

cross_validate <- function(df, tree, n_iter, split_ratio, method = 'class')
  # training data frame df
  df <- as.data.frame(df)

  # mean_subset is a vector of accuracy values generated from the specified features in the tree object
  mean_subset <- c()

  # mean_all is a vector of accuracy values generated from all the available features in the data frame
  mean_all <- c()

  # control parameters for the decision tree
  contro = tree$control

  # the following snippet will create relations to generate decision trees
  # relation_all will create a decision tree with all the features
  # relation_subset will create a decision tree with only user-specified features in tree
  dep <- all.vars(terms(tree))[1]
  indep <- list()
  relation_all = as.formula(paste(dep, '.', sep = "~"))
  i <- 1
  while (i < length(all.vars(terms(tree)))) {
    indep[[i]] <- all.vars(terms(tree))[i + 1]
    i <- i + 1
  b <- paste(indep, collapse = "+")
  relation_subset <- as.formula(paste(dep, b, sep = "~"))

  # creating train and test samples with the given split ratio
  # performing cross-validation n_iter times
  for (i in 1:n_iter) {
    sample <-
      sample.int(n = nrow(df),
                 size = floor(split_ratio * nrow(df)),
                 replace = F)
    train <- df[sample,]
    testing  <- df[-sample,]
    type = typeof(unlist(testing[dep]))

    # decision tree for regression if the method specified is "anova"
    if (method == 'anova') {
      first.tree <-
          data = train,
          control = contro,
          method = 'anova'
      second.tree <- rpart(relation_all, data = train, method = 'anova')
      pred1.tree <- predict(first.tree, newdata = testing)
      pred2.tree <- predict(second.tree, newdata = testing)
      mean1 <- mean((as.numeric(pred1.tree) - testing[, dep]) ^ 2)
      mean2 <- mean((as.numeric(pred2.tree) - testing[, dep]) ^ 2)
      mean_subset <- c(mean_subset, mean1)
      mean_all <- c(mean_all, mean2)

    # decision tree for classification
    # if the method specified is not "anova", then this block is executed
    # if the method is not specified by the user, the default option is to perform classification
      first.tree <-
          data = train,
          control = contro,
          method = 'class'
      second.tree <- rpart(relation_all, data = train, method = 'class')
      pred1.tree <- predict(first.tree, newdata = testing, type = 'class')
      pred2.tree <-
        predict(second.tree, newdata = testing, type = 'class')
      mean1 <-
        mean(as.character(pred1.tree) == as.character(testing[, dep]))
      mean2 <-
        mean(as.character(pred2.tree) == as.character(testing[, dep]))
      mean_subset <- c(mean_subset, mean1)
      mean_all <- c(mean_all, mean2)

  # average_accuracy_subset is the average accuracy of n_iter iterations of cross-validation with user-specified features
  # average_acuracy_all is the average accuracy of n_iter iterations of cross-validation with all the available features
  # variance_accuracy_subset is the variance of accuracy of n_iter iterations of cross-validation with user-specified features
  # variance_accuracy_all is the variance of accuracy of n_iter iterations of cross-validation with all the available features
  cross_validation_stats <-
      "average_accuracy_subset" = mean(mean_subset, na.rm = T),
      "average_accuracy_all" = mean(mean_all, na.rm = T),
      "variance_accuracy_subset" = var(mean_subset, na.rm = T),
      "variance_accuracy_all" = var(mean_all, na.rm = T)

  # creating a data frame of accuracy_subset and accuracy_all
  # accuracy_subset contains n_iter accuracy values on cross-validation with user-specified features
  # accuracy_all contains n_iter accuracy values on cross-validation with all the available features
  cross_validation_df <-
    data.frame(accuracy_subset = mean_subset, accuracy_all = mean_all)
  return(list(cross_validation_df, cross_validation_stats))
vedangmehta/CrossValidation documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:47 a.m.