
`ordispider` <-
    function (ord, groups, display = "sites", w = weights(ord, display),
              spiders = c("centroid", "median"), show.groups,
              label = FALSE, col = NULL, lty = NULL, lwd = NULL, ...)
    weights.default <- function(object, ...) NULL
    spiders <- match.arg(spiders)
    if (inherits(ord, "cca") && missing(groups)) {
        lc <- scores(ord, display = "lc", ...)
        wa <- scores(ord, display = "wa", ...)
        if (is.null(col))
            col <- par("fg")
        ordiArgAbsorber(lc[, 1], lc[, 2], wa[, 1], wa[, 2],
                        FUN = segments, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
        class(lc) <- "ordispider"
    pts <- scores(ord, display = display, ...)
    if (ncol(pts) > 2)
        pts <- pts[, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
    ## spids stores pointwise centroids to be returned invisibly
    ## (transposed here so that filling is easier, but back-transposed
    ## when returned).
    spids <- t(array(NA, dim=dim(pts), dimnames = dimnames(pts)))
    ## ordihull: draw lines from centre to the points in the hull
    if (inherits(ord, "ordihull"))
        groups <- attr(pts, "hulls")
    w <- eval(w)
    if (length(w) == 1)
        w <- rep(1, nrow(pts))
    if (is.null(w))
        w <- rep(1, nrow(pts))
    if (!missing(show.groups)) {
        take <- groups %in% show.groups
        pts <- pts[take, , drop = FALSE]
        groups <- groups[take]
        w <- w[take]
    if (spiders == "median" && sd(w) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
        warning("weights are ignored with 'median' spiders")
    out <- seq(along = groups)
    inds <- names(table(groups))
    if (label)
    cntrs <- names <- NULL

    ## fill in graphical vectors with default values if unspecified
    ## and recycles shorter vectors
    for(arg in c("col","lty","lwd")) {
        tmp <- mget(arg,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]]
            tmp <- ifelse(suppressWarnings(is.null(par(arg))),
                          par("fg"), par(arg))
        if(length(inds) != length(tmp))
            tmp <- rep_len(tmp, length(inds))
        assign(arg, tmp)
    ## 'kk' removes NA scores and NA groups
    kk <- complete.cases(pts) & !is.na(groups)
    for (is in inds) {
        gr <- out[groups == is & kk]
        if (length(gr)) {
            X <- pts[gr, , drop = FALSE]
            W <- w[gr]
            if (length(gr) > 1) {
                ave <- switch(spiders,
                              "centroid" = apply(X, 2, weighted.mean, w = W),
                              "median" = ordimedian(X, rep(1, nrow(X))))
                ordiArgAbsorber(ave[1], ave[2], X[, 1], X[, 2],
                                FUN = segments, col[match(is, inds)],
                                lty = lty[match(is,inds)],
                                lwd = lwd[match(is,inds)],...)
            } else {
                ave <- X
            spids[,gr] <- ave
            if (label) {
                cntrs <- rbind(cntrs, ave)
                names <- c(names, is)
    if (label)
        ordiArgAbsorber(cntrs, label = names, FUN = ordilabel, ...)
    spids <- t(spids)
    class(spids) <- "ordispider"
vegandevs/vegan documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 8:22 p.m.