
Defines functions datatable_EZ format_databars are_colors is_brew get_brew col2css get_range vec2columnDefs js_css

Documented in datatable_EZ format_databars

#' A friendly version of \code{DT::datatable()}
#' This is a wrapper around \code{DT::datatable()} with more convenient
#' defaults. Also, most common elements of \code{options()} argument are moved
#' to direct arguments list for this function. This removes the necessity to pass
#' on a long options list (which is not fully documented in the DT package
#' documentation). It also exposes them auto-complete drop-downs in RStudio IDE.
#' @param data a data object (either a matrix or a data frame)
#' @param caption the table caption; a character vector or a tag object
#' @param rownames \code{TRUE} (show row names) or \code{FALSE} (hide row names)
#'   or a character vector of row names; by default, the row names are not shown
#' @param colnames if missing, the column names of the data; otherwise it can be
#'   an unnamed character vector of names you want to show in the table header
#'   instead of the default data column names; alternatively, you can provide a
#'   \emph{named} numeric or character vector of the form \code{'newName1' = i1,
#'   'newName2' = i2} or \code{c('newName1' = 'oldName1', 'newName2' =
#'   'oldName2', ...)}, where \code{newName} is the new name you want to show in
#'   the table, and \code{i} or \code{oldName} is the index of the current
#'   column name
#' @param filter whether/where to use column filters; \code{none}: no filters;
#'   \code{bottom/top}: put column filters at the bottom/top of the table; range
#'   sliders are used to filter numeric/date/time columns, select lists are used
#'   for factor columns, and text input boxes are used for character columns; if
#'   you want more control over the styles of filters, you can provide a list to
#'   this argument of the form \code{list(position = 'top', clear = TRUE, plain
#'   = FALSE)}, where \code{clear} indicates whether you want the clear buttons
#'   in the input boxes, and \code{plain} means if you want to use Bootstrap
#'   form styles or plain text input styles for the text input boxes
#' @param class the CSS class(es) of the table, defaults to \code{"compact
#'   display"}; see \url{http://datatables.net/manual/styling/classes}
#' @param dom By default, the table has these DOM elements: the length-(l) menu,
#'   the filtering-(f) input box, the table-(t), the information-(i) summary,
#'   and the pagination-(p) control. You can choose to display a subset of these
#'   elements. See \url{https://datatables.net/reference/option/dom} for
#'   details.
#' @param font_family,font_size,font_size_header control how the table's fonts
#'   are rendered in the browser. The default font family is `Arial` 12 `pt` data
#'   cells and 14 `pt` for headers.
#' @param pageLength a number of records to be displayed per page when the table
#'   loads
#' @param lengthMenu a numeric vector of page length drop-down options
#' @param searchHighlight a logical; should search expression be highlighted?
#'   Defaults to \code{TRUE}
#' @param columnDefs list of column definitions; see Examples.
#' @param col_widths An numeric vector of column widths, in pixels. Must equal
#'   the number of columns in the data. Ignored if \code{columnDefs} is
#'   specified.
#' @param order list of row sorting options; see examples.
#' @param ordering logical; should the table be sortable?
#' @param options a \code{list()} of all other options.
#' @param ... all other arguments passed to \code{DT::datatable()}
#' @references See \url{http://rstudio.github.io/DT} for the full documentation.
#' @return \code{DT::datatable} object
#' @export
#' @importFrom DT datatable
#' @seealso \code{\link[DT]{datatable}}, \code{\link{format_databars}}
#' @example inst/examples/ex_datatable_EZ.R
datatable_EZ <-
        # DT arguments
        filter = "none",
        caption = NULL,
        rownames = FALSE,
        class = "compact display",

        # DT options
        font_family = "Arial",
        font_size = 10,
        font_size_header = font_size + 2,
        pageLength = 10,
        lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500),
        searchHighlight = TRUE,
        columnDefs = list(),
        col_widths = NULL,
        ordering = TRUE,
        order = list(),
        options = list(),

        # column widths
            if(length(col_widths) != ncol(data))
                stop("col_widths must be same length as the number of columns in the data.")

                stop("col_width must be a numeric vector of (pixels).")

                # convert vector of pixels to a list of columnDefs options
                columnDefs <- vec2columnDefs(col_widths)
            } else {
                message("col_widths ignored")


        # update options list
        if(is.null(options$dom))                options <- c(options, list(dom=dom))
        if(is.null(options$columnDefs))         options <- c(options, list(columnDefs=columnDefs))
        if(is.null(options$pageLength))         options <- c(options, list(pageLength=pageLength))
        if(is.null(options$lengthMenu))         options <- c(options, list(lengthMenu=lengthMenu))
        if(is.null(options$searchHighlight))    options <- c(options, list(searchHighlight=searchHighlight))

            options <- c(options, list(order=order))
        if(is.null(options$ordering) & length(order)==0)
            options <- c(options, list(ordering=ordering))

        # table font
        if(is.null(options$initComplete ))
            options <- c(options, list(initComplete = js_css(
                font_family = font_family,
                font_size = font_size,
                font_size_header = font_size_header

        # attach DT package
        if(!is_attached("DT")) attachNamespace("DT")

        # render datatable
        DT::datatable(data = data,
                      caption = caption,
                      class = class,
                      filter = filter,
                      rownames = rownames,
                      colnames = colnames,
                      options = options,

#' Add Databars to the Datatable
#' Applies conditional formatting databars to one or more columns in a
#' \code{DT::datatable()}.
#' @param table an object from \code{DT::datatable} or
#'   \code{finTrendr::datatable_EZ} output
#' @param columns columns to be formatted (can be character or a formula of the
#'   form \code{~ V1 + V2}, which is equivalent to \code{c('V1', 'V2')})
#' @param color Background colors for each column (recycled if needed). One of:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item One of \code{RColorBrewer::brewer.pal()} qualitative palettes
#'       ('Accent', 'Dark2','Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3'),
#'       or a numeric index 1-8 of those names. The default is "Pastel1"
#'     \item valid R color name(s) - like \code{"red3"}
#'     \item RGB value(s) - like \code{"rgb(255, 0, 0)"}
#'     \item HEX value(s) - like \code{"#ff0000"}
#'   }
#' @param min_quantile Controls the minimum length of the databar. The row with
#'   the maximum value in a column will always have a full bar. The row with the
#'   minimum value will have a zero-length bar, if \code{min_quantile=0}.
#'   Default is 0.10.
#' @return Formatted \code{DT::datatable} object
#' @export
#' @importFrom DT formatStyle styleColorBar
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @seealso \code{\link{datatable_EZ}}, \code{\link[DT]{datatable}},
#'   \code{\link[DT]{formatStyle}}, \code{\link[DT]{styleColorBar}}
#' @examples
#' dt <- iris %>% datatable_EZ()
#' # multiple columns specification
#' # same as c("Sepal.Length","Petal.Length")
#' dt %>% format_databars(~ Sepal.Length + Petal.Length)
#' # Specify R color names
#' dt %>% format_databars(~ Sepal.Length, color=c("red3","grey75"))
#' # Specify RColorBrewer qualitative palettes
#' dt %>% format_databars(~ Sepal.Length, color= "Pastel1") # by name
#' dt %>% format_databars(~ Sepal.Length, color= 2) # by index
format_databars <-
        color = "Pastel1",
        min_quantile = 0.10
        # convert formulas
        if (inherits(columns, "formula"))
            columns = all.vars(columns)

        # extract data from table
        df <- table$x$data[,columns, drop=FALSE]

        # define colors
            color <- get_brew(color)
        } else if(are_colors(color)) {
            color <- col2css(color)
        } else {
            stop("Invalid colors: ", paste(color, collapse = " "))
        colors <- rep_len(color, length(columns))

        # loop through each column
        for(i in seq_along(columns)){
            # extract column
            x <- df[,i]
            # define min/max range
            rng <- get_range(x, min_quantile)

            table <-
                    table = table,
                    columns = columns[i],
                    background = DT::styleColorBar(data=rng, color = colors[i]),
                    backgroundSize = '90% 75%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'right'


are_colors <- function(colors) {
    vec <-
        sapply(colors, function(color) {
                     error = function(e) FALSE)


brew_colors <- c('Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3')

is_brew <-
    function(color) length(color)==1 && (color %in% brew_colors || color %in% seq_along(brew_colors))

get_brew <-

        if(color %in% brew_colors){
            # match by name
            pal <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8,color)
        } else if (color %in% seq_along(brew_colors)){
            # match by position
            pal <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, brew_colors[color])

col2css <-
        css <- as.data.frame(col2rgb(color))
        css <- sapply(css, paste, collapse=",")
        css <- paste0("rgb(",css,")")

get_range <-
    function(x, min_quantile){
        c(2*min(x, na.rm = T) - stats::quantile(x, min_quantile, na.rm = T),
          max(x, na.rm = T))

# function to convert a vector of column widths (in pixels) to columnDefs option
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
vec2columnDefs <-
        col_widths %>%
            seq_along() %>%
                ~ list(width = paste0(as.integer(col_widths[.x]), "px"),
                       targets = .x-1)

#' @keywords internal
js_css <-
            "function(settings, json) {",
            "$('body').css({'font-family': '%s'});" %>%
            "$('td').css({'font-size': '%ipt'});" %>%
            "$('th').css({'font-size': '%ipt'});" %>%
vadimus202/datatableEZ documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:41 p.m.