
Defines functions recipe_check_connections recipe_copy_depends recipe_copy_global recipe_copy_resources recipe_copy_sources recipe_copy_readme recipe_copy_script recipe_check_hashes orderly_run_info recipe_current_run_clear recipe_current_run_get recipe_current_run_set orderly_environment recipe_check_sink_stack recipe_check_device_stack temporary_view new_report_id iso_time_str recipe_unexpected_artefacts recipe_exists_artefacts hash_artefacts recipe_check_artefacts recipe_substitute recipe_parameters orderly_run_internal orderly_run

Documented in orderly_run orderly_run_info

##' Run a report.  This will create a new directory in
##' `drafts/<reportname>`, copy your declared resources there,
##' extract data from databases (if you are using them), run your
##' script and check that all expected artefacts were created.  Once
##' successfully run you can use [orderly::orderly_commit()] to move
##' it to the `archive` directory.
##' Parameters are passed to the report as a named list, for example
##' ```
##' id <- orderly::orderly_run("other", list(nmin = 0.2), root = path)
##' ```
##' (see the examples).  The names of the parameters (here,
##' `nmin`) must correspond to declared parameters in the
##' `orderly.yml`.  It is an error if parameters without a
##' default are omitted, and it is an error if unknown parameters are
##' provided.
##' Environment variables that are created in `orderly_envir.yml`
##' will be available while the report runs.  Those that begin with
##' `ORDERLY_` will be saved into the `orderly_run.rds`
##' within the `$env` section (except for any that match the
##' patterns "TOKEN", "PAT" or "PASS").
##' @title Run a report
##' @param name Name of the report to run (see
##'   [orderly::orderly_list()]).  A leading `src/` will be
##'   removed if provided, allowing easier use of autocomplete.
##'   Alternatively, the default of `NULL` is useful if you have
##'   already set the working directory to be the source directory.
##' @param parameters Parameters passed to the report. A named list of
##'   parameters declared in the `orderly.yml`.  Each parameter
##'   must be a scalar character, numeric, integer or logical.
##' @param envir The parent of the environment that will be used to
##'   evaluate the report script; by default a new environment will be
##'   made with the global environment as the parent.
##' @param message An optional character string containing a message
##'   explaining why the report was run
##' @param instance Select instance of the source database to be used,
##'   where multiple instances are configured.  Use a single
##'   *unnamed* character string to indicate an instance to
##'   match.  If given, then this name must be present in all
##'   databases where instances are listed in
##'   `orderly_config.yml`, and will be ignored by all database
##'   where instances are not given.  See the "orderly" vignette for
##'   further information.
##' @inheritParams orderly_list
##' @param echo Print the result of running the R code to the console
##' @param use_draft Should draft reports be used for dependencies?
##'   This should be used only in development.  Valid values are
##'   logical (`TRUE`, `FALSE`) or use the string
##'   `newer` to use draft reports where they are newer than
##'   archive reports.  For consistency, `always` and
##'   `never` are equivalent to `TRUE` and `FALSE`,
##'   respectively.
##' @param remote Remote to use to resolve dependencies.  Use this in
##'   order to run a report with the same dependencies as are
##'   available on a remote server, particularly when using `id =
##'   "latest"`.  Note that this is not the same as running
##'   [orderly::orderly_pull_dependencies()], then `orderly_run`
##'   with `remote = NULL`, as the pull/run approach will use the
##'   latest report in *your* archive but the `remote =
##'   "remote"` approach will use the latest approach in the
##'   *remote* archive (which might be less recent).
##' @param tags Character vector of tags to add to the report.  Tags
##'   are immutable and cannot be removed once the report is run.
##'   Tags added here will be *in addition* to any tags listed in
##'   the `tags:` field in `orderly.yml` and must be present
##'   in `orderly_config.yml`.
##' @seealso [orderly::orderly_log()] for controlling display of log
##'   messages (not just R output)
##' @export
##' @return The id of the newly created report
##' @examples
##' path <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
##' # To run most reports, provide the report name (and the path if
##' # not running in the working directory, as is the case here):
##' id <- orderly::orderly_run("minimal", root = path)
##' # Every report gets a unique identifier, based on the time (it is
##' # ISO 8601 time with random hex appended to end)
##' id
##' # After being run, a report is a "draft" and will exist in the
##' # drafts directory:
##' orderly::orderly_list_drafts(root = path)
##' # Draft reports are always stored in the path
##' # <root>/draft/<name>/<id>, so we have
##' dir(file.path(path, "draft", "minimal", id))
##' # which contains the files when the report was run.
##' # If a report has parameters, then these must be passed in as a
##' # named list.
##' id <- orderly::orderly_run("other", list(nmin = 0.2), root = path)
##' # These parameters can be used in SQL queries or in the report
##' # code.
orderly_run <- function(name = NULL, parameters = NULL, envir = NULL,
                        root = NULL, locate = TRUE, echo = TRUE,
                        message = NULL, instance = NULL, use_draft = FALSE,
                        remote = NULL, tags = NULL) {
  version <- orderly_version$new(name, root, locate)
  version$run(parameters, instance, envir, message, tags, echo,
              use_draft, remote)

orderly_run_internal <- function(name = NULL, parameters = NULL, envir = NULL,
                                 root = NULL, locate = TRUE, echo = TRUE,
                                 message = NULL, instance = NULL,
                                 use_draft = FALSE,
                                 remote = NULL, tags = NULL,
                                 # specific to run_internal
                                 id_file = NULL, batch_id = NULL,
                                 workflow_id = NULL, fetch = FALSE,
                                 ref = NULL, capture_log = NULL,
                                 commit = FALSE) {
  version <- orderly_version$new(name, root, locate)
  id <- version$run_internal(parameters, instance, envir, message, tags, echo,
                             use_draft, remote, id_file, batch_id,
                             workflow_id, ref, fetch, capture_log)
  if (commit) {

recipe_parameters <- function(info, parameters) {
  if (!is.null(parameters)) {
    assert_named(parameters, unique = TRUE)

  has_default <- names(info$parameters)[vlapply(info$parameters, function(x)
    "default" %in% names(x))]
  msg <- setdiff(setdiff(names(info$parameters), names(parameters)),
  if (length(msg) > 0L) {
    stop("Missing parameters: ", pasteq(msg))
  extra <- setdiff(names(parameters), names(info$parameters))
  if (length(extra) > 0L) {
    stop("Extra parameters: ", pasteq(extra))

  use_default <- setdiff(has_default, names(parameters))
  if (length(use_default) > 0L) {
    parameters[use_default] <-
      lapply(info$parameters[use_default], "[[", "default")

  ## This somewhat duplicates the checks in db2.R but designed to give
  ## more sensible errors back to the user.
  nonscalar <- lengths(parameters) != 1
  if (any(nonscalar)) {
      "Invalid parameters: %s - must be scalar",

  err <- !vlapply(parameters, function(x)
    is.character(x) || is.numeric(x) || is.logical(x))
  if (any(err)) {
      "Invalid parameters: %s - must be character, numeric or logical",


recipe_substitute <- function(info, parameters) {
  if (length(parameters) > 0L) {
    info$views <- sql_str_sub(info$views, parameters)
    info$data <- sql_str_sub(info$data, parameters)
    orderly_log("parameter", sprintf("%s: %s", names(parameters), parameters))


recipe_check_artefacts <- function(info) {
  found <- recipe_exists_artefacts(info)
  artefacts <- names(found)
  if (!all(found)) {
    stop("Script did not produce expected artefacts: ",
         paste(artefacts[!found], collapse = ", "))
  unexpected <- recipe_unexpected_artefacts(info, NULL)
  if (length(unexpected) != 0) {
    orderly_log("unexpected", sprintf("%s", unexpected))

  h <- hash_artefacts(artefacts)
  orderly_log("artefact", sprintf("%s: %s", artefacts, h))

hash_artefacts <- function(artefacts) {
  i <- is_directory(artefacts)
  i[is.na(i)] <- FALSE # for test mode
  if (any(i)) {
    stop("Produced a directory artefact: ",
         paste(squote(artefacts[i]), collapse = ", "),
         call. = FALSE)

recipe_exists_artefacts <- function(info, id) {
  expected <- unlist(info$artefacts[, "filenames"], use.names = FALSE)
  exists <- file.exists(expected)
  names(exists) <- expected

recipe_unexpected_artefacts <- function(info, id) {
  artefacts <- unlist(info$artefacts[, "filenames"], use.names = FALSE)
  resources <- info$inputs()$filename
  dependencies <- info$depends$as
  expected <- c(artefacts, resources, dependencies)

  ## this is set to recursive to ensure that artefacts created in directories
  ## are tracked
  found <- list.files(recursive = TRUE)
  ## TODO do we need to track when a user unexpectedly creates an
  ## empty directory ?

  setdiff(found, expected)

iso_time_str <- function(time = Sys.time()) {
  strftime(time, "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")

new_report_id <- function(time = Sys.time()) {
          val_to_bytes(as.numeric(time), 2),
          ids::random_id(bytes = 2))

temporary_view <- function(name, sql) {
  sprintf("CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW %s AS\n%s", name, sql)

recipe_check_device_stack <- function(expected) {
  check <- length(grDevices::dev.list()) - expected
  if (check == 0) {
  } else if (check > 0) {
    for (i in seq_len(check)) {
                  "Report left 1 device open",
                  sprintf("Report left %d devices open", check)))
  } else {
    stop(sprintf("Report closed %d more devices than it opened!", abs(check)))

recipe_check_sink_stack <- function(expected) {
  check <- sink.number() - expected
  if (check == 0) {
  } else if (check > 0) {
    for (i in seq_len(check)) {
      sink(NULL) # nolint
                  "Report left 1 sink open",
                  sprintf("Report left %d sinks open", check)))
  } else {
    stop(sprintf("Report closed %d more sinks than it opened!", abs(check)))

orderly_environment <- function(envir) {
  if (is.null(envir)) {
    new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
  } else if (is.environment(envir)) {
  } else {
    stop("'envir' must be an environment")

recipe_current_run_set <- function(info, path, test) {
  if (test) {
    ## We take the opportunity here to filter out any no-longer-existing
    ## test reports.
    if (length(cache$test) > 0) {
      cache$test <- cache$test[file.exists(names(cache$test))]
    cache$test[[normalizePath(path)]] <- info
  } else {
    cache$current <- info

recipe_current_run_get <- function(path) {
  if (is.null(path)) {
  } else {

recipe_current_run_clear <- function() {
  cache$current <- NULL

##' This function allows inspection of some of orderly's metadata
##' during an orderly run.  The format returned is internal to orderly
##' and subject to change.  It is designed to be used within report
##' code.  To use in conjunction with
##' [orderly::orderly_test_start()], you must pass in the path to the
##' report in question.
##' @section Warning:
##' It is important that this data is treated as *readonly*!
##' @title Information on current orderly run
##' @param path Path to the report currently being run.  This should
##'   be left as `NULL` when running a report, and the path to
##'   the report being run should be used when using
##'   [orderly::orderly_test_start()]
##' @export
##' @return A list of metadata about the current report
##' @examples
##' path <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
##' # This example uses orderly_run_info within its script, saving the
##' # output to "output.rds"
##' readLines(file.path(path, "src", "use_dependency", "script.R"))
##' # Run the dependency:
##' id <- orderly::orderly_run("other", list(nmin = 0), root = path)
##' orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path)
##' # Then the report
##' id <- orderly::orderly_run("use_dependency", root = path)
##' # This is the contents:
##' readRDS(file.path(path, "draft", "use_dependency", id, "info.rds"))
orderly_run_info <- function(path = NULL) {
  info <- recipe_current_run_get(path)
  if (is.null(info)) {
    stop("Not currently running an orderly report")

recipe_check_hashes <- function(pre, post, name1, name2) {
  if (identical(pre, post)) {

  missing <- post$filename[is.na(post$file_hash)]
  if (length(missing) > 0L) {
    stop(sprintf("Script deleted %s: %s",
                 ngettext(length(missing), name1, name2),
                 paste(missing, collapse = ", ")),
         call. = FALSE)

  changed <- pre$filename[!(pre$file_hash %in% post$file_hash)]
  if (length(changed) > 0L) {
    stop(sprintf("Script has modified %s: %s",
                 ngettext(length(changed), name1, name2),
                 paste(changed, collapse = ", ")),
         call. = FALSE)

recipe_copy_script <- function(info, src) {
  file_copy(file.path(src, info$script), info$script)

recipe_copy_readme <- function(info, src) {
  if (!is.null(info$readme)) {
    file_copy(file.path(src, info$readme), names(info$readme))

recipe_copy_sources <- function(info, src) {
  if (length(info$sources) > 0L) {
    orderly_log("sources", info$sources)
    file_copy(file.path(src, info$sources), info$sources)

recipe_copy_resources <- function(info, src) {
  if (length(info$resources) > 0L) {
    orderly_log("resource", info$resources)
    file_copy(file.path(src, info$resources), info$resources)

recipe_copy_global <- function(info, config) {
  if (!is.null(info$global_resources)) {
    global_path <- file.path(config$root, config$global_resources)
    src <- file.path(global_path, info$global_resources)
    dest <- names(info$global_resources)
    file_copy(src, dest)
                sprintf("%s -> %s",
                        info$global_resources, names(info$global_resources)))

recipe_copy_depends <- function(depends) {
  if (!is.null(depends)) {
    dep_src <- file.path(depends$path, depends$filename)
    dep_dst <- depends$as
    str <- sprintf("%s@%s:%s -> %s",
    orderly_log("depends", str)
    file_copy(dep_src, dep_dst)

recipe_check_connections <- function(info) {
  cons <- getAllConnections()
  cons <- cons[cons > 2] # drop stdin, stdout, stderr
  if (length(cons) > 0L) {
    open <- basename(vcapply(cons, function(x)
    ours <- unlist(info$artefacts[, "filenames"], FALSE, FALSE)
    err <- ours[basename(ours) %in% open]
    if (any(ours %in% open)) {
      stop("File left open: ", paste(err, collapse = ", "))
vimc/orderly documentation built on July 8, 2023, 2:31 a.m.