
Defines functions lod_cca lod_root2

Documented in lod_cca lod_root2

#' Single pollutant complete case analysis.
#' lod_cca is a helper function that does complete case analysis for
#' single pollutant models.  The function can be used to compare with clmi.
#' @param formula A R formula in the form outcome ~ exposure + covariates.
#' @param df A data.frame that contains the variables \code{formula}
#'  references.
#' @param type The type of regression to perform. Acceptable options are
#'   linear and logistic.
#' @examples
#' library(lodi)
#' # load lodi's toy data
#' data("toy_data")
#' x <- lod_cca(case_cntrl ~ poll + smoking + gender, toy_data, logistic)
#' # see the fit model
#' x$model
#' @export
lod_cca <- function(formula, df, type)
  if (class(formula) != "formula")
      stop("formula must be a formula")
  if (!is.data.frame(df))
        stop("df must be a data.frame")

  # get the type of regression to run
  type <- deparse(substitute(type))
  type <- match.arg(type, c("linear", "logistic"))

  df <- stats::na.omit(df)

  mod.fr <- stats::model.frame(formula, data = df)
  if (type == "linear")
    model <- stats::lm(mod.fr)
    model <- stats::glm(mod.fr, family = stats::binomial())
  list(model = model, formula = formula, data = df)

#' Single pollutant \code{sqrt(2)} imputation.
#' lod_root2 is a helper function that performs single imputation with
#' \code{lod / sqrt(2)}, a common ad hoc approach used in single-pollutant
#' modeling. The function can be used to compare with clmi.
#' @param formula A R formula in the form \code{outcome ~ exposure + covariates}.
#' @param df A data.frame that contains the variables \code{formula}
#'    references.
#' @param lod Name of the limit of detection variable.
#' @param type The type of regression to perform. Acceptable options are
#'     linear and logistic.
#' @note
#'     Depending on the transformation used, a "Complicated transformation"
#'     error may occur. For example, the transformation \code{a * exposure} will
#'     cause an error. In this case, define a transformation function as
#'     \code{f <- function(exposure) a * exposure} and use \code{f} in your
#'     formula. This technical limitation is unavoidable at the moment.
#' @examples
#' # load lodi's toy data
#' library(lodi)
#' data("toy_data")
#' lodi.out <- lod_root2(case_cntrl ~ poll + smoking + gender, toy_data, lod,
#'                         logistic)
#' # see the fit model
#' lodi.out$model
#' # we can log transform poll to make it normally distributed
#' lodi.out <- lod_root2(case_cntrl ~ log(poll) + smoking + gender, toy_data,
#'                         lod, logistic)
#' lodi.out$model
#' # transforming the exposure results in a new column being added to data,
#' # representing the transformed lod.
#' head(lodi.out$data)
#' # You can even define your own transformation functions and use them
#' f <- function(x) exp(sqrt(x))
#' lodi.out <- lod_root2(case_cntrl ~ f(poll) + smoking + gender, toy_data, lod,
#'                         logistic)
#' head(lodi.out$data)
#' @export
lod_root2 <- function(formula, df, lod, type)
    if (class(formula) != "formula")
        stop("formula must be a formula")
    if (!is.data.frame(df))
        stop("df must be a data.frame")

    # get the first term on the rhs formula, an expression involving 'exposure'.
    transform.init <- rlang::parse_expr(labels(stats::terms(formula))[1])

    # get the exposure from the transformation
    exposure  <- all.vars(transform.init)
    if (length(exposure) > 1)
        stop("Complicated transformation on exposure. See help for fix.")

    # create a variable and assign it the symbol 'x'.
    assign(exposure, quote(x))

    # get the transformation and replace exposure with the symbol x.
    transform <- eval(substitute(substitute(transform.init)))

    # Calculate the transformation function
    t.function <- function(x) x
    body(t.function) <- transform
    environment(t.function) <- rlang::caller_env()

    # calculate the name of the transformed lod variable
    assign("x", substitute(lod))
    transform.lod <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(transform))))

    lod <- deparse(substitute(lod))
    if (is.null(df[[lod]]))
        stop(paste(lod, "not in data."))

    # get the type of regression to run
    type <- deparse(substitute(type))
    type <- match.arg(type, c("linear", "logistic"))

    # impute NAs as lod / sqrt(2)
    tmp <- df[[exposure]]
    for (i in 1:nrow(df))
        tmp[i] <- ifelse(is.na(tmp[i]), df[[lod]][i] / sqrt(2), tmp[i])

    df[[exposure]] <- tmp
    df[[transform.lod]] <- t.function(df[[lod]])
    df[[deparse(transform.init)]] <- t.function(df[[exposure]])

    mod.fr <- stats::model.frame(formula, data = df)
    if (type == "lm")
        model <- stats::lm(mod.fr)
        model <- stats::glm(mod.fr, family = stats::binomial())

    list(model = model, formula = formula, data = df, t.function = t.function)
umich-cphds/lodmi documentation built on Feb. 21, 2020, 6:10 p.m.