
#' Specific Formulas for Quantities
#' Formulas for quantities (such as mean, variance, skewness, EVI, etc.)
#' of select parametric distributions.
#' @details A list, where each distribution gets a (named) entry, with name
#' given by the suffix of `dst_` (such as "norm", "unif", etc.). Each
#' distribution's entry is itself a named list of expressions, where the
#' name is the name of the quantity matching the distionary function name:
#' - mean
#' - median
#' - variance
#' - skewness
#' - kurtosis_exc
#' - range
#' - evi
#' Each expression is allowed to
#' refer to the distribution's parameters by name.
#' @note Although R allows us to evaluate distributional representations
#' of certain parametric distributions through functions with
#' `p`, `d`, `q`, and `r` prefixes (such as `pnorm()`, `dnorm()`, etc.),
#' R does not "come with" formulas for quantities such as mean, variance,
#' EVI, etc. Although these quantities can be computed from a distributional
#' representation (such as integrating the quantile function to get the mean),
#' it's often inefficient to rely on such computations. We therefore include
#' formulas here, and check them using testthat.
.quantities <- list(
  gpd = rlang::exprs(
    mean = ifelse(shape < 1, location + scale / (1 - shape), Inf),
    variance = ifelse(shape < 1 / 2,
                      scale^2 / (1 - shape)^2 / (1 - 2 * shape),
    skewness = ifelse(shape < 1 / 3,
                      2 * (1 + shape) * sqrt(1 - 2 * shape) /
                        (1 - 3 * shape),
    kurtosis_exc = ifelse(shape < 1 / 4,
                          3 * (1 - 2 * shape) * (2 * shape^2 + shape + 3) /
                            ((1 - 3 * shape) * (1 - 4 * shape)) - 3,
    range = c(location,
              ifelse(shape >= 0, Inf, location - (scale / shape))),
    evi = shape
  lnorm = rlang::exprs(
    mean = exp(meanlog + variancelog / 2),
    median = exp(meanlog),
    variance = {
      ev <- exp(variancelog)
      (ev - 1) * ev * exp(2 * meanlog)
    skewness = {
      ev <- exp(variancelog)
      (ev + 2) * sqrt(ev - 1)
    kurtosis_exc = {
      e4 <- exp(4 * variancelog)
      e3 <- exp(3 * variancelog)
      e2 <- exp(2 * variancelog)
      e4 + 2 * e3 + 3 * e2 - 6
    range = c(0, Inf)
  norm = rlang::exprs(
    mean = mean,
    median = mean,
    variance = sd ^ 2,
    stdev = sd,
    skewness = 0,
    kurtosis_exc = 0,
    range = c(-Inf, Inf),
    evi = 0
  pois = rlang::exprs(
    mean = lambda,
    variance = lambda,
    skewness = lambda^(-0.5),
    kurtosis_exc = 1 / lambda,
    range = c(0, Inf)
  unif = rlang::exprs(
    mean = (min + max) / 2,
    median = (min + max) / 2,
    variance = (min - max)^2 / 12,
    skewness = 0,
    kurtosis_exc = -6 / 5,
    range = c(min, max),
    evi = -1
  beta = rlang::exprs(
    mean = shape1 / (shape1 + shape2),
    variance = shape1 * shape2 / (shape1 + shape2)^2 /
      (shape1 + shape2 + 1),
    skewness = 2 * (shape2 - shape1) * sqrt(shape1 + shape2 + 1) /
      (shape1 + shape2 + 2) / sqrt(shape1 * shape2),
    #kurtosis_exc = FILL_THIS_IN,
    #evi = FILL_THIS_IN,
    range = c(0, 1)
  binom = rlang::exprs(
    mean = size * prob,
    variance = size * prob * (1 - prob),
    skewness = (1 - 2 * prob) / sqrt(size * prob * (1 - prob)),
    kurtosis_exc = (1 - 6 * prob * (1 - prob)) / (size * prob * (1 - prob)),
    range = c(0, size)
  nbinom = rlang::exprs(
    mean = (1 - prob) * size / prob,
    #median = FILL_THIS_IN,
    variance = (1-prob) * size/(prob^2),
    skewness = (2 - prob) / sqrt((1 - prob) * size),
    kurtosis_exc = 6 / size + ((1 - prob)^2) / (prob * size),
    range = c(0, 1) # need to double check
  geom = rlang::exprs(
    mean = (1 - prob)/prob,
    #median = ifelse((-1)/log2(1 - p)%%1 != 0, (-1)/log2(1 - p), 'No unique integer'), # not sure
    variance = (1 - prob)/prob^2,
    skewness = ifelse(prob < 1, (2 - prob) / sqrt(1 - prob), NaN),
    kurtosis_exc = ifelse(prob < 1, 6 + prob^2 / (1 - prob), NaN),
    range = c(0, size)
  exp = rlang::exprs(
    mean = 1 / rate,
    median = log(2) / rate,
    variance = 1 / rate^2,
    skewness = 2,
    kurtosis_exc = 6,
    range = c(0, Inf),
    evi = 0
  weibull = rlang::exprs(
    mean = scale * gamma(1 + 1 / shape),
    median = scale * (log(2))^(1/shape),
    variance = scale^2 * (gamma(1 + 2 / shape) - gamma(1 + 1 / shape)^2),
    skewness = {
      g1 <- gamma(1 + 1 / shape)
      g2 <- gamma(1 + 2 / shape)
      g3 <- gamma(1 + 3 / shape)
      mu <- scale * g1
      var <- scale^2 * (g2 - g1^2)
      sigma <- sqrt(var)
      (g3 * scale^3 - 3 * mu * var - mu^3) / sigma^3
    kurtosis_exc = {
      g1 <- gamma(1 + 1 / shape)
      g2 <- gamma(1 + 2 / shape)
      g3 <- gamma(1 + 3 / shape)
      g4 <- gamma(1 + 4 / shape)
      mu <- scale * g1
      var <- scale^2 * (g2 - g1^2)
      sigma <- sqrt(var)
      sk <- (g3 * scale^3 - 3 * mu * var - mu^3) / sigma^3
      ((gamma(1+4/1) - 4*sk*(var^3)*mu - 6*(mu^2)*(var^2) - mu^4)/(var^4) - 3)
    range = c(0, Inf)
    #evi = FILL_THIS_IN
  gamma = rlang::exprs(
    mean = shape / rate,
    variance = shape / rate^2,
    skewness = 2 / sqrt(shape),
    kurtosis_exc = 6 / shape,
    range = c(0, Inf)
    #evi = FILL_THIS_IN
  chisq = rlang::exprs(
      mean = df,
      # median = df * (1 - 2 / 9 * df)^3,
      variance = 2 * df,
      skewness = sqrt(8 / df),
      kurtosis_exc = 12 / df,
      range = c(0, 1)
  cauchy = rlang::exprs(
      mean = NaN,
      median = location,
      variance = NaN,
      skewness = NaN,
      kurtosis_exc = NaN,
      evi = 1,
      range = c(-Inf, Inf)
  hyper = rlang::exprs(
       mean = (N - K) * K / N,
       #median = FILL_THIS_IN,
       variance = (N - K) * K / N * (N - K) / N * K / (N - 1),
       skewness = (N - 2 * K) * sqrt(N - 1) * (N - 2 * (N - K)) /
         (sqrt((N - K) * K* (N - K) * K) * (N - 2)),
       kurtosis_exc = ((N - 1) * N^2 *
                         (N * (N + 1) - 6 * K * (N - K) - 6 * (N - K) * K) +
                         6 * (N - K) * K * (N - K) * K * (5 * N - 6)) /
         ((N - K) * K * (N - K) * K * (N - 2) * (N - 3)),
       range = c(0, n)
  t = rlang::exprs(
    mean = ifelse(df > 1, 0, NaN),
    median = 0,
    variance = {
      if (df > 2) {
        df / (df - 2)
      } else if (df > 1) {
      } else {
    skewness = ifelse(df > 3, 0, NaN),
    kurtosis_exc = {
      if (df > 4) {
        6 / (df - 4)
      } else if (df > 2) {
      } else {
    range = c(-Inf, Inf)
    #evi = 0
  f = rlang::exprs(
    mean = ifelse(df2 > 4, df2 / (df2 - 2), NaN),
    variance = ifelse(
      df2 > 4,
      2 * df2^2 * (df1 + df2 - 2) / (df1 * (df2 - 2)^2 * (df2 - 4)),
    skewness = ifelse(
      df2 > 6,
      (2 * df1 + df2 - 2) * sqrt(8 * (df2 - 4)) /
        ((df2 - 6) * sqrt(df1 * (df1 + df2 - 2))),
    kurtosis_exc = ifelse(
      df2 > 8,
      12 * df1 * (5 * df2 - 22) * (df1 + df2 - 2) + (df2 - 4) * (df2 - 2)^2 /
        (df1 * (df2 - 6) * (df2 - 8) * (df1 + df2 - 2)),
    range = c(0, Inf)
    #evi = FILL_THIS_IN
  gev = rlang::exprs(
    mean = {
      if (shape >= 1) {
      } else if (shape == 0) {
        location - scale * digamma(1)
      } else {
        location + (scale * (gamma(1 - shape) - 1)) / shape
    median = ifelse(
      shape != 0,
      location + scale * (log(2)^(-shape) - 1) / shape,
      location - scale * log(log(2))
    variance = {
      if (shape > 0.5) {
      } else if (shape == 0) {
        scale^2 * pi^2 / 6
      } else {
        scale^2 * (gamma(1 - 2 * shape) - gamma(1 - shape)^2) / shape^2
    skewness = {
      if (shape == 0) {
        12 * sqrt(6) * zeta(3) / pi^3
      } else if (shape < 1 / 3) {
        g1 <- gamma(1 - shape)
        g2 <- gamma(1 - 2 * shape)
        g3 <- gamma(1 - 3 * shape)
        sign(shape) * (g3 - 3 * g2 * g1 + 2 * g1^3) / (g2 - g1^2)^(3 / 2)
      } else {
    kurtosis_exc = {
      if (shape == 0) {
        12 / 5
      } else if (shape < 1 / 4) {
        g1 <- gamma(1 - shape)
        g2 <- gamma(1 - 2 * shape)
        g3 <- gamma(1 - 3 * shape)
        g4 <- gamma(1 - 4 * shape)
        (g4 - 4 * g4 * g1 - 3 * g2^2 + 12 * g2 * g1^2 - 6 * g1^4) /
          (g2 - g1^2)^2
      } else {
    range = {
      if (shape > 0) {
        c(location - scale / shape, Inf)
      } else if (shape == 0) {
        c(-Inf, Inf)
      } else if (shape < 0) {
        c(-Inf, location - scale / shape)
    evi = shape
  sknorm = rlang::exprs(
    mean = mu + scale * shape / sqrt(1 + shape^2) * sqrt(2 / pi),
    variance = shape^2 * (1 - 2 * shape^2 / (1 + shape^2) / pi),
    skewness = {
      delta <- shape / sqrt(1 + shape^2)
      (4 - pi) / 2 * (delta * sqrt(2 / pi))^3 / (1 - 2 * delta^2 / pi)^(3 / 2)
    kurtosis_exc = {
      delta <- shape / sqrt(1 + shape^2)
      2 * (pi - 3) * delta ^ 4 * 4 / pi^2 / (1 - 2 * delta^2 / pi)^2
    range = c(-Inf, Inf)

# rlang::exprs(
#   mean = FILL_THIS_IN,
#   median = FILL_THIS_IN,
#   variance = FILL_THIS_IN,
#   skewness = FILL_THIS_IN,
#   kurtosis_exc = FILL_THIS_IN,
#   range = c(FILL_THIS_IN, FILL_THIS_IN),
#   evi = FILL_THIS_IN
vincenzocoia/distionary documentation built on March 5, 2024, 3:13 a.m.