test_path <- function(context, path) {
file.path("examples", context, path)
cache <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
new_test <- function(clear_db = TRUE, clear_files = TRUE) {
# Create stoner_test/meta in a temporary dir,
# delete any existing files within it.
# Also get new db connection, and
# empty any leftover rows from previous tests.
res <- list()
path <- tempdir()
res$path <- file.path(path, "stoner_test")
dir.create(res$path, showWarnings = FALSE)
inner <- file.path(res$path, "meta")
dir.create(inner, showWarnings = FALSE)
files <- dir(inner, full.names = TRUE)
if (clear_files) {
cache$con <- cache$con %||% test_db_connection()
res$con <- cache$con
if (clear_db) {
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "UPDATE responsibility
SET current_burden_estimate_set = NULL")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM burden_estimate")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM burden_estimate_set")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM model_run_parameter_set")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM upload_info")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM demographic_statistic")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM touchstone_demographic_dataset")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM demographic_dataset")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM demographic_statistic_type")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM demographic_variant")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM demographic_source")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM touchstone_country")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM burden_estimate_country_expectation")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM burden_estimate_outcome_expectation")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM responsibility_comment")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM responsibility")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM burden_estimate_expectation")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM responsibility_set_comment")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM responsibility_set")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM scenario")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM scenario_description")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM scenario_type")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM touchstone")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM touchstone_name")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "UPDATE model SET current_version = NULL")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM app_user")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM model_version")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM model")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM disease")
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, "DELETE FROM modelling_group")
# Scramble serial ids
tables <- c("scenario", "responsibility", "responsibility_set",
for (table in seq_along(tables)) {
DBI::dbExecute(res$con, sprintf("SELECT setval('%s_id_seq', %s)",
tables[table], (1000 * table)))
clear_files <- function(test) {
files <- list.files(file.path(test$path, "meta"))
unlink(file.path(test$path, "meta", files))
test_prepare <- function(path, con = NULL) {
db_tables <- c("touchstone_name", "touchstone", "disease",
"scenario_type", "scenario_description", "scenario",
"demographic_variant", "demographic_source",
"touchstone_country", "modelling_group",
"responsibility_set", "burden_estimate_expectation",
"responsibility", "burden_estimate_country_expectation",
i <- 0
for (table in db_tables) {
i <- i + 1
csv_file <- read_meta(path, sprintf("db_%s.csv", table))
if (!is.null(csv_file)) {
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, table, csv_file, append = TRUE)
if (("id" %in% names(csv_file)) &&
(is.numeric(csv_file$id))) {
DBI::dbExecute(con, sprintf("SELECT setval('%s_id_seq', %s)",
table, (100 * i) + max(as.integer(csv_file$id))))
test_compare_csv_db <- function(con, csv, db) {
tab <- DBI::dbReadTable(con, db)
expect_true(all(sort(names(tab)) == sort(names(csv))),
label = "DB Compare: Column names match")
expect_equal(nrow(tab), nrow(csv),
label = "DB Compare: Row count matches")
cols <- sort(names(tab))
tab$mash <- mash(tab)
csv$mash <- mash(csv)
expect_true(all(sort(tab$mash) == sort(csv$mash)),
label = "DB Compare: Data matches")
compare_csv <- function(res, tables) {
expect_true(all(vapply(seq_along(tables), function(ti) {
table <- tables[ti]
res$con, res$e[[sprintf("%s_csv",table)]], table)}, FALSE)))
mess_with <- function(path, csv, col, row, text) {
data <- read_csv(file.path(path, "meta", csv))
if (row == 0) {
names(data)[names(data) == col] <- text
} else {
data[[col]][row] <- text
write_csv(data, file.path(path, "meta", csv))
db_file <- function(db, f) {
if (!db) f else sprintf("db_%s", f)
create_touchstone_csv <- function(path, names, versions,
descriptions = NULL,
comments = NULL,
status = NULL,
db = FALSE) {
comments <- comments %||% sprintf("Comment %s-%s", names, versions)
descriptions <- descriptions %||% sprintf("%s description", names)
status <- status %||% "in-preparation"
id = sprintf("%s-%s", names, versions),
touchstone_name = names,
version = versions,
description = sprintf("%s (version %s)", names, versions),
status = status,
comment = comments),
file.path(path, "meta", db_file(db, "touchstone.csv")))
create_touchstone_name_csv <- function(path, names,
descriptions = NULL,
comments = NULL,
db = FALSE) {
descriptions <- descriptions %||% sprintf("%s description", names)
comments <- comments %||% sprintf("%s comment", names)
id = names,
description = descriptions,
comment = sprintf("%s comment", names)),
file.path(path, "meta", db_file(db, "touchstone_name.csv"))))
create_disease_csv <- function(path, ids, names, db = TRUE) {
id = ids, name = names),
file.path(path, "meta", db_file(db, "disease.csv")))
create_scenario_csv <- function(path, ids, touchstones, sds, db = FALSE) {
id = ids, touchstone = touchstones,
scenario_description = sds, focal_coverage_set = NA),
file.path(path, "meta", db_file(db, "scenario.csv")))
create_scen_type_csv <- function(path, ids, names, db = FALSE) {
id = ids, name = names),
file.path(path, "meta", db_file(db, "scenario_type.csv")))
create_scen_desc_csv <- function(path, ids, descs, diseases, types, db = FALSE) {
id = ids, description = descs, disease = diseases, scenario_type = types),
file.path(path, "meta", db_file(db, "scenario_description.csv")))
create_ts_country_csv <- function(path, tstones, diseases,
countries, db = FALSE) {
touchstone = tstones, disease = diseases, country = countries),
file.path(path, "meta", db_file(db, "touchstone_country.csv")))
create_ts_dds <- function(path, tstones, sources, types, db = FALSE) {
touchstone = tstones, demographic_source = sources,
demographic_statistic_type = types),
file.path(path, "meta",
db_file(db, "touchstone_demographic_dataset.csv")))
create_modelling_groups <- function(path, ids, institutions, pis, descriptions,
comments, replaced_bys, db = TRUE) {
write.csv(data_frame(id = ids, institution = institutions,
pi = pis, description = descriptions,
comment = comments, replaced_by = replaced_bys),
file.path(path, "meta", db_file(db, "modelling_group.csv")),
row.names = FALSE)
standard_demography <- function(test, make_source = TRUE,
make_type = TRUE,
make_dataset = TRUE,
rows = 1) {
vid <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con, "
INSERT INTO demographic_variant (code, name) VALUES ('V1', 'Variant 1')
src <- NA
if (make_source) {
src <- vapply(seq_len(rows), function(r) {
DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con, sprintf("
INSERT INTO demographic_source (code, name)
VALUES ('S%s', 'Source %s')
RETURNING id", r, r))$id }, 0)
type <- NA
if (make_type) {
type <- vapply(seq_len(rows), function(r) {
DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con, sprintf("
INSERT INTO demographic_statistic_type
(code, age_interpretation, name, year_step_size, reference_date,
gender_is_applicable, demographic_value_unit, default_variant) VALUES
('T%s', 'age', 'Type %s', 5, '2017-01-01', FALSE, 1, $1)
RETURNING id", r, r), vid)$id }, 0)
dset <- NA
if (make_dataset & make_type & make_source) {
dset <- vapply(seq_len(rows * rows), function(r) {
src_i <- 1 + ((r - 1) %/% rows)
type_i <- 1 + ((r - 1) %% rows)
DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con, sprintf("
INSERT INTO demographic_dataset
(description, demographic_source,
demographic_statistic_type) VALUES
('D%s', $1, $2) RETURNING id", r),
list(src[src_i], type[type_i]))$id }, 0)
list(variant_id = vid, source_id = src,
type_id = type, dset_id = dset)
standard_disease <- function(test) {
create_disease_csv(test$path, c("flu", "piles"),
c("Elf flu", "Elf piles"), db = TRUE)
standard_disease_touchstones <- function(test, db = TRUE) {
create_touchstone_csv(test$path, c("nevis", "kili"),
c(1, 1), db = db)
c("nevis", "kili"), db = db)
standard_modelling_groups <- function(test) {
c("LAP-elf", "EBHQ-bunny", "R-deer"),
c("Lapland Epi Centre", "EBHQ", "Lapland zoo"),
c("Santa Claus", "Easter Bunny", "A reindeer"),
c("Lapland Epi (chief-elf)",
"Easter Bunny Head Quarters (bunny-minion)",
"Lapland Reindeer Research Centre"),
c(NA, NA, NA),
c(NA, NA, NA))
standard_responsibility_support <- function(test, db = TRUE) {
c("type1", "type2"),
c("Best type", "Even better type"), db = TRUE)
c("hot_chocolate", "pies", "mistletoe", "holly"),
c("campaign", "routine", "campaign", "routine"),
c("flu", "flu", "piles", "flu"),
c("type1", "type2", "type1", "type2"), db = TRUE)
create_scenario_csv(test$path, 1, "nevis-1", "hot_chocolate", db = TRUE)
create_responsibilities <- function(test, resp, db = FALSE) {
df <- data_frame(
modelling_group = resp$modelling_group,
disease = resp$disease,
touchstone = resp$touchstone,
scenario = resp$scenario,
scenario_type = resp$scenario_type,
age_min_inclusive = resp$age_min_inclusive,
age_max_inclusive = resp$age_max_inclusive,
cohort_min_inclusive = resp$cohort_min_inclusive,
cohort_max_inclusive = resp$cohort_max_inclusive,
year_min_inclusive = resp$year_min_inclusive,
year_max_inclusive = resp$year_max_inclusive,
countries = resp$countries,
outcomes = resp$outcomes
file.path(test$path, "meta",
db_file(db, "responsibilities.csv")),
row.names = FALSE
default_responsibility <- function() {
modelling_group = "LAP-elf",
disease = "flu",
touchstone = "nevis-1",
scenario = "pies",
scenario_type = "standard",
age_min_inclusive = 0,
age_max_inclusive = 100,
cohort_min_inclusive = 1900,
cohort_max_inclusive = 2100,
year_min_inclusive = 2000,
year_max_inclusive = 2100,
countries = "AFG;ZWE",
outcomes = "cases;deaths"
valid_certificate <- function(con, path) {
resp_set <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con,
"SELECT * FROM responsibility_set LIMIT 1")
upload_info <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con, "
INSERT INTO upload_info (uploaded_by, uploaded_on)
VALUES ('comet', NOW()) RETURNING id")$id
DBI::dbExecute(con, "
INSERT INTO model (id, modelling_group, description, disease,
VALUES ('test_model', 'LAP-elf', 'Description', 'flu', FALSE)")
model_version <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con, "
INSERT INTO model_version (model, version)
VALUES ('test_model', 1) RETURNING id")
mrps_id <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con, sprintf("
INSERT INTO model_run_parameter_set
(responsibility_set, upload_info, model_version)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s) RETURNING id",
resp_set$id, upload_info, model_version))$id
new_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".json", tmpdir = path)
dummy <- sprintf('[
"id": %s,
"disease": "flu",
"uploaded_by": "comet",
"uploaded_on": "2020-07-27T15:14:27.969Z"
"signature": "sigdata"
]', mrps_id)
writeLines(dummy, new_file)
test_run_import <- function(path, con = NULL, ...) {
e <- stone_extract(path, con)
t <- stone_transform(e)
l <- stone_load(t, con, ...)
list(e = e, t = t)
`%||%` <- function(a, b) {
if (is.null(a)) b else a
do_test <- function(test, ...) {
test_prepare(test$path, test$con)
c(test_run_import(test$path, test$con, ...), con = test$con)
# Create a new, empty stoner_dump temp folder.
empty_dump <- function() {
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "stoner_dump")
unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(tmp, showWarnings = FALSE)
expect_no_error <- function(object) {
expect_error(object, NA)
# Empty out responsibilities -
# used by FF and prune tests
init_for_ff_prune <- function() {
test <- new_test()
# Two touchstones, nevis-1 and kili-1 - we'll add 2 more versions
ts_file <- file.path(test$path, "meta", "db_touchstone.csv")
id = c("nevis-2", "kili-2"),
touchstone_name = c("nevis", "kili"),
version = c(2, 2),
description = c("nevis (version 2)", "kili (version 2)"),
status = c("in-preparation", "in-preparation"),
comment = c("Nevis 2", "Kili 2"))), ts_file, row.names = FALSE)
# Three groups. LAP-elf, EBHQ-bunny, R-deer
# Four scenario_descriptions: hot_chocolate, pies, mistletoe, holly
# One built in scenario, and we'll add some more
# New scenarios for the new touchstones
sc_file <- file.path(test$path, "meta", "db_scenario.csv")
id = 2:6,
touchstone = c("nevis-2", "kili-1", "kili-2", "nevis-1", "nevis-2"),
scenario_description = c("hot_chocolate", "pies", "pies", "pies", "pies"),
focal_coverage_set = NA)), sc_file, row.names = FALSE)
# Now we can import all the db_ files, then remove them,
# so following import will be just the FF.csv file
dbfiles <- list.files(file.path(test$path, "meta"))
unlink(file.path(test$path, "meta", dbfiles))
# Also need to setup a model (with a null version)
DBI::dbExecute(test$con, "INSERT INTO model
(id, modelling_group, description, citation, is_current,
current_version, disease, gender_specific, gender) VALUES
($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)",
list("elf-suite", "LAP-elf", "Description", "Citation", TRUE,
NA, "flu", FALSE, NA))
# Add model version
model_version <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con, "INSERT INTO model_version
(model, version, note, fingerprint, code, is_dynamic) VALUES
($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING id",
list("elf-suite", 1, "", NA, NA, FALSE))$id
DBI::dbExecute(test$con, "
UPDATE model SET current_version = $1
WHERE id = 'elf-suite'", model_version)
# Add upload user
DBI::dbExecute(test$con, "INSERT INTO app_user
(username, name ,email, password_hash) VALUES
($1, $2, $3, $4)", list("Elf", "Elf", "elf@lapland.edu", ""))
clear_test_resps <- function(test) {
DBI::dbExecute(test$con, "UPDATE responsibility SET current_burden_estimate_set = NULL")
DBI::dbExecute(test$con, "DELETE FROM burden_estimate")
DBI::dbExecute(test$con, "DELETE FROM burden_estimate_set")
DBI::dbExecute(test$con, "DELETE FROM responsibility_comment")
DBI::dbExecute(test$con, "DELETE FROM responsibility")
DBI::dbExecute(test$con, "DELETE FROM responsibility_set_comment")
DBI::dbExecute(test$con, "DELETE FROM responsibility_set")
add_responsibility_set <- function(test, group, touchstone) {
DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con, "
INSERT INTO responsibility_set (modelling_group, touchstone, status)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING id",
list(group, touchstone, "incomplete"))$id
add_responsibility <- function(test, touchstone, responsibility_set,
scenario_description, expec) {
scenario_id <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con, "
SELECT id FROM scenario
WHERE scenario_description = $1
AND touchstone = $2",
list(scenario_description, touchstone))$id
DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con, "
INSERT INTO responsibility (responsibility_set, scenario, expectations)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING id",
list(responsibility_set, scenario_id, expec))$id
add_burden_estimate_set <- function(test, responsibility) {
mv <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con, "SELECT id FROM model_version")$id
DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con, "
INSERT INTO burden_estimate_set (responsibility, model_version,
run_info, interpolated, uploaded_by)
VALUES ($1, $2, 'dummy', FALSE, 'Elf') RETURNING id",
list(responsibility, mv))$id
add_burden_estimates <- function(test, df, bes, resp) {
df$burden_estimate_set <- bes
DBI::dbAppendTable(test$con, "burden_estimate", df)
DBI::dbExecute(test$con, "UPDATE responsibility
SET current_burden_estimate_set = $1
WHERE id = $2", list(bes, resp))
pathetic_data <- function(test) {
WLF <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con, "
SELECT nid FROM country WHERE id='WLF'")$nid
bo_cases <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con, "
SELECT id FROM burden_outcome
WHERE code='cases'")$id
data.frame(burden_estimate_set = rep(NA, 4),
country = rep(WLF, 4),
year = c(2000,2001,2000,2001),
age = c(0, 0, 1, 1),
burden_outcome = rep(bo_cases, 4),
value = sample(4),
model_run = rep(NA, 4))
dummy_expectation <- function(test) {
DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con, "
INSERT INTO burden_estimate_expectation
(year_min_inclusive, year_max_inclusive,
age_min_inclusive, age_max_inclusive,
cohort_min_inclusive, cohort_max_inclusive,
description, version) VALUES
($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) RETURNING id",
list(2000, 2001, 0, 1, 2000, 2000, 'Test', 'Test Version'))$id
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.