  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
NicheDataColors <-
c(Erythroblasts = "#bc7c7c", Chondrocytes = "#a6c7f7", Osteoblasts = "#0061ff", 
`Fibro/Chondro p.` = "#70a5f9", `pro-B` = "#7b9696", `Arteriolar ECs` = "#b5a800", 
`B cell` = "#000000", `large pre-B.` = "#495959", `Sinusoidal ECs` = "#ffee00", 
Fibroblasts = "#70a5f9", `Endosteal fibro.` = "#264570", `Arteriolar fibro.` = "#567fba", 
`Stromal fibro.` = "#465f82", `small pre-B.` = "#323d3d", `Adipo-CAR` = "#ffb556", 
`Ng2+ MSCs` = "#ab51ff", Neutrophils = "#1f7700", `T cells` = "#915400", 
`NK cells` = "#846232", `Schwann cells` = "#ff00fa", `Osteo-CAR` = "#ff0000", 
`Dendritic cells` = "#44593c", Myofibroblasts = "#dddddd", Monocytes = "#8fff68", 
`Smooth muscle` = "#ff2068", `Ery prog.` = "#f9a7a7", `Mk prog.` = "#f9e0a7", 
`Ery/Mk prog.` = "#f9cda7", `Gran/Mono prog.` = "#e0f9a7", `Neutro prog.` = "#c6f9a7", 
`Mono prog.` = "#f4f9a7", LMPPs = "#a7f9e9", `Eo/Baso prog.` = "#a7b7f9", 
HSPC = "#c6f9a7")

Unsupervised analysis

Object NicheDataLCM contains read counts of samples of microscopically defined niches. We first use PCA to have an unsupervised look at the data, and flag the two outliers driving PC1 and 2 for removal.


n.pca <- prcomp(t(DESeq2::varianceStabilizingTransformation(as.matrix(NicheDataLCM)) ))
qplot(x = n.pca$x[,1], y = n.pca$x[,2], color = NicheMetaDataLCM$biological.class) + scale_color_discrete(name="Sample type") + xlab("PC1") + ylab("PC2")
outliers <- n.pca$x[,1] > 70 | n.pca$x[,2] < -40
remove <- colnames(NicheDataLCM)[outliers]


Next, we used !CIBERSORT to decompose the "bulk" RNA-seq profiles from LCM-seq into the cell populations identified by single cell RNA sequencing. CIBERSORT is an algorithm for estimating the cell type composition of a bulk sample, given a gene expression profile of the sample and a known gene expression profile for each cell type potentially contributing to the sample. Mathematically, the expected expression level $x_j$ of gene $j$ in a bulk sample is the sum of cell type averages, $s_{ij}$, weighted by cell type fractions ai: $$ x_j=\sum_i{a_i s_{ij}} $$ CIBERSORT uses support vector regression to robustly solve that well-defined system of linear equations. In our manuscript (supplementary note), we demonstrate that CIBERSORT excels at comparing relative cell type abundancies between niches (i.e. ???cell type X localizes to niche A over niche B and niche C???), but performs only moderately at estimating cell type proportions within a single niche (i.e. it cannot draw statements like ???niche A consists to 70% of cell type X and 30% of cell type Y???). It is therefore important to focus on analyses of the first type.

To set up CIBERSORT, we first comoute the population-wise mean expression of all marker genes. Since the different HSPC subpopulations are too similar to be reasonably distinguished by CIBERSORT, we merge them to one.

for (pop in c("Ery/Mk prog.","Neutro prog.","Mono prog.","Gran/Mono prog.","LMPPs","Mk prog.","Eo/Baso prog.","Ery prog.")) {
  if (pop %in% unique(Idents(NicheData10x))) {
   command <- sprintf("NicheData10x  <- RenameIdents(NicheData10x, '%s' = 'HSPC')", pop)


usegenes <- unique(NicheMarkers10x$gene[(NicheMarkers10x$myAUC > 0.8 |NicheMarkers10x$myAUC < 0.2) ])

mean_by_cluster <-, lapply(unique(Idents(NicheData10x)), function(x) {
  apply(GetAssayData(NicheData10x, slot = "counts")[usegenes,colnames(NicheData10x)][,Idents(NicheData10x) == x], 1,mean )
colnames(mean_by_cluster) <- unique(Idents(NicheData10x))

...and we then run the function runCIBERSORT.

#character vector that maps column names of NicheDataLCM to sample type
LCM_design <- NicheMetaDataLCM$biological.class
names(LCM_design) <- NicheMetaDataLCM$id

CIBER <- runCIBERSORT(NicheDataLCM, mean_by_cluster, LCM_design, mc.cores=1)

We can plot the result using standard R commands.

CIBER <- subset(CIBER,CellType %in% c("Adipo-CAR","Ng2+ MSCs","Osteoblasts", "Arteriolar fibro.", "Sinusoidal ECs", "Osteo-CAR","Chondrocytes","Endosteal fibro.", "Fibro/Chondro p.", "Stromal fibro.", "Arteriolar ECs", "Smooth muscle") &  !SampleID %in% remove)

labeler <- c("ARTERIES" = "Arteriolar", "ENDOSTEUM" = "Endosteal", "HIGH SINUSOIDS" = "Sinusoidal", "LOW SINUSOIDS" = "Non-vascular", "SUB-ENDOSTEUM" = "Sub-Endosteal", "Other" = "darkgrey")

ggplot(aes(x = SampleClass, y= Fraction,color = CellType),data=CIBER) + geom_point(stat="summary", fun.y=mean) + facet_wrap(~ CellType, scales="free_y") + 
  theme_bw(base_size=12) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, color="black"),axis.text.y = element_blank(), panel.grid = element_blank()) + 
  geom_errorbar(stat="summary", fun.ymin=function(x) mean(x)+sd(x)/sqrt(length(x)),fun.ymax=function(x) mean(x)-sd(x)/sqrt(length(x)), width=0.2) + 
  ylab("CIBERSORT estimate (a.u.)") + scale_color_manual(values = NicheDataColors, guide=F) + xlab("Niche") + scale_x_discrete(labels = labeler)

veltenlab/rnamagnet documentation built on June 24, 2021, 6:19 p.m.