#' Format a JavaScript Color Palette
#' Make a specially-formatted color palette based on color codes.
#' @param colors A vector of color names or HEX codes, or a matrix-like object with
#' colors in columns, and their RGB values in separate rows.
#' @param continuous Logical; if \code{TRUE}, \code{colors} are treated as points in a linear
#' gradient. One provided color will be from white to that color. Two provided colors will
#' be between those colors. Three or four provided colors will be between the first and
#' last color, with the central color (or average of the central colors) as the midpoint.
#' @param divergent Logical; if \code{TRUE}, marks continuous scales as divergent,
#' which will reverse the lower half of the scale.
#' @param polynomial Logical; if \code{TRUE}, will fit a polynomial regression model to each color
#' channel in the specified \code{colors} sequence. Used to either compress a long sequence
#' (e.g., model a fully manually specified scale), or interpolate a scale between anchors.
#' @param degrees Number of polynomial degrees, if \code{polynomial} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param pad If \code{polynomial} is \code{TRUE}, number of repeated observations of the
#' initial and final colors in the sequence to add in order to reduce warping at the edges.
#' @param name Name of the palette.
#' @param preview Logical; if \code{TRUE}, makes a plot showing the palette colors / scale.
#' @param print Logical; if \code{FALSE}, will not print a version of the palette.
#' @examples
#' # a discrete palette
#' util_make_palette(c("red", "green", "blue"), FALSE)
#' # a continuous palette
#' util_make_palette("red")
#' # a divergent continuous palette
#' util_make_palette(c("red", "green"), divergent = TRUE)
#' @return An invisible list of the created palette.
#' @export
util_make_palette <- function(colors, continuous = length(colors) < 5, divergent = length(colors) > 2,
polynomial = FALSE, degrees = 6, pad = 10, name = "custom", preview = TRUE, print = TRUE) {
if (missing(polynomial) && (!missing(degrees) || !missing(pad))) polynomial <- TRUE
if (polynomial) {
if (missing(divergent)) divergent <- FALSE
if (!missing(continuous) && !continuous) {
"{.arg polynomial} if {.val TRUE}, so {.arg continuous} will also be {.val TRUE}"
continuous <- TRUE
if (is.character(colors)) {
cols <- col2rgb(colors)
} else {
cols <- colors
if (is.null(dim(cols))) {
cols <- if (is.list(cols)) {
} else {
matrix(cols, 3, dimnames = list(c("red", "green", "blue")))
} else if (ncol(cols) == 3 && nrow(cols) != 3) cols <- t(cols)
if (nrow(cols) != 3) cli_abort("{.arg colors} could not be resolved to a matrix of RGB vectors")
palette <- if (continuous) {
if (polynomial) {
rownames(cols) <- c("red", "green", "blue")
colnames(cols) <- NULL
x <- seq.int(0, 1, length.out = ncol(cols))
if (max(cols) <= 1) cols <- cols * 256
ori <- list(x = x, cols = cols)
if (is.numeric(pad) && pad > 0) {
x <- c(numeric(pad), x, rep(1, pad))
cols <- cbind(
matrix(rep(as.numeric(cols[, 1]), pad), 3, dimnames = list(rownames(cols))),
matrix(rep(as.numeric(cols[, ncol(cols)]), pad), 3, dimnames = list(rownames(cols)))
coefs <- vapply(1:3, function(ch) {
as.numeric(lm(cols[ch, ] ~ poly(x, degree = degrees, raw = TRUE, simple = TRUE))$coefficients)
}, numeric(degrees + 1))
if (anyNA(coefs)) cli_abort("this combination of inputs resulted in missing coefficient estimates")
if (preview) {
mm <- cbind(1, poly(ori$x, degrees, raw = TRUE))
xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), axes = FALSE, pch = 15, cex = 2,
main = "Palette Comparison", ylab = "Palette", xlab = "Value"
mtext(paste0("Degrees: ", degrees, ", Padding: ", pad), 3)
axis(2, c(.70, .30), c("Original", "Derived"), lwd = 0)
n <- length(ori$x)
points(ori$x, rep(.70, n), pch = "|", cex = 7, col = do.call(rgb, as.data.frame(t(ori$cols) / 256)))
points(ori$x, rep(.30, n), pch = "|", cex = 7, col = do.call(rgb, lapply(1:3, function(ch) {
cv <- (mm %*% coefs[, ch]) / 256
cv[cv < 0] <- 0
cv[cv > 1] <- 1
name = name,
type = paste0("continuous", "-polynomial"),
colors = coefs
} else {
if (length(colors) < 3) {
if (length(colors) == 1) cols <- cbind(c(0, 0, 0), cols)
cols <- cbind(cols[, 1], rowMeans(cols), cols[, 2])
} else {
if (ncol(cols) != 3) cols <- cbind(cols[, 1], rowMeans(cols[, 2:3]), cols[, 4])
cols <- t(cols)
name = name,
type = paste0("continuous", if (divergent) "-divergent"),
colors = list(
rbind(cols[3, ], cols[2, ] - cols[3, ]),
cols[2, ],
rbind(cols[1, ], cols[2, ] - cols[1, ])
} else {
name = name,
type = "discrete",
colors = unlist(lapply(
as.data.frame(cols / 255), function(col) do.call(rgb, as.list(col))
), use.names = FALSE)
if (print) cat(jsonlite::toJSON(palette, auto_unbox = TRUE, pretty = TRUE))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.