MTPS <- function(xmat, ymat, family ,
cv = FALSE, residual = TRUE,
nfold=5, method.step1, method.step2,
resid.type=c("deviance", "pearson", "raw"),
resid.std=FALSE) {
resid.type <- match.arg(resid.type)
ny <- ncol(ymat)
# check family input
if (length(family) == 1) {
if (!family %in% c("gaussian", "binomial")) {
stop("family must be gaussian or binomial")
if (family == "gaussian") {
family = rep("gaussian", ny)
} else if (family == "binomial") {
family = rep("binomial", ny)
if (length(family) != ny) {
stop("length of family must be consistent with response")
if (sum(family %in% c("gaussian", "binomial")) != ny) {
stop("family must be gaussian or binomial or their combination")
# check family method consistency
if (length(method.step1) == 1) {
method.step1 <- rep(list(method.step1),ny)
if (length(method.step2) == 1) {
method.step2 <- rep(list(method.step2),ny)
if (length(method.step1) != ny) {
stop("length of method.step1 must be 1 or the same as response column")
if (length(method.step2) != ny) {
stop("length of method.step2 must be 1 or the same as response column")
for (ii in 1:ny) {
if (!check.match(family[ii], FUN=method.step1[[ii]])) {
stop("method.step1 must be consistent with response category")
if (!residual) {
for (ii in 1:ny) {
if (!check.match(family[ii], FUN=method.step2[[ii]])) {
stop("method.step2 must be consistent with response category")
} else {
for (ii in 1:ny) {
if (!check.match("gaussian", FUN=method.step2[[ii]])) {
stop("residual stacking does not allow binary outcome model in second step")
# step 1
if (cv) {
fit1 <- cv.multiFit(xmat=xmat, ymat=ymat, nfold=nfold,
} else {
fit1 <- multiFit(xmat=xmat, ymat=ymat,
pred1 <- fit1$y.fitted
# step 2
if (residual) {
fit2 <- rs.multiFit(yhat=pred1,ymat=ymat,xmat=xmat,
resid.std= resid.std,
} else {
fit2 <- multiFit(xmat=pred1, ymat=ymat,
fit <- list(fit1 = fit1, fit2 = fit2,
cv=cv, residual=residual)
class(fit) <- "MTPS"
predict.MTPS <- function(object, newdata, ...) {
if (object$cv) {
pred1 <- predict(object$fit1, newdata)
} else {
pred1 <- predict(object$fit1, newdata)
if (object$residual) {
pred2 <- predict(object$fit2, pred1)
} else {
pred2 <- predict(object$fit2, pred1)
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