
# praat.R #

# Created by: Aaron Albin
# http://www.aaronalbin.com/

# This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of   #
#    the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation -             #
#    either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                   #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty -   #
#    without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. #
# For details on the GNU General Public License, see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/             #

praat = function( # Begin argument list
# [1]
# A character string indicating what command should be executed
# This will be checked against the 'SupportedCommands' database, and if it's not found there, an error message will be issued.

# [2]
# A list() of arguments.
# This data structure is used because it is possible to mix of various classes, e.g. list("character", 12.34, 5, TRUE) 

# [3]
# The (ideally full) path to the input file.

# [4]
# The (ideally full) path to the output file.

# [5]
# Only applicable if the user chooses a 'Create' or 'Modify' command. (If they choose a 'Query' command, this will be ignored.)
# This indicates whether the command should be executed if the file specified in 'output' already exists (thereby overwriting it).
# By defaulting to FALSE, the user is protected from accidentally erasing data.
# It is very easy to turn this off, and the user feels like they have more control if they do.

# [6]
# Only applicable if the user chooses a 'Create' or 'Modify' command.
# Determines what file format the output text file will have.
# All Create and Modify commands have three choices:
# "text"        = Save as text file...
# "short text"  = Save as short text file... (This can also be abbreviated to just "short".)
# "binary"      = Save as binary file...

# In addition, certain special file types are also allowed for certain commands (e.g. saving a Sound object in WAV format).
# See the 'Supported Commands' page on the PraatR site for information on which file types are allowed for which commands.

# [7]
# Only applicable if the user chooses a 'Query' command.
# Determines whether the queried information will be coerced to numeric (i.e. just the core data) rather than remain as a text string (potentially along with various kinds of embellishing explanatory information).
# Either way, the result will (initially) be brought into R as a character string.
# The user specifies this as TRUE or FALSE. This later gets translated into 1 or 0 when passed to Praat.

){ # Begin actual body of function


# First check whether the command is one of the official list of supported ones
# (Note that, at present, this does not take into account the object type, and only considers the command itself.)

ValidCommand = command %in% SupportedCommands$CommandName

# Argument [1]
if( !ValidCommand ){ stop("This command is not supported by the present version of PraatR.\n       Double-check that this is indeed a real Praat command, and then\n       feel free to contact the creator of PraatR.") }


# Generally speaking, there is a one-to-one mapping between CommandNames and CommandTypes.
# Within the current set of supported commands, there are three exceptions.
# (1) The command 'Rotate...' is of type 'Modify' for a Configuration or Polygon object but of type 'Create' for a Permutation object.
# (2-3) The commands 'Filter (pass Hann band)...' and 'Filter (stop Hann band)...' are of type 'Modify' for a Spectrum object but of type 'Create' for a Sound object.
# Fortunately, these conflations do not involve queries (which means that the execution of the command itself is fine and only the input validation might be messed up).
# Thus, it is safe to randomly sample one of the two in these ambiguous cases (via the indexing of [1] in the following line of code).

RowIndices = which( command == SupportedCommands$CommandName ) # All of them
RowIndex = RowIndices[1] # Just the first
# For the three commands mentioned above, this will arbitrarily choose whichever comes first in terms of the ordering of the rows in the dataframe.
# Special output filetypes are handled later below.

CommandType = as.character( SupportedCommands[RowIndex,"CommandType"] )
# At present, only four types are supported: 'Create', 'Modify', 'Query', and 'Play'.
# The four yet un-implemented command types are 'Draw', 'Editor', 'Help', and 'Instructions'.


# Argument [2] (arguments)
# Make sure that, if the 'arguments' argument(!) is provided, it is a list
     if( class(arguments) != "list" ){ stop("The 'arguments' function must be a list.")}
} # End 'if the user provided something as 'arguments'
# Ultimately, this will need to be MUCH more rigid - checking the user's specified arguments against those from the SupportedCommands database to make sure everything lines up OK.
# There *can* be arguments for 'Play' commands, so this is required even there.

# Argument [3] (input)

# Make sure the input file actually exists on the user's hard drive.
if( !file.exists(input) ){ stop(paste("The file specified as the 'input' argument does not exist:\n       ",input,sep="")) }
# Also, make sure the path provided for 'input' does not contain any spaces
SplitInput = strsplit(input,split="")[[1]]
if( " " %in% SplitInput ){ stop("The file path provided for the 'input' argument must not contain spaces.\n  Perhaps rename the file or move it to a different folder.") }

# - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = 
# = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -


# Argument [4] (output)
# If the output is left unspecified, then issue an error and stop computation.
if( missing(output) ){ stop("For this command, you must specify a file path for the 'output' argument.") }
# The user can name the output file itself whatever they want.
# However, I need to make sure the folder where they indicated that it should be placed actually exists (beyond the mere checking whether it equals "R" just performed).
if( !file.exists( dirname(output) ) ){ stop(paste("The path in the 'output' argument includes a folder that does not exist:\n       ",dirname(output),sep="")) }
# file.exists() works fine with directories. However, on Windows it must NOT end in a slash. dirname() does things correctly, so I'm fine.

# Argument [5] (overwrite)
# Fill in 'overwrite' with its default of FALSE if left unspecified
# If the 'overwrite' argument is set to FALSE, then if the output file already exists, cease computation
if( overwrite==FALSE & file.exists(output) ){ stop(paste("This 'output' file already exists: (Consider setting overwrite=TRUE.)\n       ",output,sep="")) }

} # End if this is a Create command 

# - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = 
# = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -

if(CommandType=="Modify"){ # Then the interplay between 'overwrite' and 'output' is very complex...

if( missing( output ) ){ output <- input } # Assume that the user intends the output file to be the same as the input file

if( missing(overwrite) ){ # i.e. in the general case where the 'overwrite' argument is left unspecified

if(output==input){ #... either by manual specification or the assumption from above
overwrite=TRUE # Note that this is different from a 'Create' command
}else{ # i.e. if the output file is manually specified to be something other than the input file
if( file.exists(output) ){ stop(paste("This 'output' file already exists: (Consider setting overwrite=TRUE.)\n       ",output,sep="")) } # This is the normal stuff; same as 'Create'
} # End 'if/else output is the same as input'

}else{ # i.e. if the user explicitly mentions 'overwrite' and assign some value to it in their function call

# If overwrite is TRUE, then write to the output file regardless of whether it is the same as input or not. So no need to even check that.
# Rather, have an if statement to check if the user manually specified 'overwrite=FALSE' (for some reason)
if(overwrite==FALSE){ # i.e. if the user explicitly says 'overwrite=FALSE' in their function call

if(output==input){ # i.e. if they are one-and-the-same

stop("Either change 'overwrite' to TRUE or specify an output file different from the input.")

}else{ # i.e. if the output and input are different

if( file.exists(output) ){ stop(paste("This 'output' file already exists: (Consider setting overwrite=TRUE.)\n       ",output,sep="")) }

} # End if/else output is the same as input

} # End 'if overwrite is FALSE'

} # End 'if/else overwrite is left unspecified'

} # End if this is a Modify command 

# - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = 
# = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -

if(CommandType=="Create" | CommandType=="Modify"){

# Argument [4] (output)
# Make sure the path provided for 'output' does not contain any spaces
SplitOutput = strsplit(output,split="")[[1]]
if( " " %in% SplitOutput ){ stop("The file path provided for the 'output' argument must not contain spaces.\n  Perhaps rename the file or move it to a different folder.") }

# Argument [6] (filetype)
# Fill in 'filetype' with its default of "text" if left unspecified
}else{ # i.e. if something has been supplied

# First, if the user specified filetype to be "short", over-write the variable with the full, de-abbreviated alias "short text"
if(filetype=="short"){filetype="short text"}

# Second, determine which special file types are available for this command (if any)
# If multiple matches are found in the database, retrieve all of them
SpecialFileTypes_String = as.character( SupportedCommands[RowIndices,"SpecialFileTypes"] )

# Strip out any NAs
SpecialFileTypes_NoNAs = as.character( na.omit(SpecialFileTypes_String) )
# If there is nothing left, set it to NULL

# Make a sorted, unique list of everything across all returned rows from SupportedCommands
SpecialFileTypes_Unique = sort(unique( SpecialFileTypes_NoNAs ))

# Swap out the dummy '(SoundFormats)' with the actual list of possibilities
if( "(Sound formats)" %in% SpecialFileTypes_Unique ){
SpecialFileTypes_Unique[SpecialFileTypes_Unique=="(Sound formats)"] <- "WAV, AIFF, AIFC, Next/Sun, NIST, FLAC, Kay sound, 24-bit WAV, 32-bit WAV, raw 8-bit signed, raw 8-bit unsigned, raw 16-bit big-endian, raw 16-bit little-endian, raw 24-bit big-endian, raw 24-bit little-endian, raw 32-bit big-endian, raw 32-bit little-endian"
} # End 'if "(Sound formats)" was found'

# If there is a vector at this point, concatenate it together
SpecialFileTypes_Concatenated = paste( SpecialFileTypes_Unique, collapse=", " )
# This does nothing if 'SpecialFileTypes_Unique' is of length 1

SpecialFileTypes=strsplit(SpecialFileTypes_Concatenated,split=", ")[[1]]

} # End 'if/else all entries were NA

# Third, determine if the provided file type is a legal possibility (either one of the standard three or one of the special file types for this command)
LegalFileType = filetype %in% append( c( "text", "short text", "binary"), # The standard three. Note the lack of "short" (since that was already handled above)
                                       SpecialFileTypes ) # If SpecialFileTypes is NULL, this will append nothing, i.e. the result will be a vector with just the standard three.
# Note that if there are multiple matches for the command name in the database (e.g. for a general-purpose command like 'Scale times by...'), it leniently allows all of them.
# At present, it is the user's responsibility to make sure they are doing the right thing in these (relatively uncommon?) cases.

# Stop computation if the specified filetype it is not legal
if(!LegalFileType){ stop("The 'filetype' argument must be \"text\", \"short text\"/\"short\", \"binary\",\n  or one of the special formats listed on the PraatR website.") }
# If it is a legal file type, do nothing and move on

# Finally, prepare the filetype for being passed to the shell command
filetype = gsub(filetype, pattern=" ", replacement="_") # Convert all spaces to underscores (e.g. "short text" -> "short_text")
filetype = gsub(filetype, pattern="/", replacement=".") # Convert all slashes to periods (e.g. "Next/Sun" -> "Next.Sun")

} # End if/else filetype is missing

# Argument [7] (simplify)
# Argument 'simplify' should be missing. If not, issue a warning. If it is, fill it with a dummy '0' so something can be passed to Praat. (It must be boolean in order for the form to work.)
if(!missing(simplify)){warning("For Create/Modify commands, leave 'simplify' unspecified; the supplied value has been ignored.")}else{simplify=FALSE}

} # End if this is a Create or Modify command 

# - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = 
# = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -


# Argument [4] (output)
# If something is specified for 'output', issue a warning that the specified output argument has been ignored, but still proceed normally.
if( !missing(output) ){
warning("For Query commands, leave 'output' unspecified; the supplied value has been ignored.")
}else{ # if it is indeed missing (as it should be), then fill it with a dummy 'X' just to make sure something gets passed to the Praat form.
} # End if/else

# Argument [5] (overwrite)
# Argument 'overwrite' should be missing. If not, issue a warning.
if(!missing(overwrite)){warning("For Query commands, leave 'overwrite' unspecified; the supplied value has been ignored.")}
 # No need for dummy variable since not passed to Praat
# Argument [6] (filetype)
# Argument 'filetype' should be missing. If not, issue a warning. If it is, fill it with a dummy 'X' so something can be passed to Praat
if(!missing(filetype)){warning("For Query commands, leave 'filetype' unspecified; the supplied value has been ignored.")}else{filetype="X"}

# Argument [7] (simplify)
# Fill in 'simplify' with its default of FALSE if left unspecified

} # End if this is a Query command 

# - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = 
# = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -

# All four of the remaining commands are moot, so do similar things to above

# Argument [4] (output)
if( !missing(output) ){ warning("For Play commands, leave 'output' unspecified; the supplied value has been ignored.")
}else{ output="X" } # Dummy

# Argument [5] (overwrite)
if(!missing(overwrite)){warning("For Play commands, leave 'overwrite' unspecified; the supplied value has been ignored.")} # No need for dummy

# Argument [6] (filetype)
if(!missing(filetype)){warning("For Play commands, leave 'filetype' unspecified; the supplied value has been ignored.")
}else{filetype="X"} # Dummy

# Argument [7] (simplify)
if(!missing(simplify)){warning("For Play commands, leave 'simplify' unspecified; the supplied value has been ignored.")
}else{simplify=FALSE} # Dummy

} # End if this is a Play command 

# - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = 
# = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -


# The command cannot have any spaces when passed to shell(), so replace them with double-underscores as a delimiter.
# These will then be converted back to spaces inside the Praat functions.
# I can't use a single underscore because of the following five command names:
# 1) "Get shimmer (local_dB)..."
# 2) "Get ln(determinant_group)..."
# 3) "Get ln(determinant_total)"
# 4) "To HMM_ObservationSequence..."
# 5) "To HMM_StateSequence"
UnderbarCommand = gsub(command, pattern=" ", replacement="__")



ArgumentString = ""

}else{ # i.e. if there are any arguments

# Find out how many arguments there are
nArguments = length( arguments )

# First coerce any TRUE to "yes" and any FALSE to "no"
LogicalCoerced = lapply(arguments,FUN=function(x){
		} # End if/else
	} # End function definition
) # End call to lapply()

# Now classify each argument in terms of whether it is a character string or not
# (At this point, it's assumed that anything that is not a string is numeric - in R terms, either 'integer' or 'numeric' proper.)
IsString = sapply(LogicalCoerced,FUN=is.character)
ArgumentClassifications = c("n","s")[as.integer(IsString)+1] # Only where needed

# Now use these classifications to determine which script to open
CollapsedClassifications = paste(ArgumentClassifications,collapse="")
TargetScriptName = paste(CollapsedClassifications,".praat",sep="")

# Here again, change spaces in the argument names to double-underscores
# They can't be single underscores again because of argument names like "Kirshenbaum_espeak".
UnderscoreSwapped = lapply(1:nArguments,FUN=function(n){
			return(gsub(LogicalCoerced[[n]], pattern=" ", replacement="__"))
		} # End if/else
	} # End function definition
) # End call to lapply()

# Now separate the arguments by spaces (so as to fit the syntax of shell() )
ArgumentString = paste( UnderscoreSwapped, collapse=" ")

} # End if/else arguments are missing from the function call

# Identify R library directories #

# This is necessary in case the user has multiple package folders (e.g. on Windows with RStudio installed)
LibraryDirectories = unique( c( R.home("library"), .libPaths() ) )
# On Windows, R.home("library") is something like "C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-30~1.3/library", which lacks a space, so this will work fine.
# On Windows with RStudio, the only path with a space is listed last, which is safely ranked low enough not to ever be needed.

# Add slashes if necessary
LastCharacters = substring( LibraryDirectories,first=nchar(LibraryDirectories),last=nchar(LibraryDirectories) )
EndWithSlash = LastCharacters == "/" # The functions in the previous line of code do not output "\\" on Windows.
InterveningSlashes = rep("",times=)
InterveningSlashes[!EndWithSlash] <- "/"

# Adjust based on user operating system (OS) #

OSType = .Platform$OS.type # "windows" for Windows, "unix" for Linux or Mac
SystemName = Sys.info()["sysname"] # "Windows", "Linux", or "Darwin" (=Mac)

# By default, assume the relevant version of Praat being used for PraatR is *not* praatcon.exe
# (praatcon.exe is only used on Windows and only if the user has an outdated version of Praat.)
UsingPraatcon = FALSE

# Likewise, assume that the "--run" flag *will* be used.
# (This is over-rided only if the user is using praatcon.exe)
RunText = "--run"

if( OSType=="windows" & SystemName=="Windows" ){
	UserOS = "Windows" # For later down below in the code

	# Make list of possible file paths to Praat-related executables, namely:
	# - Praat.exe (version 6.0.01 and on), or
	# - praatcon.exe (Version 5.4.22 and earlier)
	PossiblePraatPaths    = paste(LibraryDirectories,InterveningSlashes,"PraatR/Praat.exe",   sep="")
	PossiblePraatconPaths = paste(LibraryDirectories,InterveningSlashes,"PraatR/praatcon.exe",sep="")

	# Find which of these file paths point to files that actually exist
	ExistingPraatPaths    = file.exists(PossiblePraatPaths   )
	ExistingPraatconPaths = file.exists(PossiblePraatconPaths)

	# If neither Praat.exe nor praatcon.exe can be found in any of the enumerated places, issue an error message and stop computation
	if( sum(c(ExistingPraatconPaths,ExistingPraatPaths))==0 ){ stop("Could not find Praat inside the folder for the PraatR package.\n       Make sure PraatR is properly installed.") }

	# Find out if only praatcon.exe (and not Praat.exe) is found
	if( sum( ExistingPraatconPaths) >= 1 &
		sum( ExistingPraatPaths) == 0 ){
		# Override the 'UsingPraatcon' variable to indicate this is the case
		UsingPraatcon = TRUE
		# Issue a warning instructing the user to swap out praatcon.exe for Praat.exe 6.0.08 or later
		warning("You are using an older version of Praat (based on praatcon.exe).\n  Please follow the installation instructions on the PraatR website\n  to swap out praatcon.exe with the most recent version of Praat.exe\n  (version 6.0.08 or later).")
		# Version 6.0.08 is specifically listed because it is the first Praat 6.0 version released for all OSes where support for Query commands was reinstated.
	# Regardless of whether praatcon.exe or Praat.exe is used, use the first path that exists
		PraatPath = PossiblePraatconPaths[min( which(ExistingPraatconPaths) )]
		RunText = "" # Do NOT include "--run" flag for praatcon.exe
	}else{ # i.e. if using Praat.exe
		PraatPath = PossiblePraatPaths[min( which(ExistingPraatPaths) )]

	if( OSType=="unix" & SystemName=="Darwin" ){
		UserOS = "Mac" # For later down below in the code
		PraatPath = "/Applications/Praat.app/Contents/MacOS/Praat"
		# Presumably it will always be in this one fixed/stable location, but check just in case:
		if(!file.exists("/Applications/Praat.app")){ stop("Praat not found. Make sure Praat is installed in this location:\n   /Applications/Praat.app") }
		if( OSType=="unix" & SystemName=="Linux" ){
			UserOS = "Linux" # For later down below in the code
			PathSeparator = .Platform$path.sep # For Linux, should always be ":" (colon)
			SystemPathList = Sys.getenv("PATH") # Something like "/home/myusername/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games"
			PossiblePraatLocations = paste(strsplit(SystemPathList,split=PathSeparator)[[1]],"praat",sep="/")
			PraatFound = sapply(PossiblePraatLocations,FUN=file.exists)
			if(sum(PraatFound)==0){stop("Praat executable not found. (Make sure it is in your PATH.)")}
			#FoundIndex = which(PraatFound)[1] # If it's in more than one of the directories, use the first one in that order
			#PraatPath = PossiblePraatLocations[FoundIndex] # Usually "/usr/bin/praat" or "/usr/local/bin/praat", depending on how the user has installed Praat
			PraatPath = "praat"
			stop("Operating system not supported. For support, feel free to e-mail the creator of PraatR.")
		} # End 'if/else Linux'
	} # End 'if/else Mac'
} # End 'if/else Windows'

# Determine path to Praat script #

# Make list of possible file paths and find which ones exist
PossibleScriptPaths = paste(LibraryDirectories,InterveningSlashes,"PraatR/PraatScripts/",TargetScriptName,sep="")
ExistingScriptPaths = file.exists(PossibleScriptPaths)

# If the appropriate Praat script can't be found anywhere, issue an error message  and stop computation
if( sum(ExistingScriptPaths)==0 ){ stop("Could not find the appropriate Praat script. Make sure PraatR is properly installed.") }

# Use the first path that exists
ScriptPath = PossibleScriptPaths[min( which(ExistingScriptPaths) )]

# Assemble command string #

# The checks performed above guarantee that the CommandType is one of the three I'm dealing with, so do simple if() statements to check which is the case, and react accordingly

# Don't make things if/else (between Create/Modify/Play and Query for right now because I'm not sure whether I'll include other CommandTypes in the future... And this is safer and more transparent anyway.

if(CommandType == "Create" | CommandType == "Modify" | CommandType == "Play"){
# These three are treated 100% equivalently for the time being, but it's in principle possible to separate them down the road

CommandString = paste( PraatPath,
                       ArgumentString, # If empty, this will result in two neigboring spaces, but this isn't a problem
                       as.integer(simplify), # Always logical until now; converted to integer at the last minute before going to Praat
                       sep=" ")

intern = FALSE # Do *not* capture anything from the Info Window of Praat (for bringing back into R)

# Now, finally issue the instruction to the OS
if( UserOS == "Windows" ){ shell(cmd=CommandString, intern=intern) }
if( UserOS == "Mac" | UserOS == "Linux" ){
# Escape any parentheses in the entire command string.
CommandStringA = gsub(CommandString,pattern="(",replacement="\\(",fixed=TRUE)
CommandStringB = gsub(CommandStringA,pattern=")",replacement="\\)",fixed=TRUE)
system(command=CommandStringB, intern=intern)
} # End 'if Mac'

} # End 'if this is a query command'

if(CommandType == "Query"){

CommandString = paste( PraatPath,
                       "-a", # Alternatively "--ansi", but still use this for backward compatibility # This switch to the Praat program makes the output go back into R through the 'standard input' (stdin)
                       sep=" ")

intern = TRUE # This indicates that the ultimate contents of the Info Window in Praat should be captured and brought back into R

# Now, finally issue the instruction to the OS, and return the result
if( UserOS == "Windows" ){ return(shell(cmd=CommandString, intern=intern)) }
if( UserOS == "Mac" | UserOS == "Linux" ){
# Escape any parentheses in the entire command string.
CommandStringA = gsub(CommandString,pattern="(",replacement="\\(",fixed=TRUE)
CommandStringB = gsub(CommandStringA,pattern=")",replacement="\\)",fixed=TRUE)
return(system(command=CommandStringB, intern=intern))
} # End 'if Mac'

} # End 'if this is a query command'

usagi5886/PraatR documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:37 p.m.