
Defines functions report_DE

Documented in report_DE

#' Insert a Equivalent Dose Calculation Section
#' Insert a section on the calculation of the equivalent dose for a given set
#' of input files. Use this function within a code chunk and make sure to set
#' the chunk option \code{results = 'asis'}.
#' @param files \code{\link{character}} \bold{(required)}:
#' file path or directory where the spectra files are stored.
#' @param title \code{\link{character}} (optional):
#' Main title of the section (defaults to 'Equivalent dose estimation').
#' @param title.suffix \code{\link{character}} (optional):
#' Optional text to appear in brackets after the title. Useful if the report
#' contains multiple DE measurements.
#' @param natural \code{\link{numeric}} (optional):
#' Optional vector of integer values specifying which of the spectra are
#' repeated natural dose measurements (defaults to \code{c(1, 2)}).
#' @param natural.comment  \code{\link{character}} (optional):
#' An optional comment on the natural dose. Defaults to the statement that
#' repeated natural dose measurements were done first and last in the
#' measurement series.
#' @param dose \code{\link{character}} or \code{\link{numeric}} \bold{(required)}:
#' Either a file path to a text file containing the irradiation doses or a numeric
#' vector.
#' @param meta \code{\link{list}} \bold{(required)}: A named \code{list} with
#' information on the following elements given in \code{\link{.meta}}.
#' Consider using \code{\link{.meta}} as a constructor.
#' @param settings \code{\link{list}} \bold{(required)}: A named \code{list} with
#' information on the following elements given in \code{\link{.settings}}.
#' Consider using \code{\link{.settings}} as a constructor.
#' @param fit.repeated \code{\link{logical}} (optional):
#' Whether a repeated zero-dose measurement should be considered
#' for fitting or not. If `TRUE` all repeated zero-dose measurements (indicated by
#' argument `natural`) are removed from the data set before fitting.
#' @param sample.weight \code{\link{character}} or \code{\link{numeric}} (optional):
#' Either a file path to a text file containing the sample weights or a numeric
#' vector.
#' @param interval \code{\link{numeric}} \bold{(required)}:
#' A vector of length two specifying the range of x-values where peaks are searched
#' @param th \code{\link{numeric}} (optional):
#' An integer specifying the number of neighbouring values to compare each x-value to.
#' @param model \code{\link{character}} \bold{(required)}:
#' Currently implemented models: single-saturating exponential ("EXP"), linear ("LIN").
#' @param amplitudes \code{\link{numeric}} (optional):
#' A numeric vector of signal amplitudes. If provided, automatic peak finding and
#' amplitude calculation is skipped.
#' @param spike \code{\link{character}} (optional):
#' Path to a single file of a spike ESR spectrum. The amplitude of the spike
#' signal will be subtracted from all other amplitudes (default \code{TRUE}).
#' @param bootstrap \code{\link{logical}} (optional):
#' Include calculation of the equivalent dose using a bootstrap approach.
#' @param delim \code{\link{character}} \bold{(required)}: Keyword specifying
#' the delimiter insterted before the section. Usually \code{"<br>"} or \code{"<hr>"}
#' for HTML and \code{"\\\\newpage"} for PDF reports.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link[ESR]{fit_DRC}},
#' \code{\link[ESR]{calc_DePlateau}} and \code{\link[ESR]{read_Spectrum}}.
#' @return
#' Text output via \code{\link{cat}}.
#' A [list] with all intermediate and final results useful for debugging.
#' @examples
#' # not available yet
#' @export
report_DE <- function(files, title = "Equivalent dose estimation", title.suffix = "",
                      natural = c(1, 2), natural.comment, dose, meta = NULL, settings = NULL,
                      fit.repeated = FALSE,
                      sample.weight = NULL, interval, th = 10, model = "EXP", amplitudes = NULL,
                      spike = NULL, bootstrap = TRUE, delim = "\\newpage", ...) {

  ## Ouput object
  out <- list()

  ## Read files to R
  spectra <- out$spectra <- ESR::read_Spectrum(files, verbose = FALSE, ...)
  dose <- out$dose <- as.numeric(unlist(read.delim(dose, header = FALSE)))

  if (!is.null(sample.weight)) {
    if (is.character(sample.weight))
      sample.weight <- out$sample.weight <- as.numeric(unlist(read.delim(sample.weight, header = FALSE)))
  } else {
    sample.weight <- out$sample.weight <- rep(1, length(dose))

  # check equal lenghts of provided data
  if (length(spectra) != length(sample.weight))
    stop(paste("Unequal length! Spectra:", length(spectra), "Weights:", length(sample.weight)))
  if (length(spectra) != length(dose))
    stop(paste("Unequal length! Spectra:", length(spectra), "Dose:", length(dose)))

  if (!is.null(spike)) {
    spike <- out$spike <- ESR::read_Spectrum(spike, verbose = FALSE)

    # Amplitude of the actual spike
    peaks <- data.frame(subsample = "spike", min = NA, max = NA, amp = NA)

    p <- as.data.frame(spike[[1]]$get_peaks(interval = interval, th = th))
    spike.p <- p[c(which.min(p[,2]), which.max(p[,2])), ]
    peaks$min <- min(spike.p[,2])
    peaks$max <- max(spike.p[,2])

    peaks$amp <- apply(peaks[ ,2:3], MARGIN = 1, dist)
    spike.amp <- peaks$amp

  ## Pre-calculations
  peaks <- data.frame(subsample = 1:length(spectra), min = NA, max = NA, amp = NA)

  if (is.null(amplitudes)) {
    for (i in seq_along(spectra)) {
      p <- as.data.frame(spectra[[i]]$get_peaks(interval = interval, th = th))
      peaks[i, "min"] <- min(p[,2])
      peaks[i, "max"] <- max(p[,2])
    peaks$amp <- apply(peaks[ ,2:3], MARGIN = 1, dist)
  } else {
    peaks$amp <- amplitudes

  out$peaks <- peaks
  out$amplitudes <- amplitudes

  sample <- data.frame(dose = dose,
                       amp = peaks$amp)
  names <- sapply(spectra, function(x) x$originator)

  out$sample <- sample

  if (all(sample.weight == 1))
    sample.weight.Table <- "-"
    sample.weight.Table <- sample.weight

  if (is.null(spike))
    spike.amp.Table <- "-"
    spike.amp.Table <- spike.amp

  sample.Table <- data.frame(aliquot = names,
                             dose = dose,
                             peaks[ ,2:ncol(peaks)],
                             weight = sample.weight.Table,
                             spike = spike.amp.Table,
                             amp.corr = peaks$amp / sample.weight - ifelse(is.null(spike), 0, spike.amp))

  colnames(sample.Table) <- c("Aliquot", "Dose (Gy)", "min Intensity (a.u.)", "max Intensity (a.u.)",
                              "Amplitude (a.u.)", "Sample weight (g)", "Amplitude spike (a.u.)",
                              "Amplitude corrected (a.u.)")

  out$sample.Table <- sample.Table

  ## Header
  .section(1, paste0(title, " (", title.suffix, ")"), delim = delim)

  # meta information

  # Experimental settings
  .header(2, "Experimental settings")

  ## NATURAL ----
  .section(2, "Natural signal spectrum", delim = delim)
  cat("**File(s)**: `", paste(sample.Table$Aliquot[natural], collapse = ", "), "`\n\n")
  if (length(natural) > 1) {
    recycling.ratio <- out$recycling.ratio <- peaks$amp[natural[1]] / peaks$amp[natural[2]]

    cat("**Recycling ratio:**", format(round(recycling.ratio, 2), nsmall = 2), "\n\n")

    if (missing(natural.comment))
      natural.comment <- "Natural signal spectrum was measured first and last in the series."

    cat("**Comment:**", natural.comment, "\n\n")


  ESR::plot_Spectrum(spectra[natural], main = "Natural signal", cex = 0.8, ...)

  # SPIKE SPECTRUM (optional) ----
  if (!is.null(spike)) {
    .section(2, "Spike signal spectrum", delim = delim)
    cat("**File**: `", spike[[1]]$originator, "`\n\n")
    cat("**Amplitude**:", spike.amp, "\n\n")
    ESR::plot_Spectrum(spike, main = "Spike signal")
    points(spike.p, col = "red", pch = 13)

  .section(2, "Highest additive dose spectrum", delim = delim)
  cat("**File**: `", paste(sample.Table$Aliquot[nrow(sample.Table)], collapse = ", "), "`\n\n")
  cat("**Dose (Gy)**:", paste(sample.Table$`Dose (Gy)`[nrow(sample.Table)], collapse = ", "), "\n\n")
  ESR::plot_Spectrum(spectra[[length(spectra)]], main = "Highest additive dose")

  ## ALL SPECTRA ----
  .section(2, "All spectra", delim = delim)
  ESR::plot_Spectrum(spectra, main = "", cex = 0.7, ...)

  ## PEAKS USED ----
  .section(2, "Analysed signal", delim = delim)

  plot(spectra[[length(spectra)]], cex = 0.9, mtext = "")

  spec_temp <- spectra[[length(spectra)]]

  peaks <- as.data.frame(ESR::find_Peaks(spec_temp$data, interval = interval, th = th))
  peaks <- rbind(peaks[which.max(peaks$ESR.intensity), ],
                 peaks[which.min(peaks$ESR.intensity), ])

  points(peaks, pch = 16, col = "red")
  text(peaks, labels = format(peaks$magnetic.field, digits = 5), pos = 4)

  ## P2P AMPLITUDES ----
  .section(2, "Signal amplitudes", delim = delim)
  cat(pander::pander(sample.Table, split.cells = c(1,1,1,100,100,1,1,1)))
  # write.csv(x = sample.Table, file = "./BA26_Amplitudes_De#1.csv")

  ## CALC DE ----
  # settings
  fit.weights <- c("prop", "equal")
  main <- c("Equivalent dose $D_E$ $(1/I^2)$", "Equivalent dose $D_E$ (unweighted)")
  main_sub <- c("Uncorrected sample weight", "Corrected by sample weight / spike")
  iter <- ifelse(all(sample.weight == 1) && is.null(spike), 1, 2)
  main_level <- ifelse(iter == 1, 3, 4)

  for (i in 1:length(fit.weights)) {
    .section(2, main[i], delim = delim)

    for (j in seq_len(iter)) {

      ## DATA PREPARATION ----
      # Switch between uncorrected and correct amplitude values (different column)
      if (seq_len(iter)[j] == 2)
        sample_temp <- sample.Table[ ,c(2, 8)]
        sample_temp <- sample.Table[ ,c(2, 5)]

      # On behalf of Prof. Schellmann we remove all repeated 0-dose measurements
      if (!fit.repeated && length(natural) > 1) {
        sample_temp <- sample_temp[-c(natural[2:length(natural)]), ]

      ## SAME WEIGHT ----
      if (iter == 2)
        .header(3, main_sub[j])

      ### DRC (normal) ----
      .header(main_level, "Dose response curve (DRC)")
      if (model == "EXP") {
        cat("**Model:** Single saturating exponential")
        cat("\n\n$$y = a(1 - e^{ - \\frac{-(x+c)}{b} })$$ ")
      if (model == "LIN") {
        cat("**Model:** Linear regression")
        cat("\n\n$$ y = a + b * x $$")

      fit <- out$fit <- try(ESR::fit_DRC(sample_temp, model = model, fit.weights = fit.weights[i],
                                         algorithm = "LM", plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...))

      # When EXP fitting fails revert to LIN fit
      if (inherits(fit, "try-error") && model == "EXP") {
        model <- "LIN"
        fit <- out$fit <- ESR::fit_DRC(sample_temp, model = model, fit.weights = fit.weights[i],
                                       algorithm = "LM", plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...)

      cat("\n\n**Equivalent dose (Gy)**:", fit$output$De, "+/-", fit$output$De.Error)
      if (model == "EXP")
        cat("\n\n**Saturation dose (Gy)**:",  fit$output$d0,"+/-", fit$output$d0.error)
      cat("\n\n**Coefficient of determination**:", round(fit$output$rsquared, 4), "\n\n")

      ESR::plot_DRC(fit, main = "", cex = 0.9)

      ### DRC (bootstrap) ----
      if (bootstrap) {
        .section(main_level, "Bootstrapped DRC", delim = delim)
        fit <- out$bootstrap.fit <- try(ESR::fit_DRC(sample_temp, model = model, fit.weights = fit.weights[i],
                                                     algorithm = "LM", plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
                                                     bootstrap = TRUE, ...))

        cat("\n\n**Equivalent dose (Gy)**:", fit$output$De, "+/-", fit$output$De.Error)
        if (model == "EXP")
          cat("\n\n**Saturation dose (Gy)**:",  fit$output$d0,"+/-", fit$output$d0.error)

        ESR::plot_DRC(fit, main = "", cex = 0.9)

      ### DE-DEmax plot ----
      .section(main_level, "$D_E-D_{E,max}$ plot", delim = delim)
      demax_inverse <- out$demax_inverse <- ESR::calc_DePlateau(sample_temp, fit.weights = fit.weights[i], model = model,
                                                                output.console = FALSE, cex = 0.9, show.grid = TRUE,
                                                                line = 0, mar = c(5, 6, 4, 4) + 0.1, ...)

      ### DE-DEmax numeric ----
      .section(main_level, "$D_E-D_{E,max}$ numeric results", delim = delim)
      demax_inverse.Table <- setNames(demax_inverse$output, c("#", "DE (Gy)", "DE error (Gy)", "Max. Dose (Gy)"))

  .section(2, "Individual spectra", delim = delim)
  par(mfrow = c(3, 2))
  for (i in seq_along(spectra)) {
    plot(spectra[[i]], mtext = "")
    p <- as.data.frame(spectra[[i]]$get_peaks(interval = interval, th = th))
    p.min <- p[p[,2] == min(p[,2]), ]
    p.max <- p[p[,2] == max(p[,2]), ]
    points(rbind(p.min, p.max), col = "red", pch = 13)
  par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

  ## RETURN ----
tzerk/ESReport documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:04 p.m.