
Defines functions matched.gamMa find.EV plot.matched.new.correl plot.matched.new.EV plot.matched.EV plot.snp.EV plot.gamma.EV plot.EV plot.ev correl.cv.expr correl.expr ev.cv.cal.expr ev.cal.expr fasdfsd ev.cv.expr ev.expr precision.recall.rank precision.recall

precision.recall <- function(threshold, lab, pred)
    pos <- lab > 0.5; neg <- lab <=0.5
    pred.pos <- pred > threshold 
    pred.neg <-  pred <= threshold
    tp <- sum(pos & pred.pos); fp  <- sum(neg & pred.pos)
    fn <- sum(pos & pred.neg)
     c(precision=tp/(tp +fp), recall=tp/(tp +fn))

precision.recall.rank <- function( lab, pred, breaks=100)
    pos <- lab > 0.5; neg <- lab <=0.5
    threshold <- seq(breaks)/breaks
    pred <- rank(pred)/length(pred)
    temp  <-  sapply(1:breaks, function(tt) {  
    pred.pos <- pred > threshold[tt] 
    pred.neg <-  pred <= threshold[tt]
    tp <- sum(pos & pred.pos); fp  <- sum(neg & pred.pos); fn <- sum(pos & pred.neg)
     c(tp/(tp +fp), tp/(tp +fn)) })
    temp <- data.table(t(temp))
    setnames(temp, 1:2, c("precision", "recall"))

ev.expr <- function()

    mask = obj$mask[[gene]]
    nz.num  <- sum(gamMa.nz[mask] > threshold)
    out <- 0
    if(nz.num == 0) return(out)
    inx <- order(gamMa.target[mask] , decreasing = T)
    nz = inx[1:nz.num];
    x = x1[,mask[nz], drop=F]
    y = obj$y[,gene] - mean( obj$y[,gene])
    V.w = ginv((t(x)%*%x) + small * diag(length(nz)))
    m.w = V.w %*% t(x) %*% y
    y.var = var(y)
    y.residue = y - (x %*% m.w)
    residue.var = var(y.residue)
    out = (1 - residue.var/y.var)

ev.cv.expr <- function()
    if(nfolds<3)stop(\"nfolds must be bigger than 3; nfolds=10 recommended\")
		     mask = obj$mask[[gene]]
		     nz.num  <- sum(gamMa.nz[mask] > threshold)
		     out <- c(0,0)
		     if(nz.num == 0) return(out)
		     inx <- order(gamMa.target[mask] , decreasing = T)
		     nz = inx[1:nz.num];
		     x = x1[,mask[nz], drop=F]
		     y = obj$y[,gene] - mean( obj$y[,gene])
		     p = length(nz)
		     correl <-  r2 <- numeric(nfolds)
		     for(i in seq(nfolds)){
			 x.train <- x[!which,]
			 y.train <- y[!which]
			 x.test <- x[which,]; y.test <- y[which]
			 V.w = ginv((t(x.train)%*%x.train))
			 m.w = V.w %*% t(x.train) %*% y.train
			 y.var = var(y.test)
			 y.residue = y.test - (x.test %*% m.w)
			 residue.var = var(y.residue)
			 r2[i] = (1 - residue.var/y.var)
			   correl[i] = cor(y.test, (x.test %*% m.w), method=\"spearman\") 
			 return(c(mean(r2), sd(r2), mean(correl), sd(correl)) )


fasdfsd <- function()
    if(nfolds<3)stop(\"nfolds must be bigger than 3; nfolds=10 recommended\")

		     mask = obj$mask[[gene]]
		     gamMa = gamMa.nz[mask] 
		     nz = which(gamMa > threshold)
		     if(length(nz) ==0)
		     x = x1[,mask[nz], drop=F]
		     y = obj$y[,gene] 
		     p = length(nz)
		     r2 <- numeric(nfolds)
		     for(i in seq(nfolds)){
			 x.train <- x[!which,]
			 y.train <- y[!which]
			 x.test <- x[which,]; y.test <- y[which]
			 V.w = ginv((t(x.train)%*%x.train))
			 m.w = V.w %*% t(x.train) %*% y.train
			 y.var = var(y.test)
			 y.residue = y.test - (x.test %*% m.w)
			 residue.var = var(y.residue)
			 r2[i] = (1 - residue.var/y.var)
		     return(c(mean(r2), sd(r2)) )


ev.cal.expr <- function()
	 small = .001
	 mask1 = mask.all[[gene]]
	 m.w = gamMa.target[mask1] 
	 nz = which(m.w > threshold)
	 if(length(nz) == 0) return(0)
	 mask <- mask1[nz]
	 p = length(mask)
	 x = obj$x[,mask,drop=F]
	 x[is.na(x)] <- 0
	 x <- scale(x, center=T, scale=apply(x,2,sd))
	 y = obj$y[,gene]
	 y <- y/sd(y)
	 V.w = ginv((t(x)%*%x) + small * diag(length(nz)))
	 m.w = V.w %*% t(x) %*% y
	 y.var = var(y)
	 y.residue = y - (x %*% m.w)
	 residue.var = var(y.residue)
	 out = (1 - residue.var/y.var)

ev.cv.cal.expr <- function()
	if(nfolds<3)stop(\"nfolds must be bigger than 3; nfolds=10 recommended\")
			 small = .001
			 mask1 = mask.all[[gene]]
			 m.w = gamMa.target[mask1] 
			 nz = which(m.w > threshold)
			 if(length(nz) == 0) return(0)
			 mask <- mask1[nz]
			 p = length(mask)
			 x = obj$x[,mask,drop=F]
			 x[is.na(x)] <- 0
			 x <- scale(x, center=T, scale=apply(x,2,sd))
			 y = obj$y[,gene]
			 y <- y/sd(y)
			 p = length(nz)
			 correl <- r2 <- numeric(nfolds)
			 for(i in seq(nfolds)){
			     x.train <- x[!which,]
			     y.train <- y[!which]
			     x.test <- x[which,]; y.test <- y[which]
			     V.w = ginv((t(x.train)%*%x.train))
			     m.w = V.w %*% t(x.train) %*% y.train
			     y.var = var(y.test)
			     y.residue = y.test - (x.test %*% m.w)
			     residue.var = var(y.residue)
			     r2[i] = (1 - residue.var/y.var)
			     correl[i] = cor(y.test, (x.test %*% m.w), method=\"spearman\") 
			 return(c(mean(r2), sd(r2), mean(correl), sd(correl)) )


correl.expr <- function()

    mask = obj$mask[[gene]]
    nz.num  <- sum(gamMa.nz[mask] > threshold)
    out <- 0
    if(nz.num == 0) return(out)
    inx <- order(gamMa.target[mask] , decreasing = T)
    nz = inx[1:nz.num];
    x = x1[,mask[nz], drop=F]
    y = obj$y[,gene] - mean( obj$y[,gene])
    V.w = ginv((t(x)%*%x) + small * diag(length(nz)))
    m.w = V.w %*% t(x) %*% y
    out = cor(y, (x %*% m.w), method=\"spearman\")

correl.cv.expr <- function()
    if(nfolds<3)stop(\"nfolds must be bigger than 3; nfolds=10 recommended\")
		     mask = obj$mask[[gene]]
		     nz.num  <- sum(gamMa.nz[mask] > threshold)
		     out <- c(0,0)
		     if(nz.num == 0) return(out)
		     inx <- order(gamMa.target[mask] , decreasing = T)
		     nz = inx[1:nz.num];
		     x = x1[,mask[nz], drop=F]
		     y = obj$y[,gene] - mean( obj$y[,gene])
		     p = length(nz)
		     r2 <- numeric(nfolds)
		     for(i in seq(nfolds)){
			 x.train <- x[!which,]
			 y.train <- y[!which]
			 x.test <- x[which,]; y.test <- y[which]
			 V.w = ginv((t(x.train)%*%x.train))
			 m.w = V.w %*% t(x.train) %*% y.train
			 r2[i] = cor(y, (x %*% m.w), method=\"spearman\") 
		     return(c(mean(r2), sd(r2)) )


plot.ev <- function(obj, out1)
    gamMa.nz = apply(out1$gamMa.mat,2 , mean)
    numGenes = ncol(obj$ymask.all[[gene]])
    create.mask = function(mask2, gene.range){
      mask <- list()
      for(gene in seq(gene.range)){
	mask[[gene]] <- mask2[mask2[,1]==gene,2]
    obj$mask = create.mask(obj$mask2, seq(numGenes))
    regulators  = sapply(seq(numGenes), function(x) sum(gamMa.nz[obj$mask[[x]]] >= 0.5) )
    #regulators  = sapply(seq(numGenes), function(x) floor(sum(gamMa.nz[obj$mask[[x]]])) )
    x1 <- obj$x
    x1[is.na(obj$x)] <- 0
    y.back = obj$y 
    obj$y = t((t(obj$y)- colMeans(obj$y))/apply(obj$y,2,sd))
    numGenes =  ncol(obj$y)
    small = 0.001
    #x1 = t( (t(x1) - colMeans(x1)) / sd(x1)) 
    ## explained variance analysis
    ev <- eval(parse(text=ev.expr()))
    #ev.100 = sapply(seq(numGenes), function(x) ev(x))
    if(is.null(out1$ev)) out1$ev = 1 - out1$sigma2.mat 
    ev.100 = (apply(out1$ev, 2, mean))
    #gene.analyzed = which(ev.100 > .15)
    #ev.ga = ev.100[gene.analyzed]
    #regulators.ga = c(unlist(regulators[gene.analyzed]))
    beTa.null = function(gene){
	small = .001
	nz.num = regulators[gene]
	out = list(gamMa=NULL, ev=0)
	if(nz.num == 0) return(out)
	mask = obj$mask[[gene]]
	#x = center(x1[,mask])
	x = center(x1[,mask]) 
	y = obj$y[,gene] - mean( obj$y[,gene])
	p = length(mask)
	V.w = ginv((t(x)%*%x) + small * diag(p))
	m.w = V.w %*% t(x) %*% y
	inx = order(abs(m.w), decreasing=T)
	nz = inx[1:nz.num];
	out$gamMa = mask[nz]
	x = x[,nz, drop=F]
	V.w = ginv((t(x)%*%x) + small * diag(length(nz)))
	m.w = V.w %*% t(x) %*% y
	y.var = var(y)
	y.residue = y - (x %*% m.w)
	residue.var = var(y.residue)
	out$ev = (1 - residue.var/y.var)
   null.ga = numeric(numGenes) 
   null.gamMa  <- list()
   for(gene in seq(numGenes)){
     temp  <-  beTa.null(gene)
     null.ga[gene]  <-  temp$ev
     null.gamMa[[gene]] <- temp$gamMa
   null.gamMa <- c(unlist(null.gamMa))
    #null.ga = sapply(seq(numGenes), beTa.null)
    trad.eQTL = function(gene){
	small = .001
	nz.num = regulators[gene]
	out = list(gamMa=NULL, ev=0)
	if(nz.num == 0) return(out)
	mask = obj$mask[[gene]]
	x = center(x1[,mask])
	y = obj$y[,gene] - mean( obj$y[,gene])
	p = length(mask)
	m.w = apply(x,2, function(xx) cor(xx, y))
	inx = order(abs(m.w), decreasing=T)
	nz = inx[1:nz.num];
	out <- list()
	out$gamMa <- mask[nz]
	x = x[,nz, drop=F]
	V.w = ginv((t(x)%*%x) + small * diag(length(nz)))
	m.w = V.w %*% t(x) %*% y
	y.var = var(y)
	y.residue = y - (x %*% m.w)
	residue.var = var(y.residue)
	out$ev = (1 - residue.var/y.var)

    #eQTL.ev = sapply(seq(numGenes), trad.eQTL)
   eQTL.ev <-  numeric(numGenes)
   eQTL.gamMa  <- list()
   for(gene in seq(numGenes)){
     temp  <-  trad.eQTL(gene)
     eQTL.ev[gene]  <-  temp$ev
     eQTL.gamMa[[gene]] <- temp$gamMa
   eQTL.gamMa <- c(unlist(eQTL.gamMa))
    ev.combined = data.frame(ev = c(null.ga, eQTL.ev,  ev.100)*100, 
			     label = as.factor(c( 
						 rep("multivariate", length(null.ga)), 
						 rep("univariate", length(null.ga)),
						 ) )
    #ev.combined = data.frame(ev = c(null.ga ,eQTL.ev)*100, 
			     #label = as.factor( c(rep("regression",length(ev.100)),
						  #rep("eQTL", length(null.ga))) ))
    #qplot(ev, data=ev.combined, geom="density", fill=label, alpha=I(.5),
	  #main="", xlab="Precentage of variance explained",
	  #ylab="Density")+theme(legend.position = c(.8, .8))
    p <- ggplot(ev.combined, aes(x=ev, fill=label)) + xlab("Precentage of variance explained") 
    p <-  p+ geom_density( aes( y=..scaled..), alpha=I(.5)) +theme(legend.position = c(.8, .8))
    epi.sd = apply(out1$ev, 2, sd)
    df1 = data.frame( epi=ev.100 , epi.sd=epi.sd,  eQTL = eQTL.ev, regression=null.ga)
    df1.order = df1[ order(ev.100,decreasing=T),]
    df1.order$inx = seq(numGenes)
    h1 <- ggplot(df1.order, aes(x=inx))
    h1 <- h1+ geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=epi - (epi.sd/2), ymax = epi+(epi.sd/2)), alpha=I(.15), fill="blue") +
   	 geom_line(aes( y=epi, color="epi" ))+ geom_line(aes( y=eQTL, color="eQTL")) + 
	geom_line(aes( y=regression, color="regression")) 
	p = p + theme(panel.grid.minor=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_blank(), panel.background=element_blank())
	p = p+theme(strip.background=element_blank(), strip.text.y = element_text())   
    list(ev.combined=ev.combined, ev.100=ev.100, eQTL.ev=eQTL.ev, null.ga=null.ga, p=p, h1=h1, mask = obj$mask, null.gamMa=null.gamMa, eQTL.gamMa=eQTL.gamMa )

plot.EV <- function(obj, out1, threads=1, use_sum=F)
    gamMa.nz = apply(out1$gamMa.mat,2 , mean)
    numGenes = ncol(obj$y)
    create.mask = function(mask2, gene.range){
	mask <- list()
	for(gene in seq(gene.range)){
	    mask[[gene]] <- mask2[mask2[,1]==gene,2]
    obj$mask = create.mask(obj$mask2, seq(numGenes))
    if(!use_sum) regulators  = sapply(seq(numGenes), function(x) sum(gamMa.nz[obj$mask[[x]]] >= 0.5) )
    else regulators  = sapply(seq(numGenes), function(x) round(sum(gamMa.nz[obj$mask[[x]]])) )
    x1 <- obj$x
    x1[is.na(obj$x)] <- 0
    y.back = obj$y 
    obj$y = t((t(obj$y)- colMeans(obj$y))/apply(obj$y,2,sd))
    numGenes =  ncol(obj$y)
    #x1 = t( (t(x1) - colMeans(x1)) / sd(x1)) 
    ## explained variance analysis
    small = 0.001
    ev <- eval(parse(text=ev.expr()))
    #ev.100 = sapply(seq(numGenes), function(x) ev(x))
    if(is.null(out1$ev)) out1$ev = 1 - out1$sigma2.mat 
    ev.100 = (apply(out1$ev, 2, mean))
    print("ev done")
    #gene.analyzed = which(ev.100 > .15)
    #ev.ga = ev.100[gene.analyzed]
    #regulators.ga = c(unlist(regulators[gene.analyzed]))
    beTa.null = function(gene){
	small = .001
	nz.num = regulators[gene]
	out = list(gamMa=NULL, ev=0)
	if(nz.num == 0) return(out)
	mask = obj$mask[[gene]]
	x = center(x1[,mask])
	y = obj$y[,gene] - mean( obj$y[,gene])
	p = length(mask)
	V.w = ginv((t(x)%*%x) + small * diag(p))
	m.w = V.w %*% t(x) %*% y
	inx = order(abs(m.w), decreasing=T)
	nz = inx[1:nz.num];
	out$gamMa = mask[nz]
	x = x[,nz, drop=F]
	V.w = ginv((t(x)%*%x) + small * diag(length(nz)))
	m.w = V.w %*% t(x) %*% y
	y.var = var(y)
	y.residue = y - (x %*% m.w)
	residue.var = var(y.residue)
	out$ev = (1 - residue.var/y.var)
   null.ga = numeric(numGenes) 
   null.gamMa  <- list()
   null.ga <- c(multivariate_eQTL(obj$mask2, numRegulators=regulators, x=x1, y =obj$y, threads=threads))  
   #for(gene in seq(numGenes)){
     #temp  <-  beTa.null(gene)
     #null.ga[gene]  <-  temp$ev
     #null.gamMa[[gene]] <- temp$gamMa
   null.gamMa <- c(unlist(null.gamMa))
    print("NULL done")
    #null.ga = sapply(seq(numGenes), beTa.null)
    trad.eQTL = function(gene){
	small = .001
	nz.num = regulators[gene]
	out = list(gamMa=NULL, ev=0)
	if(nz.num == 0) return(out)
	mask = obj$mask[[gene]]
	x = center(x1[,mask])
	y = obj$y[,gene] - mean( obj$y[,gene])
	p = length(mask)
	m.w = unlist(mclapply(seq(numGenes), function(xx) cor(x[,xx], y)))
	inx = order(abs(m.w), decreasing=T)
	nz = inx[1:nz.num];
	out <- list()
	out$gamMa <- mask[nz]
	x = x[,nz, drop=F]
	V.w = ginv((t(x)%*%x) + small * diag(length(nz)))
	m.w = V.w %*% t(x) %*% y
	y.var = var(y)
	y.residue = y - (x %*% m.w)
	residue.var = var(y.residue)
	out$ev = (1 - residue.var/y.var)

    #eQTL.ev = sapply(seq(numGenes), trad.eQTL)
   eQTL.ev <-  numeric(numGenes)
   eQTL.gamMa  <- list()
   eQTL.ev <- c(univariate_eQTL(obj$mask2, numRegulators=regulators, x=x1, y =obj$y, threads=threads))  
   #for(gene in seq(numGenes)){
     #temp  <-  trad.eQTL(gene)
     #eQTL.ev[gene]  <-  temp$ev
     #eQTL.gamMa[[gene]] <- temp$gamMa
   #eQTL.gamMa <- c(unlist(eQTL.gamMa))
    ev.combined = data.frame(ev = c(
				    eQTL.ev,  ev.100)*100, 
			     label = as.factor(c( 
						 rep("multivariate", length(null.ga)), 
						 rep("univariate", length(null.ga)),
						 ) ))
    #ev.combined = data.frame(ev = c(null.ga ,eQTL.ev)*100, 
			     #label = as.factor( c(rep("regression",length(ev.100)),
						  #rep("eQTL", length(null.ga))) ))
    #qplot(ev, data=ev.combined, geom="density", fill=label, alpha=I(.5),
	  #main="", xlab="Precentage of variance explained",
	  #ylab="Density")+theme(legend.position = c(.8, .8))
    p <- ggplot(ev.combined, aes(x=ev, fill=label)) + xlab("Precentage of variance explained") 
    p <-  p+ geom_density( aes( y=..scaled..), alpha=I(.5)) +theme(legend.position = c(.8, .8))
    epi.sd = apply(out1$ev, 2, sd)
    df1 = data.frame( epi=ev.100 , epi.sd=epi.sd,  eQTL = eQTL.ev)
    df1.order = df1[ order(ev.100,decreasing=T),]
    df1.order$inx = seq(numGenes)
    h1 <- ggplot(df1.order, aes(x=inx))
    h1 <- h1+ geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=epi - (epi.sd/2), ymax = epi+(epi.sd/2)), alpha=I(.15), fill="blue") +
   	 geom_line(aes( y=epi, color="epi" ))+ geom_line(aes( y=eQTL, color="eQTL"))
	#geom_line(aes( y=regression, color="regression")) 
	p = p + theme(panel.grid.minor=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_blank(), panel.background=element_blank())
	p = p+theme(strip.background=element_blank(), strip.text.y = element_text())   
    list(ev.combined=ev.combined, ev.100=ev.100, eQTL.ev=eQTL.ev, null.ga=null.ga, p=p, h1=h1, mask = obj$mask, null.gamMa=null.gamMa, eQTL.gamMa=eQTL.gamMa )

plot.gamma.EV <- function(obj, out1=NULL, threads=1, gamMa.nz=NULL, threshold=0.5, multivariate=T, nfolds=10, cv=F, other.methods=T)
  require(eeSNP); require(MASS)

    if(is.null(gamMa.nz)) gamMa.nz = apply(out1$gamMa_rate.mat,2 , median)
    numGenes = ncol(obj$y)
    create.mask = function(mask2, gene.range){
	mask <- list()
	for(gene in seq(gene.range)){
	    mask[[gene]] <- mask2[mask2[,1]==gene,2]
    obj$mask = create.mask(obj$mask2, seq(numGenes))
    regulators  = sapply(seq(numGenes), function(x) sum(gamMa.nz[obj$mask[[x]]] >= threshold) )
    x1 <- obj$x
    x1[is.na(obj$x)] <- 0
    x1 <- scale(x1, center=T, scale=apply(x1,2,sd))
    obj$y = scale( obj$y, center=T, apply(obj$y,2,sd))
    numGenes =  ncol(obj$y)
    ## explained variance analysis
    N <- nrow(x1)
    small = 0.001
    gamMa.target <- gamMa.nz
   if(cv)  ev <- eval(parse(text=ev.cv.expr()))
   else ev <- eval(parse(text=ev.expr()))
    if(!cv) ev.100 = unlist(mclapply(seq(numGenes), function(xx) ev(xx)))
    else ev.100 = do.call(rbind, mclapply(seq(numGenes), function(xx) ev(xx)))

    print("ev done")
    beTa.null = function(gene){
	small = .001
	nz.num = regulators[gene]
	out = list(gamMa=NULL, ev=0)
	if(nz.num == 0) return(out)
	mask = obj$mask[[gene]]
	x = center(x1[,mask])
	y = obj$y[,gene] - mean( obj$y[,gene])
	p = length(mask)
	V.w = ginv((t(x)%*%x) + small * diag(p))
	m.w = V.w %*% t(x) %*% y
	inx = order(abs(m.w), decreasing=T)
	nz = inx[1:nz.num];
	out$gamMa = mask[nz]
	x = x[,nz, drop=F]
	V.w = ginv((t(x)%*%x) + small * diag(length(nz)))
	m.w = V.w %*% t(x) %*% y
	y.var = var(y)
	y.residue = y - (x %*% m.w)
	residue.var = var(y.residue)
	out$ev = (1 - residue.var/y.var)
   null.ga = numeric(numGenes) 
   null.gamMa  <- list()
     null.ga <- c(multivariate_eQTL(obj$mask2, numRegulators=regulators, x=x1, y =obj$y, threads=threads)) 
     null.ga <- NULL
   null.gamMa <- c(unlist(null.gamMa))
    print("NULL done")
    #null.ga = sapply(seq(numGenes), beTa.null)
    trad.eQTL = function(gene){
	small = .001
	nz.num = regulators[gene]
	out = list(gamMa=NULL, ev=0)
	if(nz.num == 0) return(out)
	mask = obj$mask[[gene]]
	x = center(x1[,mask])
	y = obj$y[,gene] - mean( obj$y[,gene])
	p = length(mask)
	m.w = unlist(mclapply(seq(numGenes), function(xx) cor(x[,xx], y)))
	inx = order(abs(m.w), decreasing=T)
	nz = inx[1:nz.num];
	out <- list()
	out$gamMa <- mask[nz]
	x = x[,nz, drop=F]
	V.w = ginv((t(x)%*%x) + small * diag(length(nz)))
	m.w = V.w %*% t(x) %*% y
	y.var = var(y)
	y.residue = y - (x %*% m.w)
	residue.var = var(y.residue)
	out$ev = (1 - residue.var/y.var)

   eQTL.ev <-  numeric(numGenes)
   eQTL.gamMa  <- list()
   eQTL.ev <- c(univariate_eQTL(obj$mask2, numRegulators=regulators, x=x1, y =obj$y, threads=threads))  
    ev.combined = data.frame(ev = c(
				    eQTL.ev,  ev.100)*100, 
			     label = as.factor(c( 
						 rep("multivariate", length(null.ga)), 
						 rep("univariate", length(null.ga)),
						 ) ))
    p <- ggplot(ev.combined, aes(x=ev, fill=label)) + xlab("Precentage of variance explained") 
    p <-  p+ geom_density( aes( y=..scaled..), alpha=I(.5)) +theme(legend.position = c(.8, .8))
 	p = p + theme(panel.grid.minor=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_blank(), panel.background=element_blank())
	p = p+theme(strip.background=element_blank(), strip.text.y = element_text())   
    out  <-  list(ev.combined=ev.combined, ev.100=ev.100, eQTL.ev=eQTL.ev, null.ga=null.ga, p=p, mask = obj$mask, null.gamMa=null.gamMa, eQTL.gamMa=eQTL.gamMa )
	out <- ev.100

plot.snp.EV <- function(obj, out1, threads=1, gamMa.nz=NULL, threshold=3, multivariate=T, x1=NULL,  nfolds=10, cv=F)
  require(eeSNP); require(MASS)

    if(is.null(gamMa.nz)) gamMa.nz = apply(out1$gamMa_rate.mat,2 , median)
    numGenes = ncol(obj$y)
    create.mask = function(mask2, gene.range){
	mask <- list()
	for(gene in seq(gene.range)){
	    mask[[gene]] <- mask2[mask2[,1]==gene,2]
    numGenes =  ncol(obj$y)
    if(is.null(obj$mask)) obj$mask = create.mask(obj$mask2, seq(numGenes))
    #regulators  = sapply(seq(numGenes), function(x) sum(gamMa.nz[obj$mask[[x]]] >= threshold) )
    regulators = rep(threshold, ncol(obj$x)) 
	 x1 <- obj$x
	 x1[is.na(obj$x)] <- 0
    x1 <- scale(x1, center=T, scale=apply(x1,2,sd))
    yy = scale( obj$y, center=T, apply(obj$y,2,sd))
    small <- .001
    ## explained variance analysis
    ev = function(x1.curr, yy.curr, gamMa.curr, threshold){
	#mask = obj$mask[[gene]]
	#gamMa = gamMa.nz[mask]
      threshold = min(threshold, ncol(x1.curr))
      if(threshold <1) return(0)
	nz = order(gamMa.curr,decreasing=T)[1:threshold]
	#x = x1[,mask[nz]]
	x = x1.curr[,nz]
	y = yy.curr
	p = length(nz)
	V.w = ginv((t(x)%*%x) + small * diag(length(nz)))
	m.w = V.w %*% t(x) %*% y
	y.var = var(yy.curr)
	y.residue = y - (x %*% m.w)
	residue.var = var(y.residue)
	out = (1 - residue.var/y.var)

    #ev.100 <- simplify2array( mclapply(seq(numGenes), function(gene) ev(x1.curr=x1[,obj$mask[[gene]]], yy.curr=yy[,gene], gamMa.curr=gamMa[obj$mask[[gene]]], threshold=threshold ), mc.cores=threads ))
    ev.100 = sapply(seq(numGenes), function(gene) ev(x1.curr=x1[,obj$mask[[gene]]], yy.curr=yy[,gene], gamMa.curr=gamMa[obj$mask[[gene]]], threshold=threshold ))
    print("ev done")
    save(file="temp.RData", ev.100)
   null.ga = numeric(numGenes) 
   null.gamMa  <- list()
   if(multivariate) null.ga <- c(multivariate_eQTL(obj$mask2, numRegulators=regulators, x=x1, y =yy, threads=threads)) 
   else null.gamMa <- NULL
   null.gamMa <- c(unlist(null.gamMa))
    print("NULL done")
   eQTL.ev <-  numeric(numGenes)
   eQTL.gamMa  <- list()
   eQTL.ev <- c(univariate_eQTL(obj$mask2, numRegulators=regulators, x=x1, y =yy, threads=threads))  
    ev.combined = data.frame(ev = c(
				    eQTL.ev,  ev.100)*100, 
			     label = as.factor(c( 
						 rep("multivariate", length(null.ga)), 
						 rep("univariate", length(null.ga)),
						 ) ))
    p <- ggplot(ev.combined, aes(x=ev, fill=label)) + xlab("Precentage of variance explained") 
    p <-  p+ geom_density( aes( y=..scaled..), alpha=I(.5)) +theme(legend.position = c(.8, .8))
    epi.sd = apply(out1$ev, 2, sd)
    df1 = data.frame( epi=ev.100 , epi.sd=epi.sd,  eQTL = eQTL.ev)
    df1.order = df1[ order(ev.100,decreasing=T),]
    df1.order$inx = seq(numGenes)
    h1 <- ggplot(df1.order, aes(x=inx))
    h1 <- h1+ geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=epi - (epi.sd/2), ymax = epi+(epi.sd/2)), alpha=I(.15), fill="blue") +
   	 geom_line(aes( y=epi, color="epi" ))+ geom_line(aes( y=eQTL, color="eQTL"))
	p = p + theme(panel.grid.minor=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_blank(), panel.background=element_blank())
	p = p+theme(strip.background=element_blank(), strip.text.y = element_text())   
    list(ev.combined=ev.combined, ev.100=ev.100, eQTL.ev=eQTL.ev, null.ga=null.ga, p=p, h1=h1, mask = obj$mask, null.gamMa=null.gamMa, eQTL.gamMa=eQTL.gamMa )

# matched ev
plot.matched.EV <- function(obj,  gamMa.nz, gamMa.target, threads=1, threshold=0.5, nfolds=10, cv=F)
  ## gamMa.nz is matching gamMa
  ## gamMa.target is current gamMa
  require(eeSNP); require(MASS)

    numGenes = ncol(obj$y)
    create.mask = function(mask2, gene.range){
	mask <- list()
	for(gene in seq(gene.range)){
	    mask[[gene]] <- mask2[mask2[,1]==gene,2]
    obj$mask = create.mask(obj$mask2, seq(numGenes))
    x1 <- obj$x
    x1[is.na(obj$x)] <- 0
    x1 <- scale(x1, center=T, scale=apply(x1,2,sd))
    obj$y = scale( obj$y, center=T, apply(obj$y,2,sd))
    numGenes =  ncol(obj$y)
    small <- .001
    ## explained variance analysis
    small = 0.001
    N <- nrow(x1)
    if(cv)  ev <- eval(parse(text=ev.cv.expr()))
    else ev <- eval(parse(text=ev.expr()))
    if(!cv) ev.100 = unlist(mclapply(seq(numGenes), function(xx) ev(xx)))
    else ev.100 = do.call(rbind, mclapply(seq(numGenes), function(xx) ev(xx)))

plot.matched.new.EV  <- function(obj, gamMa.nz, gamMa.target, threshold=0.5, threads=1, x1=NULL, mask.all=NULL, nfolds=10, cv=F)
     require(eeSNP); require(MASS); require(parallel)
     numGenes = ncol(obj$y)
     create.mask = function(mask2, gene.range){
	 mask <- list()
	 for(gene in seq(gene.range)){
	     mask[[gene]] <- mask2[mask2[,1]==gene,2]
     mask.all = create.mask(obj$mask2, seq(numGenes))
  obj$mask <- mask.all
     regulators  =  sapply(seq(numGenes), function(x) sum(gamMa.nz[mask.all[[x]]] > threshold) )
	 x1 <- obj$x
	 x1[is.na(obj$x)] <- 0
     obj$y <- scale(obj$y, center=T, scale=apply(obj$y,2,sd))

    small = 0.001
    N <- nrow(x1)
    if(cv)  ev <- eval(parse(text=ev.cv.expr()))
    else ev <- eval(parse(text=ev.expr()))
    if(!cv) ev.100 = unlist(mclapply(seq(numGenes), function(xx) ev(xx)))
    else ev.100 = do.call(rbind, mclapply(seq(numGenes), function(xx) ev(xx)))

plot.matched.new.correl  <- function(obj, gamMa.nz, gamMa.target, threshold=0.5, threads=1, x1=NULL, mask.all=NULL, nfolds=10, cv=F)
     require(eeSNP); require(MASS); require(parallel)
     numGenes = ncol(obj$y)
     create.mask = function(mask2, gene.range){
	 mask <- list()
	 for(gene in seq(gene.range)){
	     mask[[gene]] <- mask2[mask2[,1]==gene,2]
     mask.all = create.mask(obj$mask2, seq(numGenes))
  obj$mask <- mask.all
     regulators  =  sapply(seq(numGenes), function(x) sum(gamMa.nz[mask.all[[x]]] > threshold) )
	 x1 <- obj$x
	 x1[is.na(obj$x)] <- 0
     obj$y <- scale(obj$y, center=T, scale=apply(obj$y,2,sd))

    N <- nrow(x1)
    if(cv)  correl <-eval(parse(text=correl.cv.expr()))
    else correl <- eval(parse(text=correl.expr()))
    if(!cv) correl.100 = unlist(mclapply(seq(numGenes), function(xx) correl(xx), mc.cores=threads))
    else correl.100 = do.call(rbind, mclapply(seq(numGenes), function(xx) correl(xx), mc.cores=threads ))

find.EV  <- function(obj, gamMa.target, threshold=0.5, threads=1, mask.all, nfolds=10, cv=F)
     require(eeSNP); require(MASS); require(parallel); 
     numGenes = ncol(obj$y)
     N <- nrow(obj$x)
    if(cv)  ev <- eval(parse(text=ev.cv.cal.expr()))
    else ev <- eval(parse(text=ev.cal.expr()))
    if(!cv) ev.100 = unlist(mclapply(seq(numGenes), function(xx) ev(xx)))
    else ev.100 = do.call(rbind, mclapply(seq(numGenes), function(xx) ev(xx)))

matched.gamMa <- function(obj,  gamMa, eeSNP, mask.all=NULL )
  require(eeSNP); require(MASS)

  numGenes = ncol(obj$y)
  eeSNP.out  <- numeric(length(eeSNP))
  start1 <- 0
    for(gene in seq(gene.range)){
      mask <- obj$mask2[obj$mask2[,1]==gene,2]
      len <- sum( eeSNP %in% mask)  
      if(len > 0) eeSNP.out[start1 + ( seq(len))]  <-   mask[order(gamMa[mask], decreasing=T)[seq(len)]]
      start1 <- start1 + len 
    for(mask in mask.all){
      len <- sum( eeSNP %in% mask)  
      if(len > 0) eeSNP.out[start1 + ( seq(len))]  <-   mask[order(gamMa[mask], decreasing=T)[seq(len)]]
      start1 <- start1 + len 


vinash85/avinash documentation built on Jan. 7, 2021, 1:44 a.m.