test_that("Quantile function algorithm works for several distributions", {
p <- 1:99 / 100
d <- list(
dst_beta(3, 5),
dst_binom(15, 0.2),
dst_norm(0, 1),
dst_norm(3.87e287, 1),
dst_norm(3.87e287, 1e-200),
dst_nbinom(10, 0.5),
dst_gpd(342, 3)
for (d_ in d) {
distionary:::eval_quantile_from_network(d_, at = p),
eval_quantile(d_, at = p),
tolerance = 1e-6
test_that("Quantile algorithm handles NA appropriately.", {
d <- distribution(cdf = pnorm, .vtype = "continuous")
expect_equal(eval_quantile(d, at = NA), NA_real_)
expect_equal(eval_quantile(d, at = NaN), NaN)
expect_length(eval_quantile(d, at = numeric(0L)), 0)
eval_quantile(d, at = c(0.3, NA, NaN)),
c(stats::qnorm(0.3), NA, NaN)
psteep <- \(x) pmax(pmin(10 * (x - 30), 1), 0)
d_steep <- distribution(
cdf = psteep,
.vtype = "continuous"
expect_equal(psteep(eval_quantile(d_steep, at = 0:10 / 10)), 0:10 / 10)
d_fixed <- distribution(
cdf = \(x) as.numeric(x >= -1e30),
.vtype = "continuous"
expect_equal(eval_quantile(d_fixed, at = 0:10 / 10), rep(-1e30, 11))
d_flat <- distribution(
cdf = function(x) {
res <- rep(0.5, length(x))
res[x < 0.5] <- pmax(x[x < 0.5], 0)
res[x > 100] <- pmin(x[x > 100] - 99.5, 1)
.vtype = "continuous"
expect_equal(eval_quantile(d_flat, at = 0.5), 0.5)
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