
Defines functions prepare_terms search_term_regex get_full_terms lookup_tokens filter_tokens

filter_tokens <- function(tokens, lookup=list(), .G_ID=NULL, .G_PARENT=NULL, .BLOCK=NULL, use_index=TRUE) {
  ## we need the ridiculous .UPPERCASE because if the name happens to be a column in data.table it messes up (it will use its own column for the binary search)
  .G_ID = unique(.G_ID)
  .G_PARENT = unique(.G_PARENT)
  i = NULL
  null_intersect <- function(x, y) if (is.null(x)) y else intersect(x,y) 
  if (!is.null(.G_ID)) i = null_intersect(i, tokens[list(.G_ID[[1]], .G_ID[[2]], .G_ID[[3]]), on=c('doc_id','sentence','token_id'), which=TRUE])
  if (!is.null(.G_PARENT)) i = null_intersect(i, tokens[list(.G_PARENT[[1]], .G_PARENT[[2]], .G_PARENT[[3]]), on=c('doc_id','sentence','parent'), which=TRUE])
  .BLOCK = get_long_ids(.BLOCK)
  if (!is.null(.BLOCK)) i = null_intersect(i, tokens[!list(.BLOCK[[1]], .BLOCK[[2]], .BLOCK[[3]]), on=c('doc_id','sentence','token_id'), which=TRUE])
  if (!is.null(i)) {
    i = stats::na.omit(i)
    tokens = tokens[as.numeric(i),]  
  i = lookup_tokens(tokens, lookup, use_index=use_index)
  if (!is.null(i)) {
    i = stats::na.omit(i)
    tokens = tokens[as.numeric(i),]  
  #if (!select == 'NULL' & !is.null(select)) tokens = tokens[eval(parse(text=select), tokens, e),]

lookup_tokens <- function(tokens, lookup=list(), boolean='AND', use_index=TRUE) {
  i = NULL
  for (lookup_i in seq_along(lookup)) {
    .N = names(lookup)[lookup_i]
    .V = lookup[[lookup_i]]
    if (is.null(.V)) next
    if (methods::is(.V, 'tokenLookup') | methods::is(.V, 'tokenLookupBreak')) {
      result = lookup_tokens(tokens, .V$lookup, boolean=.V$boolean)
      if (is.null(result)) next
    } else {
      .COLNAME = gsub('__.*', '', .N)
      if (!.COLNAME %in% colnames(tokens)) stop(sprintf('%s is not a valid column name in tokens', .N))
      if (use_index) if (!.N %in% data.table::indices(tokens)) data.table::setindexv(tokens, .COLNAME)

      .V = prepare_terms(.V, tokens[[.COLNAME]], 
                         ignore_case = grepl('__N?R?F?I', .N), 
                         regex = grepl('__N?I?F?R', .N),
                         fixed = grepl('__N?R?I?F', .N))
      result = tokens[list(.V), on=(.COLNAME), which=TRUE, nomatch=0, allow.cartesian=TRUE]
    if (is.null(i)) {
      if (boolean == 'NOT') result = if (length(result) > 0) (1:nrow(tokens))[-result] else 1:nrow(tokens)
      i = result
    } else {
      if (boolean == 'NOT') i = setdiff(i, result)
      if (boolean == 'AND') i = intersect(i, result)
      if (boolean == 'OR') i = union(i, result)

get_full_terms <- function(x, terms, batchsize=25, ignore_case=TRUE) {
  terms = if (methods::is(terms, 'factor')) levels(terms) else unique(terms)
  if (length(x) > 1) { ## if there are multiple terms, make batches of terms and turn each batch into a single regex
    x = split(as.character(x), ceiling(seq_along(x)/batchsize))
    x = sapply(x, stringi::stri_paste, collapse='|')
    out = rep(FALSE, length(x))
    for(xbatch in x){
      out = out | grepl(xbatch, terms, ignore.case=ignore_case)
  } else {
    out = grepl(as.character(x), terms, ignore.case=ignore_case)

search_term_regex <- function(patterns) {
  patterns = gsub("([^0-9a-zA-Z])", '\\\\\\1', x=patterns)  # escape special characters
  patterns = gsub('\\\\(\\*)|\\\\(\\?)', '.\\1', patterns)  # process wildcards
  paste0('\\b',patterns,'\\b')                              # set word boundaries

prepare_terms <- function(x, terms, ignore_case=TRUE, regex=FALSE, fixed=FALSE) {
  if (ignore_case && fixed) warning('ignore_case (__I) is not used, because fixed (__F) is also used')
  if (regex && fixed) warning('regex (__R) is not used, because fixed (__F) is also used')
  if (fixed) return(x)
  if (regex) {
    return(get_full_terms(x, terms, ignore_case = ignore_case)) 
  } else {
    if (ignore_case) {
      x = search_term_regex(x)
      return(get_full_terms(x, terms, ignore_case = TRUE)) 
    } else {
      has_wildcard = grepl('[*?]', x)
      if (!any(has_wildcard)) return(x)
      x_full = get_full_terms(search_term_regex(x[has_wildcard]), terms, ignore_case=FALSE)
      x = c(x[!has_wildcard], x_full)
vanatteveldt/rsyntax documentation built on June 14, 2022, 7:42 a.m.