
Defines functions rep_holdout_origins unlistn soft_completion split_by split_by. K_HAT ts_df_slip_by_size percentual_difference proportion log_trans replace_inf myholdout2 ts_holdout create_datasets unroll_embedd get_y_val BayesianSignTest estimate_fi

Documented in BayesianSignTest create_datasets estimate_fi get_y_val K_HAT log_trans myholdout2 percentual_difference proportion rep_holdout_origins replace_inf soft_completion ts_df_slip_by_size ts_holdout unroll_embedd

#' Importance Scores
#' @param form formula
#' @param x dataset
#' @export
estimate_fi <-
  function(form, x) {

    fi <- CORElearn::attrEval(form, x,
                              estimator = "RReliefFequalK")


#' Bayes Sign Test
#' @param diffVector diffVector
#' @param rope_min rope_min
#' @param rope_max rope_min
#' @export
BayesianSignTest <- function(diffVector,rope_min, rope_max) {


  samples <- 3000

  #build the vector 0.5 1 1 ....... 1
  weights <- c(0.5,rep(1,length(diffVector)))

  #add the fake first observation in 0
  diffVector <- c (0, diffVector)

  #for the moment we implement the sign test. Signedrank will follows
  probLeft <- mean (diffVector < rope_min)
  probRope <- mean (diffVector > rope_min & diffVector < rope_max)
  probRight <- mean (diffVector > rope_max)

  r <- rdirichlet(samples, c(probLeft,probRope,probRight))
  r <- colMeans(r)

  results = c("probLeft"=r[1], "probRope"=r[2],"probRight"=r[3])

  return (results)


#' Get target vector
#' @param form formula
#' @param x data set, data.frame
#' @export
get_y_val <-
  function(form, x) {
    stats::model.response(stats::model.frame(form, x, na.action = NULL))

#' Unroll embedded time series
#' @param df time series, data.frame (my_embedd fun)
#' @export
unroll_embedd <-
  function(df) {
    pt1 <- unlist(df[1,-ncol(df)], use.names = FALSE)
    pt2 <- df[,ncol(df)]
    c(pt1, pt2)

#' Create train/test data sets
#' @param train train series, vector
#' @param test test series, vector, posterior to train
#' @param k embedding dimension
#' @param h forecasting horizon
#' @export
create_datasets <-
  function(train, test, k, h) {
    train <- as.numeric(train)
    test <- as.numeric(test)

    tr_k <- my_embedd(train, m = k, d = 1, h = h)

    tr_tail <- utils::tail(train, k-1)

    ts_k <- my_embedd(c(tr_tail,test), m = k, d = 1, h = h)


#' Holdout estimation
#' @param x time series, ts class
#' @param ratio ratio for training
#' @param frq frequency of time series
#' @export
ts_holdout <-
  function(x, ratio, frq) {
    len <- NROW(x)

    train <- head(x, ceiling(ratio * len))
    test <- tail(x, len - ceiling(ratio * len))

    train <- ts(train, frequency = frq)
    test <- ts(test, frequency = frq)



#' holdout
#' @param x x
#' @param beta bear
#' @export
myholdout2 <- function(x, beta) {
  len <- NROW(x)
  train <- x[ seq_len(beta * len), ]
  test <-  x[-seq_len(beta * len), ]

  list(train=train, test=test)

#' replace infs
#' @param df data.frame
#' @export
replace_inf <- function(df) {
          lapply(df, function(j) {
            replace(j, is.infinite(j), NA)

#' log transform
#' @param x numeric vec
#' @export
log_trans <- function(x) sign(x) * log(abs(x) + 1)

#' normalize
#' @param x num vec
#' @export
proportion <- function(x) x / sum(x, na.rm = T)

#' perc difference
#' @param x num vec 1
#' @param y num vec 2
#' @export
percentual_difference <-
  function(x,y) {
    ((x - y) / abs(y)) * 100

#' Splitting data
#' @param x dataset, data.frame
#' @param test_size test size, no of obs.
#' @export
ts_df_slip_by_size <-
  function(x, test_size) {
    test <- tail(x, test_size)
    train <- head(x, nrow(x) - test_size)


#' Embed dim. estimation
#' @param x time series, ts class
#' @export
K_HAT <-
  function(x) {
    frq <- stats::frequency(x)

    xs <- ts_holdout(x, .8, frq = frq)

    cat("Estimating best k\n")
    k <- search_k_vall(xs$train, max_k = 30)


split_by. <- function(expr, ...) split_by(expr, split = ".", ...)

split_by <- function(expr, split, unlist. = TRUE, ...) {
  expr <- strsplit(expr, split = split, fixed = TRUE, ...)
  if (unlist.) expr <- unlistn(expr)

#' Soft completion
#' @param x data.frame with NAs
#' @import softImpute
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
soft_completion <- function(x) {
  cls <- class(x)

  if ("data.frame" %in% cls) {
    x <- as.matrix(x)

  impModel <- softImpute(x)

  xp <- complete(x, impModel)

  if ("data.frame" %in% cls) {
    xp <- as.data.frame(xp)

  list(x=xp, model=impModel)

unlistn <- function(x) unlist(x,use.names = F)

#' rep h origins
#' @param n len
#' @param nreps n sims
#' @param train_size ratio of len
#' @param test_size ratio of len
#' @export
rep_holdout_origins <-
  function(n, nreps, train_size, test_size) {
    tr_size <- as.integer(n * train_size)
    ts_size <- as.integer(n * test_size)
    selection_range <- (tr_size + 1):(n - ts_size + 1)
    origins <- sample(selection_range, nreps)

vcerqueira/vest documentation built on Feb. 15, 2021, 6:57 p.m.