogs %>%
      group_by(date) %>%
      summarise(mindownloads = compare_function(count, value_quantile, lowest_type)) %>%
      left_join(packagelogs,by=c("date")) %>%
      full_join(packageupdatedf,by=c("date","package")) %>%
      mutate(updateday = ifelse(is.na(updateday),FALSE,TRUE)) %>%
      mutate(adjusted_downloads = ifelse(count - mindownloads < 0,0,count - mindownloads)) %>%
      arrange(package) %>%
      filter(!is.na(adjusted_downloads)) %>%
      group_by(package) %>%
      mutate(adjusted_total_downloads = cumsum(adjusted_downloads), total_downloads = cumsum(count)) %>%
      ungroup() ->

tylermorganwall/adjustedcranlogs documentation built on Feb. 26, 2020, 4:27 a.m.