
Defines functions makeGridLines fixTranslationForExpression .fixOnlyUnicodeWithBackticks PlotRobustnessSequential

Documented in PlotRobustnessSequential

#' @title Create a robustness or sequential plot
#' @param dfLines A dataframe with \code{$x}, \code{$y}, and optionally \code{$g}. \code{$y} is assumed to be on the log scale.
#' @param dfPoints A dataframe with \code{$x}, \code{$y}, and optionally \code{$g}.
#' @param BF Numeric, with value of Bayes factor. This MUST correspond to bfType.
#' @param hasRightAxis Logical, should there be a right axis displaying evidence?
#' @param xName String or expression, displayed on the x-axis.
#' @param yName String or expression, displayed on the y-axis.
#' @param addEvidenceArrowText Logical, should arrows indicating "Evidence for H0/H1" be drawn?
#' @param drawPizzaTxt Logical, should there be text above and below the pizza plot?
#' @param evidenceLeveltxt Logical, should "Evidence for H0: extreme" be drawn?
#' Ignored if \code{!is.null(dfLines$g) && linesLegend}.
#' @param pointLegend Logical, should a legend of \code{dfPoints$g} be shown?
#' @param linesLegend Logical, should a legend of \code{dfLines$g} be shown?
#' @param bfType String, what is the type of BF? Options are "BF01", "BF10", or "LogBF10".
#' @param hypothesis String, what was the hypothesis? Options are "equal", "smaller", or "greater".
#' @param bfSubscripts String, manually specify the BF labels.
#' @param pizzaTxt String vector of length 2, text to be drawn above and below pizza plot.
#' @param pointColors String vector, colors for points if \code{dfPoints$g} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @param lineColors String vector, colors for lines if \code{dfLines$g} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @param lineTypes String vector, line types if \code{dfLines$g} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @param addLineAtOne Logical, should a black line be draw at BF = 1?
#' @param bty List of three elements. Type specifies the box type, ldwX the width of the x-axis, lwdY the width of the y-axis.
#' @param plotLineOrPoint String, should the main geom in the plot be a line or a point? If set to auto, points are shown whenever \code{nrow(dfLines) <= 60}.
#' @param pointShape String, if \code{plotLineOrPoint == "point"} then this controls the shape aesthetic.
#' @param pointFill String, if \code{plotLineOrPoint == "point"} then this controls the fill aesthetic.
#' @param pointColor String, if \code{plotLineOrPoint == "point"} then this controls the color aesthetic.
#' @param pointSize String, if \code{plotLineOrPoint == "point"} then this controls the size aesthetic.
#' @param evidenceTxt String to display evidence level in the topright of the plot. If NULL then a default is used.
#' @param arrowLabel String to display text next to arrows inside the plot. If NULL then a default is used.
#' @param ... Unused.
#' @example inst/examples/ex-PlotRobustnessSequential.R
#' @export
PlotRobustnessSequential <- function(
  dfLines, dfPoints = NULL, BF = NULL, hasRightAxis = TRUE, xName = NULL, yName = NULL,
  addEvidenceArrowText = TRUE, drawPizzaTxt = !is.null(BF), evidenceLeveltxt = !is.null(BF),
  pointLegend = !is.null(dfPoints), linesLegend = !is.null(dfLines$g), bfSubscripts = NULL,
  pizzaTxt = hypothesis2BFtxt(hypothesis)$pizzaTxt,
  bfType = c("BF01", "BF10", "LogBF10"),
  hypothesis = c("equal", "smaller", "greater"),
  pointColors  = c("red", "grey", "black", "white"),
  lineColors = c("black", "grey", "black"),
  lineTypes = c("solid", "solid", "dotted"),
  addLineAtOne = TRUE, bty = list(type = "n", ldwX = .5, lwdY = .5),
  plotLineOrPoint = c("auto", "line", "point"),
  pointShape = rep(21, 3),
  pointFill  = c("grey", "black", "white"),
  pointColor = rep("black", 3),
  pointSize = c(3, 2, 2),
  evidenceTxt = NULL,
  arrowLabel = NULL,
  ...) {

  errCheckPlots(dfLines = dfLines, dfPoints = dfPoints, BF = BF)
  bfType <- match.arg(bfType)
  plotLineOrPoint <- match.arg(plotLineOrPoint)
  if (plotLineOrPoint == "auto") plotLineOrPoint <- if (nrow(dfLines) <= 60) "point" else "line"
  hypothesis <- match.arg(hypothesis)
  emptyPlot <- list()

  if (is.null(yName)) {
    if (bfType == "BF01") {
      yName <- getBFSubscripts(bfType, hypothesis)[2L]
    } else {
      yName <- getBFSubscripts(bfType, hypothesis)[1L]

  if (!is.null(dfPoints) && !is.null(BF)) {
    stop2("Cannot provide both a BF pizzaplot and a points legend!")

  yRange <- range(dfLines$y)
  parseYaxisLabels <- TRUE

  if (all(abs(yRange) <= log(100))) {

    # steps from 1, 3, 10, 30
    yBreaksL  <- log(c(1 / 100, 1 / 30, 1 / 10, 1 / 3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100))
    yLabelsL <- c("1 / 100", "1 / 30", "1 / 10", "1 / 3", "1", "3", "10", "30", "100")
    # yLabelsL <- c(paste0("frac(1,", c(100, 30, 10, 3), ")"), "1", "3", "10", "30", "100")

    # find the interval bounds, raw index corresponds to left bound of the interval
    # 1.05 allows the data to cross the upper gridlines
    # e.g., so that a yRange of c(..., 1.02) means an upper bound of 1 rather than 3.
    idx <- findInterval(yRange, 1.05 * yBreaksL, all.inside = TRUE)
    if (idx[2L] == 5L && abs(yRange[2L]) <= 0.05493061) # near zero exception, since 1.05 * 0 = 0
      idx[2L] <- 4L

    if (addEvidenceArrowText) { # if we have arrows, add space for them
      # -1 extra room for lb, +2, because findInterval returns LEFT bound of interval and we need one extra for ub.
      idx <- max(1L, idx[1L] - 1L):min(length(yBreaksL), idx[2L] + 2L)
    } else {
      idx <- idx[1L]:idx[2L]
    yBreaksL <- yBreaksL[idx]
    yLabelsL <- yLabelsL[idx]

  } else {
    # adaptive steps
    hasRightAxis <- FALSE # make no sense to display this anymore

    # convert base e to base 10
    yRange <- yRange * log10(exp(1))
    dfLines$y <- dfLines$y * log10(exp(1))
    if (!is.null(dfPoints))
      dfPoints$y <- dfPoints$y * log10(exp(1))

    # round to ensure all point lie within the breaks
    from <- floor(yRange[1L])
    to <- ceiling(yRange[2L])
    # rounding + unique avoids fractional breaks which aren't nicely displayed
    yBreaksL <- unique(as.integer(getPrettyAxisBreaks(x = c(from, to))))
    step <- yBreaksL[2L] - yBreaksL[1L]
    # add additional breaks to avoid overlap if there are arrows
    if (addEvidenceArrowText)
      yBreaksL <- c(yBreaksL[1L] - step, yBreaksL, yBreaksL[length(yBreaksL)] + step)
    if (yBreaksL[1L] == 0)
      yBreaksL <- c(-step, yBreaksL)
    if (yBreaksL[length(yBreaksL)] == 0)
      yBreaksL <- c(yBreaksL, step)

    if (max(abs(yBreaksL)) < 6L) { # below 1 000 000
      # show 1 / 100, 1 / 10, ..., 10 , 100, ..., 100 000
      idx <- yBreaksL < 0
      # unused parsed version (EJ didn't like that)
      # yLabelsL <- c(paste0("frac(1, ", yBreaksL[idx], ")"), yBreaksL[!idx])
      # formatC(x, format = "fg") ensures 1e5 is shown as 100000 not 1e+05
      yLabelsL <- c(paste("1 /", formatC(10^abs(yBreaksL[idx]), format = "fg")),
                    formatC(10^yBreaksL[!idx], format = "fg"))
      parseYaxisLabels <- FALSE
    } else { # above 1 000 000
      # show 10^-1, 10^1, 10^2, ...
      yLabelsL <- parse(text = paste0("10^", yBreaksL))

  allEvidenceLabels <- c(gettext("Anecdotal",domain="R-jaspGraphs"), gettext("Moderate",domain="R-jaspGraphs"), gettext("Strong",domain="R-jaspGraphs"), gettext("Very Strong",domain="R-jaspGraphs"), gettext("Extreme",domain="R-jaspGraphs"))

  if (hasRightAxis) {

    yBreaksR  <- log(c(1 / 100, 1 / 30, 1 / 10, 1 / 3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100))
    allYlabelR <- allEvidenceLabels
    allYlabelR <- c(rev(allYlabelR), allYlabelR)

    nr <- 2*length(yBreaksL) - 1
    yBreaksR <- numeric(nr)
    yLabelsR <- character(nr)
    colsRight <- character(nr)
    idxOdd  <- seq(1, nr, 2)
    idxEven <- seq(2, nr, 2)

    yBreaksR[idxOdd]   <- yBreaksL
    yBreaksR[idxEven]  <- (yBreaksL[-1] + yBreaksL[-length(yBreaksL)]) / 2
    yLabelsR[idxEven]  <- allYlabelR[idx][-1L]
    colsRight[idxOdd]  <- "black"
    colsRight[idxEven] <- NA_character_

    sexAcis <- ggplot2::sec_axis(
      trans  = ~.,
      name   = gettext("Evidence",domain="R-jaspGraphs"),
      breaks = yBreaksR,
      labels = yLabelsR

    dfRightAxisLines <- data.frame(
      x    = Inf,
      xend = Inf,
      y    = yBreaksR[1L],
      yend = yBreaksR[length(yBreaksR)]
    rightAxisLine <- ggplot2::geom_segment(
      data = dfRightAxisLines, mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, xend = .data$xend,
                                                      yend = .data$yend),
      lwd = getGraphOption("bty")[["lwdY"]],
      position = ggplot2::PositionIdentity, stat = ggplot2::StatIdentity, inherit.aes = FALSE

  } else {
    colsRight <- NA
    sexAcis <- waiver()
    rightAxisLine <- NULL

  xBreaks <- getPrettyAxisBreaks(dfLines$x)

  if (is.null(dfLines$g)) {
    mapping <- aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y)
    scaleCol <- scaleLty <- scaleShape <- scaleFill <- scaleSize <- NULL
  } else {
    if (length(unique(dfLines$g)) != length(lineColors) || length(lineColors) != length(lineTypes))
      stop2("lineColors and lineTypes must have the same length as the number of groups in dfLines.")

    if (plotLineOrPoint == "line") {
      mapping    <- aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, group = .data$g, linetype = .data$g, color = .data$g)
      scaleCol   <- ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = lineColors)
      scaleLty   <- ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual(values = lineTypes)
      scaleShape <- scaleFill <- scaleSize <- NULL
    } else {
      mapping    <- aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, group = .data$g, color = .data$g, shape = .data$g, fill = .data$g, size = .data$g)
      scaleCol   <- ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = pointColor)
      scaleFill  <- ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = pointFill)
      scaleShape <- ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values = pointShape)
      scaleSize  <- ggplot2::scale_size_manual(values = pointSize)
      scaleLty   <- NULL

  nYbreaksL <- length(yBreaksL)
  gridCols <- rep("gray", nYbreaksL)
  gridLtys <- rep("dashed", nYbreaksL)
  if (addLineAtOne) { # color line at 1 differently
    i <- which(abs(yBreaksL) <= .Machine$double.eps)
    gridCols[i] <- "black"
    gridLtys[i] <- "solid"

  gridLines <- makeGridLines(
    x        = xBreaks[1L], #rep(xBreaks[c(1, length(xBreaks))], nYbreaksL),
    y        = yBreaksL, #rep(yBreaksL, each = 2),
    xend     = xBreaks[length(xBreaks)],
    colour   = gridCols,
    linetype = gridLtys

  geom <- switch(plotLineOrPoint,
                 "line"  = geom_line,
                 "point" = geom_point)

  g <- ggplot(data = dfLines, mapping = mapping) +
    gridLines +
    geom() +
      name     = parse(text = yName),
      breaks   = yBreaksL,
      labels   = if (parseYaxisLabels) parse(text = yLabelsL) else yLabelsL,
      limits   = range(yBreaksL),
      sec.axis = sexAcis
    ) +
      name   = xName,
      breaks = xBreaks
    ) + scaleCol + scaleLty + scaleFill + scaleShape + scaleSize

  legendPlot <- list()
  if (!is.null(dfPoints)) {
    mapping <- if (ncol(dfPoints) == 2L) aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y) else aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, fill = .data$g)
    g <- g + geom_point(data = dfPoints, mapping = mapping) +
      ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = pointColors[order(factor(dfPoints$g))])

    if (pointLegend) {

      if (!is.null(dfPoints$label1) && !is.null(dfPoints$label2))
        legendPlot <- makeLegendPlot(dfPoints$g, fill = pointColors, type = "point",
                                     label1 = dfPoints$label1, label2 = dfPoints$label2)
        legendPlot <- makeLegendPlot(dfPoints$g, fill = pointColors, type = "point")


  if (!is.null(BF)) {
    if (is.null(bfSubscripts))
      bfSubscripts <- getBFSubscripts(bfType, hypothesis)

    tmp <- makeBFwheelAndText(BF, bfSubscripts, pizzaTxt, drawPizzaTxt, bfType)
    gTextBF <- tmp$gTextBF
    gWheel <- tmp$gWheel

  } else {
    gWheel <- emptyPlot
    gTextBF <- emptyPlot

  linesLegendPlot <- gTextEvidence <- NULL
  if (linesLegend && !is.null(dfLines$g)) {
    evidenceLeveltxt <- FALSE
    linesLegendPlot <- makeLegendPlot(dfLines$g, colors = lineColors, linetypes = lineTypes, type = plotLineOrPoint,
                                      fill = pointFill, sizes = pointSize)
  } else if (evidenceLeveltxt) {

    if (is.null(evidenceTxt)) {
      val <- BF
      if (val < 1)
        val <- 1 / val
      # returns 1 if val in [1, 3], 2 if val in [3, 10], ...
      idx <- findInterval(val, c(1, 3, 10, 30, 100), rightmost.closed = FALSE)
      evidenceLevel <- fixTranslationForExpression(allEvidenceLabels[idx])

      BF01 <- if (bfType == "BF01") BF else if (bfType == "LogBF10") exp(BF) else 1 / BF
      if (BF01 > 1)
        hypothesisSymbol <- "[0]"
      else if (hypothesis == "greater")
        hypothesisSymbol <- "['+']"
      else if (hypothesis == "smaller")
        hypothesisSymbol <- "['-']"
        hypothesisSymbol <- '[1]'

      evidenceFor <- gettextf("Evidence for H%s:", hypothesisSymbol)
      evidenceFor <- fixTranslationForExpression(evidenceFor)
      evidenceTxt <- parseThis(c(evidenceLevel, evidenceFor))

    gTextEvidence <- draw2Lines(evidenceTxt, x = 0.75, align = "right")


  if (addEvidenceArrowText) {

    n <- length(yBreaksL) - 1L
    # distance from one gridline to the next
    d1 <- yBreaksL[1L]     - yBreaksL[2L]
    d2 <- yBreaksL[n + 1L] - yBreaksL[n]

    # start at 10% of x-range
    xlocation <- (xBreaks[length(xBreaks)] - xBreaks[1L]) * 0.1

    dfArrow <- data.frame(
      x    = xlocation,
      xend = xlocation,
      y    = c(yBreaksL[2L] + 0.25 * d1, yBreaksL[n] + 0.25 * d2),
      yend = c(yBreaksL[2L] + 0.75 * d1, yBreaksL[n] + 0.75 * d2)

    if (is.null(arrowLabel)) {
      # only translate this once
      evidenceBase <- fixTranslationForExpression(gettext("Evidence for H%s"))
      evidenceH0 <- sprintf(evidenceBase, "[0]")

      hypothesisSymbol <- switch(hypothesis,
        "greater" = "['+']",
        "smaller" = "['-']",
        "equal"   = "[1]"
      evidenceH1 <- sprintf(evidenceBase, hypothesisSymbol)

      arrowLabel <- c(evidenceH0, evidenceH1)
      parseArrowLabel <- TRUE
    } else {
      parseArrowLabel <- needsParsing(arrowLabel)

    dfArrowTxt <- data.frame(
      y = (dfArrow$y + dfArrow$yend) / 2,
      x = 1.5 * xlocation, # 15% of x-range
      # additional '' around for are necessary because otherwise it's parsed as a for loop
      label = arrowLabel,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    # remove one arrow and text if y axis is entirely above or entirely below 0 = log(1)
    if (0 < min(yBreaksL)) {
      dfArrow    <- dfArrow[-1L, ]
      dfArrowTxt <- dfArrowTxt[-1L, ]
    } else if (0 > max(yBreaksL)) {
      dfArrow    <- dfArrow[-2L, ]
      dfArrowTxt <- dfArrowTxt[-2L, ]

    if (bfType == "BF01")
      dfArrowTxt[["label"]] <- rev(dfArrowTxt[["label"]])

    g <- g + ggplot2::geom_segment(
      data    = dfArrow, aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, xend = .data$xend, yend = .data$yend),
      lineend = "round", linejoin = "bevel",
      arrow   = grid::arrow(length = grid::unit(0.4, "cm")),
      size    = 1,
      inherit.aes = FALSE
    ) +
        data        = dfArrowTxt,
        mapping     = aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, label = .data$label),
        parse       = parseArrowLabel,
        size        = .40 * getGraphOption("fontsize"),
        inherit.aes = FALSE,
        hjust       = 0.0

  thm <- theme(
    axis.ticks.y.right = element_line(colour = colsRight),
    axis.text.y.right  = element_text(margin = ggplot2::margin(r = 5))
  g <- themeJasp(g, bty = bty) + rightAxisLine + thm

  if (pointLegend && !is.null(dfPoints)) {

    plot <- jaspGraphsPlot$new(
      subplots     = list(legendPlot, g),
      layout       = matrix(1:2, 2),
      heights      = c(.2, .8),
      widths       = 1

  } else if (!is.null(BF)) {

    if (!is.null(linesLegendPlot)) {
      topPlotList <- list(BFtext = gTextBF, BFpizza = gWheel, legend = linesLegendPlot, mainGraph = g)
    } else {
      topPlotList <- list(BFtext = gTextBF, BFpizza = gWheel, evidenceText = gTextEvidence, mainGraph = g)
    idx <- lengths(topPlotList[1:3]) == 0L
    layout <- matrix(1:3, 1, 3)
    layout[idx] <- NA_integer_
    layout <- rbind(layout, 4)

    heights <- c(.2, .8)
    widths  <- c(.4, .2, .4)

    plot <- jaspGraphsPlot$new(
      subplots     = topPlotList[!idx],
      layout       = layout,
      heights      = heights,
      widths       = widths

  } else {
    plot <- g
    class(plot) <- c("jaspGraphs", class(plot))

.fixOnlyUnicodeWithBackticks <- function(textIn) {
  textss <- strsplit(textIn, "\\s+")
  fixeds <- character()

  for (texts in textss) {
    fixed <- ""
    for (text in texts) {
      putBackTicks <- Encoding(text) == "UTF-8"

      # the if can probably just be `putBackTicks <- any(charToRaw(text) > 127)`, let's fix that for next release
      if (!putBackTicks)
        for (character in charToRaw(text))
          if (character > 127)
            putBackTicks <- TRUE

      if (putBackTicks) #If unicode or outside of range of ascii then put backticks
        text <- paste0('`',text,'`')

      if (fixed == "") fixed <- text
      else             fixed <- paste0(fixed, "~", text)
    fixeds <- rbind(fixeds, fixed)


fixTranslationForExpression <- function(text) {
  # Transforms a translated vector of strings into one that a vector that
  # can safely be parsed as expression.
  # Changes:
  # - the word "for" is escaped to "'for'".
  # - whitespace becomes ~
  # - If a line ends or starts with :, the : is pasted to the string.
  # NOTE: this is not 100% safe, words like: "if", "while", "next", "repeat",
  # will still crash when parsed.
  # none of this would be necesary if we switch to unicode...

  text      <- gsub("\\bfor\\b", "'for'", trimws(text))
  text      <- .fixOnlyUnicodeWithBackticks(text)
  text      <- gsub("\\s+", "~", text)
  idx       <- endsWith(text, ":")
  text[idx] <- paste0("paste(", substring(text[idx], 1, nchar(text[idx]) - 1L), ", ':')")
  idx       <- startsWith(text, ":")
  text[idx] <- paste0("paste(", "':'", substring(text[idx], 1, nchar(text[idx]) - 1L), ")")


# Nobody uses this in JASP so let's not export it
# custom Gridlines for ggplot objects
# @param x Left bound of gridline.
# @param xend Right bound of gridline.
# @param y height of gridline.
# @param ... Further arguments to \code{\link[ggplot2:geom_segment]{geom_segment}}, e.g., colour.
# @param linetypes solid, dashed, dotted, etc.
# @param size size of the line.
# @details This function exists only when gridlines need to exist at specific locations, for example from x1 to x2 but
# don't extend further than x2. Otherwise, use the build in functionality inside \code{\link[ggplot2:theme]{theme}}.
# This function is a wrapper around \code{\link[ggplot2:geom_segment]{geom_segment}}.
# @return a ggproto object.
# @export
makeGridLines <- function(x, xend, y, size = 0.85, ...) {

      data        = data.frame(x = x, y = y, xend = xend),
      mapping     =        aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = y),
      inherit.aes = FALSE,
      size        = size,
vandenman/JASPgraphs documentation built on Dec. 16, 2021, 5:37 p.m.